Dreux Blog

 This is intended to be a blog which is an inter-action between post and comments. The classic blog was a webmaster making posts and people making comments on that post. The blogs we are trying for is more a conversation between people. Someone say something (posts) and others reply (comment). It is not necessary that everyone be involved as long as you are talking about Dreux and the times there or, come to think about it, anything that would interest any of us that were there. There can be different conversations going on. I posted the first post and today realized if you look at the comment block in the lower left corner is a reply icon. This takes you directly to the reply form and when you are done, posts the reply right back to the original comment. While we ask for an email address to post a message, the email address will not show on the website. You do not need to enter a URL unless you have a website.

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1,554 thoughts on “Dreux Blog

  1. Hello (Bonjour) from Lake Tahoe, NV, USA!
    My name is Linda (Blalock) Neil.
    My brother and I were born in France as my dad was stationed at Dreux Air Base back in 1956-1958. I was the first born of our family so I was NOT born in Dreux as the Air Base Hospital was not prepared to handle first births (in case of complications) thus they transported my mom via ambulance, while she was in labor, to La Chapelle, where an Army Base Hospital was located…I was born in 1957 in La Chapelle. The story goes that there was a gas shortage in France, my dad was not allowed to go in the ambulance with my mom to La Chapelle, had no gas in the car due to the shortage, so he asked the Military Police if they could provide him with gas so he could join my mom at the hospital for my birth. They obliged thankfully and he made in time. Yay!
    13 months later my brother was born at Dreux Air Base Hospital as he was the 2nd birth.
    My dad, Gerald (Jerry) Blalock, was a 2nd Lt. at the time and flew C-123’s in the 309th Troop Carrier Group, 376th Squadron.
    My parents did not live on base, but rather while waiting for American Housing to be ready in Dreux, they lived in a little French hotel on the Economy. My God Parents were the owners of the little hotel in Dreux and they cared for my mom during her first pregnancy. The hotel name was Hotel Du Paradi in Dreux and the owners names were Monsieur et Madame Robineux (spellling?).
    My dad, Jerry Blalock, is now 92 years old and is a retired Lt. Colonel from the Air Force and a retired United Airline Captain (which occurred after his stint in the Air Force).
    I am so excited to have found this blog. I look forward to hearing from anyone who may have been at Dreux Air Base during the time 56-58…and perhaps some might remember my dad.
    Linda Neil

  2. While I wasn’t stationed at Dreux, I was stationed at Évreux-Fauville AB from 1961-64 and went to Dreux on a number of occasions after it became our auxiliary air base.
    I recall finding discussions about a French baseball league in the Dreux area sometime after getting my first home computer. I believe it stemmed from baseball at the school on your base but a web search no longer turns up anything about that. Does anyone in this group have any recollections? I do remember seeing French men playing baseball once in a park at the edge of Paris. And while I spoke the language, I didn’t want to interrupt their game.

    Btw, the link to Évreux Alumni just shows a blank page.

  3. My name is Suzanne and I was born in 1958 at Dreux Air Base Hospital. My father, Robert Eugene “Gene” Rocque, was a pilot in the Air Force and stationed there. We moved when I was a couple months old. I’ve never had the opportunity to go back and “see where I was born” until now…. at age 66. We are going on an Italy/France tour ending in Paris next month (Sept 2024) and extending one day to go see Dreux. My husband and I do NOT want to have to rent a car. Anybody have connections or thoughts on finding someone to do a day trip with us? Of course we would pay for their time.

  4. Found an old picture of my dad on the ramp at Dreux AFB, escorting a French civilian at an airshow next to what I believe is C-119.
    I was so pleased to see your website!
    We were stationed there 1956-1959.
    How do I send this picture to you?
    Edmond J. Colbert

  5. Good morning. What a wonderful surprise. I was born in 1963 and in Liverpool to le mesnil sur l estree , northbound of Dreux air base. In 1965 or 1966 i was planning in the garden when à C119 (i discovered the kind of aircraft many many years after) flew over me at a very low level with a terrifying noise. Don’t worry, it was the beginning of my passion for aviation and I am now a pilot. At 60 years old I now fly single-engine planes but I have never forgotten this wonderful encounter. And my gratitude goes to all these young american people who kept these machines alive. Thank you with all my heart. I never got to say thank you. I THANK YOU ALL

    • Thank you for your story and your kind words. Congratulations on becoming a pilot – so glad that a C-119 from Dreux Air Base sparked your love of aviation!

  6. “In Memory of” has my Dad’s (James A. Barr) obituary but the picture is not of my Dad. Please let me know to whom I should send it.

  7. My name is Howell Tubbs. My dad was stationed at this base from 1959-1963. I have fond memories of our time there. I have a picture I would like to share.

  8. My Dad, Sgt. Herbert Eugene “Gene” Holmes was stationed at Dreux AFB from 1956-1959. I went to school on the base & my brother went to a French school in Chateauneuf where we lived. I have very fond memories of those years.
    We also lived in a town by the name of Dinghy ((spelling not sure), There I remember watching the women wash their clothes in a nearby stream and my mother telling me not to answer the knock at the door when the gypsies came by. I also remember seeing tanks rolling down the street. There was a conflict with Algeria at that time. When we went to Paris to visit the commissary on the weekends, I saw Algerians with guns & bayonets.
    The classrooms on the base were located in the barracks. We rode in a school bus there & back home to Chateauneuf. There were a few blocks to walk to get home. Some of the French kids would throw rocks at us.
    The memories of France are so rich with the lush countryside, historical sites, the castles, the cathedrals, the French bread, everything about Paris.
    Versailles, going on a school field trip to see where Joan of Arc fought & died, seeing President Charles DeGaulle in Paris during the time President Eisenhower visited.
    I’ve often wondered about my classmates. We are all old now or perhaps no longer alive. It would be amazing to hear from anyone who went to school with me. I still have a few pictures of some of my classmates.
    In 1959, my Dad was transferred to Dyess AFB in Abilene, Texas.

    • Hi Diane – Take a little time to scroll through the blog – you may well find some old classmates as there are a number of us that were kids at Dreux. Also, there a lots of pictures that may bring back some memories. The violence that you mention regarding the Algerian issue was a contributing factor in the establishment of Dreux High School about the time you were leaving. There are some google earth maps here on the site that show where things were located. Thanks for stopping by. Please share any other memories or pictures you may have. – Doug

  9. As I’ve posted in past years, my thoughts always turn, sometime during the Christmas season, to my time at Dreux. That time brings back many memories of decorations, a white Christmas, dinners at the Club, and just a special sense of community that many of you posting to this blog have shared.

    So as we wind down to Christmas 2024, some 56 years after “our” base closed, I’d like to take a moment to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thanks for being a part of shared memories of a special time and place.

  10. A person posted a blog on April 15, 2013 saying they had a picture of Rosie’s Bar in Chateauroux. I cannot find it in archives. If I could get a name it would help me locate this person to see about the photo. They said they were in Chateauroux from 1959-1963, same as me and was a Warrant Officer.

    • Hello Gary – Thanks for stopping by our blog. The individual that made the posting back in 2013 was named Dave Walsh.

      I reached out to him with the email we had at the time with your question. I asked that he reply directly to you (info me). If I hear anything I’ll let you know. Could be problematic as the post was from 10 years ago, but certainly worth a try. As a side note, the original posting was about a bar located near Dreux AB I believe, not Chateauroux, but we’ll see what comes of it. – Doug

      • Thank you for trying. Probably was Chateauroux. But the fact that he said “Pops” is accurate as that is what we called the owner. His name was Andre Feton. His daughter was Rosie.

    • I have a number of good friends in France who might be able to help you find what you’re looking for; none of them live in or near Dreux, but they are very helpful when I need to locate business information in France. If you can post some specifics about your query, I can relay the request to them (my email address is poubelle@cox.net). Telephone numbers are typically in an annuaire (phone book) but you face the same issues there as in the States: most people are on portable phones and the numbers might not be in published sources.

  11. Maybe someone can help me. My father, Richard O. Robinson, was stationed in France for three years in the early 1960s. As I recall, there were two bases in the area — Dreux and Evreux. We lived in an enclave of other pilots out in the countryside — a circle of duplexes wrapped around a large grassy area — surrounded by fields and woods that were filled with rabbits, hedgehogs and birds. Sheep were herded through our yard. Gypsies drove by in their horse-drawn wagons. The farmer across the street had no running water and plowed his fields behind horses. Off in the distance I could see hills and areas that appeared to be like chalk (gypsum?). There was a small village down the road from us; our maid lived there, in a house with a dirt floor. I attended school on base and used to stand on the playground watching C-119s disgorge hundreds of paratroopers. On a visit to France I wanted to find the old neighborhood — whatever is left of it — but I have no idea where to find it or what the nearest town was called. Does anyone know?

    • I visited the US military housing area right above the village of Dreux back in the 1980s when I was living in France. That housing area (we lived there for 18 months, 1958-59) was built near what had been a French military barracks; the French name, Caserne de Billy, gave rise to what we called Billy Goat Hill, a rising slope near the housing area. [The name Caserne de Billy came from General Jean Louis de Billy (1763-1806), who was an artillerist in the French National Guard.] The area around us was woody; I recall going on walks along dirt roads. My father was a C-119 pilot, but we would have been gone by the time you arrived.

    • More information that might help you with your memories: https://www.lechorepublicain.fr/dreux-28100/actualites/les-americains-de-la-base-militaire-de-dreux-racontent-leurs-souvenirs_12943006/ This is a French page that talks about American students at Dreux, Evreux, Crucey, back in the late 50s and early 60s. You can do a Google translation of the French and get it in English if needed. Right-click within the text and chose Translate English. BTW, the base we call Dreux was fully named Dreux-Louvilliers, as I recall.

  12. maybe someone can help me. My father , Richard O. Robinson, was stationed in France for 3 years when I was a boy. I have fond memories of it. As I recall Dreux and Evereux were the closest bases. This was in the early 1960s. We lived in a small enclave of other air force pilots out in a rural area — a circle of duplexes around a large open grassy area, surrounded by woods and fields. We were down the road from a small town. Our maid lived in a house with dirt floors. the farmer across the street had no running water and plowed his fields behind horses. Sheep were herded through our yard. In my visits to France, i attended school on the base and remember standing on the playground watching dozens of men parachuting out of C-119s. I wanted to visit our old neighborhood or at least that area (whatever remains) but I have no idea where I would find it, or what the adjacent town was called.

    • Saint Rémy sur Avre ? Il y avait une cité américaine . Votre description correspond à celle ci . Je suis français
      Bonne journée

  13. My father, Jack DeRoncey was stationed at Dreux Air Force Base. I think the time frame was 1959-1962. He was a friendly, likeable fellow. He actually bought a VW Beetle while he was there and it was shipped back. I can’t imagine you not remembering him if you ever met him. He passed away in 2018 but we may have a few pictures.

    • Hi Kristi – Thanks for stopping by our site. There are quite a few here who were at Dreux during that time frame. Also there are lots of photos from that time. Do you remember what organization your father was with? – Doug

  14. Greetings! I was born on Dreux AFB in December of 1958. My father was stationed there in the late 50’s. Not sure if the exact dates. Anyway, I attempted to visit the base in the summer of 72, but was turned away. Can anyone tell me how to find the former base on the map? Things have changed. lol.

    Thanks all,
    Michael McMahon

    • Hi Mike. Thanks for stopping by our website. If you look elsewhere in the site you’ll find quite a bit of information with maps of the base and the local area. It’s also marked in Google Maps. If you have any trouble finding it let me know and I’ll give you more detailed info. The base is now being used as a solar farm. –

      When you tried to get on the base in 72 it was still owned by the French military. They only used it for commando-type exercises and essentially pulled the plug on any maintenance when deGaulle kicked the Americans out in ‘67. Doug

  15. My father was at Dreux from 1962 – 1965.

    On the personnel list on this site, under 246 Signal Corps where it shows WO Tomlinsom. I assume this is my father. His last name is misspelled; it is supposed to be Tomlinson (ends with a ‘n’). Tomlinson, Ennis A. Hw was in the Army/

  16. My father James F. Byrne was stationed at the Druex Air Force Base from 1950-1955. I am not sure of the exact dates. I know he met my mother in 1953 and they married in 1954. Is there anyone that is a member of this organization that would remember him, my mom, or anything about them? My dad passed away in 2013 but my mom is still with us.
    Thank you,
    Gaëlle (Byrne) Freer

  17. Hello Dreux Friends! I’d like to call your attention to a recently published book specifically related to the US Military’s time in France, “US Go Home: The US Military in France, 1945-1968,” by David and Jean Egan. I spent a good deal of time talking with David when he was first embarking on his project about 15 years ago. It’s the most comprehensive book I’ve ever run across and covers almost every aspect of that chapter in history — one that we were all a part of at Dreux. The book is available through Amazon. – Doug (p.s. – FWIW, I don’t have any financial interest in the book – just thought I’d pass the info on if anyone is interested in more info on the US military days in France).

  18. Dreux AB was my very first assignment after Basic at San Antonio/Amarrillo Air Force Bases. I arrived in January of 1961, 322d then into the 7305th. My first Commander was Colonel Mitchell (who was soon to be retired); and the First Sergeant (also soon to be retired) MSgt Raymond Culligan. Both men were fantastic. Captain Blackley, took over for Colonel Mitchell, and a MSgt Meecham )spelling /) assumed First Sergeant duties. We were, my fellow airmen, were some of the first to be shipped out to Germany, Rhein Maine AB, Germany in early 1962 as a phase out was occurring for Dreux AB. I was assigned 7167th Special Air Transport Squadron at Rhein Maine. I just happened upon this site in reviewing past pleasurable memories on the internet while in the Air Force (October, 1959 through May, 1968). I am 85-years.

  19. Hello to all who use this blog. I just want to say “I sure do miss my wonderful days stationed at Dreux Air Base, France 1960-1961”
    I’ll be 88 in April this year.& still drive & do a lot of things here at home.
    God Bless all of you folks. I pray you all will have a blessed 2023.
    A/2C Sibert Nabb, Indiana USA

    • I was stationed at Dreux Air Force Base from 1956 until 1960. I extended my enlistment and my stay at Dreux for one year. I arrived there in the summer of 1956 as an air traffic controller assigned to the AACS squadron straight from ATC school in Biloxi Mississippi. The army core engineers were just finishing construction of the base and there were no planes yet assigned to Dreux. The tower above base operations and the fire department had not yet been completed. We conducted our traffic control operations from a mobile truck located between the taxiway and the runway. For the first few months I was there we only had an occasional visiting landing and takeoff. Later that fall, 1956, we moved into the tower and we started receiving squadrons of C119’s and C123’s. The base was basically a maintenance operation for the cargo planes that would shuttle down daily to Chateauroux Force Base to pick up cargo and supplies and delivered them throughout Europe to other military installations. From that fall, 1956, until the summer of 1960 when I return to the states, the base was very active with several hundred flight operations a day. In the fall of 1957, I started playing basketball on the bass level team. We played the other Air Force Bases’ throughout France and won the championship for the next three years. I had a great four years at Dreux and really enjoyed the opportunity to travel throughout Europe. I learned a short time after I left that General Charles de Gaulle had ordered all the US military out of France. I will be 88 in August.
      Airman first class, Shannon Lamb

  20. Just dropping by to say hi. My father Capt. Alfred G Pfliger was stationed at Dreux AFB 1957-1958. He was the base recreation officer. I have fun home movies he took of Dreux including people riding the go carts on the base track. My family did not come with him to France as my grandmother was very ill . Daddy retired as Lt Col in 1968 where he served as the Executive Officer at the Pentagon’ s Data Services Center. He passed away in 1992. I wonder if anyone remembers him.

  21. To: Doug Donnell
    I left a post to you and it went away. I don’t know if it was sent or not. I will try again. I found an old map of the 821st EAB base site plan, dated May, 1954. It was given to me as the Co. C dispatcher. It was old and brittle but I pasted it back together and scanned it into my computer. I tried to past it into the blog but without luck. I sent it to Charles Sibert. He suggested that I contact you on the blog and that you could give me instructions. It may be of interest to some of your readers. I have a post on memory Blog. one of the earliest.

  22. I was stationed at Dreus fro 10/57 thru 10/60 and was assigned to the 11th Squadron. Got my C-119 flight enginier certification in 8/58. My plane was
    53-7848. I still have my flight records that show I had 1330 hours of flight time.

    After I was discharged, I went back home to Tacoma, Wa where I still live today. I have talked with Billie McLeod, Barry Archer, ? Manley ? O’Brian
    and Jim Barone.

    I retired from Computer Operation at Weyerhaeuser in 1990 and Frank Russel Co in 2005. Currently just passing time and enjoying life.

    • Hello Donald – thanks for stopping by the website. Sorry it took a couple days to get your email posted – I’ve been out of town away from the internet. Take a look through the pictures and stories and you may find some people and aircraft that you know! Let me know if you have any photos or stories that you’d like to share. – Doug

    • Did you know my father, Capt. Joseph F. Cullen? He flew one of the C-119s. We were at Dreux from very early 1958 until late summer of 1959.

  23. Bill Mcleod & I had a lot of fun putting this website together & up the 15th of April
    2015. Doug Donnell has watched over the site & keeps it going since Bill passed. Let’s give Doug a big hand & say thank you also to Chris Mc Leod Bill’s youngest son who had a lot to do helping his father get the Dreux site rolling & he still helps Doug very much. God Bless to all.
    Charlie Sibert Nabb, Indiana USA

    • Thanks for your kind words Chuck. You and Bill did so much work to get this going. It’s the least I can do to keep things going, and special thanks from me to Chris for all of his tech support.

  24. Hello to all you Dreux Air Base former Airmen who loved this air base as I did.
    Hope all is well with you. I’m 87 now & still do work on our vehicles here in the Indiana farming spot called Nabb. Sun is out today & I’m sitting on our rear deck
    enjoying the warmth. Corn fields come right up to our rear fence. Next week I believe the corn will be cut down & I can see the folks next door to us.
    Just wanted to touch base & see who has said things about our old air base.
    God Bless to all you all. Charlie Sibert AKA Chuck

  25. Sadly, A1C George W Hutson, 7305th Air Police Squadron, passed away, in his sleep at his home in Ft Myers, FL, August 7, 2022. (Not storm related).

    George was 79 years old and a good friend for 58 years. An accomplished concert pianist when he entered the USAF, an Illinois State Trooper after returning stateside.

  26. I was there 12-1965. Thru. 1967. When Charles Degaule kicked the Americans out of France. He forgot that we bailed him out in ww2. great memories while stationed there . I remember riding a bus 2 Paris every Saturday. went 2Stuttgart after getting kicked out of France. was hitchhiking 2 down town Stuggart from Patch barracks when this volks wagon stopped and picked me. Up.. the man’s Name was Manfred Rommel, son of the desert fox.

  27. My father, Sixto R. Alvarez was stationed at Dreux Air Base from 1956-1958. He was in the 60th Troop Carrier Wing APO 83. He passed away several years ago, but I would love to hear from anyone who may know or worked with him while stationed in Dreux.

  28. Hey Doug,
    I’m not sure if you work on site issues, but some of the links seem to have gotten messed up. For example, if you click on ‘Home’ it takes you to a page that has listings of the pictures. If you click on any of them (Pictures from Glenn Burchard) the next page says they can’t be found. Although on that page you can fins the link to the blog. I don’t see that on the main screen anymore.
    I’m sure you are probably aware of this, but I wan’t to bring it to someone’s attention.
    All the best,

    • Hi Glenn. We were doing some work on the picture program so that probably messed up the links. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll get to work on it. – Doug

  29. I was stationed at Dreux AFB in 1958-59, I was an A/2 and was a hydraulic specialist , I worked on the C-123 and the C-119, I’m 85 years old so probably not many left that I was stationed with but if there are and they read this I would love to hear from them.

    • Thanks for stopping by. There are still some of the early Dreux “pioneers” on the site. If you scroll through, you might see some names you recognize. If you need help getting in touch with anyone, let me know. – Doug

  30. I was stationed at Dreux AFB in 1958-59, I was an A/2 and was a hydraulic specialist , I worked on the C-123 and the C-119

    • Thanks for stopping by. While I’m sure you don’t have any memories of the place, do you perhaps have any old photos or stories from your parents? Please take some time to look through the site – you may recognize some names of your parents’ contemporaries. – Doug

    • I sent a personal email with my email address. Not sure why the main link didn’t work, but send directly to me please. – Doug

  31. Excited to find this website! My Dad, Msgt Hansford (Bill or Butch) Boutchyard Jr., was stationed at Dreux when I was in the 4th, 5th, and 6th grades (1962-1965). Great memories!
    He ran the base post office and was a coach for the basketball team. Does anyone have any pictures of him with the basketball team or the personnel of the post office? He is celebrating his 90th birthday on June 9th!
    Thank you!!

    • Hello Debra – thanks for visiting the website. If you haven’t already go through the pictures – I’m sure you’ll find many that will bring back memories. You and I were both in school at the same time. I was in 7th grade the year you were in 4th. There are quite a few of us who check into the site from time to time that were in school at the same time you were there. If you have some stories, memories, or pictures to share please send them along. – Doug

  32. I was reassigned to Dreux from the 61st Military Police Company in Verdun in October 1961. I was assigned to the 29th Signal Battalion for administration and attached to the 7305th Support Squadron for duty. I served with the Air Police.

    My wife joined me the same month. We initially resided in what had probably been servant quarters in the Chateau de Maillebois. We later moved to an apartment owned my Messier and Madame Aon in Maillebois, across the street from the bakery. I used to buy a baguette for the equivalent of 17 cents and bring it home still warm.

    Initially, we Army Military Policemen were scorned by the Air Policemen. That attitude changed over time, as we proved our worth. I started with performing gate guard and patrolman duties. In October 1962, I assumed duties as Desk Sergeant and performed those duties until I was reassigned to Redstone Arsenal, Alabama in July 1963.

    I remained in the Regular Army, becoming a Warrant Officer in July 1969, while in Vietnam. I served in the capacity for 29 and a half years, retiring as a Chief Warrant Officer Five on 1 February 1999.

    My wife and I have many fond memories of the time we spent at Dreux Air Force Base.

    • Thanks for stopping by the site. You and your wife arrived shortly after I did (although I was a dependent at the time). Congrats on your long career. If you look through the pictures it’ll probably bring back some memories. If you have any stories or pictures please share them — there are quite a few of us with fond memories of the base. – Doug

  33. We were transferred to Druex in 1965(?) from RAF Sculthrope in Great Britain as part of the 2ND Mobile Communications group. Staff Sgt. David D. Foster(deceased) and Mavis C. Foster (Connie) and son,William E. Foster. Many good memories but also some bad memories. My husband and his fellow airmen were responsible for getting a bowling alley at the base and many bowling leagues were started. I served as a secretary for some of the leagues.

    We were there until the end when the base was closed. We lost everything we owned! None of our household goods ever made it to the U.S. We were transferred to The Pentagon and later to Andrews AFB,MD.

    I had a deceased daughter at Evereux AFB. Was told she was buried outside Paris somewhere But no records ever received.

    • Hello Mavis – Thanks for stopping by the website. Look through the pictures – should bring back some memories (hopefully good ones!). The 2nd Mob detachment was located on the north side of the base in its own area. – Doug

  34. Hello/Bonjour,
    Just found this blog…Interesting. I was with the 60th Air Police Sq at Dreux during l955-57, as a Alc.Remember being on “Town” Patrol in Chateauneuf/Danpierre/ and others. I had visited the area in 2013 or so…Mickey’s Bar..whoa, bad news now. Chateauneuf was not bad..progressed somewhat. My Squadron Commander, a Major Laux…WWII pilot I think. Do remember some of the guys with me Walter Lopez, Dick Butler, Don McGuire and a couple of others.
    I ended up later transferred to the US Army as a Warrant Officer and spent over 30 years in service, a couple of tours in Vietnam. I was a French linguist at Dreux along with a guy for New Hampshire (spoke French) and a guy from Lousiana. who spoke fluent French!!

    • Bonjour! Thanks for stopping by the blog. Please take some time to read through the posts – you may find some names you recognize. Let us know if you have any stories or pictures from your days at Dreux. – Doug

  35. My brother-in-law’s parents (Herman and Florence Hunter) were stationed at Dreux Air Base and he was born in a local base hospital in January, 1960. He needs a copy of his birth certificate and I am researching the name of the hospital. Any advice you might have in this regard would be very much appreciated!
    Thank you.

    • Hello Barbara – We’ve had that question come up before and one of our regular contributors who lives in France got the info for us. I’ll find and post tomorrow. – Doug

        • Barbara – I just posted the procedures – but not as a direct reply to your comment, so I’m adding this so you’ll get the notification. Visit the website and the post should be there. Let me know if there’s a problem. – Doug

  36. I happened upon this blog while looking for pictures of Dreux. My brother-in-law, Delmer Bolen, was stationed there and my sister brought me there because I was a young unwed mother. Her French friend, Jeannette Dion, helped me find a doctor, Robert Guilet, and my son Robert was born in the local hospital in March 1961. My sister and brother-in-law have passed away and my son is 60 years old. He is a retired union brick layer and is a 4 year Marine veteran. He has recently been interested in visiting the Dreux area. I loved walking into the village and looking around that beautiful area.

    • Barbara, my brother-in-law’s parents (Herman and Florence Hunter) were stationed at Dreux Air Base and he was born in a local base hospital in January, 1960. He needs a copy of his birth certificate and I am researching the name of the hospital. Any advice you might have in this regard would be very much appreciated!
      Thank you.

  37. Dad was based at Evereux but we lived on the housing accommodation near Dreux. I remember walking down a hill past a walled cemetery to the boulangerie with my brothers to get a baguette for mum. We were there for about 18 months in the early sixties. I think we were there 1962 thereabouts before Dad was transferred to Columbus, Ohio.

    • Trish,
      My father was stationed at Evereux and my family lived in the housing accommodation near Dreux from 1963 to early 1964. I remember walking down the hill you describe. Do you remember the French people that lived in the small caves in the adjacent hillside? I attended Dreux Elementary School and remember this bus ride to school during those dark winter mornings. My father was transferred to Lockbourne AFB, Columbus,Ohio.

      • Hi Mike – Doug Donnell here – I’m an admin on the website – what grade were you in at Dreux. I was there from 61-63 and was in 6th and 7th grades.

  38. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2022 to all who read & hear about that wonderful tour of duty many of us had years ago in France, right here on this blog.
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert Nabb, Indiana

    • Merry Christmas to you as well Chuck. Many of us have remarked about special Christmas memories at Dreux. One of the years we lived there – I think it was the winter of 1962 – it was one of the coldest in a half century or so. We had a white Christmas for sure! I remember getting up on Christmas morning and cranking up the Aladin heater in the lean to of the trailer to make it warm enough to sit around the tree and open presents – there was a definite built in delay until the heater could do its thing. Have lots of other great memories as well. Great to hear from you.

    • Merry Christmas to you and Lisa! It is through the tremendous efforts of both yourself and Bill that we are all now able to share our Dreux memories on this site. Thank you so much. God bless –


  39. Sebastien, I look for your friend’s name in my information’s. Could you tell us what year you speak about ? I believe I was at Dreux Air Base long before you were there. Please ask Doug Donnell who came to the base in 1962 and also Ron Maroney who came to the base in 1964 with the Air Police unit.
    It is starting to get colder here in Nabb, Indiana USA, what about Maillebois ?
    Do you live near Dampierre Sur Blevy or Chateauneuf or very close to the old air base ? Send to us more information we will continue to search for your friend.
    God Bless: Charlie Sibert

  40. Hi, i am sebastien, i am 45 yrs and french, I search a us military or civilian guy , i just know a first name “THREATT” i think s this personne lived in dreux us base,
    i search a genealogic links with my family(french).
    Par avance merci si vous avez des informations.


  41. I have wonderful memories of our time in Dreux! We went to France in 1962 and we left in 1964 to Columbus, Ohio. My Dad was in the Air Force.

    • Hello Patty – thanks for your comment. Please read through the comments – there are quite a few of us who were there at the same time as your family. Do you know what unit your father was in?

  42. Still moving my feet as best as I can. Still drive my F-150 @ our Skylark Buick. My wife of 31 years loves her Camry. Have any of you heard from Sherry Nelson? She and Don have returned from Natchez Mississippi. and are living again in their home in Ireland. She tells me they will move back to New England when their house sells there. I’m 86 now and still work around the home place. Going to replace the ball joints for the Ford F-150 and my friend is going to help me on a nice and warm day. Could be the last grease I’ll have on these old paws for sometime. I just ask you folks to keep working on the blog. I know many have lost some recollection of when we were at Dreux air Base as young men. For me it just seems like last month but not always.
    I hope to hear from many of you soon. I’ll answer as soon as I can.
    God Bless you all and have a blessed October 2021

  43. Just read lots of comments from soldiers from the 821 EAB, In Dreaux France, I served there from Dec 1953 to Match 1955, then to Boudreaux France. I helped to build roads, and run ways My Company Commander was Capt Russo. I was assigned to the motor pool as a truck driver , all trucks, are n til I got as assigned to stuffer the Capt. I had lots CB of good times at Dreaux, I have great memories of the food truck that came to the base. I had a car and used it as a taxi to and from Paris

    • Hello Grady, I was at Dreux EAB from March 1934 until Oct 1955. I believe I do remember you I was in Co. B and was a truck driver, then maintance clerk and the last position was dispatcher. I have have a picture of you on the cab of a truck with other drivers. I have a blog listed at the bottom of the blog page. I wrote about my time there. I do believe Capt. Russo was our commander. My name is Rolland Laramore

  44. My dad, also named Glenn was in that same AACS Squadron, but we only overlapped your time there for a few months, July 1959 to your departure in December. He was mainly in GCA, but put in some time in the control tower.

  45. I was stationed at dreux from april 1957 to dec 1959 I was in the AACS sq which
    operated the control tower and GCA radar so I more than likely got to meet your
    father major cullen many of the pilots came up to the tower on midnites when they
    had AD duty I also flew all over europe on what were called route familiar flights many
    fond memories

    • Sorry for the delayed response! Yeah, my dad would have been a Capt in 58-59. He spent a lot of time in the tower as part of his routine, I guess. He told me a few times about a guy named Coombs who worked in the admin/tower. Had a little boy who would come looking for his dad and ask, “Where Coombs?”

    • Hi Bill, Shannon Lamb here. We were in the tower at the same time at Dreux. I was there from the summer of 56 until the summer of 1960. Played on the bass basketball team and was TDY to the gym about half of the year. I remember Sergeant Robertson who was in charge of the tower and several of the other controllers. Do you remember Simon’s, or Duncan, or Speckmyier? That was a long time ago and right now cannot recall some of the other names.

  46. I was stationed at Evreux from 1956-1958 and had a good friend stationed at Dreux, Jon Alvis. who was an Airborne Radio Operator on C-119 F models with 4360 Engines while at Everex we had C-119G models with 3350 Engines? Jon and I went to Airborne Radio Operator school at Keesler from late 1955 to Mar 1956 then we were transferred overseas. Jon went to Dreux and I went to Neubiberg for three months before being transferred to Evreux. We flew all over Europe and I have many photos taken during that time period. I could write a book about our experiences while at Evreux, from Evreux I was transferred to Orley field, Paris and then to Turner AFB in Albany Ga flying on RB-50 aircraft which I loved,

  47. Had some very good memories of living off base at Chateau de la Barre while stationed at Dreux AFB. I was with the Air Police Squadron from Dec 58 to Jan 62.

  48. Hello all!
    My father, Capt (later, Major) Joseph F. Cullen, was a C-119 pilot at Dreux from about January 1958 until late in the summer of 1959. He was part of what was called Operation Carousel, as I recall.

    Our family had been at Ramstein prior to that, but just from summer 1957 until we headed to Dreux. We did not live on the base but rather in a housing development set right above the village of Dreux; we could walk down into the village in about 5 minutes. My wife and I visited that development on a road trip we took while I was working on my Ph.D. in Strasbourg, France (1984). The housing area had been turned back to the French at some point, so looked a bit more lived-in.

    I recall getting to know some of the French kids who lived in the village: an older boy named Jean-Marc; a much older guy (like, 19) named Cyr, who buzzed around on a Vespa and dated a few of the high school girls. He once helped me get my bicycle back after it was taken from our yard; some old gal in a basement-level place in the village had it and I was amazed when, after a lot of hollering in French, she dragged it out and gave it to me. Cyr came through!

    My father passed away last year but we had often talked about our time in Europe; it was so very special and many of the family traditions we still practice come from those years. My mother absolutely loved being in Germany and France, and she and a gal pal from Dreux, Evie Dunn (husband was Harry Dunn), would take long trips to other parts of France while we kids were put in the care of a housekeeper (who was from Portugal, I think).

    My baby sister was born in Dampierre in 1958, and I enjoyed seeing pics of that village.

    Are there any readers out there who were at Dreux while I was here? I did the last half of my first-grade year, and all of my second, at the school at Dreux AFB. We would come over to the base by bus (maybe a 20-minute ride?). My older sister Peggy would have been in third/fourth grade; my brother Rick (Joe, Jr) was in 5th/6th.

    I have good memories, though I was young, of our time in France. Our family got out and did a lot of touring (in our ’57 Mercury wagon!), even getting up to Brussels for the 1958 Expo. (From 1995-1999, BTW, my wife and I lived in Brussels; she was the Air Traffic Rep for the FAA’s International Office there.)

    I was amused at all the photos showing “bar girls” at Susie’s and elsewhere. My Dad might have hit some of those places but I was busy kissing Laura Weeks on the playground so never knew much about all that bar stuff.

    • Reply to posting by David Cullen on 5/16/2021:


      My father, Captain William C. Bodner, was stationed at Dreux AFB from 1956 – 1958 serving as an optometrist and administrative officer. I attended the elementary school on base and spent quite a bit of time visiting with Laura Weeks during recess and lunch periods while in Second grade during the first part of the 1957 school year.

      My e-mail is bdlk@ymail.com and my cell phone is (210) 254-6802. I am now a retired attorney living in San Antonio, Texas and would enjoy talking with you in the unlikely event that this e-mail reaches you. My wife and I have been married for 35 years and are expecting our first grandchild. The date today is December 5th, 2023 and my family attended the 1958 Expo in Brussels traveling in my parents’ 1954 Nash Statesman. I would enjoy comparing notes with you about our respective experiences at Dreux AFB.

      If you happen to be in touch with Laura Weeks ( doubtful, I know ) feel free to pass along my contact info.

      Best regards,
      Bruce Bodner

      • Bruce –
        I passed your posting along by private email to David Cullen as it has been a couple years since the original posting, just to make sure he sees it.
        – Doug (site moderator)

  49. To all the wonderful former Dreux Air Base folks & web site visitors. I soon will be adding another story about the things that went on around the base when I was there 1960-1961. I sure do miss my side-kick Bill McLeod. Bill & I had so much
    fun creating this Dreux Air Base memories web-site. Plus the fact we were learning so much about where we were stationed in France after we had left our former air base. I am now 86 years of age & so very glad Bill & got together for all we knew & learned about Dreux Air Base 1951-1967.
    My wonderful friend Sherry Nelson & her husband Don have sold their mansion in Natchez, Mississippi, she has e-mailed this info to me. They also have a home in Ireland where I believe they will live for awhile. Sherry has said to me they just might move back to the states. Keep your eyes on this web-site for an update.
    God Bless: A2C Sibert

  50. When my father was stationed at Dreux Air Force Base he was with the 2Mob, Talking Bird.. I am looking for a woman that went to the Dreux Elementary school in the early to mid 1960’s. Her name was Deborah Hartzell, not sure of the spelling. But my class pictures has her on it. But anyway when Charles De Gaulle shut down the base, we moved on to Seville, Spain San Pablo Air Force base and she also moved there. Just curious about her where abouts.

  51. I recently found a Penguin lighter inscribed “Bon Voyage” Dreux NCO Open Mess, Dreux, France, on one side and blank on the other side. I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, and I was wondering if it was given to an Airforce veteran from this area as a retirement or rotation memento to someone in the Pittsburgh area. If so maybe I could return it. As a veteran myself I still have mementos from my time serving in the U S Army. My name and email are below. Respectfully M.P.C.

    • Thank you Michael. I’ve posted your kind offer. If anyone wants to contact you I can provided your email via private message. – Doug

  52. I saw a picture and article about my father, Ernest LeFlore, on this website. I think my father may have been a mechanic at the base.

    • Hello Yolanda – welcome to our website. Do you know what unit your father was in? There are quite a few people that stop by the site from time to time that may be able to provide you with more information. – Doug

    • Yolanda, I wrote your father’s story & you can see it in my memories post on this web-site. We were very good friends at
      Dreux Air Base, France. I knew him when he was a young Airman.
      Check my photo album pictures there just could be more pictures of your father found there. Let me hear back from you. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  53. A special Christmas hello to all of my Dreux friends!
    Many of us have remarked over the years about special memories of Dreux AB during the holiday season. I have many fond recollections of the Christmases that we spent on base – special decorations, special activities, but most of all the friendly holiday atmosphere and the wonderful sense of community. The winter of 62-63 was one of the coldest on record with plenty of snow that lasted for a long, long time – adding to that “White Christmas” feeling. But whether you were there during that, or another holiday season, this blog has many remembrances of people’s holidays at Dreux. Back in the days before instant communication, it routinely took the Christmas cards and packages a month to make it by boat from the states (unless sent by Air Mail, of course). And phone calls back to the states were almost non-existent – all the more reason why the community of friends and family on the base was so important.
    So as we draw close to the end of 2020 (thankfully), let me wish you all a very Merry Christmas and happy holiday season. It has been, and continues to be, special to be associated with this website and all of the wonderful people that have shared their stories over the years. And special remembrance of Bill McLeod, one of the site’s founding fathers, who will be looking down on us from heaven this year – rest in peace, my friend.

    Merry Christmas to all of you, Doug

  54. My name is George Tyndall, was stationed on Dreux 1959 – 1961 I was assigned to Base Comm and was assigned NCOIC Bas Telephone Section and worked part time at the officers club was a bar tender.Would love to hear from anyone stationed there during that. period

    • Hey Marvin,

      Ron Maroney here! It’s been a long time, but I think I remember we went to a couple of Motorcross races with my girlfriend then, wife of 52 years now!

      I’ll see if Doug or Charles are able to forward my email to you! I prefer not to publish it!

    • Marvin this is Ron Maroney, I believe we do remember you!
      I will ask Doug and Dotty to release my email to you!! Feel free to contact me directly when you receive it!

  55. My dad was with the 821st. We lived in France from 1951-1953. My brothers and I were among the first dozen or so to attend the quonset hut school on the base while it was being built. I was in the fourth grade, brother Johnny in 5th and Jim in 2nd. Mr and Mrs Cody were out teachers. My grandfather sometimes substitute taught for us. Some of the other kids there were: Gene Brown, Gloria Parker , her sister Susie ?, Bonnie Sue Nash, Floyd Petit, and the Colonel’s daughter (whose name I forgot. The Shannor kids , Robbie and ? lived there, but they attended a french school. Those were the happiest years of my childhood. We lived in a french town with no other Americans, so picked up french fast from the neighbor kids. I ended up graduating hs in 1961 in Tampa, Fl where I’d been born.

    • Hello Dotty – thanks for stopping by the blog. Please scroll through the postings – there are quite a few posts from people who were students “back in the day”. Also lots of pictures that might bring back some memories. Always looking for stories if you’d like to post a few. – Doug

  56. Hi:

    I’m assisting a cousin in finding Edmond Bourgeois likely on base in 1965-66. Grateful for any help with any information about Edmond

    • Hi, my name is Marvin Godshall , I was stationed at dreux airbase from 1965 to 1967, I knew Sgt Bourgeois but not very well , our air police commander was captain Louis Coles he is mentioned in the blog under memories of dreux, I know he was from coral gables Florida, he may know any information on Sgt Bourgeois

  57. Hi I am doing this as a favor for a good friend his name is Walter he served in the armed forces and was at the Goose Bay Labrador base in France when he was shot in 1966 and a girl took care of him throughout his recovery. Her name was Judy Dean or Judith Dien was 17 years old at the time. and I finished high school in a school near the military children’s base and he asked me to help him locate her to grab him for all that she took care of him. I would like to help him get in touch with her if someone could help me find information about her I would appreciate it very much, thank you and God bless you.

  58. I have remembered some names stationed at Dreux Air Force Base back in 1965-1967.I was assigned to 2172nd Communications Squadron in Everux Air Force Base,Det 1.SSgt Chuvk DeLano was head of telephone repair on base and A1C Padgett worked with him.Sgt DeLano had a Japanese wife and he was an avid bowler.Airman Padgett had a German wife.Miss Mary Jane Sledge was a Physical Education teacher at the High School there at Dreux..When Dreux AFB closed,Mary and I were assigned to San Pablo Air Force Base in Seville,Spain.So,we drove together down ther.I did not know her well before we left for Spai. She was a very intelligent,kind and attractive girl that loved France and Jazz.She later was assigned to Aviano AFB in Italy.I will write more later.

    • I was a very good friend of Sgt DeLano’s wife. They lived 4 spaces from us. We went to the market in the village once a week so she purchase eel and squid. Received lots of food items from her parents. She was so nice. Unfortunately, we were not able to keep up with our friends.

    • Hello Herb – Thanks by stopping by the site. There are a few pictures on the site of the 2 Mob area on the back side of the base. When were you there? I was in the 1st Combat Comm, which was activated in Europe in 1976 when the 2nd Mob moved to Florida – but, of course that was much, much later. What did the 2nd Mob have at Dreux? – Doug

    • Hello Harry – thanks for stopping by. Take some time to look through all of the stories and pictures on the site – might bring back some memories, and there are quite a few people that were at Dreux the same time as you – might run across names you know. Share a few stories or pictures. – Doug

  59. Hello,
    I wanted to let the group know that my dad, Bill McLeod, passed away on Saturday afternoon at the age of 81. As per his wishes, he was able to ‘age in place and die at home’ and for that, we are very grateful. This site and the people that frequented it meant the world to him and I credit it with keeping him as sharp and active for as long as he was. I still get funny looks when I tell folks that my septuagenarian father was running a website but for those that knew him, it wasn’t a surprise at all.

    I will be putting something more formal memorial up in the ‘In Memory of’ section soon.

    Thank you all for being a part of dad’s life.


    Bill on his 80th Birthday

    • I am so sorry to hear that! We communicated quite a bit when he first started this website. Sincere condolences to you and your family.

    • Hi Chris,
      I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad. I’m just now seeing your post. I’m sure he was a great Dad, and he certainly added a lot to the lives of many of us who frequent and contribute to this site. I’m glad he went the way he wanted to go. Please accept my condolences.
      Glenn Burchard

  60. I just found this blog and could not believe the picture of 53-8142. I was an A/C & Missile Electrical Tech at Dreux from 1959-1961 when de Gaulle kicked us out of France, and I worked on those babies all the time. I remember that A/C 8142 was a “hot bird” and was the airplane selected to demo to a group of officials including one of the original test pilots for the C-119s who flew over to France for that “decommissioning” ceremony. I remember installing large fuel tanks in the cargo bays so they could be flown back to the states. I went from Dreux to Mildenhall, England in mid 1961

    • Lowell – glad you found us. Please take the time to look through all the posts (there are over 1300 by now). Maybe you’ll see comments from people you know. If you have any pictures or stories about Dreux let us know. There’s a lot of interest among those that were stationed or lived there. – Doug

    • Hey Lowell, I hope you read the story I did about C-119G 53-8142 found in the memories section of our web-site. I was impressed to hear from you about this aircraft. Let me know if you read the story. I have talked with Joanne & Rudy Hamilton about this old
      C-119G that crashed almost in their home in 1987.
      I Hope to hear from you very soon and maybe get your e-mail address.for a longer talk. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  61. My father, Fortunate Moreno Jr. was stationed at Dreux around 1962. He was with 31st Weather squadron. While there he met a civilian working on the base and developed a friendship with him. My father was invited to dinner with his new friend and it was there he met my mother (his friends sister). They were married in 1964.
    Thank you for making this website/blog. I enjoy seeing the pictures and discussing with my mother (my father passed in 1984).

    • Hello Gloria – thanks very much for joining us here. Please feel free to pass along any stories you or your mother might have – everyone is always interested in new stories about “our” air base. – Doug

    • Hi, my name is Connie RIckabaugh. My dad, Harold RIckabaugh was in the USAF and we were stationed at Dreux/Evereux. I was in the first and second grade while we were there. I remember riding a bus to the base to school. We lived in housing where the other Air Force families lived. I have two sisters, Linda and Sandy, who were in high school at the time. I have some great memories of that time even though I was young. My dad worked on the C-130s and was sent to India a lot while we were there. I am going to send this link to my sister Linda. She will love this site. We went to Lockbournw when we left France.

      • Hello Connie –
        Thanks for stopping by. Take some time to look through the stories and pictures – might stir up some memories. By all means share some stories that you remember – there are quite a few people that stop by the site from time to time. We look forward to hearing from your sister as well. -Doug

      • Connie,
        When was your family at dreux. My name is John Frost, JR. My father was the Motor Pool CO from ‘boots on the ground’ to 1954/55. We were at Camp Wolters in Mineral Welld TX in ’51 . We went back to Tampa when the 821st EAB left for France. I finished the 4th grade in the Quonste Hut school on Base (Dreux AFB). AS my sister, Dotti Hon said, Mr and Mrs Cody was the complete faculty. Mr. Cody was a civilian, but was rated as a Captain. (there is another story about Mr Cody , but that is best saved for a better time). It was almost all Army Engineers with a small detachment of AF. I started the 7th grade at Dreux, but we left in April, i believe. I remember I was in the 7th grade when we got back to Tampa, FL.
        My best friend from the school at Dreux was Floyd Petty. His father was the WO in the Motor Pool. We lived at the Chateau de la Barre when we got over there. We moved to St. Lubin de Nonancourt After a few months and then moved to La Madelaine (up the hill from Nonancourt) until we came back to the States. We were 1LT. John Frost, our father, Jane Frost, mother, Jules Frost, our grandfather, Annie Jermaine, nanny, moi – Johnny, Jr, my sister, Dotti, my brother, Jim and my baby sister, Vickie. We traveled extensively in Normandy , from Dreux to St. Michel, to Hanfleur, to Evereux,to Chartes Cathedrial. We even went to Germany when dad went to Rhine Main for a NBC School. We were in Paris a lot and drove from Nonancourt down the Loire Vally to Marsailles to Rome and back through Switzerland to Nonancourt. My grandfather lived in Paris and was a painter and he taught English as a 2nd language at the Sorbonne. There was a Major Rivera (or Riviera).I had a crush on his daughter, and French girl (not at the same time).
        As you can tell, I am sorta shy about writing.
        I would like to make contact with anybody that was at Dreux from 1952 to 1955.

  62. My Dad was stationed there when I was a baby until I was 5 or 6. From 1956 until 1962. I have vague memories of going to school there during time. I remember that my Mom had brought me a smock to wear for painting and a nun called me over to a part of the rod iron fence so I could get the smock from my Mom.
    I wonder what building that was?

    • Hi Bethany –
      Thanks for stopping by the website. From your description, it sounds as though you were living off base and going to a French school. Could that be possible? There were no nuns on the base. Welcome to our group. Do you have any photos from your time at Dreux? (At age 5 or 6 you probably weren’t taking too many pictures, but perhaps your parents had some?) – Doug

  63. Hi Once Again. The C-119s had an operation out of Athens, Greece where we supplied bases in Turkey and other areas. There were about 6 aircraft on TDY and when the C-119s were launched we had a number of hours before we had to recover them. This was our down time and we were basically free to do what we wanted. Compared to Dreux AB, Athens was a great opportunity to experience history. This was a TDY that a number of us maintenance troops along with the flight crews really looked forward to.
    Another thing I remember is we didn’t have an AFES radio station on base so we were able to pick up a pirate radio station off the coast of England and this was the only way we could listen to American music. Lights out was 2200 in the barracks and I cannot tell you how many times I was told to turn my radio off. In those days we didn’t have ear plugs. This site has allowed me to remember the times I had at Dreux AB those many years ago.

  64. Welcome, Clyde. You have just sparked yet another memory of mine with mention of the midget races 🙂 Us kids would catch the base shuttle bus on a Sunday afternoon to go over and watch them. The track was on the far side of the base. We were probably all sitting there together! By my calculation, you may have been in third grade in 1959-60. Did you have Miss Waris for your teacher? We may have been classmates. Our family lived in trailer #364. Please share your memories with this group!

    • I remember walking over to a near by mess hall for school lunch.I payed little league baseball there and have the trophy for first place. I played on the Indians.

  65. Thinking back in my Dreux days packing parachutes I often think of how many airmen I worked with that are still with us? Hopefully quite a few. There were many days we worked day and throughout the night packing parachutes. Every 60 days the chutes had to be repacked and inspected but if there was a crises and the chutes had 31 days since last packed they were repacked again. If memory serves me right each C-119 carried 20 to 25 parachutes on racks in the event passengers had to bail out in an emergency. This is the reason we had so many chutes to pack and maintain. Also, depending on your rank we were paid around 80 or 90 dollars a month.
    Also in those days I spent a number of days on KP Duty at the chow hall. I really didn’t look forward to that. Of course no one did, but it had to be done. Couldn’t wait to get my next stripe then you checked all who came into the chow hall instead of kitchen duty.
    What was great about Dreux we were about 70 miles or so from Paris. Wonderful city with many things to do and see.
    One great thing about the military is you’ll see a lot of this world, most of it was really great, some of it bad. But we went where we were told to go.

    • Hey Bill, Thanks a bunch for your take about packing parachutes at Dreux Air Base, France. As a member of the Dreuix Air Base basketball team of 1960-1961 I found myself on a C-119 flight to Laon, France for a December game. Just as we made our turn N/W around Paris we encountered the beginning of a snow storm. Looking out the port-holes, found down both sides of the C-119, snow flakes seemed as big as ones fist. Darkness was fast approaching as the plane began to lurch up & down & sideways. Of course we all had our parachutes strapped on as well as our seat belts. The snow flakes began to increase in size as well as in volume. Landing lights were then switched on to see the snow in progress when the crew chief made his way back to us. He said to us all that we may have to hit the silk shortly due to the loss of altitude. He told us all that he would open a rear small door so we could all exit the plane safely. I put my cap inside my field jacket & made sure all straps were tightened as well as my gloves. I was only two seats away from the rear jump doors & had never leaped from a moving aircraft. I was really frightened at the thought of landing in the darkness & hitting power lines, rivers, lakes, railways, houses, animals, & God knows what. Here came the crew-chief, was he to open the jump door now ? In a very calm voice he told everyone to relax as the storm was easing & the
      C-119 was gaining altitude once more. Soon the snow flakes were a thing of the past. Thank you Lord I said & felt at ease then. The Laon Air Base landing was a smooth one. We played our basketball game, which we won, spent the night, & returned to Drteux Air Base the next day. As I made my exit from the C-119 at
      my home base, I gave my chute a hug & gently placed it upon the jump seat smiling from ear to ear. Horror was averted that night going toward Laon & I was a little jumpy for a few days. At our first practice back home we all talked about what might have been.
      Had I needed to hit the silk, I know now my chute would have worked just fine because of the great Parachute packers stationed at Dreux Air Base, France 1960-1961. Thanks to all you super USAF Airmen.

      • Hi Charles, Shannon Lamb here. I missed playing some basketball with you by just one year. I was on the base basketball team for the 1959, 60 season and the two years prior to that. I’ll throw out a few names of some of my teammates and maybe a few were still around the following year when you played. Peter Scott, Louis Yanez, Dewar, or Lambert. we won the French championship a couple of times and made it to the European semi finals once. We had some great times and great travel!

  66. Chris, thanks for the update on your Dad, although it’s a sad one. I was one of the Air Force ‘brats’ while my Dad was assigned to Dreux from 1959-1962. Honestly, before I stumbled across this site, that time in my life was a fuzzy time in my memory; and this site helped re-awaken a lot of memories. Of course all the contributions by so many folks are great gifts. The site spurred me on to visit the base and surrounding area in 2012 and 2015. I even connected with a classmate and one of our teachers!
    Please know that there are so many of us who look at your father’s (and Chuck’s and others’…including you Doug) efforts as true blessings.
    I wish your Dad and your family God’s peace during this challenging time.

    • Very well-stated, Glenn. So many of us feel exactly the same as you do. Those efforts on the part of Bill, Chuck, and now Doug, in creating and maintaining this website with all of these shared memories, have been a true blessing indeed. May God bless Bill and his family.


  67. Arrived at Dreux AB early 1956 and spent 4 years there. Remember the wing commander was Colonel Churchell. I was assigned to the Survival Equipment Shop, Parachutes and Life Rafts. The base was pretty remote and there was not to much going on. I remember movies were shown in the recreation center and the reels were changed every 20 minutes or so. Later we had a movie theater in a warehouse type building next to our shop.
    To leave the base we had to have a tie on and bolo ties were worn quite a bit.
    The chow hall served powered eggs and powered milk 6 days a week and on Sunday we had real eggs and such.
    Being at Dreux was great when you think about it as all of us were pretty close.
    Just went into Google and looked at the base as it is today. Some parking slots for the planes are still there and the main runway and taxi strips are there as well. But where the main base was is no longer. There are thousands of Soler Panels and all of the buildings are gone.
    For those of us who were stationed there we have memories of what Dreux AB meant to us, may we never forget that
    Retired CMSgt Bill Deegan

    • Hello Bill – thanks for stopping by the website. Take some time and look through the pictures and stories – will probably bring back some memories. We’d be happy to post any stories or pictures you might have. Please stop by often – there are quite a few of us that are “regulars”. Everyone seems to have their own special remembrances of Dreux. – Doug

    • Bill,
      Any chance that you knew my father during the latter part of your tour? He was a C-119 pilot: Capt. Joseph F. Cullen. We were at Dreux from early ’58 until late summer 1959.

    • Any chance that you knew my father during the latter part of your tour? He was a C-119 pilot: Capt. Joseph F. Cullen. We were at Dreux from early ’58 until late summer 1959.

  68. Hello,

    My name is Chris McLeod, and I am Bill’s son. I wanted to take a moment to post to give an update on his status as well as thank everyone for the kind birthday wishes.

    As Chuck noted, dad was 81 on Monday, an event he celebrated at home with my wife Adelina and I. For those that aren’t aware, dad has dementia, and due to its progression has lost the ability to do many of the things he loved, including participating with you all. This site and the community around it meant the world to dad, and it helped keep him young at heart and engaged with life. We are so grateful to Chuck and Doug for keeping it going and for all of you to keep the memories alive and flowing.

    As for dad’s current status, we are currently self-isolating due to the virus and have been since 3/11 (ten weeks today, I guess, where does the time go). It is just my wife and me here with him, and we are his full-time caregivers. Dad’s illness had been progressing for some time, becoming very noticeable in January of 2019, finally coming to a head last June, and he hasn’t been able to be alone since. Unfortunately, his disease is on a rapid path, and he entered hospice care near the end of this past February. At this time, he seems quite happy and content but is unable to recognize most folks, and even those he can, he doesn’t remember their names. His days are primarily spent sleeping or sitting with my wife while she watches TV and sews and petting our little dog. As it was his wish to age in place and die at home, we are doing all in our power to make that happen for him. People sometimes ask why, and the answer is easy; dad set a great example. He took care of his mother for the last two years of her life and also assisted until the end with his older brother, who died of ALS in 2013 (Kenneth McLeod, also a USAF vet). He has a few rough edges, but when the chips were down, he was always there, giving his all, and we can do no less for him.

    Last fall, we were fortunate enough to be pointed toward the VA by a nurse we had brought in, and it was the best thing that ever could have happened. I didn’t know (nor did dad) that he was eligible for VA benefits. It turns out that he and all other honorably discharged vets of his era are (if you enlisted after 1980, you have to have 24 months active service). I cannot state strongly enough that if you or anyone you know is honorably discharged and meets the service requirements, please sign up for VA benefits. They have been our saving grace since we enrolled him last November. Even if you have other insurance, they can be a supplement for in-home care and assistance. Dad has been enrolled in a Home Primary Care program with them since the beginning of the year, where he has a team that cares for him (a doctor, dietician, social worker, occupational therapist, chaplin), and all necessary healthcare is provided in the home. Until the quarantine, they also sent LPN’s in to help with bathing, shaving, and to provide some respite for us. Even with the quarantine, they continue to consult via phone/video and are providing all supplies and prescriptions delivered to our door. I honestly don’t know where we would be without them. In short, sign up!. https://www.va.gov/health-care/eligibility/

    Well, I didn’t intend to go on for so long, but I guess I had a few things to say, and I have one more; I am so proud and happy that dad was in the USAF. The Air Force provided him a path to training and education he wouldn’t have otherwise had, and that made his life better in so many ways. I am also grateful that his curiosity about the C-119 lead him to the Chuck’s (Lunsford and Seibert), which in turn led to this site.

    I will try and give an update as time permits. Thank you all for your interactions with dad over the years.


    • Prayerful, sad, and a word of encouragement … I never met Bill at Dreux (for me, circa 1966) … but his equal life remembrances & experiences of enjoyment at Dreux will continue.
      I’m so grateful for the effort he has put into creating, organizing, and presenting so many memories for USAF personnel & families through this website.
      A great legacy!
      Best wishes.

  69. Happy belated birthday, Bill! This website continues to be a blessing; and we have you to thanks for that! Stay well!
    Glenn Burchard

  70. Hello to all the wonderful folks who can recall April 15 2013 when this great
    web-site came on line. Bill McLeod & Charles Sibert had talked about doing this for over a year. We both had spent some time in the USAF stationed at Dreux Air Base, France. It caused both of us to have wonderful feelings when the Dreux site emerged from a dream into reality. Bill & I were on the computer it seemed like 24 hours a day building this great site from scratch. Why have I said this to you on the blog today ? Well, Bill McLeod will be 81 years of age come Monday the 18th of this May. I believe it would be wonderful if all of us would send to Bill & his family a Happy Birthday shout all the way to Denver, Colorado. I am 85 now so I can recall how great it was for all the birthday wishes I got via the web-site & home folks for my 81st. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Great idea! What would be the best way – email or snail mail?
      By the way, I can’t thank you guys enough for starting the website. I always thought I was pretty much alone in great memories of Dreux – there wasn’t much about it on the internet – then, with the website, so many of us have been able to share pictures, stories, and memories.

  71. Maybe some folks who read this blog daily or weekly would like to know just who is the lady & man seen on the Dreux home page cover. Well, here are their names.
    The lady seen in red is Rose Vide with her husband Joseph Vide who was stationed at the Dreux base from 1957-1960.
    Rose Gifford, the daughter of Rose Vide, had sent this info to the Dreux site but it was lost in the shuffle somewhere along the line. Just maybe someone will reply about this info & away we’ll go with a another beautiful Dreux story.
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert

    • Thanks Chuck! I think you asked that question several years ago. Nobody knew. Another mystery solved! – Doug

  72. My father, Lawrence E. Benson from Minnesota, was stationed at Dreux between 1957-1963. He befriended Herbert (Scotty) Whybrow from Pennsylvania while there. My father and Scotty married sisters who live in the Dreux area. I came upon this site and am hoping someone knew either of them from time spent at the Dreux AFB. I would love to hear from you.

    • Hi Laurie – thanks for dropping by the website. We have quite a few people that check the site from time to time and you might want to look through the posts and other info for names you might recognize. – Doug

  73. Glad you are doing well…and belated Happy Birthday! Stay healthy for many more years as you are a founding father of this blog!

  74. I wanted to take a moment and reach out to everyone who participates on this blog and wish them health and safety during this pandemic. I would guess that, just by virtue of being on this blog, that nearly all of us fall into the age group that is very susceptible to the virus. Please stay well, and stay inside, so that we can enjoy more of your stories and pictures!

    • Thanks Glenn,
      Dad was 90 years young in March. We are being safe. My prayers are to everyone and their families to please be safe.
      Terri Dupree

    • Glenn, Thank you very much. I was 85 April 9th & pray not to get the virus. All seems very well here in Nabb, Indiana. Seems very strange with less traffic even here in the farming community. A few tractors are out & about. Happy EASTER Sunday to all.
      A/2C Sibert

  75. My wife and I lived in one of the officer’s trailers in the fall of 1963 while waiting for quarters at St. Remy to become available. One night in November a neighbor knocked on our door and gave us the terrible news that President Kennedy had been killed. We went to the base chapel the next day, joined by s big crowd. Chaplain Norman gave the service.

    • Hi Daniel – Glad you found our website. You arrived just after we left (summer 63 for Paris), although I returned a number of times before we headed back to the states in 64. Let us know a little bit about yourself and your time at the base. As you scroll through the comments you’ll see that there are quite a few of us who were there at about the same time as you. Do you happen to have any pictures – everyone enjoys those! Welcome to the blog. – Doug

    • Hello Daniel ,
      My name is Alain Wojcik and I lived in St Rémy sur Avre. I go back there often, I still have my parents’ house. In 1963 I was 11 years old. On my Facebook page you had a photo album on the American city in the Gatine district

  76. Hi, my father was a Air Force pilot stationed at Dreux 1959-1963. I was born while we were there. I have just been informed by Social Security Administration that I will need a certified French Birth Certificate when I try to claim benefits. Has anyone else encountered this, how do you go about it? My birth is registered in Dampierre-sur-Blevy. Thank you in advance.

    • Hello Michelene – One of our French friends on the website, Alain Wojcik, researched this for us. I’ll find the specific and post them shortly. – Doug

    • Here is the information on requesting a birth certificate. Let me know if you have any questions:
      Requesting a Birth Certificate for those born at Dreux Air Base, France

      Many thanks to our friend Alain Wojcik for getting the information for us.

      I’ve included the French, with the translation. When communicating with the Maillebois City Hall, I would suggest using both French and English to avoid confusion.
      Tous le enfants américains nés sur la base de Dreux sont inscrits à la mairie de 28 Dampierre sur Blévy. Maintenant elle est regroupée avec la mairie de 28 Maillebois .
      All American children born on the base of Dreux were registered with the town hall of 28 Dampierre sur Blévy. This has now been moved to the town hall of 28 Maillebois.
      Pour demander un ou plusieurs exemplaires selon ses besoins : extrait d’acte de naissance , il faut écrire à :
      Mairie Maillebois 28170
      Service état civil
      2, place Jean-Baptiste-Desmarets
      28170 Maillebois, France
      To request one or more copies as needed of the extract of birth certificate (extrait d’acte de naissance), write to:
      City Hall, Maillebois 28170
      Civil status service
      2, place Jean-Baptiste-Desmarets
      28170 Maillebois
      Il faut donner les informations suivantes / You need to give the following information:
      Monsieur ou Madame selon le cas / Mr or Mrs, as appropriate
      Son nom de naissance (nom de naissance de jeune fille pour les dames) / his or her birth name (maiden name for ladies)
      Son ou ses prénoms / his/her first & middle names
      Sa date de naissance : jour/mois /année / his/her date of birth in the format DAY/MONTH/YEAR, (example 10/04/1952)
      Pays de naissance : France / Country of birth: France
      Commune de naissance : 28 Dampierre sur Blévy / Community of Birth: 28 Dampierre sur Blévy
      Nom du père / Name of Father
      Son ou ses prénoms / His first and middle names
      Si le père n’est pas connu mettre : De père inconnu / If the father is unknown put: De père inconnu
      Nom de naissance de jeune fille de la mère / Maiden name of the mother
      Son ou ses prénoms / her first and middle names
      Si la mère n’est pas connu mettre : De mère inconnue / If the mother is unknown put: De mère inconnue

      Le document est gratuit / The document is free of charge
      Pour la réponse , joindre une enveloppe avec son adresse aux USA . / For the response, include a self-addressed, stamped envelope with your USA address
      (Pour envoyer une lettre de la France vers les USA , c’est 1,30 euros ), / To send a letter from France to the USA, postage is 1.30 Euros
      Pour être tranquille mettre sur l’enveloppe jointe ,un timbre de 2 dollars ,/ To make sure put on 2 dollars of postage (note: as this was researched a few years ago, it’s probably a good idea to put on a little bit more postage now)
      La secrétaire m’a confirmé que dans ce cas , les timbres US sont acceptés par la poste française, / Alain confirmed with the secretary that US Stamps are accepted by the French Post Office.
      C’est bien de mettre son adresse us et son mail sur la lettre de la demande. En cas de problème , la mairie peut contacter la personne, / It’s a good idea to include your email with the requesting letter, so, if there’s a problem, the town hall can contact you.
      e-mail de la mairie de Maillebois : maillebois.28@wanadoo.fr / The email for the town hall of maillebois is maillebois.28@wanadoo.fr

  77. I was looking at the old fire station on Dreux Air Base, a photo by A/2C Ron Teigen, standing close to a base fire truck. I had a office in the main hanger on the side looking toward the fire station. When on duty, a 24 hour shift, I would see the fire trucks heading out to somewhere on base. Maybe to training at the other side of the base ? Of course they would stand fire guard when I had an aircraft starting up their engines to depart the base. Remember they only did this for visiting aircraft not the C-119’s stationed at the base unless called upon.
    I know the stationery buildings were torn down (removed) when the solar panel electric company moved in. I wonder if all the concrete floors were jack hammered away in the fire department ? Somewhere in the solar panel info it tells of the base returning to nature. Can one wonder if all the underground electric cables were pulled out to be sold like all the overhead ones were ?
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert

    • Hi Chuck. Hope you’re doing well. My guess is that they left the concrete foundations untouched. You can still see the remnants of the old parking ramps under the solar panels. I’m sure they say tearing them up as costly with no benefit. I also doubt that they dug up old cables for scrap – just a guess, but probably not cost effective. Would be interesting to know if the solar farm is actually successful. – Doug

      • Hi Doug, I believe you are right about the concrete being left alone due to removal cost. There were huge mounds of concrete showing up in some of the photos on or near to the old barracks I saw. I wondered about the old fire plugs & said something about this on the blog about their number. I didn’t here back on my subject. I put in a call to Sherry now & then when she in in Natchez, Mississippi. Her & Don take turns staying there trying hard to sell their mansion. Don is now in Ireland. She would like to hear from you I know. I’ll e-mail you with her number. 10-4 ?
        Glad you & yours are well. God Bless
        A/2C Sibert

        • Hi Chuck – yep, by all means email her number. I just went back and looked at the latest Google Earth picture of the base. It appears to me that I was only partially correct. All of the foundations for the buildings on the base seem to have been removed. Clearly that happened after the solar panels were installed since the solar panels were put in over the old ramps. The runway is still in the open – no panels covering them. The roads seem to have been left as is. I think our old trailer location is now covered by solar panels, but the road is still visible beneath. I would doubt that it would have been worth the salvage value to dig up cables (such things as the power to the runway lights) but I could be wrong. They might have been shallow enough and easily removed to make it worthwhile. Kind of sad to see, but at the same time, I remain grateful to you and Bill for getting the site up and going. Dreux will forever live in our memories. We’ve had a few new folks post recently so maybe we’ll get some new pictures and stories to add. I’m still convinced that I’m going to run across some more “fun finds” in some of my parents’ old boxes of stuff. Every time my sister and I think that we’ve looked through them all we end up finding something that hadn’t been gone through. There’s an interesting story about our car (big red 1961 Chevy station wagon) being used in a French magazine commercial. I’ve been looking for the magazine for years – we certainly had it in one of our boxes up until at least the 90s – but it seems to have gone missing. It’ll be a fun story to share if I can ever find the pictures. Best wishes. – Doug

  78. My father was the NCOIC of the Emergency Room at Evreux-Fauville AFB from 9/63 – 9/66. When we first arrived we were assigned quarters at Dreux AFB Government Leased housing. I started kindergarten at Dreux Elementary. The following summer we moved to the trailer park on Evreux-Fauville AFB. I still remember those quarters at Dreux very vividly.

    • Hello Douglas, and welcome to the blog. Take a little time to scroll through the entries and you may find somebody that was in your class. I was in the Dreux Elementary School a couple years before you were there and posted a picture of the school. Happy New Year! – Doug

      • Hey Doug,
        I wouldn’t remember anyone from Dreux, we weren’t there long enough. I did however run into a classmate from 2nd grade in Evreux when I was in 5th grade at Seymour – Johnson AFB. I was on the Evreux alumni website and they have a copy of the 1964 welcome packet under photos. On page 23 is information about the hospital with a picture of the front of the hospital. Our car (the black Peugeot) is shown in the picture.

  79. I lived in the dormitory and attended Dreux American High School at Dreux A.F.B.. ’63-’64. My Dad was stationed at Peshawar Air Station, Peshawar Pakistan and there was not a high school there so I attended school at Dreux A.F.B.

    • Hello Paula – Thanks for posting. Welcome to the blog. Please scroll through – you might find someone you know from your time at the base! Feel free to post some memories of your time there. Let me know if you have any pictures – always looking for more to add to the collection – brings back memories for all of us. – Doug

    • Hello Paula, I was a C-130 pilot posted to Evreux-Fauville Air Base, north of Dreux AB, from 1960 to 64. Peshawar A.S. was one of our support missions destinations and a primary source for brass trays, teak screens and coffee tables, etc. We did stay over night on occasion, and I may have met your father. But I didn’t keep a journal so I’m not sure he & I talked. If you ever traveled to & from Dreux & Peshawar for Holiday, you may have flown on one of our luxurious, but noisy, planes. If I’d known then that the world was so small, I would have kept a journal. I look on this Blog as I have several friends that moved to Evreux when Dreux C-119s were sent back to the USA. Best regards, Thom

      • Hey Thomas. We were stationed at Evreux-Fauville AFB from 9/63 – 9/66. Dad was the NCOIC of the Emergency Room at the base hospital in St Michael. I went to elementary school at the American School over by La Madeline housing.

  80. I’m so happy to find this page . My father was stationed at Dreux around 1959 and 1960. I’m going to call him to verify the date. Every base dad was stationed at we went. I hope that Sherry Watson from the memory blog is still reading this page periodically because we may have been in school together. That would be so exciting to find a class mate from so long ago to share school memories. I haven’t read all the stories, but I intend to. Just to connect and hear stories from people who lived where I did as a child.
    Thank all of you for sharing your stories.

    • Hello Terri and welcome to the blog. By going through the posts you’ll likely run across a few familiar names as there were a number of us that were at Dreux as dependents during the time frame you were there. We’d love to have you post some memories. Also, we’re always interested in pictures, so would be happy to post any you might have of your time there. When you talk with your father ask what unit he was with. There’s also a good chance that someone he was stationed with has happened by the blog. Looking forward to hearing from you. –

      • EXCITED. I know Dad was in Personnel so I will get further details. I’m going to have to take notes because you how long their titles are. Dad is excited also and has already looked for his name an squadron on this website. Stay tune for pictures.

    • Terri – Welcome! We are so glad that you are here! It’s Sherry (Watson) Nelson on this end tonight, and yes! I check in here regularly. There are several of us Dreuxites on this site who were there during the same time frame as yourself. What grades were you in while there? Did you live on base? I have so many questions to ask you… Please share your story, memories, and pictures with this group as we would love to read/see them. Thank you so much, in advance, for connecting with us. We will look forward to hearing from you 🙂

      • Hi Sherry. It’s great to hear from you. I knew I hit gold when I read you blog on Monday morning. I called my family as soon as I could. I had to wait for them to wake up because it was 4 o’clock in the morning. I told Dad your father’s name because, YES my dad was also in Personnel. YES!!! he remembers your dad. Dad is Ben Dupree. I was born in 1952 and was in the 2nd and 3rd grade. We are going over to Dad’s today to do some work. I don’t know how much we’ll get done since we will be going down memory lane and looking for pictures so stay tuned. I have a brother and 2 sisters (twins). Dad and sisters are excited also. In fact it was Arlethia who started me on this journey, was wondering if we could find a picture of her elementary school. She and Cynthia went to kindergarten off base. Some of school memories are similar example living in trailer. A field trip to the zoo in Paris. Wow you think we went at the same time. I think Mom was one of the chaperons. She was great at volunteering for things like that Going to go now but stay tuned for pictures.

        • Oh, Terri! I am SO excited to read this! And to think that your Dad knew my Dad. Yours is the first one ever who remembers him (that I have been able to locate)…thanks to you. I was born in 1951, and am the oldest of six kids. We are so looking forward to your pictures! Wishing you the best of luck with your hunt.

  81. Well, here we are again now in the year 2020. 1961 seems so far behind me, the year I left Dreux Air Base for the USA. I did return in August 1987, met Raymond a Frenchman who worked on the base until it closed in 1967. We met up with the two Frenchmen ,who knew Raymond, at the pass & ID building. After talking & a glass of French wine they allowed Raymond & I to use their pick up truck, as long as needed, to visit anywhere about the old Dreux Air Base. I believe we toured the base for somewhere around two hours. I recall me being so overjoyed when I climbed the stairs up to the control tower, to overlook the base, I forgot to take any photos inside the control tower. My wife & I were back to see the old base in January 1991 but the front gate guards had changed to armed guards. They were friendly but their answer was No way we could visit. Like Doug says today, this time at Dreux Air Base was so special. God Bless all of you Dreux folks. A/2C Sibert

  82. I was born at Druex Air Base. We left when I was around 2. My grandmother won a trip through the NCO club to come and visit. It was quite a deal. I’ve got some of the pictures of her and her trip to Paris.

  83. Hi Doug, I hope your Holidays have been blessed!
    I want to thank you for taking over some of the administration of this site. I’m sure Bill and Charlie, along with those of us who are regulars (or in my case semi-regular), really appreciate you enabling the site to continue on. It’s truly been a gift for me.

    I wish everyone a healthy and successful 2020!


  84. Hello to all of my Dreux friends. As several of us have remarked before, Christmas evokes special memories of our days at Dreux. Whether it was a special dinner at the NCO Club, the closeness of the Dreux community, or simply the time & place, the holidays spent in France hold a special place in our thoughts and memories. So, on this Christmas 2019, about 55 years since I left Dreux, I’d like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and the best in the year ahead.

    Also, I’d like to pass along to any regulars on the site that I’ll be taking on more of the administrative responsibilities for it. I’ve been meaning to do so as Bill long ago gave me access and his son has done a lot of behind the scenes work – I’ve been a little slow getting on board but will step it up in 2020 – and hopefully it will reinvigorate the activity on the site.

    So, again, to you all, Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année! – Doug

    • Hi Doug, I hope your Holidays have been blessed!
      I want to thank you for taking over some of the administration of this site. I’m sure Bill and Charlie, along with those of us who are regulars (or in my case semi-regular), really appreciate you enabling the site to continue on. It’s truly been a gift for me.

      I wish everyone a healthy and successful 2020!


  85. My Father was in Drew Air Force Base in 1955 I am trying to find information on him He was there in 1955 his name is Kenneth Monroe Mabe any information greatly appericated

  86. Well Dreux Folks, I hope this blog finds all of you looking forward to tomorrow.
    You know, where has Bill Mcleod been on this blog ? Could it be he is Ill or something else has befallen him. I call his home but no answer as of yet.
    Why don’t all of us send to Bill a get better message hoping we’ll get an answer from him. I’m going to send a get well card to his home. Should many of you like to mail him a card also just E-mail me for his home address.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  87. My name is Louis R. Stankewich. I was born August 5, 1959 to SSG Robert John Stankewich. My Dad served with the 7305th Consolidated Maintenance Squadron. My Dad, Mom, 2 older brothers and myself came back to S.C. Oct. 1960. I have no memory of Dreux Air Force Base, other than what my mother told me; which was not much. My Dad was stationed at Otis Air Force Base, Mass. where I attended kindergarten. He was later sent to Okinawa; after we had moved back to Columbia, SC. When I was 13 he retired from the Air Force and 2 years later my parents separated to eventually divorce. My Dad remarried and moved to Peach Tree City, Ga. Sadly, he was not a big influence in my life. Alcohol and cigarettes (which was part of some soldiers lives), killed him in August 28, 2003. He was 72 and had cancer. I have learned over the years you will need to Depend on God for strength, hope, and happiness, because family may not always be there for you. As for Louis, I turned 60, am a born-again Christian, +30 years of marriage, two grown daughters, ( 28 and 26 years old), and retired after 34 years with USPS. God is GOOD to this old sinner, (saved by Grace of course). May God bless all that read this .
    Romans 5:1, 10:9-13

  88. Still have not got anything from Bill Mcleod I sure pray he is alright.
    We all need to send to him our best regards. He had his 80th birthday in May and since then I have not heard from him. I mailed a letter to his son Chris in June asking about Bill but no reply as of yet. We all care about you Bill and hope you are well. Please let all of us know about you.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  89. Here we are July the 4th 2019. All I say is God Bless the USA & all the veterans who have served this great country !!!!!!!!!
    Have a blessed day & look tonight on TV for the DC military parade.
    A/2C Sibert

  90. I was born at the airforce base I. Druex France on 9/15/1956. My father was in the airforce for 22 years. I loved all our traveling. Only stayed there about a year and the. My dad was transferred to California. Would live to know of any one else born there around that time. I would like to go back one day to visit

  91. June 6th has passed this year and remembered as the day in 1944 when the Normandy France landings took place. Many young lives were cut short by German machine guns and other weapons. Our veterans are now in their 90’s and so many are having health problems. What a great day it is to see those men being remembered as many return to the French shores for another reunion each June 6th. A friend of mine now gone, was in the pathfinders, paratroopers who first hit the silk and marked many of the landing zones for the main group of troopers. He said it was a dark night and he landed in a cow pasture. He went from there all the way into Germany where the Germans surrendered in 1945. He did not say too much but his hatred for the Germans grew as he saw just what they had done to many civilians. I hope I see the next June 6th for the 76th reunion of D day. What a great generation that got the job done !!! God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  92. Still trying to reach Bill but no luck as yet. Please send to him a blog message asking about him. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Just wondering if you’ve heard from Bill? I’ve not heard anything as well. Just reaching out. – Doug

  93. Haven’t made contact with Bill for some weeks. Sure hope he is well.
    Lets all of us send to him a “Happy Birth Day” for it is this month.
    God Bless to all.
    A/2C Sibert

  94. Hey Folks,
    Have not heard from Bill and can not get him on the phone.
    Has anyone heard from him ? He’ll be 80 this month.
    I’ll just keep trying to reach him.
    Let me know if one of you talks to him.
    A/2C Sibert

  95. Hi my name is Jonathan Powell, my father senior master sergeant James Powell was first shirt of the base I believe in the years of 1963 through 66 and headquarters group. As of date my father still alive at the age of 93 years old living in San Antonio Texas where he retired from United States Air Force after 25 years of service in 1970 at Lackland. Unfortunately I do not remember the lieutenant colonel’s name who was the base commander at the time that he answer to. Looking at the maps and overlays that y’all provided brings back memories of me being a 10 year old kid walking to school I’m going to the movie theater, Community Center and so forth. Thanks for having a website such as this for those who might be out on the web searching for things from memories.
    Jonathan Powell

  96. I have just finished reading Charles Laramore’s story here tonight, and have really enjoyed it! Beautifully-written with pictures, too. Great job, Charles! Thank you for sharing this with us.

    • Sherry, glad you enjoyed reading my memories of the time I spent with the 821st EAB Co. B. completing the perimeter road. Some of my family, including my five children enjoyed reading it also, saying “Dad you never talked much about your time in France”. I was kept pretty busy. After getting out of the army I went back to work for the electric company working full time while going Washington University. I then went to work for Ralston Purina Co. in their research lab and earning a PhD in Microbiology. In 1984 my wife and I visited Paris, France but didn’t go back to Dreux. Writing my memories was a good trip down memory lane.
      Thanks for you generous comment.

  97. Was stationed at Dreux in 1958-59, I was an A/2 and a hydraulic mech. on the C-119 and C-123. My NCOIC was T/sgt Erwin Pogensee

    • Hi. Mr. Cooley!! My Dad was also there in 58-59! I was born there!! Do you remember. A1C Charles Liles(Bud) and his wife Geneva(Flossy)??? They are from Cedartown GA..But returned to Sheppard AFB in Feb 59!

  98. Hey Folks, Who can tell me just how many fire hydrants were located on Dreux Air Base ? Didn’t the fire department flush these out periodically ? My way of thinking seems like the base firemen would know the answers about this question ?
    Another question is how many miles around the base was the perimeter road called the Alaskan Way ? Charles Laramore and the 821st US Army had a hand in this roads construction he tells us in his story. A lot of gravel was hauled from the gravel pit near Brezolles to made this road bed somewhere around 12 inches deep. I hope someone out there can get the answers on this blog soon.
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert

  99. Arrived at Dreaux AFB June, 1955. My father mother & I (4 y.o.) arrived early in the morning after driving overnight from Rhein Main AFB as part of the 60th Troop Carrier Wing redeployment. After reporting in, my father took us to the dining hall for breakfast, but we were too late and lunch wasn’t being served yet. A cook took me back to the kitchen and let me eat freshly baked apple turnovers until I was full. We were assigned to enlisted housing which consisted of brand-new trailers, new asphalt driveway and connecting road, a newly sodded yard, and lots of new construction all around us. We watched movies in the new theater attached to the base library. I quickly learned that before a move, I could check out books from there before watching the movie. There was a construction hut behind our living quarters and the men there gave us paper bags of grass seed and told us to scatter them everywhere we went as the area didn’t have much grass. Some of the neighborhood men went into the nearby forests and dug up pine trees for replanting in the yards. That summer, a mysterious fire began two streets over involving bales of excelsior packing paper.
    When a second fire began a few days later, one of the neighborhood boys was caught playing with matches. His family didn’t stay very long after that. My father, a flight line chief, was in charge of several C-119s with orange/red nose sections. He allowed me to go aboard, sit in the cockpit, where I “accidently” rang the parachute jump bell; twice! My parents bought 3-speed bikes, a wire child’s seat on the back, and we pedaled/explored much of the area around Dreaux, including the village, Normandy beaches, destroyed bunkers, AA sites and the sub pens at Neux Rochelle.

    • I still have pictures of the “housing” on base there. Those trailers seem so small now. My mom always played out in the yard with us and I have pictures of me bundled up and trying to learn to walk in snow. Would love to see pictures others have of the basr

  100. My dad was stationed in France from 59-61. I remember very little about this assignment as I was 3 to 6 years of age. I do remember going up on the Eiffel Tower, going to the Paris Zoo and that it snowed. We lived on base in trailers. His name was William Jollye. Some of the people we were stationed with were Ralph Hulgan (not sure of spelling), Bob Mauk. We used to camp at Normandy. I think my dad was stationed at Dreaux and Everaux. If anybody out there remembers any of the above people, I would enjoy hearing from you. Loved being a brat!

  101. Read the “memories”, from Charles Laramore today! Terrific job and pictures, Charles! Thank you!
    Hard to believe how far the base progressed in the 9 years prior to my arrival and tour!

    Keep up the good work Bill and Charles S! Thanks again!

    • Hey Ron, So glad to here from you. You know we believe that there are hundreds of people reading this web-site. For some reason we only here from some now & then. I know most folks that were stationed at Dreux Air Base are older now for we are hearing from their kids. Bill will be 80 this year & I will be 84 very shortly. We love what we are doing & glad to get Charles Laramore’s story up on this site. Can you believe he is 85 now ? What a memory he has as well as captions for his photos. He tells me some weeks back that he is in phone contact with a soldier he was with at the French base called the mud hole. I sent to him three phone numbers of others who were at the base when it was being built. He made contact with one fella but not the other two as of yet. I have asked on this blog for more stories before folks are kaput. We have gotten photos from many people who told us they would send to us their stories but as of yet not many have reached us. Even with this we are very grateful to have airmen like you to touch base with Bill & I. Let us hear from you soon & God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  102. Hey Folks, Just got a call from Bill and he tells me the Laramore story is up on the site. Look in the memories folder for it. Bill also says if anyone sees a grammar mistake please let us know. God bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Great story!! Loved the photos as well. For those looking for the story, it’s all the way at the bottom of the “Memories of Dreux” page.

    • What a great ‘story’ by Charles Laramore! For someone like myself who was at Dreux from 59-62 this gives us some awesome insight. And they still had the apple turnovers when I was there…loved that icing!
      I have to admit that I don’t frequent this site that often, but I still get a great deal of satisfaction when I do!

      I took a bunch of pictures when we went to Chartres last May. I’ll have to share some. They do something at night to the catherdral, the Lumiere, that is quite stunning. I put together a video, but I don’t think the site will support it. If I’m wrong please let me know. It’s very simple.

      We took a guided tour of the cathedral and it was very informative. My wife and I are members of the American Friends of Chartres and they are doing some tremendous work to restore the cathedral; particularly the stained glass panels. My Mom really liked that place so it’s a special place for me.

      Thanks to Bill and Chuck for keeping DAFB alive!


  103. Hey Folks, Just talked with Bill by phone. He seemed upbeat about getting the Laramore story up. Tells me he had a small glitch in his software but it will be fixed very soon. Just an update about the story, it’s 12 pages long. Everyone will be thrilled to read it. He says hauling rock from the Brezolles gravel pit was a chore. With a large load of gravel you had to stay on the road pavement. That means all other traffic had to vacate somewhere to allow the USAF large gravel trucks to move to the base. The French drivers did not like this at all for the road was not very wide. The perimeter base road was being constructed over very soft farm land and a large load of gravel would only go for about 30 feet. Even a D8 caterpillar bulldozer would sometimes have to be pulled out of a mud hole.
    Just a few points about the building of Dreux Air Base from the ground up contained in the Charles Laramore story. We’ll soon see all of his story on the web-site. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  104. Hold your shirts on folks. In just a few days Charles Laramore’s Dreux Air Base story will be up on this site.It is well written and one of the best we have so far about the building of the base in 1953-1954.
    You’re gonna love the part where the large dump trucks from the base had to stay on the paved road to and from the gravel pit located near Brezolles.
    Let me hear from someone about this great story written by an 85 year old man
    who was at the Dreux mud hole during the base construction in 1953-1954.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Really looking forward to the story.

      I was looking at the map last week and – mentioned this in a previous post – it’s still possible on google earth to trace the original railroad spur from the base to La Loupe where it joined up with the main line. While the rails have long since been pulled up, there are still a few bridges and distinctive places where road cross the old railroad right of way. As I recall a lot of materials for building the base were transported on this line. Also, the old sewage treatment plan is distinctly visible just off base to the left (coming in from Dampierre) of the base access road (Rue de la Base).

  105. Well folks, Charles Laramore’s pictures are up in his album folder. Bill will also put them in the new pictures folder soon. These photos are some 50 years old and Bill had to clean them up which took some time to do. These photos are about his time at the new Dreux Air Base being built in very soft farm land.
    No wonder the new base was called the mud hole. When Bill and I came to Dreux Air Base we believed the place was very nice.
    Just to think now all the buildings on the main side are gone. There were some 80 plus buildings torn down to make way for the new solar farm. The French said the land where they once stood would now return to nature.
    Just how many fire plugs were there on the base ? These plugs are now gone from sight but all the water lines are still buried along with electric cables. As one looks over the remains of the former Dreux Air Base there are just some parts of buildings standing at the north east corner of marguerite # 6.
    Time marches on but we will always recall our days stationed in France at Dreux Air Base. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert “7305th CAMS, Trancient Alert Crew”

  106. Hello, I am Mark Kriz. My dad is Frank Kriz, Jr. he was stationed at Dreux in 1957-ish. I was born at the hospital. My dad worked in Life Support. He passed last August 2018, and we are still finding all kinds of information in bins that we have been goin through. I found this site by Googling Dampierre-sur-blevy. Any one that still alive during that time, give a shout out.

    • Hi Mark – There are a few people that have visited the site that were there in that time frame – hopefully one might link up with you.

      We would all love to see any photos or any other info that you might come across that relates to Dreux Air Base.

    • Hi mark. I’m Theresa Gregory Pigg. I was born on this base in 1956. Dad was Msgt Charles F Gregory. We were there about 1 1/2 year then got stationed in California. My dad passed away 8 years ago. I miss those Air Force days

  107. I was born in the base hospital in March 1959. Dad, David Connelly, flew C-119’s, he was also a WW2 Vet, he passed in 2002.

  108. happy new year 2019

    When I look lat the photos posted by Rom Maroney, to my great surprise, I recognized Marinette Villa ; I knew well, her and her family: José Marie José Jhesus. . . . .
    Now I live in the house where she lived in 1957. . . in front of the church and next to the grocery store that has disappeared.
    J’adresse à Marinette un bonjour de Dampierre
    Best regards

    • Bonjour Pierre!

      Unfortunately Marinette does not recognize your name! She has great memories of Dampierre, as do I! Her family moved from Dampierre to La Loupe and sadly, all but our niece, Marie Jose, have passed!

      Feel free to post any pictures of Dampierre on this website, it would be of interest to many who were stationed on the base!

      • Bonjour,
        When I was young I was well known as Pierrot, In 1956 i saw TV at José’s… I remember your mother. I was aware of
        the sad events of your family. They stay in my memory.
        With my mother Ihérèse, I visited her at the retirement home of La Loupe.
        Now Dampierre seems dead , no more café, no more blacksmith only second homes . It remains the old blacksmith Jean and myself… I will send you the last picture of Damipierre;.Your answer made me happy . It remains me a happy childhood with very good people
        at that time, we lived with the base and the US soldiers.
        Best regards of Dampierre

        Pierre CALLAC

    • Hey Ron,
      Good to hear from you and to know you’re still kicking.
      I look at your pictures at least once a week. Bill has some pictures he’s cleaning up to post on the site. They are from Charles Laramore who was part of the building crew the base had in the very early days of the 50’s. There are some twenty or so. I’m sure you will like these photos. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert “Nabb, Indiana”

      • Hey Charles,

        Still kicking, glad to hear you are too!

        Looking forward to the “mud hole” pictures! We heard a lot about that in the 60’s! It was no small task building that base!

  109. Would anyone who was stationed at Dreux in 1958 or 1959 know of a local girl by the name of Monique Besnard? She would have been around 18 or 19 at the time. I have a family member of hers inquiring.

  110. Hold on to your hats folks, some new pictures will be up on the site soon.
    I believe these pictures will show more about the building of Dreux Air
    Base. So check each day to see if they are up. Have a great day & God Bless.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Thanks Charles, as an alumni of the 39th TCSq at Evreux from 1960 to 64, I enjoy looking through this site. When the C-119s departed Dreux, several crew members came to the 39th. in fact one of the pilots lives near by me in the St. Louis, MO area and we have lunch now and then. I also keep track of Evreux happenings on FaceBook as there is a civilian employee at BA105, old Evreux-Fauville AB, who sponsors the EFAB site. Some items on that site might interest folks that look at this blog. I’m looking forward to the new photos you are going to post. Regards, Thomas Sparr

  111. My Name is C Rolland Laramore. I was stationed at Dreux as a soldier in the 821 Battalion between 1954 and 1955. The picture of the loan soldier in on the web site Co. B is me. I was surprised to see it when I was getting ready to write my memories of my time in the army. I am now 85 years old and in good health. I have a number of pictures of the Company.

    • Charles
      Do you remember 1LT Frost? He was my father. Did you ever drive the school bus over towards Nonancourt? I am Johnny frost age 10 – 12 at that time. My sister was a very little girl, but only a a year and a half younger than I. Her name is Dotti. We had a yournger brother, Jim. We lived in St. Lubin near the church and in La Madelaine

  112. I am curious if you have any contacts with anyone living near or in Thuisy? I am trying to find someone that can point me to someone there that has good knowledge of WWII?
    There was a chateau was located in Thuisy or very near there in France that the 438th Troop Carrier Group were billeted when they moved to France in 1944 or 1945.

    Many thanks in advance

    James Marple
    438th TCG Historian, WWII

  113. Merry Christmas to all of my Dreux friends. Although I actually lived on base for only two Christmases, I always associate Dreux AB with my Christmas memories. The winter of 1962 was particularly cold – a white Christmas for sure – and I remember so many good times – meals, friends, base activities, and a general sense of peace among all those on the base. It was a special time. So a special warm Merry Christmas to all on the website. Wishing you the very best in 2019. – Doug

    • Hi Doug,
      Thanks for the thoughtful Christmas post. As you know our times at Dreux overlapped to a great extent and I have to agree with you that the holidays there were special. It was amazing how so many people came together and made Christmas so memorable. I remember the boys in my class having to wear dyed-green long johns, to sing and dance to ‘Deck the Halls’ as elves. And the feast in the mess hall…it was pretty cool. I hope everyone has a satisfying and healthy 2019. Glenn

      • Hi Glenn,
        The girls in our third grade class wore red tights and a leotard for that same song and dance routine. To think we were on that stage performing together all those years ago! Dreux memories are very special, indeed. Wishing a healthy and happy New Year to all the Dreuxites on this site!

  114. Does anyone know how to obtain a birth certificate ? My father was in the army..I was born at dreux air force base in 1958..I don’t have much information to go on..any suggestions?

    • Glenda, I saw your post several weeks ago, but thought someone who knew more about this subject would respond. If you were actually born on Dreux AB, they should have provided a Certificate of Birth to your parents. I’m not sure if the Army or State Department would then provide a US type Birth Certificate. If you were born off base, then the French would most likely have provided a French Certificate. You may already know this much, but if not then I’d search on the US State Department website regarding out of country births to service personnel. Hope this helps. Thomas Sparr, Evreux-Fauville AB, Evreux, France, (North of Dreux AB about 30+ miles) 1960 to 64

    • Hi Glenda –
      I was born overseas as well – the info from Thomas Sparr is spot on. You should have a birth certificate issued by the Dreux Hospital. Also, your birth would have been registered with the State Department through the embassy. You should also have a certificate of overseas birth to American Parents issued by the State Dept. The Dreux birth certificate is probably in some arichival file – wouldn’t even know where to start looking for that – but the State Dept should have a copy of their official record on file and easily accessible. I’d contact them.

      • I was born at Dreux AFB in 1960. I have a birth certificate issued by the Air Force and one from the French government when I was born. My parents had to take me and my brother that was 2-1/2 years older than me to the US embassy in Paris six months after I was born to get a certificate of foreign birth from the state department. Although it says nothing about my parents (not even a name) this one from the state department is the only document that works for anything – passport, citizenship etc. The others you do not need. So I would suggest starting with the state department in Paris.

  115. Just for starters, I lived there from’61-66, graduating from high school May ’66. I returned to wisconsin to attend the university of wisconsin in June ’66. I was a “townie” or base brat, not one of the dorm students. I attended the deux h.s. reunions in Las Vegas thru 2007, but not since.

  116. I was with the 293rd signal co stationed in Fontainbleau France from 1966-1967. Until De Gaulle kicked us out of France. I visited Dreux many times.

  117. I was in 246th Signal Company stationed at Dreux from Sept. 1963 until June 1965. I was previously stationed at Orleans from June 1963–Sept 1963. I was sent states side for Honorable Discharge along with a five guys, I think. Langston, Milinchunk, can’t remember others. Spelling might be incorrect. I remember a guy named Edelman , I think he was from Chicago and had an older Volvo. Remember a “kid” named Billy from Holly Springs, MS. I was from Alabama. Remember a guy named Sisk from Memphis, TN. Liked jazz. Remember mess hall cook named Dick Miller I think. He re–uped for a stripe. Was from Philly and a good dance at the EM- Club on base. Remember going TDY to Lengries, Germany. Three of us tried to go snow skiing on a beginner slope. I made it to the hospital for switches in my left leg. Can’t remember who the other two guys were. Remember a guy named Anthony from FL or CA . He was a character in the funny sort of way. I live in SC now. Went to a very moving 100th Veterans Day Ceremony in Simpsonville SC NOV. 11th, 2018.

  118. Hello all. I was adopted in France in 1959 by an American couple. My adoptive father was enlisted in the USAF and I believe was stationed at Dreux-Senoches Air Base at the time. We lived at Cite Americaine in Chateauneuf, France where I was born. My adoptive father passed away three years ago, and I am trying to track down my biological parents. Would anyone know the particulars or protocol that airmen had to take to adopt French children? If anyone has any input, please contact me.

  119. Margaret, could we have more info about your father ? What did he do at the base & just who was he ? Do you recall some more names we could use in our search ? God Bless.
    A/2C Sibert

  120. My father was stationed at Dreux Air Force base from 1956 to 1958. We were in base housing in Senoches. I would like to contact Judy Moreland who lived in the same housing project.

    • Margaret, could we have more info about your father ? What did he do at the base & just who was he ? Do you recall some more names we could use in our search ? God Bless.
      A/2C Sibert

    • Margaret, I have contact information on Judy if you haven’t made contact yet. Doug can give you my email if you’d like.

  121. Hey Dreux Folks, Just so you’ll know, I’m moving up toward 84 years on this earth. One of the best things I find is looking for Dreux Air Base items to have Bill post on this wonderful web-site. Well some time ago, like maybe two years have passed, I told Bill I would finish scanning the 322nd Combat cargo newspaper dated Dec 18th 1960. Some may recall, I sent portions of the paper to Bill, and he posted them. This paper was in bad shape then and now it has not got any better. Being careful and easy going has produced the last scans available from this paper from long gone years.
    Bill has the scans and is doing what he does best, getting them ready for prime time. Hopefully in a few more weeks or less we all can view this old paper and recall some of the items. Just so you’ll know, we are still digging for long lost items about our old Dreux Air Base. So get out your shovels and send to us what you’ve found. I know we are getting older, that’s what makes the new discovery’s priceless about our old duty station, Dreux Air Base, France.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  122. Hey Dreux Folks, When I look at all the blogs on this web-site I marvel at what has been said. When I look at some of the other blogs about French/ American air bases during the cold war periods I find just a few. I know we at the Dreux site don’t have propellers spinning on our C-119G flying boxcars. Just so some of you will know, we still have quite a few former Dreux folks searching for their pictures to send to us for placement in the photo albums. Do you realize that so many former Dreux folks & others have contributed some thousand plus pictures & mementos for this site. Bill & I want to thank you so very much for your contributions depicting your young lives as part of the Dreux Air Base, France history. Like I stated, we are waiting for more Dreux memorabilia from folks who have said theirs would soon be on its way to us. We thank you in advance.from Bill 77 & Chuck 83 for we greatly love this web-site. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  123. Hey Dreux Folks, Some former Dreux Air Base airmen & others have wondered just what became of the C-119’s that were stationed at the base from 1955 to 1961. They were sent back to the states to be used by the Air National Guard & the USAF Reserve & a few were sold to third world countries. In 1974 the
    C-119’s were retired from active duty. Some were mothballed & others were sold to companies in Alaska. Some may have not read about a former Dreux C-119G that flew building materials all over Alaska where there were no roads or very little roads. To read about this former Dreux 10th troop carrier squadron red nose C-119G just go to memories of Dreux on the home page. Click here then look for Charles Sibert’s stories. Here look for the story titled an old C-119. Click here to read about this old former Dreux flying boxcar. Let me know how many of you read this for the first time. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  124. As the only AmericanMy dad was in army and was stationed at Dreux in 1953. Mom and I came over in summer of1953. We were one of the first families there at Dreux. We lived in a house in the town of Tilliers (not correct spelling). As the only American kid in town I had to make friends with the local kids. I met Andre and we became fast friends. In a few weeks we both had picked up enough of each other’s language we could understand each other really well. The people of town were very friendly and accepting of myDad mom and me. We were the first American family most of them had ever seen or met. We lived there for a year before dad was transferred to Germany. After a year we returned to Dreux. We moved back into the same house we had before. In the year we were gone the political attitude had changed. The Communist movement was on. With the base nearly compleat and an influx of troops and more families. Things were never to be the same. I have some really great memories of our time in France. I was the Bat Boy for the Base team and we traveled all over France playing other teams.

    • HI Gene
      I am Charles Laramore and have had my memories of Dreux Airbase during 1954-1955, posted on this Blog Site. You may want to look it up. Since your dad and I were there at the same time I was wondering what his name was, what unit he served in. If you get this reply would you kindly reply or contact me on my e-mail address.

    • Gene,
      I am Johnny Frost. Dotti is my sister. We were at Dreux from 1952 to 1955. I remember you and Floyd. Bonnie Sue and the Black girl(her dad was a SGT I think). Remember the outhouse at the first school house? The Quonset hut school? I would like to hear from you or anyne in your family that might hav ebeen over there.
      Johnny Frost

  125. Hi guys,my dad was stationed at Dreux AFB in 1953. He was Army and that was as Dreux was being built. My mom and I came there in late 53. We lived in the town or Tilliers sir Arve. We lived on the French economy as we were one of the fires American families to be there. We were the first American family that most of the French citizens had ever seen much less met. Dad had rented a small house in town. We rode the bus from Paris and when we arrived in town, a large crowd turned out to greet us. My dad ,Sgt Charlie E Brown was a easy to get to know man and he was well liked by many of the locals. My mother and I did not know what or how to make of our new found notoriety. We met and made many new French friends. Being the only American child,10 years old, I made a great friend of Andre, who was 11. With in 3 weeks I had picked up enough French and Andre was speaking enough English that we could figure out how to understand each other. The town of Tilliers ( probably not the correct spelling) was small and a great place to love. The local people were mostly friendly and very nice to us. It was a great experience for a 10 year old boy that was an Army Brat. After a few months,another American family moved in to town Sgt Nash and his wife and 3 kids. Bonnie Sue,Gary&Michael. It was fun to have them there. We all went to school at the base,1st thru 8thin a one roomschool the post had set up. To my best memory we had about10 students. Remember Dreux was just being built. We lived there a little over a year then Daddy got transferred to Germany We spent almost a year there befitting going back to Dreux Things had really changed during that year!The influx of American families more and more troops and the political changes It was a different town we came back to Sorry I have to go for now. This really has brought some great memories

    • This is just so awesome to read I was born onThe air force base in dreux on 8/15/1956. I love reading everything posted on this blog. I’m going to get with my mom and find pictures of the time we spent stationed there so I can post them on here. Thank you for your blog

    • You don’t seem to remember us, but I have a great photo of you, and several of the kids in the school. Your friend Bonnie Sue and I were good friends. Gloria Parker also came to my house to play. The rides to the quonset hut school was a cold one in the 6 by. We finally got a real bus that was much warmer, but couldn’t always cope with the deep snow on the way to the base. My father was a 1st lieutenant with the 821st, but I don’t see his name anywhere on the lists of personnel. My brother Johnny Frost and I are the only Frost siblings still living who were in France. I live near Tampa, Florida. Hope you are well.

  126. My name is Tom Rankin and arrived at Dreux during the fall of 1962 traveling across the Atlantic in a converted C-130 with my mom and brother and sister. My father Sgt. Hester G. Rankin met us in Paris and took us to our new home off base in the city of Dreux. What a wonderful and life changing experience for me and my sister Mary and brother Gary to live abroad in France. My teacher at the Dreux elementary school was Ms. Hurt. A beautiful and kind person whom I now realize must have had an adventurous spirit. Air Force brats are different and I am so happy I because it has made me more accepting and capable of entering into any setting comfortably. We moved to Evereux a year later. At age 50 I returned to France and visited both Dreux and Evereux. At that time I realized the huge gift I had been given to have lived that life as a child. I emailed my mother from France and told her how much I appreciated the childhood she had given me. Tom Rankin, Bristol Florida

    • Hello Tom – There are quite a few of us that have posted on the blog who were kids during our time at Dreux. Thanks for stopping by. You might find a few names that you recognize if you scroll through the texts. I was there from 61-63, in 6th and 7th grades. If you haven’t already done so, go through the many pictures that have been posted – there are a few of the elementary school. If you happen to have any pictures, please share them – they always bring back memories. Hope you’ll post some remembrances of your time at the base. – Doug

    • Tom-
      This is beautifully written and is so true: Air Force brats are different! Welcome to the group! Do you have any photos and/or stories to share?

    • Hi Tom
      We got there at about the same time and the name Ms Hurt rang a bell. Was Tony D’Alfonso in your class? I’m not sure if Antoinette Treziac? was there at the time. Only two names I remember.

      • Yes, I remember Antionette. Very pretty girl with long braided hair (if same person you are referring to). Don’t recall Tony.

    • I was a switchboard operator from 65 to 1967. My sSargent was Nail in the commutation building where Robert Everitt worked

      • Are you from Nancy,France? I was in radio maintenance in that unit,worked with A1C Don Frazier,name may be wrong.We went with a SSgt to pick up his wife ,who was visiting family in Nancy.She had a cute blonde daughter,maybe 2 years old.

      • I remember there was a telephone operater named Suzie Riviere.Great personality,could Heiniken beer nonstop and had bouts with TB.

        • My sponsor,Don Frazier I think was his name,myself and Robert Everitt,I believe drove to Nancy,France to pick up Robert’s wife and her beautiful,blonde 2 year old daughter.Might you be the same person.

  127. I was at Dreux from 1963 – 1965. My father was in the Army and we lived on the outskirts of the officers’ park across the street from the base commander’s home. The base commander at the time was named Col. Stern. I don’t remember his first name or the names of his wife and daughter. My sister and I attended the elementary school. The only teachers I remember were Mrs. Buckley and Mrs. Mason. I am sure Mrs. Buckley is deceased as I remember her being quite elderly at the time. Mrs. Mason was married to my Dad’s CO – George Mason. The Masons were married at Chartres Cathedral. They could still be living.

    I am writing my memoir and am trying to remember everything from that time. I was in the second and third grade at the time so I don’t remember a lot of things and most certainly wasn’t very aware of the turmoil during that time.

    When we first arrived there, we lived on the economy but I don’t remember the name of the town where we lived. Does anyone know? I also remember a classmate living in a castle. I believe their name was Baldwin. Does anyone know the name of this castle?

    If there is anyone out there that was at Dreux the same time, could you share some memories with me?

    • Penny – Lt Col Stern’s daughter’s name was Nancy. She posted on the site in Feb 2014 – scroll down and you’ll find it.

      I was at Dreux from 61-64 (grades 6 and 7). – Doug

      • Vicky:

        I haven’t checked this blog in a long time. I just found your response to my questions. You said you have the contact information for the Masons. I would be interested in receiving it. Thank you.

    • Hey Victor, How about some pictures from your time at my old air base. What day did you leave Dreux Air Base. 1st LT Davis was said to have turned the base over to the French the last week of March 1967. Evreux was to close at the same as Dreux Air Base so just where did you go ? Did Evreux maybe stay open a few days later.
      Maybe you went back to Evreux in January or February 1967. We hear from time to time from others that were there at Dreux Air Base in 1967 when it closed but they give us very little up close details of how it went down. One Air policeman so far has sent to us some graphic details about the last days of Dreux Air Base.
      Hope to hear more from you soon.
      A/2C Sibert

      • I left Dreux AFB about 12 January 1967 with a school teacher from the high school.Her name was Mary and taught PE>We drove in her car to San Pablo AFB in Seville,Spain.She was not comfortable driving alone.She worked at the school there and later went the school in Brandisi AFB,Italy.I
        My Sq was at San Pablo AFB but I was located at Naval Transmitter ste at Moron AFB about 30 miles from San Pablo AFB.

        • Victor
          I just saw your post from June 21. I see you went down to San Pablo with a high school teacher by the name of Mary who was a PE teacher at the high school. Did Mary have a friend by the name of Mary Jane Sledge (another PE teacher) who went down to San Pablo about the same time. I was stationed at Dreux from Jan 65 to Mar 67. I worked at Housing and Billeting and we had all the female school teachers living upstairs. I think I have a picture of Mary sunning in a lounge chair in front of the building. I will try to find it and get it to you some way.

          • It is probably the same girl.She was very smart,pretty,loved jazz and France.She did not enjoy San Pablo and transferred to Italy.

      • The process for leaving was chaos.You had to wait for your indivual orders to arrive.There was two A2C radio maintenance men left,A2C Paul Wilson and myself.We had closed down the control tower and was helping in the Microwave facility.Paul received his order mid December and took a train to Turkey,Incirlik Air Force Base.I received my orders the first of January1967 for Moron AFB,Seville,Spain.Within a day Mary Sledge,a teacher at Dreux High School approached me about sharing a ride,that she was headed the same place.Which we did.It was almost like every man for himself,no help.One A2C microwave maintenance was assigned to Wheelus AFB ,Libya,had a small car and took off driving there.He had help with directions and procedures from NCO’s on base.

  128. I was with the Alabama Air National Guard that was activated in 1961 and spent 10 months there. I had a mo-led and drove to many towns. Spent many hours at Mickeys. I live in The Villages, Florida now

    • I was stationed at Evreux-Fauville AB from ’61-’64, working air operations and was sent TDY to Dreux on a number of occasions, beginning with Alabama ANG arrival.

  129. Hello! My father was George T. Harper. My sister and I were born while the family was at Dreux. We lived off base, except for a short stint in one of the trailers. I have a few photos to share and will do so soon. Wondering if anyone out there remembers my dad.

    • Hey Ruth, Thanks for your input on the blog. We’ll need more info about your father to really find out what we can about him. What did he do at the base & what were the dates he was stationed there ? Rank, serial number, specialty code (AFSC) anything you can let us know about helps a lot. Please send to us your photos with captions, quickly as possible because we are getting older fast. Bill will be 78 this month & I’m already 83. It helps to get things up on the site rapidly so all out there can view it. Thanks again & God Bless.
      A/2C Sibert

  130. I was at Dreux in late 1961 playing drums with the George Wolf band – I think in the NCO club. We were there for about a 4 to 6 weeks and my wife and I stayed in one of the trailers which I found to be quite comfortable as although it was very cold out (lots of snow) the trailer heating was almost too much. The band was made up of guys from all over Europe. George Wolf was from Germany and played trombone, the bass player was also from Germany. The tenor sax guy was Hungarian the trumpet player was from Ireland and the piano player and myself were from England. My wife was pregnant at the time and suffered terrible morning sickness throughout the pregnancy. I used to say that she threw up all over France because we also played on the US bases in Châteauroux and Orléans spending a couple of months in each place. Other than a trip to Paris we didn’t get to see much of the country around Dreux due to the continuous bad weather. My most vivid memory of it was having to scrape the ice off the windscreen of the car every day before I could go anywhere.

    • Hey Allan, Great to hear from you about our old NATO base called Dreux. You were at the base when the Alabama Air National Guard was there. Surely you met some of them at the NCO club. When the trailer heating oil system worked properly it was very good. I recall though there wasn’t heat from it in the lean-to. I slept out out there some rather cool nights when I would visit my girl friend & her parents in the NCO trailer park. I had returned stateside when you & your wife were at the base. Send to me your e-mail address & I’ll talk to you that way. Look in about us for my address. Have you seen the pictures of the old base from 2010 in the pictures albums ? Just rotted away.
      Hope to hear from you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Hello Allan – thanks for posting – I was at Dreux during the winter of 1961, and it was, indeed, a very cold winter. Perhaps one of the others on the website would remember your band. I was only 10 years old at the time, so didn’t make many trips to the NCO Club. We would certainly like any other memories of your time at Dreux or in France. Again, thanks for stopping by. – Doug

  131. It was a pleasure to read Jim O Brien article about working in the NCO club where he mentioned working with my mother Erma Lorello

  132. I was stationed at Dreux for 5 1/2 yrs from September 1962-May 1966. My fondest memories come from the people of Dreuz AB. I have the I have a posting here of the people in the Detachment Plus some others.
    1st Lt Micheal B McCormick (Commander)micheal.mccormick4@comcast.net
    Ph # 256-543-1181 Gadsden, Alabama
    1st Lt Richard Prinster, ph 719-528-1893 Colorado Springs,Co
    SSgt Denver Adams (Ret E6) Burleson Tx
    SSGt Lee R Mills
    A1c John Rice(wife Anna)Gahanna,Ohio 614 471 10623
    A1c Roland A Mumford (wife Mary Sue) Exmore VA 757 442 5009
    A1c Lavanna S Tilley (wife Barbara) Clermont,Fl, 352 242 2505
    A1c Micheal G Malcom (Hollywood ) (wife Yvette) Garland,Tx, 972-495-2118
    A1c David C Mania (wife deceased Rhode Island 401-333-0275)
    A1c Pete Sessions (Bull Balls)
    SSgt Roland P Jennison
    TSgt William ‘Bill” Barchus, Albuquerque NM (wife Angie) 505 296 6215
    A1c Michael Hall (Admin)
    A1c Colosso ? ( Rode MoPed to work)
    A1c Richard Labossiere (wife Gail) Glastonbury,Conn 860 652 0011
    A1c Hans Pfeifer
    A2c “Louis Guy”

    • Do you remember my father, CWO Ennis A. Tomlinson? He was probably called Tom. He was in Army intelligence. We were there from ’63 – ’65. His wife’s name was Betty. He had four children and a fifth one was born while we lived at Dreux. We lived on the corner across the street from the base commander’s house. The commander’s name was Col. Stern.

  133. Hi there. My name is Lisa Dreux Summer. My dad was stationed at Dreux Airbase in France and I was born there in 1957. His name is Capt. Richard Gifford.

  134. Hey Dreux Folks, Bill & I would like very much for one of you to identify the aircraft seen in Bill Shayka’s photo album. This plane is seen parked behind the C-119G somewhat to the right in front of the PE dock building. It seems to have an aircraft number on its nose painted similar to how the MATS planes were numbered. It is hard to really see much of this plane. The strut & wheel seen could be the nose wheel ? We hope someone will have the answer for us. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • The aircraft seen in Bill Shayka’s C-119G photo is very hard to see. You only can see a small portion of the nose & windscreen & maybe the main wheels & tires. When you try to put a name on the object resembling a nose wheel strut & tire its awful easy to go with this view. But after viewing some of the MATS C-47’s seen on U-Tube I believe that’s a MATS C-47 parked behind the C-119G. The objects seen in front are not really part of this aircraft just flight line junk so to speak. We’ll never really know what these things are that have caused our minds to believe they’re part of the plane. The nose painting & number on this C-47 is an exact copy of other MATS painted aircraft front nose panels & numbers.
      Some may differ with my view but that’s my view & I hope most will concur. Thank you very much. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  135. Hey Dreux Folks, Billy Shayka has sent to us a photo of 16 airmen taken in front of a former Dreux Air Base C-119G. The photo is made from in front of the main hanger. One of the PE docks can be seen in the rear of this photo.
    This photo is now up in the new pictures album as well as Billy Shayka’s photo album. We soon hope to have more photos coming from Billy. Billy’s father a M/sgt was at the old air base some time during 1956–1960 he tells us. We hope to get more info soon from Billy. His dad is seen as the 6th from the right in the photo.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Great pictures! And a detailed Welcome Package – lots of very interesting info – especially detailed explanation about the housing. Thanks to Ron for sending these. – Doug

      • Hey Doug

        Liked your pix! Understand, it was a long time ago, but does the name Moreau mean anything to you! Captain or Major Bill Moreau, wife Ruth (Australian), two girls, Karen & Susan lived in officers trailers.

          • Thanks!

            My wife was their babysitter, on the base, established a very close relationship. We spent every Thanksgiving in Virginia with them until their passing. We are still close to the daughters and they were thrilled to visit the site!

    • Thanks so much to Ron for sharing the Welcome to Dreux booklet with the group. It is so interesting, and contains some new information to me regarding both the trailers and the elementary school.

  136. Hey folks, Pictures from Ron Maroney & Helmut Karl Rottenberg can now be viewed in the pictures albums. Take a gander & let us know if you recall anyone here or just could be that’s you in one of them.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  137. A1059 to iis closing in 1962. We were then sent to Evreux AFB for the remainder of
    my tour. Remember a few names Joe Schilling, Darrel Williams,
    Are there any more tours to the old Base?

    • Hi Pasquale – Thanks for stopping by the blog. The old base as we knew it is pretty much gone – it’s now a solar farm. Check out the many pictures and stories on the website, and feel free to add some memories and pictures of your own. – Doug

  138. Hey Ron Teigen,
    Please take a close look at the Softball team in my pictures. I believe at least two of the guys were Firemen, perhaps you can identify them. I’m unable to remember their names.

    • Hi Ron Maroney
      I don’t recognize anyone in the baseball picture. I left Dreux in Feb 1965, but that dog looks a lot like Ralph our Fire Dept Mascot
      he took many a ride with me taking the trucks to get gas. It was the Officers club that burned.
      I went to Berlin too, along with Leo Cervati, John Cleland, and Dean Trivett. in stead of riding a bus we walked into East Berlin at Check point Charlie. We had to wear our uniforms and were told not to talk to anyone and not to go into any buildings or take any pictures. That was some trip !!!
      Trivett took some pictures which I will add to my photo album. Monsieur Pierre (Peter)Massy was in charge of the Frenchmen who worked with us.
      I remember the Airborne drops well we had a front row set at the Fire Dept. The C-130’s would come in low and the the troops jumped using static lines. I remember one guys chute did not open, it was a terrible thing to watch him struggle trying to get his reserve chute open. It opened right before he hit the ground he hit very hard. The ambulance on standby was there with in minutes. I don’t know if he made it or not. The heavy equipment drops were 55 gal drums full of water on a large pallet I forget how many on a pallet, but some of them exploded on impact. If I remember rignt they also dropped some jeeps.

      • Thank you for the feedback Ron!
        I believe that dog was with the Fire Dept. and came to practice with the big guy in the back row, the one with my buddy hanging on his back!

        Pretty sure Massey one in the same, he was in charge of the French drivers.

        Your OClub fire story was a big topic around the APO back then, we had a good laugh over the way you handled it! Well done!

        To the best of my knowledge the parachutist survived, he was a Captain. He suffered serious injuries to both legs, drove his shins up to his knees (ugh). I was on duty that day and we cleared the Main Gate and access road to insure the ambulance had clear route. He was transported to Evreaux Hospital.

        Berlin was just a great experience, like yourself, we went in to East Berlin on foot as well, uniform required. Then we did civilian tour, just military ID required! Strange!

        We found one of those jeeps in a farmers pond surrounded by trees one day, OOPS!

        Thanks again for your response! I’ll continue to follow up on the photo.

  139. I was stationed at Dreux AFB from 1959 – 1962. I worked in the base machine shop and part time in the later years at the auto hobby shop. I have a photo copy of our assembly on the flight line in front of the last C -119 prior to departure to the US with the complete base personal.
    I may have additional pictures once I sort all my old films.
    I remember going off base on weekends to the local ecconemy.

  140. My father’s name was Anibal E. Morales, (Puerto Rican) can anyone tell me anything about him? I was born in 1958.

  141. Hey Bill, Rain here and 70 degrees today. I hear you are at freezing,
    sure hope you get the snow you need for your water table.
    Be careful taking the dogs outside.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Bill,
      In the process, with assistance from my granddaughter, of sending my pictures. We are labeling them , I will Try to set up there order for you!

      I will complete my memories on Monday and forward to you!

      Sorry for the delay, computer quit on me!

  142. Ron Maroney A1C 7305th Air Police 1964-1967

    Just discovered this site and have a number of pictures from that period I will be forwarding.

    Just reached out to Joe Reder through this site and two of my best friends are listed in memorium, James Potter and Michael Richards! We were in touch right up to their passing.

    Additionally, I am in touch with other friends from that period, Bill Bryan, George Hutson and Klaus Bacher.

    • Hey Ron, Great to hear from you about just finding the web-site.
      Looking ahead to seeing your pictures from your time at Dreux Air Base, France. I hope you can let us in on just how things went down in 1967 as the base prepared for closing. We just can’t get others who were there to tell us the nitty-gritty details about the last hours, so to speak. How many Air Police were left for closing & the last flag lowering ? Small items for some but great things to us who had left the base years before.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • More than happy too!
        I’m writing things up now and will forward pictures to Bill for posting!

        It was Wild at the end! All personnel on base worked for 1st Lt. Davis, (I believe he was a civil engineer), great guy! We worked long hours loading trucks and railroad cars. At the end, Security was SMSgt. and 5 AP’s 2 MP’s. We lived off base in small pension hotel in Brezolles, the Chevel Blanc. I’ll try to give you the “nitty gritty” on the last days, it was interesting!

    • Ron
      I have a quick question for you. Was Buzz Cole the Commander of the Security Police Squadron when you were at Dreux?

      • Do you mean 1st Lt. Louis B Coles? Yes he was!
        He was my boss! I’ll be putting pictures up soon! Shortly after the announcement of closing, he transferred to the Army, became Captain Coles immediately from what we heard!

  143. Hi Everyone, I hope your New Years are off to a great start. Not much to say, but I do look forward to the new content that pops up on the site from time to time. I do appreciate you folks for keeping the embers burning on what was a memorable place that we share. I know I won’t make it back to the location of the base in May when we go to France. But, when we are driving from Charles DeGaulle AP to Chartres, I know I’ll gaze off to the north and west; and some memories will return. Be well, everyone!

  144. Hey Dreux folks, A story is forth coming & will be listed in the Dreux memories section about an old Dreux Air Base 10th squadron C-119G, You’ll love to hear about this plane & what happened to it after its USAF days were over.
    Keep your eyes open for it’s coming for all to read soon.
    A/2C Sibert

      • Interesting fact: Starting around 1980 there have been a total of about 20 civilian C-119’s that have worked in Alaska. Most of the civilian use of C-119’s was in support of government projects of some sort, usually schools, medical clinics or environmental projects. The freight was usually building materials or construction equipment. Hundreds of projects were built using these aircraft. Because the freight tended to be over sized and the airstrips tended to be undersized, many of these projects would not have been built without the C-119.
        I’m glad I had a chance to be at Dreux and learn what I could about the Fairchild C-119G. What a plane!!
        A/2C Sibert

  145. Good evening,
    I want to say if realy at Dreux Air Base we found APO 84 for letters . I am philatelist and i read an article on APO en Eure et Loir.
    Thanks and excuse me.

      • A little story about APO 84. True story. As I was completing air traffic control school at Biloxi Mississippi I was called in by the first sergeant and was told I was being assigned to APO 84, France. I asked where APO 84 was, and he told me I would have to go to the base post office to find out. After catching the bus across the base to the post office I found out that APO 84 was Dreux Air Force Base, France. I asked the sergeant at the post office where Dreux Air Force Base was located in France. He said he had no idea and suggested I go to the library to look it up. Back across the base to the library and looked up Dreux, France in an atlas. I was excited to see it was located not too far out west of Paris. After arriving in Paris, I took the train to the city of Dreux where I was picked up by a truck from the base and finally found out where APO 84 really was, about 25 minutes south of the city of Dreux.

  146. Well, I’m a little late in extending holiday greetings to everyone on the website, but Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!. I always think of Dreux for some reason at Christmas time. Maybe it’s the cold and snow that made it seem like Christmas weather, but more likely it’s just the wonderful friends and memories. I still listen to the transistor radio every morning that I got as a Christmas gift when we were living in the trailer at Dreux in 1962. It may outlast me.

  147. Thank you, Chuck…and the very same wishes are extended to both you and Bill! Thank you both so very much for all that you do for this website. God bless.

  148. Dear Dreux Air Base friends and Veterans,

    my name is Fabrice Loubette, I am a french aviation historian specialized in USAF in France during the cold war. With 2 friends, we started a book serie depicting the different aspects of the US military presence in France during the cold war. We would like to write the most complete and illustrated history of USAF & US Army in France during the 1950’s & 60’s as this part of our common history is not really well known here in France.

    Our first book (text in french, photo captions in both french & english), published last spring, is presented here (in french only) :

    We are currently writing the 2nd book of the serie, where a large part will cover transport aviation, telling stories of Dreux, Evreux, Châteauroux but also Orly air bases.
    This is why I am asking for your support, as I am looking for great pictures to illustrate the Dreux AB chapter. I have seen several awesome color pics throughout your website, courtesy of Bill Kaufmann, Bill McLeod or Charles Sibert among others. I would really love to have your support in our book project. Should you be OK to provide us with some high definition color & B&W pictures of C-119 or C-123 in Dreux, it would add a great value to our work, and help keep the memory of Dreux AB also here in France, as it is not much more than a solar plant now, which I find quite sad, but, what can we do, except working to keep the memories alive?

    Well, that is all for now, I hope I can count on you.
    In the meantime, I would like to wish to all of you a merry Christmas!
    All the best from France!

    Fabrice Loubette
    Join me on Facebook, and like my FB page : France Air OTAN

    • Hello Fabrice – Bonne Annee! I’m sure that everyone on the website wishes you the best in your work. You should see if you can obtain a copy of the book “U.S. Air Force in France 1950-1967,” by Lt. Col Jerome J. McAuliffe. It is a wonderful source of information on the aircraft, units, and bases from the time American bases were operational in France. Although the transport aircraft departed Dreux in 1961, the base remained open with a high school and other small units. – Doug

  149. Bill & I want to say a big thank you to all our Dreux folks who have checked in on the Dreux Air Base blog. Keep up the good work. We realize that many former Dreux Air Base personnel have gotten somewhat older and for this reason we don’t hear from you as much as before. Bill and I still hope you’re checking the web-site often. We hope to have up some new pictures very soon. Could be some new stories also. We hope all you folks have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2018.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  150. Hello !
    My name is Patrick LAFAVE. I am the son of Norman LAFAVE who was in the base of Dreux around 1958/1961. He married with my french mother at Louvilliers les Perche.
    Do you remenber him and tell me something about his job ?
    He is died in 1997.
    Thank you and excuse my poor english !

  151. I was stationed in various army communication units in France in 1962-1963. Charles de Gaulle wanted NATO out of France and so American bases were being closed. First sent to a communications unit in the suburb of Perigeux, then to an area cut out of a forest just north of Orleans, and finally to the airbase at Dreux Senonches. I can’t find anything on the internet about an army contingent on the base, but this is definitely it. I don’t recognize where we were billeted from the maps you provide, but I do recall it was probably on the far south end close gate that I recall had no security gate, and when I was on night ambulance duty once a week I drove the perimiter to get to the hospital. I remember it as good duty. I bought a 1952 Citroen for $125 and drove more the 10,000K touring France, Spain, Italy, and Germany. Spent a lot of time in Paris, and remember having fun driving the streets like a mad Frenchman. With 2 army buddies we visited a French bar – I believe it was in Dreux. At first they were nervous, but soon we became friends with the owner and the regulars. They were really great people and I spoke enough French that we had no problem communicating. The only other thing I remember about the village and the bar was the outdoor theater theater just outside, on the street if I remember correctly. Don’t know if anyone knows of the army contingent or the small village (if it was actually Dreux). Most of the military usually went to Chateauneuf where there a number of bars for American military.

    • While I was at Dreux the 246th Signal Company resided in Marguerite #4. Check the photos section, there is a post or two by Army personnel.

      • I was a personnel sergeant at Dreux in 1962 and 1963. My unit was the 29th Signal Battalion. We were housed at margarite 4. The unit came from Karlsruhe Germany early in 1962.

      • Joe, I was at Dreux from Sept.63 till June.65 before getting out. I was an SP-4 Comm. Ctr. MOS. I was in the barracks that was beside the road closest to the rear gate. Upstairs last bay on left, maybe 4 or 6 guys . When were there ? I would love to connect with some of my old Army buddies from those days.

        • I was in the same barracks on the first level somewhere in the middle. I shipped home out of Bremerhaven, arrived in the state Feb 4, 1964. I worked in the office and can only recall the major (or colonel) who used to yell a lot.

    • Mr. Marnoni: You probably just missed my father at Dreux as we arrived some time in ’63. My father was part of the Army contingent. His name was CWO Ennis A. Tomlinson. His wife’s name was Betty and he had four kids with a fifth being born while we were there. I didn’t realize there was a whole contingent of Army personnel there. I didn’t know until recently exactly what my father did in the Army. I understand he was in Intelligence. I remember him taking a lot of TDY trips and we had a camp phone in our trailer that someone called every night to ensure it worked. He passed away in 1985 at the age of 57.

      • I have only vague memories of Dreux now. I was a drafted in 1962 and spent 18 months in France. Don’t recall exactly when I got to Dreux. My main memories are working as a payroll clerk and spending nights at the hospital. Had only one emergency, a baby swallowed some draino and after the local doctors did what they could and sedated him I drove him the next base (can’t remeber which) where they had a larger hospital. I had buddies I traveled around Europe with in my 1952 Citroen. I can recall, Ed Staub from PA and another whose name I can’t recall. He was born in France and live near San Diego is all I recall.

    • Hello Gino. I was at Orleans from June-63 til Sept.63 then Dreux from Sept.63-June65. Memory not so good at 74 years old as it was at 20 years old. I remember going TDY couple times. One to Garmish or Lengries Germany and once to Camp De-loches near Paris. Some spelling maybe incorrect. Remember being in up stairs barracks last bay on left. Maybe four guys, possibly six.

      • At Orleans you were probably stationed in town. I was north, can’t recall the name of the base, but we were about a mile away in the woods living in quonset huts. I spent some good times in town with friends and spoke enough French to have conversations with the locals. I recall 1963 winter was pure hell, so cold the oil stoves in the barracks were prone to “explode”. I also delivered pay to off-base personnel. Had a 45 strapped on (no ammo). When one of ours killed a lady in town with a broom handle, just for the fun of it I tried to pay him in jail. Didn’t get far. The French found him guilty and let the military take care of the punishment. We definitely crossed paths at Dreux, but like you (I’m now 80) I remember only 2 buddies I traveled around Europe with.

  152. Hey Dreux Folks, Something wonderful has happened, we now have a picture of Grady Gibbons up in his story. His story is in the memories section
    under his name. Grady was with the Alabama ANG at the base in 1961-1962 serving in the Air Police section. Joe Reder was kind enough to send the photo to us from Tacoma, Washington. Thank you Joe.
    A/2C Sibert

  153. New pictures from Joe Reder, Dreux Air Base 1962-1965, are up in the picture albums. See the front gate photo, could that be sand in the two 55 gallon barrels ? Reder tells us more pictures are coming, he just has to locate them. He tells us the Air Police Office was located in the confinement building where his & James Potter’s pictures were taken looking northward toward the motor pool.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Well, Floyd, that certainly qualifies you as a valued member of our group! (Of course, anyone who happens upon this website is a valued member of the group). Do you happen to have any photos of the base that your parents might have taken? Would love to see them. Best wishes, Doug

      • At the moment no. I did have an album of my grandmother’s. She won a trip there with the nco cllub. . In 1961 i think. The mayor took her around Paris then a surprise meeting at the club.

  154. The day JFK was murdered we had worked swing shift the night before. I awoke and eventually made my way to the snack bar for a cup of coffee. As I was paying the cashier said “Kennedy c’est mort”. Took a minute for that to sink in. That’s how I got the breaking news on that day.

    • I remember that day too. We were at the officers’ club with my parents. The radio was playing over the intercom, and all of a sudden it stopped and the news started playing informing us of his assassination. Then all the other kids started streaming in the club from the theater. They had stopped the movie to make the announcement and then closed the theater. After the announcement, it was very still in the club, some people didn’t say anything and some were crying. I’ll never forget that day.

      • I was at the bowling alley. Everything stopped. It was a league night and everybody packed up and the bowling alley closed. Went home to Chateauneuf, Dad an AP, put on a uniform and went back to the base. Remember the feel? Nobody was sure what would happen.

  155. Hello, there is Alain Dubois who is looking for his friend
    GARY CRISFIELD, he was a transcoder at the base of Dreux. When he returned to the USA he was in California between 67/68 last postcard sent from Chasword LA …
    If anyone has any information about Gary, please give it to me: wojcikalain@sfr,fr

    • I remember Gary.We were in the 2172 Communications Sq,Det 1 togather.I was sent to Spain when the base closed and he went back to the states.I never heard from him.

  156. For your information, a stage of the Tour de France 2018 will arrive July 13 in Chartres and will leave the next day, our national day, Dreux!

  157. Just put up Pictures from Ron Teigen who was in the fire department from 1962 to 1965.They are also in New pictures folder. His story is now in memories and New Articles.
    Put up new story on AFEX snack bar from Chuck in Memories and New articles.

  158. I would love to hear from anyone who knew me from Dreux Air Base during 1956 to 1958, especially James Holtz or others in the Radio/Radar Communications. Anyone from the Ardmore Air Force Base in Oklahoma. Does anyone remember the old C-122 for-runner of the C-123 aircraft? Anyone who served on Temp. Duty to Rome Italy, Athens Greece, or Tripoli Libya during 1956-1958?

  159. I was a radar/navigation repairman who served in the 376th Troop Carrier Group stationed at Ardmore Air force Base in 1955-1956. We flew from Ardmore Oklahoma to Dreux AFB in 1956. Most of the personnel went by ship to France. I was assigned to fly aboard one of our C-123 aircraft to keep our communication gear working. We flew the North Atlantic route through Maine, Goose-bay Labrador, Greenland, Iceland, & Scotland to Dreux France. It took us about 24 days to get to France because of weather and the need to refuel. Our aircraft was short range aircraft even with added pylon tanks. The 377th & 378th followed us a day apart sometimes. A short time later all squadron maintenance personal was assigned to the 60th Field Maintenance Squadron. We also had a squadron of C-119 to keep up also. I also did Temp duty at another airbase in France twice, Once to Tripoli Libya & Once in Greece where I met my future wife. I was released from active duty and returned to Oklahoma in Feb. 1958. Dreux AFB was located 60 miles west of Paris France. I left service and returned to Oklahoma in Feb. 1958.

  160. Hey Dreux Folks, Do any of you recall any of the Frenchmen that worked
    with the Dreux Airmen at the base fire department ? 1962-1965 are the years we have now with some names of Frenchmen who worked for the base fire department. It would be just wonderful to be able to touch base again with these former French firefighters who worked along side our Dreux Airmen & NCO’s at the Dreux Air Base. We are hoping someone will speak out about this request. The names we have run across are as follows: Muton–Peppy–Corramenus–Glouvard–Michel–& Massy. Massy we have heard, spoke good English.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  161. Dear Alain Wojcik, Thank you very much for the Afex cafeteria photo from 1959.
    We thank you again for this photo. You make us very happy to send to us photos.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Thank you Charles. Above all, thank my friend Eric Sandoz who gave me this picture from his aunt Nadine Sebille who worked at the snack bar

  162. I have a new photo from Alain. It is a picture of the staff at the AFEX cafeteria in 1959. It is in new pictures and Alain’s folder. Although I was not on base a lot I have fond memories of the snack bar as we called it. Many a time I came in late late (I was a flight engineer) and slept in the morning. When I got up I went to the snack bar for breakfast. When I was feeling down I often went to the snack bar for a half gallon of ice cream. Always made me feel better. Take a look at the picture and see if you can identify anyone. Bill

  163. I was stationed at Dreux from Feb 1961 – Feb 1965 as part of the Air Police detachment of the 7305th Support Squadron. I knew James Potter, listed as deceased in that thread, but not well. He was in a different flight. Good memories of Dreux and I would love to go back there and see what the base and surrounding area are like today.

    • Hey Joe Reder, So good to hear from you. I’ll send to you an
      e-mail and get more info from you. I sure hope you will send to us some photos of your time spent at our old Dreux Air Base.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert “Nabb, Indiana”

    • Joe Reder,
      You were assigned to be my mentor when I arrived at Dreux, February 1964!

      I just discovered this site and will be sending photos!

      Ron Maroney 7305th Air Police, 1964-1967

  164. To begin with I would like to thank you for having this this log. I was stationed at Dreux from 1958 until 1961 when they kicked us out. I was NCOIC of the base telephone section and would love to hear any one station there and also like to hear from any of the telephone operators who worked there during the dates mention. Thank You.

  165. My late husband – M/sgt Thomas Wm Rupar was stationed at Dreux from 1956 to 1959. We first lived over a cafe in Verneuil as base housing was still,bing built. Finally moved into a nice new military house on a hill just outside Dreux. Have happy memories of me and the kids enjoying the PX and attending social evenings at the club. My son, Thomas Wn junior would love to see some photos of the base. I do have some but they are locked into my old iMac, as soon as I can have data transferred to my new iMac will post some pics.
    Babs Rupar-McInnis

    • Hello Babs –
      Thanks for stopping by the blog. We’d love to hear any stories you’d like to share and look forward to the pictures. Bill has posted some info on getting your pictures on the site – just check out the “pictures” page. Also, your son should enjoy scrolling through the ones that are already posted – there are hundreds of photos that people have sent in.
      – Doug

  166. For Chuck Siebert—
    You have a Colonel Barr listed in the Memories section with an unknown organization. He was in Headquarters Squadron Section, 60th Troop Carrier Wing. I knew him as a Captain. He signed my rotation orders, and was Base Administrative Officer when I knew him.

  167. Hi Everyone!…..Looking for information on BSA Troop 374…Evreux Fauville AFB…my Dad…S/Sgt Russell Nutter was st ationed there with the 5th Aerial Port Squadron…he was a loadmaster on C-119’s, C-47’s and A model C130’s…..I joined the Boy Scouts there when I was 10 years old….lived there from 1957-1960….wondering if anyone was in the Troop back then……Regards…Paul Nutter….

    • Hi Paul – Welcome to the blog. I was in the Boy Scout troop at Dreux and put some stories and pictures in the “Memories of Dreux” part of the website (look under my name for “Boy Scouts at Dreux”. If you were in the troop at Evreux, I’m wondering if you went to summer camp at Cazaux – there are some pictures of summer camp on the website as well. – Doug

    • There were two boy scout troops at Evreux-Fauville AB; 274 and 404. I was originally in Troop 404 in 1966. When French President Charles DeGaulle pulled France out of NATO and forced the American military to leave my Dad, at the time Commander of the base Weather Detachment, was one of the last to leave and since I was the last Senior Patrol Leader of the combined BSA troops which at the end became Troop 27404, I was given the troop flags of both Troop 274 and Troop 404 with their guidon streamers dating back to the ’50s, which I still have.

      • I also meant to add that my two older sisters attended the American High (boarding) School at Dreux AB. I attended the junior high at Evreaux.

  168. Al Bond has up on the site two pictures, one shows him at the base standing at the drivers side of his car. I have tried for some days to figure out what type of car he had. I believed it to be a Peugeot. Well I asked Nicolas about this and he said it was a Fiat 1100 sedan 1953-1959. I then looked up the Fiat 1100 and sure enough he was right on about the car. Thank you Nicolas for your information.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  169. Dear Sherry, Bill has put up your school pictures on the Dreux site.
    He has cleaned them up as best as he could. Hope you are doing well in Ireland.
    You sure are missed.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

      • Sherry, I think I have my report card from that same year, too! However, after seeing yours there’s no way I’m having mine posted! It’s clear that you have been in the right profession!

        • Glenn,
          Why not post your report card? Go ahead! We would love to see it. Miss Waris was such an inspiration to all of us kids…she made learning so much fun.

  170. I worked in Project Seaweed,which was a classified Project at the time,We took care of all the WRM(War Readiness Matertial),The Project Head was Master Sgt Thompson, and A1C George B Murphy Jr.The base Commander was Col.Knudsen.During my tenure,We Airlitted to several trouble Spots,The Belgian Congo.,to India when the Chi-Coms came across and during The Cuban Missle Crisis when President Kennedy called up The reserves and we hosted The 117th from Birmingham Alabama.We were awarded The AFOUA)Air Force Outstanding Unit Award)with 2 oakleaf clusters.,the Base subsequently went DOB.

    • Bonjour Michelle –
      When did you work at the base? We would be very happy to see any pictures you might have or stories about your time there.

    • Hi..What years did you work at the switchboard. I was NCOC of the switchboard from 1958-1961 and would to hear how the operators did after the base closed. Thanks

  171. I was at Dreux from 1960 to 1963,worked in Project Seaweed,WRM(War Readiness Materials.At the time it was a classified Operation.headed by Airmen Ist Class George Murphy Jr.our head NCO was Master Sgt Thompson,of The 7305th Combat Support Group,the base commander was Colonel Knudson.we participated in The Airlifts to The Congo,The Airlift to India,when Chicoms came across the Himalayas in to India,and othe humanitarian Airliffts.for which the 322nd Air Division was awred The AFOUA) Air Force Outstanding Unit Medal &Citation with 2 oak leaf clusters.Preident Kennedy had called up The 317th from Bermingham Alabama.The base subsquentltly went DOB

  172. I have added pictures from Stacy Turnage to the pictures page. I thought that I had done this last year but they were not there. Stacy’s family lived in Dreux from 52-54. She would like to find the house they lived in. Look at her pictures and if you have any idea of where it was located let us know. Bill

  173. Looking for photos of “Dietz Plaza” in Dreux France. My friend’s father was stationed there during the war and has no pictures of his childhood home. The home was outside of Paris and had a tunnel that led to a bakery.

    • Hi Anna – Thank you for stopping by the blog. Do you have any further information? Dreux is about 60 miles from Paris. If it was in or near Dreux perhaps one of our French colleagues that visit the website may be able to help.

      • Hello everyone,
        I am the Frenchman who lives in the area of ​​the former base of Crucey and who sent the photos of the folder “Our friends”. Chuck told me about Captain Dietz’s house in Dreux, but with such low information it is very difficult to find her if she is still there. I started research with people who know the city of Dreux well. I am waiting for news to find out if they have an early track to follow …
        Best regards

        • Nicolas,
          Thanks for you looking for the house in question. I know you will find the place. We will wait and be grateful when you locate the house and the area where it can be found in Dreux City.
          God Bless:
          A/2C Sibert

  174. Bill put up a story today 7-3-17 by A/2C Sibert about Dreux Air Base Basketball in the years of 1960-1961. You can find it in the memories section & also new articles.
    Hope someone recalls this team.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  175. Hey Dreux Folks, Dreux Air Base had a parachute shop and we have heard nothing about the riggers or anything from any riggers. Can anyone tell us about the Dreux parachute shop or recall airmen who were there as riggers ?
    We surely don’t want to leave them out of the Dreux Air Base stories. Please send to us some info about the riggers at Dreux.
    I will Constantly keep in mind that until men grow wings their parachutes must be dependable.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hi I hung around with Ray Burns, he was a rigger at Dreux
      when one of our C-119s went down in Italy, a couple of airmen
      used his parachute or should I say it was packed by hime, and he won an award it was called the “Catepillar ‘club.
      I was with the 12 troop carrier in Supply

  176. Hey Dreux Folks, We are waiting for some pictures from Rose Gifford, the daughter of Joseph and Rose Vide who’s picture is on the home page of this site.
    The lady in the red dress and the man in the short sleeved shirt are her parents.
    That photo was taken in 1959 and her parents were stationed at Dreux Air Base from 1957-1960. Some of you may recall the Vide’s so please blog us and tell us what you know about them. Thank you very much. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  177. Hey Dreux Folks, I got an e-mail from Ronald Teigen who was in the fire dept at Dreux Air Base in 1964 when the Officers club was destroyed by fire. He tells about that fire and when we get some pictures from him we’ll put up his story in the memories section. Just maybe someone else recalls that Officers club fire.
    We would like to hear your story about that fire if possible. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  178. I was an instructor at the 8th Radio Relay Microwave school in 1957-58. I was one of the group who moved the school up from Bordeaux.
    Anybody out there remember a young skinny A/1c instructor who tried his best to teach all who they sent up for a few weeks to learn the equipment.

    We had a great softball team in Bordeaux and Dreux and won lots of games.
    Remember the day they changed US script to US dollars?
    Al Foti

    • Hey Al, Welcome to the Dreux web-site. Try to see all there is located on this site. Pictures alone are found in the hundreds. We would like to get some pictures from you with captions & a short story or two about your days at our old air base. This site was put on line April 15th 2013 and just keeps growing a little at a time.
      Hope to hear from you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  179. Hi guys,
    as MP I was working with the APs (still in contact with two of them) at Dreux from/to 1964/66. As most of us I had a good time making the towns around base like Brezolles, Senonches, Chartres, etc. Not to forget Gay Paris. I live in Frankfurt/Germany. Would appreciate hearing from you.

    • Hey Klaus, Welcome to the Dreux web-site. What did you find in Brezolles like maybe a bar ? When I was at Dreux Air Base I didn’t visit Brezolles. Places in Maillebois, Chateauneuf & Dampierre were OK for me. Did you know any firemen at the base ? Were you there when the Officers club burnt down ? Did you recall a James Potter an AP at the base ? His obit is posted on this web-site. We would like to get maybe a short story about your days at our old air base for the web-site & hopefully with some photos.
      Last time I was in Frankfurt was Jan 11th 1960 on my way to Paris from Istanbul, Turkey. Have you read some of my stories found on the web-site ? Hope to hear from you ASAP.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Klaus,I think you taught me how to play on the Foosball machine at Micky,s in Dampierre-sur-Blevy.I was in USAF Communications detachment from ’65 to ’67.If you are from Berlin,it was you.

  180. Hey Dreux Folks, Just sent to Bill a story about my return to Dreux Air Base after it had been closed for 20 years. He probably will have it up on the web-site in a few days. I hope all of you will enjoy it . Just maybe some of you will send to him a story about your days at the old base. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Great story Charles, Even though I was posted to Evreux, I enjoy looking in on this blog. Things didn’t seem to change as much where I was as they did at Dreux. Don’t know if that was due to the fact that Dreux was built up from the farm field while Evreux was an old airfield restored?? A lot of the same construction though.
      We revisited France in 1995, 2008, 2011 and 2014. Mostly around Paris and eastern France, where we have friends. We didn’t get an on base visit at Evreux as it’s an active French AF Base. Regards, Tom

      • Hey Tom, Great to hear from you, don’t wait so long next time. Had prostrate surgery on an old 82 year old prostrate the 18th “Roto Rooter” is what they did. Soon I’ll be able to take the bark off a tree. (Smile) No problems as of yet.
        Thanks for the kind words about the story. Lots of rain here in Nabb, Indiana. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  181. The second picture of A/2C Al Bond shows him in the base microwave center.
    The sign on the wall to the left says “Personnel Information”. Next to that sign on the small table one can see a double burner hot plate. To the right of the hot plate one can see a coffee mug and I believe jars of instant coffee and creamer.
    A/2C Sibert

  182. Now in the new pictures album we have A/2C Al Bond’s two pictures. In the one where he is sitting on his car you can see at the far left building # 143. This building was used by DACCC-EUR. To the right of this building is building # 63 which housed the emergency generators for DACCC-EUR. This building has a slanted roof and some four or five large doors on the east side.
    A/2C Sibert

  183. Just added some pictures from Al Bond. He sent them to me in December of last year and I lost track of them. I’m sending him an email apologizing.

    Here is what he said in his email
    Been monitoring your Dreux Air Base website and truly appreciate your efforts to bring back fond memories.

    After completing Crypto training, my first assignment was Dreux in 1966. Met some great people and mentors that have had an impact on me to this day.

    Unfortunately, I do not have pictures of them to share.

    Here are a couple of me at Dreux in 1966. One is with a car I purchased from Staff Sergent Joseph Galvin at Dreux. The second picture is of me in the Dreux communications micro-wave station.

    Thanks for your efforts and published memories

  184. Hey Dreux Folks, Can anyone recall a Jewish woman by the name of Youget Sommers, working at the Dreux Air Base library ? This could have been
    1961-1962. Buddy Love believes she was there in 1962. She might have lived in La Harve. Maybe someone remembers her.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  185. Hey Dreux Folks, Just looked at the photo of headquarters, do you recall just what the sign above the porch said ? Well it was lettered like this:
    7305th Air Base Group
    Of course this was in the 1959 photo. When the base first opened in 1955 I’m almost sure it said 60th Air Base Wing. When one looked at the front gate sign you could see where the 60th Air Base Wing sign had been covered over with the 7305th Air Base Group sign over lay. Recall how that sign needed some paint work touch up ?
    Look on the roof of headquarters, see the two speakers for the flag ceremony. I stood close to here many times saluting, as the flag was lowered. It was beautiful. Just a tidbit about our old air base.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  186. Pierre has given us more detail on the tar fire. I still think we have a translation problem with the dry ice. He has included links to three videos of Maillebois. I added this to the bottom of the Farm story.

  187. Hey Dreux Folks, When one looks at the old Bois de Claireau farm pictures, & Google shot, you can see that the farm buildings sat where the base snack bar, library, service club building was to be located.
    Just another tidbit about our old Dreux air base.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  188. Hey Dreux folks, Something very interesting to look at when one looks at the Amis # 2 pictures album found in the new pictures. Find the picture captioned
    “Base Solar Panel Front Gate Signs” look at the center lower area. Here you’ll see the old Dreux Air Base front gate sign foundation. Not only do we still have the front gate guard shack standing, as a reminder of Dreux Air Base, we can still see the old front gate sign foundation in this picture. I thought you folks would like to see this reminder of our old air base. Evidently a 60 year old concrete block sign foundation did not hamper the solar panel construction project in 2012-2013.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  189. Pierre Callac sent us more information as to where the water came from on the base and where the farm was located before the base. I have added it to the bottom of the farm article. See the story for a bigger picture.

  190. A hearty welcome for Bobby Parker who was with the Alabama Air Guard’s
    7117th Recon Wing at Dreux Air Base in 1961-1962.
    Bob touched base with us via the unit pages. An e-mail has been sent to him welcoming him to the web-site. We hope stories & photos will follow from him very soon. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Bobby, I was with the 117th ANG in 1961 and was in Air Police. I retired from the 117 as a part timer. My full time job was with the Jefferson Country Sheriffs Department. I retired from both in 1998. I live in The Villages, Florida.
      Telephone 352.750.6615
      Email. SunFla1998@comcast.net

      Charlie Brooks

  191. Fantastic new story and pictures of the farm before Dreux ever existed! Thank you so much for sharing, Pierre!

  192. Well Dreux Folks, The latest photos & stories are now up on the web-site.
    The farm picture on the web-site now, was situated, we believe (Bill & I), in the center most area of the base. This area would be where the main hanger was located. Who took down the old farm buildings to make way for the new base we are doing our best to find out. We have some fellas we’ll call about this. Most are in their upper 80’s so we must hurry along. The base entrance road once ran thru the area of the hanger and across near marguerite # 5 and on northward. Hopefully we’ll find out more info soon. Don’t hold your breath just yet. Stay tuned. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • This is a very informative story. Thanks Pierre, for sharing. Since I was a kid there in the early 60’s, I tend to not give consideration to the history before the base was built. It makes all the sense in the world that there would have been a farm located there!

      The recently added pictures are great too! The interior shots of the NCO club brought back memories of the slots machines I got to play, and the pig I won playing Bingo. Seriously, a live pig! Of course I spent untold hours at the theater and I was in the choir at the chapel. Sad it’s all gone…but the pictures provide a bridge back to those days!

      Thanks to all!

    • Great story and pictures. Thank goodness for our virtual historians…keeping it all alive Great memories.

    • Great story and pictures. I had no idea that the farmhouse was there before the base. Any idea as to where it was located?

  193. Pierre (Cowboy) Thank you very much for sending your story about the farm and farm family displaced, when the new Dreux Air Base was constructed in the early 1950’s. Thank you for the wonderful pictures you sent along with your story.
    Bill is now working on your story and very soon it will be on the Dreux web-site located in the memories section. We are hoping someone else will come forward now with more information and pictures about our old Dreux Air Base.
    Again, thank you very much. God Bess:
    A/2C Sibert

  194. Hey Dreux folks, When I was back to Dreux Air Base for a look see in
    Aug 1987 & Dec 1990 I had no trouble driving along the French roads.
    I picked up a rental car in Dreux City & away I went toward Brezolles.
    From Brezolles on over to the base was uneventful. I visited all the villages
    surrounding our old base with no problems. Why do I bring this up now ?
    The road to Brezolles had a high speed limit & I went right on. I realize here in
    the USA things are different. Example: drivers seem to want to cut it close when turning left toward you when you’ve stopped at a light. Instead of making a nice turn they cut you off with a straight line turn sometimes letting you know you are really number one. Do you folks have the same type of drivers where you live, as I find here around my hometown ?
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hey Mike, When were you at Dreux Air Base ?
      Were you there when it was about to close ?
      Please don’t leave us hanging. You will surely fit in with other stories about our old Dreux Air Base. We are waiting to hear more from you, thanks for your tidbit today.
      A/2C Sibert

  195. Hey Dreux Folks, Now found in the new pictures section are 76 new pictures.
    They are listed under Nos Amis. These are also found in the pictures album under the came caption.
    Some of the captions may have to be changed, let us know what you think.
    Bill & I used all our recall plus the phone book & other photos to make these captions. We hope you love these photos. We are not done trying to make this web-site special for all of the viewers. Thank you Very much. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Nice pictures. My first look is that you guys got the captions right, although I’ll go back through them in detail. Appreciate the effort. As always, stokes some memories. Always a little sad to see the effects of the years, but it’s still easy to imagine how it was. – Doug

      • Doug, What can you tell me about the parachute shop?
        How long (tall) was the tower, width, & depth ? What was left inside when the para shop became the wood hobby shop ? Were the cables & motors to host up the chutes still there or was it done by hand ? Were there any of the 43 foot chute packing tables left behind ? Bill & I are correcting some of the latest picture captions. We hope to have it all finished next week. We are getting a few more photos to put up.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • Hi Chuck – I’m afraid I can’t help you with this one. I don’t recall that I ever went into the wood hobby shop, so don’t know what it was like on the inside. I just remember the exterior view – looked especially tall to a kid, but, other than that, I can’t really add anything. – Doug

  196. Hey Dreux Folks, Could any of you recall a Francis Dube who says he lived in base housing. What town he does not say. He says he was there from
    1963-1966. Could he be a real person ?
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  197. Just put up a picture of Buddy Love and his wife Zoopie. We have received some new pictures from “nos amis” that were taken on the base in 2010. We will be working on them and get them up soon. Bill

  198. I hope everyone is enjoying a fantastic Holiday Season!
    This time of year makes me think about the three Christmases we spent on Dreux from ’59–’62. It was amazing what the Dreux AB leadership did to help us enjoy the Holidays while we were far from home. I particularly remember the communal feasts we had (at Thanksgiving, too!). Separately Santa came and gave the kids presents. I still recall the water-propelled rocket that I got!

    Of course the school kids did Christmas plays. The green leotards (dyed long johns) the boys had to wear as we danced in a circle singing ‘Deck the Halls’ is seared in my memory!

    I hope each of you has a Blessed New Year! And…keep posting!

    • Hi Glenn and everybody else on the site –

      I’d like to join Glenn in wishing everyone a happy new year. I, too, have great memories of the Christmas holidays at Dreux. We had our Christmas tree in the trailer’s lean-to which meant a quick dash to light the Aladdin heater so it would be warm enough to “do Christmas morning”. Those who lived in a trailer will relate.

      And, yes, the communal feasts were fantastic!

      Best wishes to all,


      • Doug, You really brought back some great memories for me
        when you mentioned the Trailer Lean To. I was working in Housing & Billeting from Jan 65 to Mar 67 and it was my responsibility to assign the trailers to the incoming families. The add on Lean-to was a prized commodity back then.
        I always had to know how many were in the family and then I would find a trailer with a big enough lean-to that would fit the family. The lean to came in all different sizes, some small and some large. So depending on how many children and their ages I would decide which trailer was best for them. I tried my best to keep everyone happy but I am sure there was some families that were not happy with my decisions.
        I really loved meeting all the new incoming families to Dreux during my stay.

        • Tom, we were lucky with the trailer. When we arrived in the summer of 61 most of the officers’ trailer park was empty and they just gave a bunch of keys to my dad and told him to pick one. You can see from some of the pictures that I posted that the lean to was bigger than most. Also, since my dad was required to live on base, somebody came up with some funds to build a room at the back of the lean to that extended beyond the trailer. It was a great addition – took the better part of a year to build – but it added quite a bit of room. Of course, DCA moved to Paris a short while later so whoever came after us got the main benefit of the extra room. Also, they made a second “double trailer” for the DCA commander (O-6 position) at the opposite end of the housing area from the base commander’s double trailer. I remember going over to watch the crane pick one trailer up and put it in position next to the other. That was big excitement at Dreux. Don’t know if that was still there when you arrived, but would be surprised if it wasn’t. – Doug

          • When I was there with my dad from ’63 – ’65, the double trailer for the commander was still there. We lived on the corner across the street from it. Lt. Col Stern lived there with his family. His daughter was in my class at the elementary school.

      • You are so right about the lean-to. They sure made living in the trailers bearable. I’m not sure where we would have put a tree, if not there; certainly not a full-size one. It’s funny…I don’t remember it ever being hot in there; but it certainly got chilly.

          • Penny – I can assure you that it was hot in the summer and cold in the winter. The only way it was usable in the winter was to run an Aladdin heater in it full time. – Doug

  199. Pierre Callac (Cowboy) has sent a picture of his school’s visit to the Dreux school in 1959. It is in new pictures and Pictures from Pierre Callac. Bill

    text from Pierre’s message:
    A photo when my communal school was invited by the air Base High school.
    Each french student was choosen by an american girl. I was selected by a pretty
    young girl.
    Unfortunately I could not communicate, I didn’t speak english.

    Best regards


      • hi !
        We were about ten or eleven years old. I was proud to be selected by the prettiest girl of the assembly.
        The binome American French was soon abandonned I think we were too shy , too crazy, too wild …
        …(.Our school master was not able to help us ? he had psychological problems . He was very shy, brutal. He struk the pupil every day. At this time I hated the school )
        But for the first time I was somebody for the US world
        when I pushed the cows on the road you saw me but you did not look at me, I was nobody only as a part of the landscape..
        I stop the feel storming
        Best regards
        I wish you and your family a merry Christmas


  200. Does anyone know who is the couple on the front page of the Memory Page site? They look so much like my parents, Joseph and Rose Vide, who were stationed at Dreux AFB from 1957 to 1960.

    • Dear Rose, We here at the web-site have been asking this question for some two years. You are the first person who has ventured an answer to this mystery. We sure hope you are correct in your analysis. This photo was taken by M/sgt Daniel Watson in 1959 who worked at base headquarters & also the NCO club.
      He was the father of Sherry ( Watson ) Nelson who has pictures, stories, & blogs on this web-site. Would you have any other photos that you or us could try to match up with what we have now on the home page ?
      Could you provide us with information about your parents while stationed at Dreux Air Base ? This could very well bring about others who knew your parents & provide more photos so we can finally resolve this long, long question. We here at the web-site hope that the picture found on the home page is truly your parents. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • I will see if I can get some pictures of them sent to you. I’m afraid I don’t know much about my Dad’s time there but I will send you what I can. I know that someone named Thomas, who was stationed with him, recently reached out to him. My father has been ill so it will be difficult to get any information and my mother passed away a few years ago. I think it would be wonderful if we could help solve this “mystery”. Though the picture is very small, I know my reaction when I opened the page was “OMG, that’s Mom and Dad.

      • Rose, Your reaction pretty well tells me it surely must be your parents. I had a tear in my eyes when you said “OMG” that’s Mom and Dad. I await your pictures so we can see more clearly but I bet that’s them.
        How wonderful we can now after these years, talk with you about this. This is really the way we want this blog to function but needless to say some folks just say hello & never do we hear from them again. Merry Christmas.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

    • Hello Rose Gifford,
      We too believe the couple on the home page to be your parents. Here’s what we at the web-site would like to do. Please send to us pictures of your parents & others of your family. We’ll need to have their names. We’ll make up a picture album of these photos for the web-site including the picture from the home page, showing your parents in front of headquarters, with a caption letting all know these folks are your parents.
      Photos made at Dreux Air Base of your mom & dad will be in the first rows of the album followed by what else you send to us. Now is your chance to have your mom & dad’s own picture album for all to view on the web-site. I’ll also be sending to you an e-mail about this exiting plan. As soon as we receive your photos it wouldn’t take long to have them up on the web-site.
      Thank you Rose, we’ll be looking for your photos.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  201. Hi sir Doug Donnell
    When I was guest of the hunting where I met the air base colonel, I was on leave. The event happened in 1964. The lieutenant colonel was probably Jack Moffat.
    As a lonesome cowboy I was a lonesome hunter with an old gun and a black dog.My hunting strategy was to run very often the fields and woods as a trapper..
    I killed between sixty and one hundred animals a year.
    I stopped hunting in 1989 there was no more game.
    Many air base colonels lived not far from the family Boulguy’s house.
    A day my cows ate the clothes which were dried on the fence of the meadow bordering the colonel’s house. The wife was furious , she wanted to shoot my cows.
    Best regards.

    • Thanks for the reply. A funny story! I will see if I can find some pictures of the hunting group from the base.

      Doug Donnell

    • Cher Cowboy, Can you find a photo showing the WWII German headquarters building that was located in Dreux city ? We have now a photo of that building & need to know if it is for real.
      Please let us know where in Dreux city the building is located & please give to us the address. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  202. Hi !
    AIr meeting 1957
    In this year 1957, sometimes planes passed the wall of the sound, there are no restriction a this tme..
    All of a sudden; an enormous noise burst open the air, surprised everyone, opened windows. My two pigeons flied away the cell door was opened….
    A few days before the air meeting, after the school time,we saw the various air patrols from many countries training in the sky of the air base.We tried to identify
    the country of the engines.
    On the D.Day meeting I went to the base with my parents with a gang car.
    Still wondered by all these planes, transport , fighter planes by all the craft of the US Army I remember to be sitted at the cockpit of a starfigter and to have visited a C119.
    Many planes were exposed, in particular French planes like Griffon, Mystere IV,
    Vautour and many others.
    The Army parade was successfull.
    Many paratoopers were dropped and one of then landed in the crowd. Ten years later I could see the difficulty to drive the sail of the parachute…
    After this episode , it was the air meeting, the planes made the fixed point
    the crowd felts the hot air of the engines, the hat flew….
    The show was stunning, the planes picked on crowd, rectified the flight to made
    barrels, loops, and various figures….
    In short a wonderful an extraordinary air show with those which I could see later/

    • I remember the loud boom from breaking the sound barrier! It was the first time I ever heard the sound or even knew about breaking the sound barrier.

  203. Found this site today 11/22/16. I arrived at dear old Druex in the early summer of 1955. I was one of the first 50 or so to arrive on base. There wasn’t any clubs, px, commissary ect. Strangely they did have a class 6. I was assigned immediately to a support sqdn(7305th support). My name is john c brown and being that the “Charley’s Brown” comic strip was very popular at the time, the troops soon hung that monicker on me. After about a month on base I was assigned to the 60th Fld Maint Sqd. It was at this time that troops stationed at Rhine Main begain being re-assigned to Druex. I pulled couple of “prime” TDY’s in Athens(project Athenia) and Rome(project Spiggetti Drop ) during my first tour overseas.

  204. Hi Chuck,
    I enjoyed meeting you yesterday and chatting. I visited your Dreux website and enjoyed the material too.
    Best, John

    • John, Thank you for the kind words. Was a pleasure to meet you & your wife at the Waffle House in Scottsburg, Indiana on your way to Alabama. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2017.
      Look for an e-mail from me.
      God bless;
      A/2C Sibert

  205. hi !
    I am a french native of Dampierre sur Blevy village. During your duty; you saw me.
    When I was a kid seven years old , I was a lonesome cowboy on foot with the cows and a dog, I blocked the road to Chennevieres. At this time I was not quiet because of Blue dodge car and GMC trucks.
    My family was living in the aera base , my uncle and my grand father were farmer. They were staying in the center of the base in ‘Bois Claireau’ farm. They left their fields. From 1952 to 1964 I lived with the base, Often I worked in the field in a space set between the base road and Chennevieres road.
    I had a friend a US soldier : Bobbie R Neal support sgt . He disappeared in 1964.
    Many remenbrances in my mind when I read the blogs. I can tell many stories about US and french people. ( Open Gate, Michy’s Bar, Chez Olga…)
    Sorry for my bad english…
    Best regards

    • P Callac, Thank you cowboy for your blog talk about the old base.
      You are from Dampierre sur Blevy so just maybe you recall Raymond Boulguy who was with me in August 1987 when I visited the old base. I believe his sister is still living, maybe in Loans.
      My wife & I visited his parents in December 1990 at their house in Dampierre. We enjoyed the visit very much. I sent to them many letters. The father Raymond & son Raymond both died the same year 2009 ? Raymond, the son, lived in Maillebois with Patricia Mogis. She is on facebook. Olga was the owner of Auberge de Maillebois. Do you recall Suzie’s bar in Chateauneuf ? Look to my pictures album. Talk to me again soon.
      A/2C Sibert

      • Thanks for your answer. Family Boulguy was. friends. I always knew them. Raymond son and Nicole were school friends .R.B was a bosom friend when we were children.
        The ended school we played together with other boys of the village. It was a very good time as much more were curious about all the events concerning the base. Unfortunately R.B father and the son died the same year of 2009. A part of the story of the village disappeared with them.I don’t recall suzie’s bar of Chateauneuf. I was too young. My living space limited itself to the village and its close neighborhood.
        To study and to work , as many young people ,I have to go away. R.B stayed, it was an exception…
        At once by the lock of the air base the french workers left toward cities , they were repaced by new generations.
        Now the spirit of this time has disappeared. Although
        became a old villager; I feel a foreigner, peaple stay at home. Their life is somewhere else can be near their workplace.
        I do’nt know…;
        I have no account in facebook.
        Can be that the house of the Boulguy family is now occupied by a heir. ??? I am going to inquire.

        • Hey Cowboy, Good to hear that you and Raymond were very good friends. I enjoyed meeting his mother and father in December 1990 at their home. I will look for photos of that meeting and get them up on the web-site for you to see.
          Raymond and I visited the old air base in August 1987 for about two to three hours. He knew the two gate keepers and we had a very good talk with them and had some red wine with them. My French was not the best but it worked well for us all. I met Raymond that day in front of his house when he was talking to the post man. We talked and he said he worked at the base when it was open. I drove him to the base and we took the pick-up truck of the gate keepers to visit the old base. Look to my pictures album for some of the photos. Talk to me soon.

          A/2C Sibert

          • Hl !
            When we came to visit the base,a former NCO relay station was still living in Brezolles.He stayed here because of his French wife.
            In 1964 he invited me to a hunting party in Crucey ( Hamel) where I met the colonel
            commanding the base. I was a good hunter
            my private hunting ground extended from the fence in front of high school to Dampierre…
            This veteran would have been an excellent guide…
            I think they come back to USA around 2005
            because his sons have been promoted officers in the 101th Airborne.
            Like this family french women married soldier and in most cases disappeared without giving any news. Do you know sone of these mixed family ?
            Four photos were given to us by the AIr Base.
            Three photos concerned the ‘Bois Claireau’ farm fefore its destruction and the last one concerned a visit of may communal school to your High School.
            I can’t add the photos to the blog.
            Another day, I would tell about experienced events during this period.
            Best regards.

          • Bonjour PC (cowboy) –
            Thank you for your comments on the blog. I hope to see more of your stories here. My father was stationed at the base from 1961-1963 and hunted frequently. Did you ever shoot on the base? My father helped build a skeet and trap range on the base and there were many days when the local French hunters and shooters came to the base for an afternoon of shooting. There are a few pictures on this site of the skeet range. As I remember, the president of the “Rod and Gun Club,” which was the organization that made the arrangements with the local French hunters was a Lieutenant Colonel named Jack Moffatt. Perhaps he is the one that you remember as he was there at the same time that we were (1961-64). – Doug Donnell

  206. Stationed at Dreux with the 8th Radio Relay Squadron providing communication with radio relay sites throughout France, England and Germany. Spent some time in Verneuil-sur-Havre and L’Aiglon. Last visited France in 1999 and made re-acquaintance with Hotel Littre at Montparnasse and Orly Airport (Field) where I was stationed for a while.

  207. I could use your help please. I have an gentleman that served in Dreux France in 1961-62. He is needing his patch 7117. Can anyone point me in the direction on where I can get this for him?

  208. My brother and I lived in Dreux, France, from 1952 to 1956. We are the children of Captain John H. Dietz, III, who was stationed there. We would love to connect with people who could help us with our childhood memories. We grew up in a house that had been occupied by the Germans and was used as their headquarters in the area during the war. We have a lot of photos.

    • Stacy – Bill McLeod here. We have at least one kid who was there in 1953., Paula Wadsworth Hansinger. She has not been on lately but she corresponds with Sherry Nelson so maybe Sherry can get her back on. If you can scan your pictures and email them to webmaster@dreuxairbasefrancememories.org. We would love to see them. Bill

      • Stacy –

        I’ll try my best! In the meantime, we would love to see your photos! Thank you in advance for sharing.

    • My father was stationed at Dreux in 1952. My family lived at Chateau de la Barre near Brezolles, then in the Nonancourt area. My brothers and I attended school on the base when it was in a quonset hut. Later a block building was built. There were only about a dozen kids in the school at first. The only other person I’ve seen on this blog who was there at that time is Gene Brown. My family was the Frosts. Johnny, then 10, Dotty, (me) then 9, and Jimmy, then 7. Mr and Mrs. Cody were our teachers.

  209. Somehow one of Ron Britton’s comments did not get approved. Once you have been approved all new comments should go directly to the blog. I don’t know what happened. I am repeating it here. Maybe Doug will be able to answer it.

    Hi All, I have recently been trying to track down my Dad, Elton Britton’s service records. I was hoping to up date his info on this site but the only service records returned from the request were stateside assignments. Is there a different request site/process for overseas records? Perhaps the Cold War nature of the service affects them? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. RonB

    • Hey Dreux Folks, Got a phone call from Buddy Love tonight.
      Buddy lives in Charolett, North Carolina. He says he, his wife & family are OK & well even tho the city is having great problems.
      Thank you Buddy, you’re in my prayers & lets hope many others on this blog are praying that the trouble will soon be resolved where you reside.
      A/2C Sibert

    • Military records are archived and are available from the National Archives. Instructions can be found on this site:
      Note that there was a big fire at the records repository in St Louis many years ago and it destroyed many records. Records for discharges before 1954 are public and can be requested online. For post 1954 discharges (over 62 years after the discharge), only direct relatives can request, which, I’m sure is the case for Ron. It’s not a problem – the request has to be submitted by paper and the form (SF 180) can be downloaded from the Archives website. I hope that helps. – Doug

      • Thank you Doug. This was the avenue I went for my original request but the returned records were only stateside. I’ve been thinking I may try one more time mentioning I am looking for his overseas records as well but perhaps those were some of those lost in the fire…. Thank you very much for your response. Ron

        • Ron—
          I knew your Dad. He was the organist/pianist for our chapel choir under MSGT Levau, who was also the wing SGT Major. Your Dad’s greatest achievement when I knew him was playing the organ at the Chartres Cathedral when we gave a recital there.

    • Billy Mac Thank you very much for keeping an eye out for me here. I hadn’t had a chance to check back but appreciate the re-post and response from Doug. Cheers All, Ron

  210. I glad that the Dreux close ups are of some use. I made them thinking that eventually google would update their sat view of the base and we would lose them.

    • The close-ups are very useful as well as interesting, Bill. Thank you for making and sharing them with this group. Per Glenn’s suggestion, I have taken another look at Close-up 1D and it does indeed show the ballfield that I have been talking about! There were only simple benches there (no bleachers), and the backstop. I remember watching the airmen, as well as other kids, play there many times. Glenn’s observation about the cement rink in the close-up shot brought back so many memories…I, too, spent many hours roller-skating there as it was a perfect spot. The skates were the clip-on kind then…nothing fancy! Next to the rink was a large field of red poppies where we played until dark. Glenn is so right: this site is a gift that keeps on giving!

  211. Hi All, I have recently been trying to track down my Dad, Elton Britton’s service records. I was hoping to up date his info on this site but the only service records returned from the request were stateside assignments. Is there a different request site/process for overseas records? Perhaps the Cold War nature of the service affects them? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. RonB

  212. Hey Dreux Folks, I wonder, wonder who,—might have had something to do with the B-36 bomber before they came to Dreux Air Base ?
    I’m to give a presentation about this bomber at our WW-II round table meeting
    the 26th of August held at the Clarksville, Indiana library.
    It would be a nice tidbit to let the ones there at this meeting, hear about someones B-36 story from long days ago. I may have known an Airman at Dreux but was unaware of their connection to this bomber. I hope to hear back about this request. God Bless:

    • Hi Chuck – Well, I obviously never worked on one, much less saw one actually flying. I’m sure you’ll check out the fairly thorough article on Wikipedia. Since design started in WWII, it had reciprocating engines and ended up being underpowered, hence the addition of the jet engines. I got a kick out of the maintenance expression, “six turnin’ and four burnin'” to describe normal operations. With 56 spark plugs per engine, I’m sure that maintenance was a challenge – especially since most were assigned to northern tier bases to be close to the Soviet Union. Loring AFB, where I was stationed from 88-91 was originally built for the B-36. Being at the northern tip of Maine, it was close to the Soviet Union over the great circle route. The largest building on base (and I think the largest in the state of Maine, at least at the time it was built) was the Arch Hanger – which was specifically constructed to be large enough to hold the B-36. There’s a restored B-36 at the SAC museum between Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska if anyone wants to see one. – Doug

      • Hey Doug, Thanks for your input about the USAF B-36 Peacemaker. I gave this presentation at the WW-II round table back in 2010. Some of the same old veterans are still coming to the meetings. Bill Martin who heads it up is 93 & Col Humbert is 91. I will have a door prize as well, a 12 package of DvD’s about WW-I & WW-II. I have a lot more material this time around. More hand outs to discuss & 30 pictures on 11×17″ poster board that has been laminated as well as a video & some sound effects I recorded & enhanced plus Kate Smith singing God Bless America at the close. I try to make all the meetings but some I failed to attend. We have close to 30 now each month. Someone has a presentation each month & November is our show & tell month. December is the off month as our meeting date falls on the last Friday of each month.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  213. Buddy Love sent us a gas coupon. I have added it to his story. He was in charge of issuing them while he was at Dreux. For those of us who may not know what they were I have added Doug Donnell’s explanation to the story.

  214. I was wrong on the video. You can’t see the area of the front gate and the school. I added links to two videos on Philippe’s website to our video page to make it easy to access them. You should still go take a look at his website. It’s worth it.

  215. Just put up a new story from Chuck. Also check out the website of Phillipe. There are some things there that we don’t have. If you click on the solar panel picture you get a video where you can see the whole base from the air. On the main base the roads are still there but all the buildings and foundations are gone. On margaritte six the buildings are still there. Further down the page you will find a referral to our website. The speckled picture just before our picture of the last C-119 is actually a video taken at the open house in 1956.

  216. I could not help but notice in some of the pictures that Dreux evidently continued on long after I left in June of 1961 on reassignment to Evreux to cross train on C-130’s. Within a couple of months at Evreux, was transferred to Athens, where I stayed until 64. Got to Dreux May 13th 1960 to work on C-119’s. I can’t recall the squadron, but I recall my barracks was located kitty corner from the airmen’s club, and the squadron airplanes I worked on was not not far from there as well, because it was a fairly easy walk to get around. my squad of airplanes was Most likely somewhere on the west end of the base. I was under the wrong impression the base closed up in 61, but judging from the pictures it lived on for a time. After Athens, was assigned to Otis AFB Cape Cod, and from there to Viet Nam to work on C123s. Got honorably discharged in 68: Went to college and later taught aviation maintenance and ground school for pilots in San Mateo California Community College.
    there’s more, but for now this is probably TMI. In any case I thought I’d share this with you. I’m ok if anyone cares to write to me at my home email. But not sure if you folks out there allow that, so will leave it out for now.
    Cheers and be safe and healthy everyone.

    • Hey Jim, From what you say your barracks was # S-163 at the corner of California Ave & Florida Ave. Same one as for Bill McLeod. The Airmen’s club was located on California Ave at North Carolina Street. It shows up in capture # 26 in the Dreux closeup picture album looking like a black 90 degree angel type building.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • Chuck
        thanks for responding so quickly and for giving me the exact location of the barracks and airmen’s club, and by street name no less. What more could I ask for. Funny story. When I was first assigned to France just out of tech school, I left the U.S. kicking and screaming. Yelling to my friends something like….how can I leave our great country and go to some backward place like France. Well it wasn’t long before I was introduced to a whole new world that opened my eyes to such a wonderful place…..and only a few kilometerss from Paris. I soon got to love the place before I was shipped out to new places, as previously mentioned.

        • Hey Jim, I am very glad to help you with anything about our old air base.
          I was in Turkey at Incirlik Air Base Adana, Turkey before I came to Dreux Air Base. When I arrived in Turkey hardly any Turks I came into contact with spoke any English. You can check this out in my stories. There was very little to do for us off base in 1958 because we had to learn some Turkish first. No so in France. I liked Turkey & France. God Bless:
          A/2C Sibert

  217. Hey Bob, Thanks for what you said. The unfinished main mess hall for the base in your photo, allows me to see just where you fellas were camped.
    Were you in on the assembly process of erecting the Belgian quonset huts for your living quarters ? When you left the base for good were all the trailers installed in the Officers park ? The Officers park had metal light poles with shaded lamps at the top on the streets and underground wiring. You can see them in one of your photos. It would be great if we could get more photos of your time at the new air base.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  218. Hi Ckuck I read your comment Re” the thrift store & it brought some memories to me If you refer to my picture album you will notice one pic with no trailers & one with trailers which was the officers park There was a hut about 3-4 rows over from my street & on the north end which was the 821st EAB PX. Also if you look at another of my pics taken on xmas day 54 You can see the AF mess hall in the distance which was not fully completed yet. Our mess hall was at the end of the muddy street in the pic. Just thought I would mentione it for what its worth But it did ring a bell with me Thanks & Requards Spc4 Bob Keller

  219. Dreux Air Base did have a thrift shop it was quonset hut T-1115 at the north end of the officers trailers court. See officers trailer area found in Dreux base maps.
    You get there by going to Dreux information first. Sherry tells us her mom would bring home used comic books she bought there for 12 cents & after she & others read them they would pass them on to other kids.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  220. Hey Dreux Folks, was there a softball field in the vicinity of Idaho Ave & North Carolina Street across from the NCO trailers first loop ? Sherry told me she recalls a field where the Airmen played that had benches for the players & a backstop. The children from the NCO trailer park often played near that ball field in the grassy area.
    A/2C Sibert

    • The only ball fields I remember were the ones over by the high school and the ones behind the NCO club. Both are visible in some of the pictures that we have posted on the site. The fields by the NCO Club may be the ones Sherry was thinking of.

      They had benches, and backstops. It’s quite possible that there was another set of fields closer to the NCO trailers – I just don’t remember. Everything at Dreux was so close, so anywhere on base was a short walk. – Doug

      • Hey Doug, The softball field behind the NCO club near to the football field was right next to the electrical substation for that area. You put up a picture of your dad playing in a game there with his co-workers & some Army fellas.
        There may have been a players bench but I never saw any spectator seating. I was able to look out on that field from my barracks S-168 overlooking the south goal post of the football field.
        Sherry played in the field next to Idaho Ave across from the NCO trailers first loop. Going east walking you left the NCO trailers first loop, crossed over Idaho Ave & then you were into the grassy playground area that Sherry talks about. She says there was a softball field there as you walked north toward North Carolina Street.
        This grassy area ran north from the perimeter road to somewhere close to North Carolina Street. I do not know how far it went eastward. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • You’re right on all counts Chuck. I remember watching quite a few softball games at the field next to the electrical substation, and I don’t recall any spectator seating. In my picture you can clearly see that there wasn’t any seating on the 1st base side – don’t remember if there was any on the other side. I’m sure Sherry is right about the playground area by the NCO trailers – I just don’t remember it. I know for sure that all of the baseball and softball games we played for little league were at the fields over by the high school.

          • Sherry is indeed correct. I spent many hours learning to pitch with my dad, against the backstop at that field. I don’t think it was used for any games. Out what would have been the left field line, there was a oval cement ‘track’ where I learned to roller skate. I think I could see the outline of both spots on an aerial picture once. I will try to look for it.

          • I think Glenn replied the the wrong thread so I am repeating it here —
            from Glenn
            I found the picture. It’s 1d in the Dreux close ups. Look at the far right of the frame and you will see the oval. Go due south of that and you will see a v-shape tree/shrub line. That’s the area Sherry is talking about and where the backstop was. This site is a gift that keeps on giving!

  221. Hey folks, Here’s what we are up against. Talking to Sherry Nelson just a few minutes ago we were discussing the snack bar Juke box. She tells me her & her sister Debbie would go there for coca-colas & sit near the Juke box for sometime to listen to the stateside music. She said the GI’s would play many songs. She tells the songs were maybe only five cents per song. What I need to know is, was there also a Juke box found in the service club ? Bill Kaufmann’s service club sketch shows a Juke box located in the service club but I don’t see one located in the snack bar ? Could be he left that out of his sketch ? I hope someone will enlighten us about this.
    A/2C Sibert

  222. Even more on the NCO trailer park. I combined the two diagrams into one to make it easier to compare. Sherry is coming up with more information on what was in the opern areas. Everyone is invited to contribute. Bill

  223. More on trailer numbering in the NCO trailer park. I have added the diagrams for the park from the 1960 phone book and the one that we got from the AFCVM which was later then 1960, if you look at them the trailer numbers are the same except some of the trailers are gone and they have a 2 in front of the original trailer number. For example Sherry trailer was 364 in 1960 and 2364 in the later diagram. The diagrams are in Dreux Information- Maps and Sketchs. Bill

    • Thanks you, Bill, for sorting this dilemna out! The two additions – side by side – show interesting comparisons.

  224. Does anybody know the pharmacist or pharmacist assistant that was there in jan 1961..he helped birth me in the back of a staff car. My folks hv died and i hv some questions about location of my birth.

  225. This is a test on my part to see if this goes through been having some problems with my computer Have a nice day Bob Keller 821st EAB

  226. Don’t know which picture you are talking about with four digits but the officer’s trailer park was all four digits in the 1960 phone book.

  227. The AFCVM pictures are great and bring back so many memories. Thank you so much, Bill, for a job well done. Regarding the trailer numbering question that Glenn has raised, I would agree with him. Our number on South Dakota Avenue, for example, was T364. Perhaps some of the trailers were numbered differently. In any event, I have studied the new Trailer Park map here tonight with the street names identified, and so many memories have flooded back of the families we shared our lives with all those years ago.

  228. The home page picture of Headquarters & the main Hanger was taken by Sherry Nelson’s father Daniel Watson, in 1959. The 60th Troop Carrier Group with its three squadrons 10th, 11th, & 12th started to arrive at the new base beginning in Sept 1955. If that hanger was completed in 1954 or early 1955 it was only 4 or 5 years old when the photo was taken. Since all the hangers were demolished in 2007-2008 for scrap they only stood for 53-54 years & were really only used by the USAF for 6 or 7 years. When I was living at the base, 1960-1961, that hanger looked exactly like the main page photo. When I came back for a base look-see in Aug 1987 it looked as tho that hanger had been painted a rust color. When I walked inside that hanger it looked similar to my last days at the base but the outside made me almost shed a tear, for it wasn’t paint, just rust on rust. The Vietnam war was going on when U.S. troops left France for good, so we didn’t hear too much about the bases closing in France. I just had to talk a little bit about all the treasure Uncle Sam spent on Dreux Air Base. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  229. When you look in the picture folders for AFCVM, under control tower, there is a picture showing three men working in the tower. This picture was posted in the Dreux Review on page three. We do not know the year as of yet. My guess is the early years of the base. When did the Dreux Review begin to be printed ? Again my guess is in 1956. We are hoping someone will recall the three men in this picture. Left to right they are A/3C Glenn W. Simonds, Mr Michel Leveillard (no doubt French) , & S/sgt Daymond G. Maddox. Again we would like to find out if anyone out there can help with these questions. It could be someone will recall, after some 50 years, some information concerning these folks. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  230. Hey folks, Bill has put up pictures in the AFCVM folder that are different than what he had there at first. Some could be the same but better, so take a look. I am putting comments these pictures as of now. Bill had had these pictures for a while, just takes some time to get it all together. My hat’s off to him !!!
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Wow, these are really great and should dust off a few memories for the folks on this blog. I was amazed that there was a trailer left on the base. As bad a shape as the pictures show it to be in, those that lived in them will certainly be able to recognize the general layout. I still remember that little bathtub that you would sit in. Great job Bill.
      – Doug

      • Hey Doug, The trailer shown in the latest pictures was not on the base when the photo was taken. The AFCVM folks told us that this trailer was found by their folks to be in a factory enclosure somewhere near to the base. If you look close one can see metal fence posts & woven wire fencing near to the trailer. I will continue to search my e-mails to find just where we were told to find this trailer. We may have info on where one can find another trailer from AFCVM e-mails. For some reason Bill & I can not reach these folks again ? Thank you & all you do to keep this blog moving forward !! God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • These AFCVM pictures are great. I don’t remember the trailers having 4 numbers. For instance, ours was T218; in the non-comm section right on Perimeter Rd. I have posted a picture with that number. The one picture with T227 seems more like what I remember. I guess we were in another area of the base.

          • I found the picture. It’s 1d in the Dreux close ups. Look at the far right of the frame and you will see the oval. Go due south of that and you will see a v-shape tree/shrub line. That’s the area Sherry is talking about and where the backstop was. This site is a gift that keeps on giving!

  231. My family was at Dreux AFB from 1957 to 1958 with Sgt Glenn Fugitt and Connie Fugitt. I was born there and the next year in 1959 moved to off base housing known as the French Economy, just outside the city of Dreux, France, right across from an abandoned factory (which I would also like more information on). If anyone has any information they can share regarding the trailers on-base housing or about SSgt Glenn Fugitt who worked at the Motor Pool, please contact me. I am looking for the nice gentleman with reddish hair, an officer, who helped my mom often with rides to the hospital or the NCO club. Thank you.

  232. First of all I really enjoy reading about Dreux from all. I was stationed there from 1958 to 1961. During my stay I was assigned NCOIC of Base Telephone Office also worked at the Officers Club tending Bar.We lived in Dreux housing at first then moved to the trailers which made it nice. The only people that I can remember was Msgt Steeves, Tsgt Leroy Mullins and Tsgt Gauthers. Thanks for letting us keep up with the base.

    • Hi George – Welcome to the blog. Could you tell me something about the telephone system at Dreux? When I lived there I was a young guy, but went on to a career as a comm officer in the AF and worked a lot with phone systems. I’m curious to know anything you might remember about the inside and outside plant at Dreux.

      Thanks, Doug

      • Hi Doug. First of all I ran the base telephone operations section and also worked in the Teletype section much different then todays Comm. We had the old teletype equipment and received the old card system. My back ground in comm extends to Korea, Vietnam, Clark Ab PI, and Greenland. I retired after 21 years in 1972. Sorry I’m able to help on inside and outside plants. Take care and thanks for your blog.

        • Hello again George. I had to chuckle a bit when I read your post about “old” teletype. We were still using teletype machines to punch paper tape when I came on active duty in 1972. Then, when I was in tactical comm in the late 70’s the AF was still using teletype machines in their comm vans. Thought I had seen my last teletype machine until I showed up for a NATO assignment in 1991 and went into the comm center only to see banks of teletypes. So, I suppose “old teletype equipment” is a relative term. Those machines were reliable, but incredibly slow by today’s standards. During exercises I would sometimes put a courier in a staff car and have him hand carry the Air Tasking Order to the ATOC, as it was faster than sending it by teletype.

    • Hi George…I remember you and Sgt. Bojako arrived at Dreux at the same time – he took over teletype and you took over switchboard. I worked for TSGT Steves and Lt. Waple. I didn’t realize Sgt. Steves had made MSGT, but he was very sharp and deserved MSGT. I made SSGT in four after I rotated back to the states to Westover in Jan. of 1960. Spent a total of 8 years, and got out to go back to college. After an MBA I went with the railroads and the Fed. RR. Admin. Thanks to my 8 year in the Air Force I retired from Gu’mint with 38 years. I’m now retired and living in Tennessee, half-way between Nashville and Knoxville.

      • Hey Chris, Do you still have the same phone number ? If so I’ll call you. I have your last four as 6820.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  233. Hi Chuck ! I will try to answer your question again Guess I didn’t do it right the 1st time Re: location of E M club Late 55 it was moved from the Q- Huts in the 821st area .same time they moved us into the barracks etc. If my memory serves me correct the AF EM club was close to the new warehouses I don’t recall any street names . I think there was at least 2-4 warehouses in a line the club was across the street or not to far also I think construction was under way for another mobile park in the area. this would be in addition to the park that was built in the Q – hut area almost across the street from the hut that was my home. Hope this goes through I will keep trying if it doesn’t Bob Keller

    • Hey Bob, You are right on about the EM club. That’s where it was when Bill & I were at the base. The trailer park you mentioned being built, was to be for the NCO’s. I was dating a girl who lived in one of the trailers in 1960. The trailer park across from your Quonset hut was for the officers.
      Anything more you can recall please get it to me.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  234. I was at Dreux in 1955 having transferred from St Nazaire with a SCARWAF (probably mis-spelled) unit. Drove a Mack quarry truck and ran to Paris on every weekend opportunity in my 1955 MG1500 ($1300+, brand new) as well as attending two LeMans races- 54/55.
    Look back at that time of my life as a grand adventure and still keep in touch with Dick Etchinson a friend for life that I served with.
    Great time to be in France and have been back to the bases and France in general several times.

  235. Re: Saul Musikant remarks june 14th I was stationed at Dreaux with the 821st EAB From Oct 54 TO Jan 56 During that time period we lived in Quonset huts & the streets were just plain ole dirt refer to my picture album Late 1955 they did move us into one of the new Air Force Barracks & used one of the new chow halls. & the E M club down by the warehouses . Just thought I would mention this for what its worth Have a nice day Bob Keller Spc 4th 821 EAB

    • Hey Bob, Just where was that EM club ? Could it have been near the corner of California Ave & North Carolina St ? That would have been very near to the warehouses. If so that EM club would become the Airmens club that Bill & I knew in 1959-1961.
      A/2C Sibert

  236. In December 2015 or maybe January 2016 we had a comment from Saul Musikant. Saul was a radio repairman CPU with the US Army 821st engineer battalion. He made a remark about one of Doug Donnell’s pictures from 1978 he took of the base. He tells that the airport part of the new base was finished but troops still lived in tents & small quonset huts in 1953. He tells that the base roads were unfinished and very muddy. As we all know, barracks were to be constructed about the new base. This was 1953 & the base opened beginning in Sept 1955.
    I just found his comment in the new pictures album. Could be he will read this blog & get back with us via the blog. Saul, we sure hope to hear from you.
    A/2C Sibert

  237. We have a fella by the name of Mitch Clark who signed in on the unit page.
    Says he worked in the TTY maint shop ? That’s about all he’s told us for now.
    I sent to him an e-mail & hope to hear back from soon.
    Maybe someone can recall this Airman.
    A/2C Sibert

  238. I have wonderful memories of this base! I was really young, but remember Trailer City and our little duplex we lived in with my parents and 3 of my siblings.
    Was anyone friends with The Bennetts. My father was Major Chester Bennett. My mother was Julia Bennett.
    Siblings were; Sherry Bennett, Beau Bennett, Christopher Bennett and myself, Becky Bennett. We were there from approximately 1961-1964?
    Then we moved stateside to Lockbourne AFB until 1969.
    Thanks for this blog!!
    Becky Bennett-Armstrong

    • Hi Becky. Welcome to the blog. You were there at the same time we were. There are several members of the group that were at Dreux at that time. What were the ages of you and your siblings at the time? Did you live off base or in a trailer? Hopefully, we’ll be able to match up some info for you. – Doug

    • Joe

      My name is Tom Fitzgerald I was at Dreux from Jan 65 til Mar 67, I worked in Housing and Billeting and was one of the last to leave. Was your squadron commander a Captain with the nickname Buzz?

  239. My name is Joe Campisi, I was a TSGT with the Security Police. 1963 until all troops left. We really enjoyed our time there.

  240. I was a small child living in the Trailer City from about 1956-1960. My Dad, Frank Overcast was int he Air force and worked in the hospital. We loved it there because everyone lived like family. I remember our neighbors Chuck and Faye and we remained friends for years. I also remember going to the Riviera and driving through the countryside. Visiting Paris was so much fun for us. My Dad used to take my sister and I to the country to have shoes made for us which we thought we were so special. My Mom Hazel Overcast and I were in a fashion show at the club on base. I’m sure I have an 8mm film somewhere of our trailer and neighbors.

    • Welcome, Yvonne! Please share your film of the trailer and your neighbors with this group when you locate it. We would truly appreciate it! Many thanks.

  241. Hi ! I’m french and I’m a Brezolles’ chlid who is, now, 50 years old. My father was a garage manager and he was talking a lot about Crucey base’s people. And to me those pictures are very interesting and poignantes. I would say thank you to the people who manage this web site and thanks to the americans which alowed my country to be free. Merci !

    • Bruno – Welcome! Merci d’avoir visité notre blog. Tout le monde ici a de très bons souvenirs de la base et nos amis français dans les communautés environnantes. – Doug

  242. The Moped I owned at Dreux Air Base was not the Moped listed in the for sale section of the base paper. (Dreux Review) That Moped was listed for sale by Jack Bernklow. His daughter Nancy Bernklow had asked about this some months ago & I am now replying for her. Sorry Nancy it got lost in the shuffle.
    A/2C Sibert

  243. Hey Dreux folks,
    Bill just received three DVD copies of movies taken of Dreux Air Base years ago.
    They are somewhat rough and Bill will try to clean them up and put them on the web-site as soon as possible.
    Bill wants to know if there is a former Dreux person that can help with this task of cleaning the DVD’s up.
    Could be someone could point Bill to some software that can help with this project ? Let us know.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  244. What a good day to say hello to all Dreux Air Base folks. I’m looking for more photos to put up on the web-site. Just about exhausted my supply but could be some in this next box ? I hope you folks will be looking in your spots for more pictures also. I understand we’re all getting older but who’ll do it if we don’t ?
    Have a great day and a wonderful 2016. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  245. We have a contact lately via unit rosters. I am repeating it here.

    What where you doing a Dreux?
    My father (Leon White Coles) was stationed here until his death in
    1958 (13th Jan 1958). I believe he was there between 1949 and 1958.
    I am trying to locate a photograph of him.

    When where you there?
    Not applicable

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    Name: Leon White Coles.
    Service No: AF 32 089 629
    Rank: Technical Sergeant

    I have emailed Jim Bandy who I hope knew Sgt Coles.

  246. 4/6/16
    Thanks for sharing this site. My father Jack Fohey and family was stationed at Dreux AB I believe 1966. he was Army supply sergeant. If anyone remembers him, would love to hear from you.
    His daughter,
    Patty Fohey Key

  247. My husband was in the Alabama Air National Guard which was activated in October 1961 and sent to Dreux. He was a JAG officer, William C. Howton, Jr.
    Since it was supposed to be a 10 month activation no dependents were provided for but some of us came anyway. There were a few trailers on the base and Bill managed to talk an officer who was living in one of them to give it up so I could come with our infant daughter. There were few families there and not even that many military personnel. The planes were all sent to another base so it was really quiet. The most exciting thing that happened was when a young French soldier was killed in some kind of accident and three members of the Alabama Guard were accused in his death. It was hard for the Americans to grasp that the French judicial system is so different from ours. Most of the Alabamians were experiencing their first trip out of the country and could not believe that the men would be charged according the the French system even though the incident occurred outside the base.
    We lived in our cosy trailer till sometime in the Summer. By then there were more families at Dreux and a group got together and chartered a plane to take us back to the U.S. We went via Amsterdam to New York. There were many children on the flight, including 11 tiny babies, many of them born over there.

    • Hannah, Buddy Love had told me about the French soldiers death.
      He said the Guard’s supply sergeant Garrison was held in the base stockade until the guard rotated back to the states. What month in 1962 did this happen ?
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Hello Hannah – Welcome to the blog. I was there at the same time that you were, although as a young dependent, not an adult. When we arrived, the base had already been put into a caretaker status so things were pretty slow and it was pretty exciting when the Alabama ANG showed up. I remember the planes arriving . . . then leaving for Chaumont AB. I hope you can provide us with some stories and pictures from your time at the base. Again, welcome to the blog. – Doug

  248. I’m looking for some more photos of Dreux Air Base here at home. I hope to find some to get up on the pictures album. It would be very nice if some others would search their secret places and come up with more photos for the web-site.
    More to follow about this endeavor, stay tuned.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  249. I was there… I was an instructor at the 8th Radio Relay Microwave School at Dreux.
    Col. Thomas, Capt. Williams, and we Instructors. Anyone out there remember the good old days, drop me some email.

  250. Just put a welcome to France booklet from 1960. Booklet was for families being sent to France. Thanks to Doug Donnell for the book.

  251. Hello Jim
    Hay are you Jim and Ronnie The family From England, would love to correspond with you, please Email us bjfaase@charter.net, we jest looked up the blog and saw your reply– then we said hay that’s Jim and Ronnie–we will wait for your reply—————Bert / Jimmy

  252. Hello Ken, Very sorry about the sad loss of your mom, our condolences to you all. Wish we had this wonderful Blog years ago. We were in Fairfax, VA for about 16 yrs before moving to Colorado. I would have enjoyed meeting up with your dad, he’s a good guy & I liked him. You are right about the chateau. We lived there from early 1956 to late 1960. It was a wonderful place for families & we have many fond memories of living there & France in general.

    • Yes it would have been nice to connect earlier with former Dreux residents. We lived in Fairfax for 10 years before moving to Arlington in 1988. Mom and dad visited often, so we could have hooked up. I just got back from skiing at Copper Mountain in Colorado. Such a small world.

  253. Myra – check our dreux information link for maps then Chatteauneuf housing . There is a map showing the city location and a bigger map showing houses. These were made from google maps. You can go to google maps and then use the google street view to look at individual houses.

  254. Calling out to those that were in Dreux later as in April 1963-May 1966. My Dad then Tech Sargent Jame E. Looney was station at Dreux Air Base for those years. We started our residence there in a silver trailer with a lean to built on for only about 3 months but not sure. Then we moved to Chateauneuf. My brother thinks our neighborhood or village was called Leon which does not show up on the maps. We were very fortunate as we lived on the edge of the off base housing right across from French residents. We played with these kids and learned somethings from them including eating chocolate with bread.

    Our next door neighbors were the Parkers. Any Parker family members on this blog? My sister was born at the airbase hospital in Evreux in July of 1963. We loved this area and our sweet ironing lady Madame Leon. There was a little stream with a bridge that my brother fished from.

    The French were going socialist and even as a child I read the “Yankee Go Home” painted on a 2,000 year old Roman wall with sadness. We were soon moved back on base into a silver trailer with a little built on lean to. Pretty tight for a family of five. The fun of living on base was walking to the movies every Saturday morning and sneaking into the fighter planes that were stored on the back of the base. We got run out by the MPs more than once.

    So us three siblings are planning on going back this spring maybe end of May to first of June if I can get my brother to commit. It looks like there are several on here planning spring trips. Does anyone have any advice?

    We are thinking after arriving in Paris Friday, May 20th we will immediately go to Chateauneuf to explore for several days. Will we be okay to visit that area over a weekend or will everything be closed up? In this area we will look for our old house, what’s left of the air base, go the Chartres on day (a perennial field trip location). Then we will head north through Evreux (my sister’s birthplace) and on to Normandy for a couple of days. Then back to Paris. I really want to run a race in Paris and there is a 5 K Saturday May 28th. Of course we will do many other fun things in Paris and then fly home.

    All advice is welcome as this will be the first time back for us in 50 years. God bless you all

    BTW I think I also had Miss Waris she was an amazing teacher. She got married the year I was there and became Mrs. Pamy.

    • I was stationed there 63 t o66. I worked in the motor vehicle repair shop under a Sgt. Looney. And I knew Sgt Parker too. Sgt Looney wrote all my APR’s and he was good at it. I came to Dreux an A3c and left a SSgt G5. Sgt Looney was a straight up guy and I admired the man greatly. As I was only 18 when I arrived there and he was a father figure to me. He was from Chatanooga, TN as I recall. I left Dreux and was stationed at Myrtle Beach for a year, then went civilian. But I occasionally thought about “Looney” and always thought I owed that man a lot. Don Austin

  255. HELLO we were the first to occupy the Chateau de la Barre, after the army left– still looking for Arthur A Terry— I am Bert Faase, just talking to Bob Lanahm- who was with operations—we were with the 60th field radio operations—- with Raymond Stakley— we returned home in Feb of 1957

    • Hello Bert, Glad to know you are well. One of the pictures was from a postcard we bought at the village shop in Les Chatelets, the other was a picture we took on our last visit in 1990. We stopped by the farmers house & spent a nice time with him & his wife, enjoying coffee, goodies & drinks. They made us most welcome & he gave us a tour of the chateau. They told us how nice it was for them when the ex American residents stopped by for a visit & that it was like family coming home. They did mention that Roger Acord had recently visited. We corresponded with them for some years until we got a short note saying they had both passed away. Ask Stakley does he still have the Ford with trumpets on the fenders that played Rock & Roll. Tell Lanahm I said Hi, that’s if he remembers me.

  256. Returning to France this summer. I was going to stop by Dreux. I am hoping to find “Billy Goat Hill” hill and take my red wagon down the hill for old time sake. I was cruising thru the internet and came across the blog about the Dreux school. So much fun.

    It has brought back so many great memories. We were stationed at Dreux for 3 years (1958 to 1961) . I was in grade school, 3rd to 5th grade. Great teachers, my favorites Ms. Stevens and Estabrook. I remember two classmates Sonny and Doug. Anyone out there in the same class. We may have been square dancing partners.
    We spent 1 year in Dreux than moved to Chateauneuf.

  257. I am planing my first trip back to France this May since my family transferred back to the States in July 1960. We lived in Dreux while my dad (George Vranich) was stationed at Dreux Air Force Base from 1956 to 1960. Although I have inherited a very poor long-term memory in general, I did want to try and visit where we lived at that time to see what memories it might jog. I was quite surprised to come across this web site while searching for information on Dreux. I was even more surprised when I read the article posted by Sherry Watson Nelson about “A Very Special Teacher” — we must have been in the same 1959/1960 3rd grade class with Miss Waris. After living in the new housing area just up the hill in town of Dreux for 3 years, we moved to the same trailer park as Sherry for our last year. Although I don’t recall any of our classmates, we must have know each other at the time.

    One thing that I was trying to find before our trip (May 2016) is where we actually lived for the first 3 months of our tour. We arrived in October 1956 and the Druex housing was not yet ready so we were assigned to an old hotel somewhere in the surrounding area. I believe we stayed there until January 1957 when the housing was completed. There were other families at the hotel also, but as it was quite full, we (mom, dad and my brother) were in one room with two double beds in the attic. There was a sink in the room, but the bathroom was elsewhere…believe it might have been on the floor below. Don’t know which town it was in, but looking out the dormer windows we could see a square with a WWI memorial for which there was a ceremony on November 11. I know a bus picked up my brother and the other kids staying at the hotel for transport to the school on base (I hadn’t started yet). Thought it might be Nonacourt, but searching Google Earth did not give me any clues. Does anyone have any idea where this hotel might have been?

    Would love to hear from Sherry. Seeing the details in her posting she may remember me even if I don’t remember her.

    • Hi Ken!

      First of all, a big welcome is sent your way! I have enjoyed reading your post and will look forward to more contributions from you in the future: memories, photos, etc. While I cannot put a face to your name, I do know that there was a Ken in our class as I drew his name for the Christmas gift exchange! I remember this distinctly as my grandfather shared the same first name and I thought that was neat at the time. Do you have a photo of yourself from that time? Perhaps we were square dance partners in class! While I can’t help you with your search for the hotel information, I suspect that someone in this group can and will help you soon. I wish you the very best of luck with your trip back to Dreux. Thanks for sharing.

      • Hi Ken,
        I’m glad you found the site. I’m sure it will whet your appetite for your upcoming trip. My dad was stationed at Dreux from 59-62, and I also had Ms Waris, with Sherry; so we were very likely classmates for 3rd grade, too.
        I made a trip back in 2012 and again in 2014. Structures were being torn down in the first trip and ther was nothing but a bit of rubble in the second trip. That’s progress for you!

        I think the third picture in my album may be the War Memorial in Maillebois that you described. I don’t know if the building behind it is the ‘hotel’. It sits at one end of a town square, so when you go you may want to check it out. I have to imagine the structure is still standing.

        Enjoy your trip, and please share a report when you return. I hope by now there is some access allowed to the solar farm facility that’s on the site. At least you might be able to travel some of the old streets.

        • Glenn,
          Good to hear from another classmate even if it has been 56 years and we don’t remember each other. To bad they didn’t do group class photos back then. I do have my 3rd grade photo, but will have to look through old slides my folks took to see if there are any from school. I know we had some from when we went to the Paris zoo at year end, but don’t remember if it was after 2nd or 3rd grade.

          Chuck sent some info on Maillebois and I did see the hotel on Google Earth. It is the place I remember. Just thought it was bigger than it looks now. But then again, seems like every place we lived growing up looks much smaller now than back then.

          Will follow up with info when we come back from our trip in the Spring.


          • I remember taking a zoo trip to Paris during my second-grade year, probably in the Spring of 1959. I guess that was something of a tradition!

      • Sherry,
        Thanks for responding so quickly, but as you can see I am not as diligent. I do have a 3rd grade photo which I suppose I should not be to embarrassed to post once I get a some time to figure out how to do it. I do remember the square dancing especially since my folks were in a square dance club in Dreux. They would rotate having the dances in different homes in our housing area. Had to make their own entertainment back then with no TV and the movies didn’t change that often. Oh the good old days!

        As you can see below some of the others have responded to my first post and I will make an effort to reply to them also. Until next time…

        • Dear Ken,
          I’m the historian of EAASDC (European Assoc. of American Square Dance Clubs, see eaasdc.eu). The club that you report about was a member of this association. I’m on the search for information about the club, through rotation a lot got lost. Could you be of any help and provide me with pictures, badge or other information? Originals or scans everything is welcome. Many thanks in advance.

    • Hey Ken, I believe you were housed at the Auberge de Maillebois in Maillebois some 5 miles from the Dreux Air Base. Maillebois is found on road D-939 to the left going south just off Road D-20 coming from Dreux. See road sign photo where you turn off to go down slight hill into Maillebois in my pictures album.
      You could have seen the WW-I memorial standing at the front of the square from your attic room dormer. The Auberge de Maillebois (hotel/Inn) building still stands on your right heading toward Chateauneuf but maybe not used as a hotel/Inn now? I was there in Aug 1987 and the sign still said
      Auberge de Maillebois. Directly across from this building is the Auberge des Trois Epis, a Hotel, Restaurant, Tabac, & bar which is still in business.
      Look in my picture album for photos of this area 18th row 2nd photo- 37th row 5th photo- 49th row 1st photo- 60th row 5th photo. The old Open Gate Restaurant Bar building still stands on the left side of road D-20 just before you make a right turn onto the base entrance road D-315.1. See 18th row 1st photo. The 18th row 2nd photo shows how the Open Gate used to look in 1960.
      I hope this will help you when you return to the area where our Dreux Air base once stood, just a beautiful Avion Base.
      The families I knew from 1987 that lived very close to the old base have all passed away but I will try very hard to get to you the e-mail addresses of people Bill & I have been in contact with the last two years. I believe someone will be glad to meet up with you and help you locate what you want to see.
      The mayor of Maillebois may be of some help for you.
      In the Dreux web-site you will find the locations of all the off base housing areas along with their photos.
      Bill and I will help you all we can as you will surely need all the help you can get on your trip to France.
      More to come ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Hey Ken, I am sending to you a picture of the old hotel where you lived near the WW-I monument as it looks now in Maillebois. I know this will help you a lot when you get to Maillebois. The old hotel is just behind the blue car looking north past the monument.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • Chuck,
        Thanks for the information and Maillebois must indeed be the place where we stayed in the hotel. Could not see where you sent me a photo, but I did see it in the ones you posted on the Pictures page. Once I saw that, went to Google Earth and was able to see how it currently looks. Not as big as I expected, but the location was on the mark…even down to the river/creek that ran through the town. Will try to get by there when we visit in the spring. Also will go by our house in the subdivision up the hill from the St. Louis Chapel in Dreux itself.

        For now, this has been a big help as it was driving me crazy trying to figure out where that hotel was. If I have more questions when the trip gets nearer, I will let you know.


    • Hey Ken,
      I knew your dad quite well, being my flight chief in the 11th Sq. He was a TSgt at that time & a great NCO. Fair & honest in his dealings with us young GIs, speaking in his very impressive deep voice. I also met your mother. They were visiting a friend at the chateau where we lived & stopped by our apartment for a look see. Your mom was a lovely lady & very pleasant, they made a handsome couple.
      Hope you enjoy your trip, we love France. Remember though, take twice the money & half the clothes.

      • Jim,
        It was very good to hear that someone remembered some nice things about my folks. I wish that I had been older when we were there so that I would have more memories of the place.

        My mom passed away in 2007 and is Arlington National Cemetery. Dad turned 90 last year, but his memory and cognitive abilities are dwindling very fast. Thus, he cannot help with any questions I have about Dreux. After spending many years retired in Florida, he is now in the assisted living section at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in DC. It works out well since my brother and I both live in the DC suburbs and can visit him frequently.

        I do remember visiting a chateaux where some of the families lived and saw some photos of it on the Pictures page. I would assume that is the one you mentioned. The only specific memory I have of it was that there was a room where the chateaux owners had apparently stored all their crystal when the place was turned over to the Americans. Much of the crystal was untouched, but there were a lot of broken pieces all over the floor. Is this the same Chateaux?

        Thanks again for the good words.

  258. Just got this from Jim O’brien. You can see his stories in the memories section and his pictures in the picture section.

    Thanks to all of you on the team for all the of your work & time spent working this BLOG for our benefit, enjoyment & fond memories. For you Bill, a special thanks for getting me in touch with our mutual friend Don Leslie. It was great reminiscing with him about our days at Dreux. We discussed working on the on C-119s & the various NCOs we worked for. He & I were both fresh out of Tech School at that time, & impressed with the aircraft & in awe of NCOs and their rank. That, inevitably rolled into our experience being on flying status & the responsibility for the care & maintenance of the planes while alone at different air bases on cross country trips. We also chatted about the various aircraft commanders we crewed with. All in all we both enjoyed every aspect of the 11thSq. & agreed that Dreux & France was a great overseas assignment.

    On another note, I stayed with the Air Force as a career, & on flying status for about 18 yrs, with most of my time in the Pacific area. I crossed paths with several people from Dreux during my travels. TSgt Joe Hammond & I served in the same AC-47, Spooky Gunship Sq. in Viet Nam. TSgt Bob Larrick & I shared a house for awhile in Saigon. Again in Viet Nam I met up with SSgt Bodo Wiesner, A2C Tom Green, & an old buddy from Food Service A1C Paul Marsh. In the Philippines, MSgt Harold Wilkerson. he was the 1stSgt. of the 11thSq. when I got to Dreux & without a doubt the finest NCO I ever knew. Other people I met: 1Lt Jim Moore, at Clark AB, then a Captain for Branif. TSgt Pete Cooley, Hickam. I keep in touch with a good friend SSgt Vince Snipas, he was a Radio Operator in the 10th. Also, my wife Ronne, met A1C Roger Acord, in Honolulu, he was also an airline Captain but for, PANAM. While at Dreux he was in Avionics with the 60th FMS. He & his family also lived in the Chateau de La Barre, the same time we were there.

    I had hoped that my two articles in Memories of Dreux would garner some interest on the BLOG from the children who might have seen their fathers’ names mentioned, but alas, there was no joy. I hope this note generates some interest from them. I am sure that many of our WW11 & Korean serving airmen that we knew at Dreux have now moved on to that big base in the sky. May God bless them all.

    A1C Jim O’Brien

    • Jim, We read your article about working at NCO club. My friend was born at Dreux in 1959. His older sister (9 at the time) remembers MSgt. XXXXXX too, who was good friends with their parents Glenn and Connie Fugitt. Her memories are exactly as you described him, very dapper and genteel. Do those names ring a bell? Also, do you remember MSgt. XXXXXXX’S first name and/or the name of his wife? Thanks,

      • pHi Sandy, my heart almost stopped when I read your post. That 9-year old is me! My name is Evelina Dunn, married name, but back then I was Vangy Fugitt and was living in the trailers on base before moving off base. Glenn was my step dad and Connie was my mother. Both have since passed away. I sure would love more information from anyone about the French Economy housing as it was called, specifically the house across from the abandoned factory next to a small stream going through the forest. I remember the school and some friends like Mary Beth and my boyfriend at the time in 7th grade, a Ron and a cool guy known as Julius who wore black leather and put mirrors on top of his shoes, bad boy! But especially Mr. Chrome Dome, our French teacher we dubbed by that name. He was a great teacher. I remember seeing movies in those Quonset huts. I loved living in France and always hoped to return, but it wasn’t to be. I do have some old photos of the housing, and the trailers, not sure where to post them.

  259. Hey Dreux Folks, When you scroll to the very bottom of the home page you need to click on the web site there. Some may not even know about this web-site because they’ve never looked at the bottom of the home page. I’ve talked to some folks that never have looked at the bottom of the home page. When I ask “did you see the wonderful pictures from AFCVM” many tell me no.
    Association Francaise des Collectioneurs Vechicules Militaires is the site. Don’t pass this up for you might just see Dreux Air Base scenes you haven’t seen for many years. Let me hear back about this from folks who never saw this. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  260. was there a hospital there, or, if you were at Evereux, would one have been born there? My sister’s 1959 French birth certificate says only she was born ” a’ l’hopital de la base ame’ricaine”. Our dad T O was flight line 317th at EAFB…

    • Hello R Bond, There was a hospital at Dreux air Base. Sometime in the year 1961 it was downsized to a clinic. There was a hospital also at Evreux that stayed open as such, till that base closed for good in early 1961. Would you tell us more about your father ?What do the letters T O stand for ? Thanks for you blog note. We look forward to hearing from you soon. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • R Bond – I have contacted some of our Erveux readers and their answers are here:

        Thomas Sparr says:
        Yes, there was a hospital in/at Evreux. It was/is located on the west-north-west side of town as the terrain starts to rise up from a small river that runs through that side of Evreux. I say “is” as the buildings remain, although few are occupied and most are in disrepair. I visited the sight in 2011 and took a number of photos. There was also an officer’s housing area a few blocks south of the hospital.

        The MF Smith listed in the CC address was stationed at the hospital and may comment. That is if he didn’t mind me including him in this email. Also, in it’s a small world, my mother was a McLeod, from north-east Ohio. Regards, Thomas, 39th TCSq, 1960-64, Evreux.

        MF Smith says:
        Yes, the 317th Tactical Hospital was on the hill above Evreux, which was referred to as St. Michel. I was occupied in mid-1960. I arrived late December 1960 and one of my first projects was the formal dedication and opening ceremonies. Thanks to friends in other units, we pulled it off!

        With the birth certificate dated 1959, that would have been at the hospital on the main base. I believe it was in the building that later became the BOQ across the street from the O Club. Not really sure, but I think that officially to the French would have been Fauville which had a small city hall just outside of the back gate.

        I have included Laurent Loizy, who lives in Evreux, on the distribution of the message. He is much more versed in the history of EFAB than I am and may be able to amplify.

        This is a link to a photo of the outside of the building. Photo was supposedly taken in 2010 but unusual that the “Bus Stop” sign is in English.

        I believe the GPS is 49.022517, 1.230927

        Wouldn’t bet my next pay on it, but I believe this is the location.

      • Chuck, Evreux-Fauville AB didn’t close until 1967, the deadline for NATO to leave France. Our C-130 Sqdns went TDY there till at least 66. Was your 1 a typo? I don’t know for sure how long l’Hopital au Evreux stayed open. Regards, Thomas

      • Evreux did close in April 1967 not 1961. Thanks Tommy for
        seeing this & letting me know about it. Yes, I did make a type-o. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • R Bond, Your post of yesterday is interesting, with a TO from St. Louis. I say I’m near STL because most don’t know St. Peters, 25 miles west. Are there two Toms in/near to STL?
          I’ll be with you and your sister in spirit during your travels to France this year, am planning on 2017or 18. There is a chap on facebook, Evreux Alumni, who lives near & works on the Evreux AB. He may like to meet you as he is interested in the history of the bases in that area. His name is Laurent. Did you get some photos of l’Hopital Evreux? Thomas

      • Your statement about the Evreux Hospital closing in 1961. I don’t think that date is correct. My brother was born at Evreux on August 4, 1964.

        • The Dreux hospital was downgraded to a clinic in 1961 when the operational aircraft left. The Evreux hospital remained open after that, until the phase down to close the NATO military presence.

  261. Coming up on the new year . . . have many great memories of Christmas at Dreux. As so many of us have said, our time there was so special in so many ways, and the Christmas season is just another set of great memories. My very best wishes to all of my Dreux friends. Wishing you the very best in 2016. – Doug

    • As usual, Doug expressed himself very well, and captured the sentiments most of us have. I was 8 to 11 while I was there, but my memories of Dreux still remain vivid over 50 years later. Special times; special people. This site, and this community have helped me to re-live those times again. Thanks to you all…and have a wonderful 2016.

  262. I was stationed at Dreux AFB France from May of 1960 until it closed in 1961. I was subsequently reassigned to Evreux, AFB France. At Dreux, I was an E-1 and worked as a general aircraft mechanic. Crossed trained to C-130’s at Evreux. While at Evreux, within four months I was reassigned to Athens, Greece.

    • Hello Jim, You tell that you arrived at Dreux Air Base in May 1960. The base did not close in 1961, the flying squadrons were inactivated. The aircraft personnel were sent to other bases or separated from the USAF. What month did you transfer to Evreux? Bill & myself left the USAF in April that year at Mcguire AFB. You say you were an E-1, just what is this ? Hope to hear more from you soon. Bill’s barracks was located on the corner of California Ave & Florida Ave & I was in the barracks on California Ave at the south end of the football field. God Bless;
      A/2C Sibert

      • I stand corrected on the bases’ actual closure. As mentioned, I transferred out on those dates. An E-1 is a one stripe enlisted airman. Eventually I ended up as a staff sgt., (4 stripes) leaving the Air Force (1959-1968) after 8 years and after one stint in Viet Nam.

        • Hey Jim, An E-1 is really an Airmen basic.
          An Airmen 3rd class (one stripe) is a E-2.
          An Airmen 2nd class (two stripes) is a E-3.
          An Airman 1st class (three stripes) is a E-4.
          Bill & I wore two stripes & our pay grade was
          You were a staff sergeant with 4 stripes an E-5 so just count backward & you’ll see what I’m saying. This was the way it was in the 60’s.
          God Bless:
          A/2C Sibert

  263. Dear Dreux folks, Today is Christmas day 2015. Jesus is the reason for the season. I wish to all a very Merry Christmas & the about to be here year 2016 to be very good to all of you !!!!!!
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert “Nabb, Indiana”

  264. I found this blog while I was trying to locate French nationals for my mom. My parents met while my father was stationed at Dreux. My mother was a French National. They were married for 30+ years and had five children before he passed away. She is currently living in the Scott AFB area. I am sending her this link so she can post some of her memories and get in touch with others. I know this will be a wonderful experience for her!

    • Bonjour Elena, I am not a French national but I do live near St. Louis, MO and know Scott AFB, Il. I was not posted to Dreux, but was assigned to the 39th TCSq from 1960 to 1964 at Evreux-Fauville AB, a few kilometers north of Dreux. We have some friends who came from Dreux and joined our squadron when the C-119s departed Dreux. We also have a few French friends from the Evreux to Mantes les Jolie area along route N-13 to Paris. I have spoken to a couple of French speaking people at Lambert St. Louis Airport, but unfortunately never learned their names. We are friends on Facebook with a French couple who work in Ohio and try to retain and use what French we do know. If your Mom does choose to post on this blog, I can respond if she wishes. What unit was your Father assign to at Dreux and during what time period? Regards, Thomas & Nancy

  265. In keeping the reorganization of the site I have linked all the new articles to both the their group, such as Memories, and the New Articles page. The New Articles page will work the same as the new pictures folder. that is, all new articles whether information, obituary, memories, etc will be linked to both places. After awhile (not determined yet) I’ll drop them off the New Articles page. Bill

  266. I was at Dreux with my father from 1959 to 1962. My older sister graduated from the high school, went to her prom at the Eiffel tower — loved the video of that event! My father was attached to the 8th Radio Relay station

    • Welcome,Mary. For everyone else, Mary and I have been exchanging emails and we were in the same 6th grade class. Ron Holland was in it too — now three of us on the website from the same 6th grade class in 1961/2. How about that.

  267. The ship Corky Dault went to France on was the U.S.S. General W. G. Haan.
    She was launched 20 Mar 45 & at the end of her life scraped in Taiwan in 1987.
    Just a tidbit some might want to look up.
    A/2C Sibert

  268. I have just finished reading with interest Grady Gibbons’ memories article (thanks to Chuck Silbert). My sister, Debbie, was one of those kindergardeners in the margarite 6 building that he described. She was there during the 1960-61 school year, so that would fit.

  269. I have put some new obituraries. Of note is Reverend Hofstad, he was mentioned by Chris Crissifulli, and Joe Upton who has pictures on the site. I also put up some information on Grady Gibbons in Memories of Dreux.

    I am going to be adding some security features to the site and while I expect no trouble, it could happen. I will do the update on Saturday. If the site disappears don’t worry. I have it backed up and we can restore it . Bill

  271. Dreux Folks,
    Bill has some new to us, obits up on the site. Maybe you can recall these former Dreux Air Base USAF folks. Bill has been working very hard to get the site updated. Give him a hand !!!!
    A/2C Sibert

  272. Dreux Folks, Sherry made it home to Natchez, Ms safe and sound & exhausted.
    Glad she is well & recovering. Washing & ironing she was when I talked to her Saturday.
    A/2C Sibert

  273. While I was working on our new video I discovered another Dreux video on You Tube. It is from the high school. I added a link to it on the video page titled Dreux high school. Bill

  274. Just added and new heading to match the reorganization – New Articles. To initiate it I have added a new article from Alain Wojcik on his tour of the base. It includes all the pictures taken the day the video was taken. Eventually I will get the pictures into new pictures and Alain’s folder. Bill

  275. I have put up a video from Alain in You Tube. It is of the tour on October 7. Go to video page and click on Dreux Air Base Tour. I am still working on the pictures. Bill

  276. Dreux Folks,
    Sherry should return from her New England vacation to Natchez, Ms this week-end. Lets all that will pray for a safe return for Sherry. I’m hoping that her house in Ireland will be sold in a few short weeks. She needs to have that behind her very soon.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  277. Just got a bunch of pictures from Alain Wojcik. He went on a tour of the solar farm on October 7. There are more than we got from Patrick Rouby but are identical. He also sent a video shot from the viewing stand. I wiil have to ask him if I can put on youtube. Will get the pictures up as soon as I can. Bill

  278. Good job, Bill. Your reorg of the site will be particularly helpful to anyone dropping by for the first time. – Doug

  279. Just reorganized the website. We have essentially two types of accounts, stories like sherry’s riding the school and chuck’s getting caught in a rainstorm; and information on Dreux like maps, booklets. sketches of things at Dreux, History etc. I have created a new page titled Dreux Information. it appears in the header. Clinking on this will take you to an index for these types of information. If you find anything missing let me know. Bill

    • Dearest:

      “If you can dive, swim, and Jump then you were allowed to “FLY”.

      Sincerely, searching for those who knew:
      An American stationed @: Dreux, area (1957ish):

      (?) (?) Fogg has a child with: Jean Carroll and the male child is born:
      14 November 1958: Stephen James Fogg @ Dreux A.F.B., France.

      He’s my neighbor and we want to help him locate his “Roots”.


      Betsi Anne McNeill Sukoenig Nagasawa
      Santa Monica, CA
      dtr. of: Ralph Kenneth McNeill (Laurel, MS)
      m. Kathryn Shanteau Louise White (Ocean Springs, MS) (1st. m. to: James Hampton White, Jr. of Clinton, LA) and searching for those on Base 1957/1958 RE: Fogg and jean Carroll’s child: Stephen, my neighbor born to them).

  280. Chuck/Bill…I saw comments from George Tyndall and Ron Britton (dependent of TSGT Elton Britton) as I surfed the site for the first time in a couple of years. I knew both fairly well. George and I were in the Communications Squadron together. I remember when he arrived. I know Elton Britton from the Protestant chapel choir. He was our organist/pianist under MSGT Edward LeVau who was the director and the base sergeant major. One of the highlights for Brit was playing the organ at the Chartres Cathedral where the choir did a recital. The picture I had of that day (Sunday) is now in the possession of the Air Force Historical Office in Montgomery, AL. In addition, the Protestant chapel choir came in second in the USAF chapel choir contest. That drew a lot of notoriety with Colonel Churchill presenting the award to Chaplain (Captain) Dean C. Hofstad and MSGT LeVau. I don’t know where LeVau and Britton rotated to, but Chaplain Hofstad went to Hanscom AFB, in MA.

    • HI Chuck/Bill and Dick, I just read Dick’s note from October 2015 and thoroughly enjoyed hearing some of the events that happened back then. My Dad, TSGT Elton Britton rotated to Malmstrom, MT and stayed with choral music throughout his career. One of his most memorable moments he would share with all was playing the organ at the Chartres Cathedral and the choir. Elton and my Mom stayed close friends with Dean Hofstad and his family. Dean and Elton served at Cam Rahn Bay, Viet Nam where Dad formed the Cam Rahn Bay Choraleers who were taped and performed on Ed Sullivan Show 1965. I’ve tried to find the tapes which were probably Air Force tapes but haven’t had any luck yet. Since the tape was provided to the Ed Sullivan show, they weren’t recorded into available historical footage from the network. I’m going to try to view the picture you provided to the Air Force Historical Office in Alabama some day too… Thanks so much for your recollections.

  281. Sherry has made her way to the Boston, Mass area getting there around 5:30 PM
    today. She’ll now meet up with her husband & Irish folks tomorrow. She still needs all our prayers for a safe return trip later this month.
    A/2C Sibert

  282. Sherry has made her trip from Natchez, Ms to Knoxville, Tn and last night she was residing in Carlisle, Pa. Today she heads out for Boston, Ma & tomorrow to meet up with her husband & friends from Ireland. Don’t forget your prayers for her to have a safe trip.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hey Bob, I just wanted to thank you for taking my place at Drew. I left in March 1954. I had arrived in April 1953 with the original 821 EABs landing. It was a great cow pasture.
      I was in the 1st platoon, Co. C. I was TDYed to Chaterue and Leon most of the time and didn’t get to build any of the luxurious quarters you moved into.
      My MOS was Heavy Carpenter and every thing I worked was steel, a theater and service club at Chaterue and a 10,000 gal. fuel tank at Leon.

      John Daut

  283. Hey Dreux Folks, Sherry is going to meet up with her husband and three of their neighbors from Ireland this week in New England. Let’s all pray for a safe round trip journey for her.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  284. William,
    Tell your father that I’m waiting to hear from him about Dreux Air Base.
    Surely he can let us know things about the old base we never even thought about when we were there. I’m moving on up to 81 years, so tell him to get a move on.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  285. I still havnt gotten my father to look at the blog. he is a tough old E-9. still a hard worker. William McKinley Jordan Jr. ” Bill

  286. Sherry’s house in Ireland still has not been sold. Her & her husband have purchased a house in Natchez, Ms & would love to see their former home in Ireland sold. Let’s all who will pray do so, about the sale of the house in Ireland.
    Thank’s to all the folks who read this blog.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  287. Bill Deegan– Sorry your comment didn’t show up immediately on the blog. It got caught up in the spam filter and I missed it. You were at Dreux from the time of mud till it started to be a real base. I was there right after you, from 59-61 when the flying squadrons left. I was a flight engineer in the 11th and apparently the goto guy when no one else wanted to go. I doubt that my time on base was over a couple of months. Welcome to the site. I am also going to post this on the blog so people will see it. Regards Bill site manager

    • Bill, Did you come to Evreux with some other flight deck crew members? We gained a couple pilots but FEs, LMs and Navs don’t remain in my weak memory bank. Tom, 39th TCS 1960-64.

  288. I was born in the base hospital, I think, 10/04/56. My father is William McKinley Jordan Jr. he was stationed there for 4Years, 9 months, We were then transferred back to the States, to Turner AFB,, in Albany GA. My father is still living in Anderson S.C.I would like to know if anyone out there remembers him, and/or was stationed there in that time period? Also, if there are any children that would be about my age (58), that would be willing to get in touch with me? Dependent chidren, that is…..

    • William, What a good blog story for all Dreux folks to read.
      We need some more info about your father, what did he do at Dreux Air Base, his rank, where did he live on or off base.
      What was his unit & what hanger if any, did he perform his duties in ?+
      Just maybe we could talk with him in South Carolina ?
      Could he have some photos of his time at the base we could add to the picture album ? That would be just heart warming.
      I will see who I can touch base with when I find out what he did at the base. Surely there are airmen alive that knew your dad.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  289. I was stationed at Dreux from 1955-1959. I was a Parachute Rigger and Survival Equipment Specialist assigned in the maintenance squadron. I remember going to the recreation center to watch a movie and the reel would be changed every 20 minutes. Not much to do being a young airman until things started to improve about a year after I arrived. I have fond memories of Dreux and we made the best of it, all things considered.

  290. Just added five pictures He took from outside the base in 1978, Remember if you click on the big picture it open in a new window where you can scroll around to look at it closely. Bill

  291. Hey Doug,
    Behind your trailer’s heating oil barrel’s on the right there seems to be a vehicle of some nature. Whatever it is seems to have a very large windshield. Can you recall if this vehicle was a Dreux Air Base bus ? It seems to be parked near one of the trailers. Maybe a bus driver lived in the trailer ? I’m sure you would have scoped this out like you and your buddies did all other aspects of the base.
    Waiting to hear back as to what it really was. Thanks a bunch.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck – Don’t see a vehicle — right behind the oil tanks is the storage shed — each trailer had one. As I looked at the pix there were a couple other things to note. Each trailer had a clothesline, which you can see in the pictures. Also in one of the pictures you can see that the trailer had no propane bottles, which obviously meant it was unoccupied. Following the departure of the aircraft in early 61, there were lots of empty trailers. They essentially gave my dad the keys to a bunch of them and told him to pick whichever one he liked. You can see that the lean-to on our trailer was larger, which is why we selected that one.

    • That winter was cold. And in those trailers made it seem so much worse. I was so glad when we finally got into offbase housing and a warm duplex.

      • Yes, a nice reminder for me. Dad had put a kerosene heater in the lean-to but it was still quite cold. Even though I was only 7 I remember Christmas Eve with my little sister huddled in a quilt blanket with Mom in a rocking chair watching the Christmas tree twinkle.

        Thank You to all the Servicemen who have contributed to this page. For a lot of us here Dreux was a different special place of our youth, and your pics and stories have sparked many a memory tucked away in our minds.

  292. When I got to Dreux in Feb 1966, I was looking forward to a 3 year tour in that beautiful country, but it got cut short when Mr DeGaulle asked us all to leave. So I got only one year there before we moved to Moron AB in southern Spain, which was, fortunately, another enjoyable place to spend the other 2 years. I bought a small motorcycle from another airman at Dreux and got off base as often as possible to practice my French. Loved it.

    • Hey Jim,
      Wonderful to hear about your one year stay at Dreux Air Base.
      I’m looking forward to hearing from you about what really happened in 1966 as the base was packed up and moved out.
      Did you know Lt Davis the last base commander ? Would you have any photos to send to us about the base closure ? We really don’t have a photo album with photos taken about that very large move. It will be nice to come up with some photos from your last days depicting the base closing.
      I’ll e-mail you at length asking about some of the things you might recall regarding your section. By the way, just what did you do at Dreux Air Base ?
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • I was at Dreux from 60-63 with my Dad Jim, we were in Wiesbaden when DeGaulle extended his boot and remember my Dad being sent back to help dismantle the Base. When he got back he said what they didn’t take got left in poor condition.

    • Hey Ronald, Thanks for letting us know about you being at Dreux Air Base 1962-1965. Have you looked at the photos we have on the site that shows some of the ups & downs of the Dreux fire station ? I believe that the building to the rear of the fire station was a storage area for the station. Could you let me know about this & what did you guys keep inside ? I was never inside the fire station although I had my transient alert office on the side of the main hanger looking toward the fire station. I always waved to the firemen when passing close by in my yellow follow -me VW pick up truck. I wonder if the yellow
      follow -me VW pick up trucks were still around when you came to Dreux base in 1962 ? By the way what state are you in ? I’m in Indiana. Where was your barracks located on base ? We need any info we can get about the base fire department as we have very little up to this point. Were the French still working as firemen ? Hope to hear back from you soon. I hope you can get us some of your pictures for the site. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  293. Chuck – as usual is half right. I was returning from Arizona but was in New Mexico when he called. I don’t know about any great upcoming changes. With the amount of traffic we have on the blog it sometimes seems that we are wasting our time. Bill

    • NOT SO!. The blog may not be super active but you all have preserved a bit of history and a wonderful time and place that can never be recreated. I have immensely enjoyed the effort you have put into this and the reconnection of many memories I lost because I was so young.

      • Hey John, You are so right about this web-site. There is so much info about Dreux Air Base found here and still more to come. Where else can one find what we have uncovered about our old NATO Air Base ? Just look at my picture album alone. There have been over 12,000 views on this one album. One must realize that most of the former Dreux Airmen & families are up in age now. Just take me, I’m now going on 81 years. Things come more slowly with older age but we’re still moving along.
        I have found some more photos to get to bill to put up in my picture album. I’m working on a story about another Airman at Dreux in 1961-1962 for the memories page. I hope to have all the info I need by the middle of September. Things are moving but not at warp speed due to the age factor. Just wanted to let you know more stuff is coming down the pike !! God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  294. Hey Folks, Just talked with Bill on his cell phone. He’s on I-25 headed home from New Mexico where he visited with his sister & brother-in-law for a week. He says he feels rested and ready to do more work on the Dreux web-site. So hold on folks, something is gonna happen.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  295. Nancy, I didn’t buy my moped from Jack, your father. My moped was purchased from A/3C Kenneth Priddy, an airman from West Virginia, in June 1960. He bought it new from a moped dealer in Dreux city. I believe he only had the moped about 2 months. Thanks & I hope to hear from you soon.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  296. Hi. I just wanted to say that the ‘moped for sale’ posted in Memories of Dreux was my father’s (Jack Bernklow). He was there from 1956 until early 60s I think. My Mum, brother and I lived there and were joined by my younger sister when she was born in 1958 (at Dreux). The three of us were baptized there and I still have my baptismal certificate. My Mum was (is) Scottish and my Dad had requested a posting at Dreux so she could be near home and indeed we made several trips to Edinburgh and my Grandmother came to visit us in Dreux. I was very young and so have only vague memories of our time there although I might be able to fish out some photos.

    • Nancy, Thanks for the heads up about Jack’s moped for sale.
      We just love to hear back about things posted on the Dreux web-site. I know that was long ago but recalls are special for you & us.
      Please send the photos to Bill so he can get them up in the pictures album. Hoping to hear back from you very soon.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Nancy, Thanks for the heads up about Jack’s moped for sale.
      We just love to hear back about things posted on the Dreux web-site. I know that was long ago but recalls are special for you & us.
      Please send the photos to Bill so he can get them up in the pictures album. Hoping to hear back from you very soon.
      God Bless: 7-15-15
      A/2C Sibert

  297. Hi Dennis!

    Many, many thanks for sharing your very interesting story with our group. We look forward to more memories, pictures, etc. from you. When you mentioned about going to the movies, I had to think that we were probably all sitting there together at the Saturday Kiddy Matinees, where my Dad, Daniel Watson, ran the projector as a part-time job. What job did your dad do on the base? Thanks again for sharing your story!

  298. Some thoughts on Patrick’s pictures. If you watch the inauguration video you will see that the solar company made a raised platform for the ceremony. Best view is at 2.20 minutes. Most of Patrick’s pictures were taken from this platform. Note the access ramp runs down to California ave. Look at picture 3, we are looking down California toward where the Golf Club used to be The gate to the left is Colorado. the bare area to your left was where base ops used to be. You will also notice the the solar panels have been fenced off from where the buildings used to be and that access to the platform is also fenced off from the solar panels. Pictures 1,5,6, and 10 were taken from the platform. 10 is a composite of three pictures. The first one taken toward the farm on the north road, the second taken toward Chennevieres and the third taken toward the chapel and movie theater. Picture 2 was taken on the ramp between base ops and hanger 1 looking toward Chennevieres. The other pictures I would be guessing at locations. Bill

  299. Great to hear your recollections of your time there Dennis. I was there from ’60-63 a year older than you. My Dad was in the Motor Pool at Dreux. I forgot all about the gypsies. They must have made their rounds to the offbase housings, we had them stop in at Senoches as well from time to time.

  300. Hello Dennis, Thanks for a wonderful life story about your days at Dreux Air Base. Bill & I were at the base when you were there. We may have crossed path’s with your dad about the base. Just what did Sandy do at the Dreux Air Base? Bill & I would like to locate the white house near the big old church in Blevy. Could you possibly get a Google shot of it and sorta hone us in on it? Maybe you could send to Bill some photos of your days at the base. Let him know & he’ll get his address to you. It is so wonderful to hear from you about Dreux Air Base 1958-1960. Hoping to hear more from you soon.
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert

  301. Hello Everyone ! It is so nice to find people with something in common with my family. My father was Sandy Angelo and we were stationed at Drew from 1958 until the end of 1960. (Before and after that, we were stationed at Scott AFB in southern Illinois, near St. Louis, MO.) I was only a kid at the time; was 3 when we arrived in France and went to kindergarten fall of 1960 on Dreux AFB, then moved back to O’Fallon, Illinois (near Scott AFB) for the second half of kindergarten in the spring of 1961. I remember going to the movies on the base and an airplane that they called the “Boxcar”. We lived in Blevy, France; first in a cold old house, then in a beautiful white house along a small creek near a huge old church. The nice house is located down the alley on the left side of this church; down a driveway to the left hand side at the rear of the church. I remember gypsies coming to that house begging for handouts on one occasion. You may need to cut & paste this link below:

    Dad enlisted into the Army-Air Corps in 1936. He was originally from Dudley, Pennsylvania, where the family operated a shoe repair shop, among other things. Dad was good working with his hands, and found his way onto Charles Lindbergh’s ground crew. Dad told this story about a time when Lindbergh was in a hurry to fly off to somewhere and in the rush to get his plane out onto the runway, they clipped the wingtip on the hangar door that had not been completely opened. Lindbergh read the crew the riot act and Dad spent the weekend doing sheet metal repair work on the plane. Dad worked his way up to Warant Officer and during WWII, got a field commission to Officer while fighting the Japanese in the Pacific; probably around 1943. Dad retired in 1965 – he was about to be promoted to Lt. Col. and transferred to California, but contracted tuberculosis from a co-worker (who died of the disease) on Scott AFB. They retired Dad immediately after he recovered from the disease and we moved to Oakfield, NY. After living in upstate NY for 2 years (think tons of snow) , we moved back to O’Fallon and Dad worked Civil Service; Disaster Preparedness at Scott AFB for 12 years.

    Dad passed away in 2005; 17 days shy of 90 years of age. Mom & Dad also adopted a baby French girl while stationed at Drew in September 1958. The father was an American serviceman and her mother was a French woman. I had also been adopted out of East St. Louis in August of 1955.

    Many thanks ti the Air Force community that I was raised in and the wonderful parents that adopted my sister and I.

  302. Glenn – I hate to disgree with you but if you look at picture 6 it was taken where the taxiway to base ops hits the south taxiway. The building on the right is the farmer’s barn just in margarite 6.

    • Bill, I don’t disagree with that. That new northern access was made primarily for the electric company. There are a number of points where you can get good vantage points of the northern perimeter of the base. With a little creativity and a bit of trespassing you can get to the east and west sides, too. What I was talking about, and should have been clearer, is that you can’t get on the base property where all the buildings were.

    • It’s nice to see these pictures. I will have to say, however, that I don’t think he’s actually on the base property in them. When I was there last year I pretty much got on the same roads that are in his pictures; but they only take you up to the perimeter fences. I actually asked the electric company to let me on the base, before my trip and when I was at the base, and the security was very tight…as you can imagine with a field of solar panels. And the farmers may let you get up to the fences, but can’t get you on the base property; legally anyway. There is also a lot of soil remediation being done on the base now that the buildings are gone. I hope I’m wrong because it would be great to see some actual pictures of the base property; but I don’t see it here.

  303. Hey Folks, we have some photos today from Patrick Rouby who lives next to our old Air Base. We want him to tell us what part of the South base section the photos are from. When we get this info we’ll be putting the photos up on the picture album under his name.
    P. S. Sherry Nelson is now living in Natches, Mississippi waiting for their house to sell in Ireland. When its sold, her husband Don & his mom, will join Sherry.
    A/2C Sibert

  304. Sent Ira two emails to try to get him in touch with our 821` people. One Bob Keller does not recognize the name but maybe a picture would jog his memory. here is what I sent.

    Ira – I tried emailing you before but I was using a new program and don’t know if it really was sent. Here is what I said:

    Ira – We have two bloggers who were in the 821st during that time. I don’t know how often they read the blog. If you will send me you phone number. I will call you and try to put you in touch with them. I have found that most of us don’t answer phone numbers we don’t recognize. My number is 303-287-4736. Bill McLeod

    Since that time I have heard from one of the 821st guys.

    Hi Bill Sorry I missed you this morning I have tried calling you But just get busy signal so I will give you the message I was trying to post on the blog to Ira Goldenberg re: his dad who was stationed at Drerux same time as myself 821st EAB H&S co. The nameI did not recognize But if he had picture that he could post it might ring my memory Also Tom Joyner who was there at the same time might be able to help . Both Tom & my picture album under the Dreux picture album. This is more or less what I tried to post on the blog but for some reason wouldn’t take Again sorry I missed your call Have a nice day Bob Keller

    Look at the pictures from Bob Keller from Bob Keller, Tom Joyner, and is this dreux. We have had people find their parents from other people’s pictures. Waiting to hear from you. Bill McLeod Site Manager.

  305. Glenn, I will stand corrected with you. Hard to see the runway area even from the back side. I did meet the farmer, he watched me very closely when I drove toward the military entrance. When I came back we talked for a few minutes, sign language mostly. A horizontal wave of the hand with palm down when I asked about the buildings on the base. Flat in any language.
    The military entrance is a sturdy fence with the same signage as on an American base, enough of a threat to ward off anyone but a criminal.
    While I may have a post at the top will a moderator please add my father to the list.
    A1C Will T. Hurst
    7305th Air Police Sqdn
    With Alabama Guard and remained on active duty when it deactivated. Thank you


  306. Here is a internet translation of patrick’s messages:

    If you have pictures i would be interrested to see. if you can send me i you would send mine thank you.

    Hello I am french and I do not live very far from the base, following your answer I can confirm that the track is still used, aircraft of the French army is regularly poses after noon around 16:00 pm and in the evening sees the end of pisteils make “touch and go” Attached is a link that shows you that the track does not have solar panels:


    Indeed the main entrance is the property of the electric conpagnie “EDF” and access banned the only access can be between 5 and 6 magueritte by a road past a farm, except the farmer stands in the way and we can not enter and this one does not want one returns by.
    I have not been able to return on the basis for 2 years because Vegetatio around is dense and we do not see much damage …
    If I manage to make pictures I would put them on your site

    • I stand corrected; although I will note that these photos were from 2012 and the buildings are no longer standing.

  307. Hey Chuck,I just went to personal lists and saw a few names I recognized, did they come from rosters or were they placed there by themselves?I entered mine just for the record.Hope you are faring better than me,getting old is just not what it’s cooked up to be,certianly not for the faint of heart.I can remember the first few days after I arrived at Dreux,S/sgt.Buckanan asked Gerry Goodall and myself if we wanted to go to Paris with him and two other guys,one of which was rotating back state side.After accepting,we soon found that all three knew most every one in every village all the way to Paris,and that each one wanted to buy each of us a glass of wine.Both Gerry and myself were the same age which kept us from drinking back state side,by the time we got to Paris,neither of us could find our butts sitting on our hands.I do remember being down on Pig Alle,and just bits and pieces after that,one thing I will not forget is the next day at work,I have been hungover many times since then but that will always stand out.

  308. Would like to know anything about my father’s service or the conditions @ Dreux, 821st EAB, H & S Co., from March 1954 to Septmber 1955.Thank you,

    • Ira, We need to have more info about your father. What was his Name, Army or Air Force, His rank, Serial # & mos. Where was he from, what did he do with the 821st ? We want to help you all we can & we will. Thank you for your interest in the unit that started the building of Dreux Air Base in 1952.
      A/2C Sibert

      • My father’s full name was, Harvey Daniel Goldenberg. His service # was: U8 51 262 221. His DOB was June 7 1929. His rank was private first class – SP-3, to which he was appointed on Dec 1 1954. He was discharged from active duty on Sep 1 1955 @ Ft Hamilton NY. He had 1 yr., 6 months & 4 days of foreign service, from which I infer that he was @ Dreux from approximately Feb 1954 to Aug 1955. According to his discharge record his most significant assignment was “H & S Co, 821st EAB APO 84.”
        I was born in France during his assignment there. This summer my wife & I will visit France and we would like to see what remains of the base. In addition, I’m trying to locate the house where he & my mother resided off-base in Saint Remy sur Avre.
        Any information about my father’s life at that time would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

        • Gary – added your dad to the 7305th air police. need to do an overall update the the unit pages. Bill

        • Ira,
          Been awhile since I’ve been on the Dreux blog. You have probably already taken your trip to France, but in case you haven’t, I lived in the housing site in St Remy from 1958-61. If you need directions, would be happy to help. Haven’t been there for a decade,so if you have pictures would be nice to see them.

  309. Hi Bill
    If that was a reply to my post, I think the area that was the base is a combination of private property and a French military area. When I was there on Sunday a light single did what I thought was a low approach to the place the runway was, I don’t think he touched down. The front gate seemed to be controlled by the electric company. There is a side gate that is near the west end of the runway off of D30 and that has signs indicating that it is French armed forces property. Unfortunately, if she wants pictures of the ” ancien Americain air base” there is nothing left.
    I think her best bet is to try to talk to someone from the solar panel company.
    I tried to send you some pictures, unfortunately I didn’t get your email until after I got back so the few of Chateauneuf were the housing area and the intersection of D939 and the Dreux road D928. I think I remember Shirlene and have a couple for her. All the best, g

    • Bonjour je suis francais et j’habite pas tres loin de la base,suite a votre reponse je vous confirme que la piste est toujours utilisée, des avions de l’armee francaise se pose regulierement l’apres midi vers 16h00 pm et le soir on les voit en bout de pisteils font des “touch and go” ci joint un lien qui vous montre que la piste n’a pas de panneaux solaire :


      Effectivement l’entree principale est la propriete de la conpagnie electrique “edf” et l’acces interdit le seul acces peut se faire entre la magueritte 5 et 6 par une route qui passe devant une ferme, sauf que le fermier a barre la route et on ne peut pas acceder et celui ci ne veut pas que l’on rentre par la.
      je n’ai pas pu rentrer sur la base depuis 2 ans car la vegetatio autour est dense et on ne voit plus grand chose… dommage
      Si j’arrive a faire des photos je les mettrais sur votre site

  310. More – I have attempted to translate patsi’s message using google translator and some common sense. Here it is:

    I saw your message. I live near the base and for the last three days there have been doing touch and go’s on the runway by aircraft so I don’t know if you will be able to get on the base. I also am interested in taking photos if you have permission. I have been unable to enter the base since the mayor refused to give permission. But if you have the permission I would like to get together and go there.

    Chuck has sent Patsi a email requesting more information. If nothing else this message implies that the mayor can give permission. All we have to find is which mayor.


    • From my visit a year ago, I doubt seriously that there were any touch-and-go’s being done. Solar panels occupy the vast majority runways & taxiways. If there is any bare runway surface, I don’t think any pattern work would be safe, or permitted.

      • Yes, I was standing at the main gate and the light single approached from the west did the rectangular pattern and low approach and left the way he came. I was surprised even at a low approach because you’re right, no concrete left.
        I have pictures of the Chateuaneuf housing area from last week if anyone wants them let me know. I don’t think they are really the type stuff to post in the picture section.

  311. Gary Hurst repled to an old post with the following post. It is probably too late to contact him but you can try. Bill

    Geary Hurst on May 16, 2015 at 2:15 pm said:

    Hi everyone, I am in Paris on a 48 hour layover, will try to get a car tomorrow and get out to Dreux and Chateauneuf if I can. Anybody have any requests for photos or updates. I am at the Pont Bercy on the south side near the perifique so should be an ok drive on Sunday. Email me if you have requests I usually do Chateauneuf to Mallebois by the base and to Senoches, that was my family’s Sunday drive route. My email is
    Bonavista1953@gmail.com all the best g

    • Bonjour suite a votre message j’habite a cote de la base et depuis 3 jours il y a des essais de touch and go sur la piste par des avions donc je ne sais pas si vous pourrez vous approcher et rentrer sur le site , par contre je suis egalement intéressé pour prendre des photos si vous arrivez a avoir des autorisations pour rentrer sur le terrain, car je n’aijamaispu rentrer sur la piste et depuis lamairie refuse de donner l’autorisation. Mais si on peut se mettre ensemble pour y aller et avoir le droit .

  312. My father Theodore Kaster was stationed there from 1964-1967. He is trying to find his old friend Charles Delagarzo. Can anyone point us in the right direction?

  313. Chuck,you nailed that one right on the nose.I had just gotten it back,I found out latter we had never lost them,two other guys and I were horse playing in the barracks and knocked a hole the size of my butt in a wall,we were brought up before the first sgt and he told us to remove our stripes,as we had only been in the air force about 8 weeks,we thought we had been given an art.15,only when we were shipping out did we find out we pulled extra detail with no art 15.I have a picture some where with one of the other guys pointing to his stripe and laughing.He and another airman named Dale R.Friend went through Lackland,Amarillo,and ended up at Dreux,all three of us Airframe repairmen,I don’t remember where they went to from there.Fred

  314. Hey Fred Fore,
    The photo of you standing on a wooden barracks porch with your A/3C stripe on your fatigues and a name tag buttoned to your right fatigue shirt pocket looks like
    Amarillo, Texas. Are we correct about this ?
    A/2C Sibert

  315. Just put up pictures and combat cargo newspaper from Fred Fore. I am going to be rearranging things on the site and there will be a heading for newspapers, but for now they are in new pictures. Remember you can make them bigger by clicking on the lower center of the picture. You can click once more and it will get very big. Fred included some info on people and places so I will be adding captions to the pictures but I wanted to get them up as quick as I could. Bill

  316. Good Morning to one & all.
    A fascinating story has come my way & I need your help to uncover the whole story. Dreux Air Base 1959 is the setting. Seems there is an Airman stationed at the base who’s lady gives birth to a baby girl on July 11 1959.
    Was the baby girl born in the base hospital, I would think not. The mother’.s name was Mireille Marie Slezak and she was living in Nancey France at this time. The baby girl was named Francoise Slezak at birth.
    The birth mother found she was unable to care for the child, why I don’t know. The Dreux Air Base Airman has a meeting with his Msgt first shirt and spills his heart out about his plight. The Msgt first shirt after hearing the Airman’s heart breaking story, steps up and say’s to the Airman “My wife & I will adopt the baby girl”. Joy surely abounded in this Airman’s heart & the needed paper work was taken care of. The first shirt & his wife, Clifford E. Moore & Elly Gertrude Moore now had this baby and changed the baby’s name to
    Karen Ann Moore. Clifford’s DOB is 26 Jan 1929 & has since passed away.
    Elly Gurtrude’s DOB is 17 March 1925.
    There is no record found as of yet, of her real father’s name. Karen Ann Moore lives in Falmouth, Mass and suffers from cancer of the liver. She stands 4′ 11″ and has a nick name of “Angel” from birth. She was told her real father gave her the nick name of “Angel”. Karen was raised by her adoptive parents and now would love to see if she can somehow, find her mother & real father.
    Her 56th birthday is fast approaching and her health is a question mark.
    My prayer is, someone soon will have more information for Karen Moore.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • I love to ferret out things on the internet…
      Slezak is not a common surname in France, it is from Czechoslovakia. Only 54 people found with that name in France.
      I found a listing for a Mireille Slezak with an address and phone number. Several different sites give same info. Could just be a shot in the dark….

      Mireille Slezak
      410 Avenue des Etats du Languedoc
      Résidence Languedoc Bâtiment A4
      34000 Montpellier


      • Hey John,
        Thanks for the info. I have sent this on to the parties involved. I’ll let you know what happens very soon. Stay tuned in.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

      • I found an Obituary Index for France online that lists the following:

        Mireille M. Slezak (Salter) “Mimi” – died in Dombasle, France on 1/06/1998 at the age of 58.

        On this site, there is no actual obit, just the index listing. She would have been born in 1940 or so.

        • I also found a naturalization record for Mireille Marie Salter from 1964. I would think Salter is her married name. The record indicates she was born October 31, 1939 and was living in Lynn, Mass at the time the certificate was issued.

          By the way, Dombasle, which I mentioned in my prior post, is very close to Nancy, France.

        • Sorry, she was born in Dombasle, France, which is close to Nancy, France. She actually died in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

  317. I was just checking in and want to thank everyone here who have helped keep our wonderful memories of Dreux AFB alive. Especially Bill McLeod and Chuck Silbert who are a couple great guys. It made me kind of sad to read one comment That stated he didn’t come here much because the site just has kids that grew up there…. As one of those kids, I am extremely grateful for the joy you have given many of us Bill and Chuck, where Dreux was a magical place to grow up. Many of us (including me) had never been out of the States before Dreux.

    I came to Dreux in 1960 @ 6 years old and left in 1964 @ 10. The trip there was quite a journey on it’s own with parts of it still in my head. We left McGuire AFB in a plane I can’t remember it’s designation, maybe someone can help. I remember being told it was a transport plane converted to carry passengers. Some rough weather and we stopped in Nova Scotia? or Greenland? and then on the Scotland, and ended up at Orly Field.

    We lived in the first row of trailers facing south I believe. We spent our first summer through winter there. Just before school started the following year my father came home to tell us we had secured a “real house” on Rue de Moulin Foss in Senonches. Dad was in the Motor Pool at Dreux. Airman 1st John E Frederick. My Mom (Beth) worked at the Base Bowling Alley. My memories on the Base are scant. Playing in the Ditches that seemed far bigger than they were, the little playgrounds scattered through the trailer court. Tiny school rooms packed like sardines. Going to see my Mom at the Bowling alley after school before heading to the Base Gym and bugging the Sergeant there for work for spare change. He was a saint in my eyes, put up with me well, and usually put a broom in my hands or had me cleaning locker rooms. He took money out of his own pocket to keep me in goodies from the PX.

    The memories become more clear as we moved off base and the walks in the countryside and bike trips into town by myself. Often with my little sister Robin in tow. My folks were pretty loose and trusting back then, I guess it was a different world where you could do so. My Mom was amazed at how well I had learned basic French and the people I knew, when she would take us into the town to pick up a few things. I loved to go into the Cathedral there. Even though I wasn’t Catholic the place marveled me and I would usually put a 5 centimes coin in a box and light a candle and place it was the very many others there that seemed to be always burning.

    A Sergeant across the street and up from us always had parachutes stacked out in his backyard for us to play in on weekends and for a nickel we would go into his house and watch 8mm movies he shot in the air. His wife would serve us popcorn and kool-aid. I wonder if anyone here remembered that or knew his name.

    I love the walks in the little dirt trails leading out of the housing area to the north and east with the little wooden signs on them telling you where they went and Kilkometers. One trail had several benches to sit on along the way, one of them was under a large tree. On that trail was a large stone Crucifix that succinctly remains in my memory. That such a statue existed way out in the middle of fields on a trail. I used to fantasied there that perhaps there was a town there at that intersection long ago.

    Other than the bus rides to school on Base that seemed to take forever that is about it for me, but they firmly remain with me and I am so grateful for a period not many kids got to exist in and also to the people here who help keep those memories so special.

    Thanks! John.

    • Hey John,
      What memories you and others have of Dreux Air Base, a special place lodged in your memory for all your life.
      I know some didn’t recall the base as special but we still love these folks. As long as this site is up, more recall trips will be the norm for quite a few of us. Keep up the good work. My eyes were leaking just reading about your encounters, a special base for me also. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Hi John!

      First of all, I would like to compliment you on a beautifully-written story that I know, MANY of us kids will identify with right alongside you. Please consider including piece in the MEMORIES section of this site as well.
      You wrote something that sparked a memory with me…something that I hadn’t thought about in a long, longtime. Where we lived on the base NCO trailer park (#364) from 1959-1961, there was a family who lived in the trailer directly behind ours. There were 2 kids, a bit younger than myself at the time (maybe 6 & 8 or so). Their Dad was the most popular man around! During that hot summer of 1960 he got hold of an old parachute and created a big tent between the rows of trailers. ALL of the neighborhood kids would play out there for hours on end…it was great! My Mom would make jugs and jugs of Kool Aid to serve, while I can remember other Moms baking cookies, etc. This famous Dad also got an old ,yellow rubber raft and put it in the back yard…complete with paddles…and filled it with ice cold water for swimming! All the kids around ditched running through the hose sprinklers for swimming in the raft! What fun we all had those summers at Dreux. It is these types of recollections, sometimes needing just a prod to bring them to the surface once more, that make our collective childhood stories of that special place called Dreux enhance our very precious childhood memories.

  318. I worked at the ” Community Center” in the years 1962/63/64 . My boss then was Mrs Horne…I was in my 20th then & don’t remember many people …Lieutenant ERSKINE was often in the office …….I remember the secretary Evelyne SMITH….But I made friends with Naomie HERBERT…Her husband was a school teacher & a painter as well….I lost touch & I’m trying to trace them…Naomie had 2 boys from a previous marriage : Bruce & Kenny …If you know how I could contact them, please let me know….


    • Sylvie –
      Do you remember the gentleman that ran the crafts shop in the Community Center. As I remember, his name was Lee Burkett. Have great memories of hours spent there. Also, do you remember the librarian, Madame Hoquetis?

      • Hey Doug,
        Silvie is in Amsterdam, Holland with her husband for at least a week. They’re there to visit her brother-in-laws.
        Check out her web-site http://www.tour-de-belfort.com
        She asked me about the librarian saying she knew her when she worked in the community center but didn’t know her assistant if she had one. I had asked her to identify the woman who’s photo I had taken posed in the library window. This photo is found in my photo album.
        I would say Silvie will have the names of many Dreux people that you knew from your days at the base.
        I just hope we can help her find her friends from long ago. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

    • Regarding “Naomi Herbert”, I have found information that confirms the last name was Herberg, not Herbert. He was an elementary teacher at Dreux. First name was Gary. Wife was Naomi Lucille. They were divorced in 1971. Looks like Naomi married a fellow named William Rosenberg in 1973. Gary Herberg died in 2004 and Naomi died in 2005; both lived in California

  319. Hey Chuck,I can only say for sure I was dropped off on a perimeter rd.I think it only happened twice in the 10 mo.I was there,as for the carbine,I think we drew them from sq.supply.Did you ever remember the guy with the Metropolitan,I think he was in alert also.I was in Tripoli,Lybia(Wheelis AFB) TDY one time and ran into a guy,I think was in alert,He was in crash and rescue down there,I only saw him once but we knew each other.I hope you can spot some one you knew in the pics. fred

  320. Bill,I have a few pics.from my time at Dreux pus a copy of the combat cargo newsletter,I haven’t been able to copy and send them on my computer.I would mail them to you if you could put them up,if you would like,I can put names on the back and maybe there would be some one that would recognise them,just send your mailing address to my e-mail and I will send them to you.Fred

  321. Hey Fred,
    Hate to hear about your hand. I had the same thing back in 2012 for the right one. Until the numbness wore off it felt like I was carrying a sack of taters.
    Looking ahead to your photos, glad you’re getting them to Bill.
    Just where did you get dropped off that 6×6 for OSAF duty ? I was stationed around the marguerite # 2 area. Where was the building located where you drew your Carbine ? Do we have it listed and numbered on the maps ?
    Hang in and be cool with that hand !!
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  322. Bill,I have no problem with memory from things long past,it is what happens last week that I can not remember.I was just showing my wfe the map and perimenter road,I waas on the OSAF team and showing her where I would be droped off when we went on alert,I remember one night we had just made a pot of coffee when the siren went off,I filled my canteen with coffee and grabed my gear,drew my weapon annd loaded up on a duce and a half,t droped me off and first thind was going to get a slug of hot coffee,wrong,it was stone cold.I remember stories of guys filling thier canteens up with wine only to get sick because wine andaluminum react very badly.I am going to try sending some pics let me know if they get through.

  323. Hey Chuck,Bill, Ihope you two are taking old age better than me,seems like scince I hit 70,everything just started falling apart,now I have had carpal tunnel surgery.I feel like an old car someone is trying to re-store.Do either 0f you remember the little red hesded Frenchman that used to dish out salad in the chow hall?He saw my nametag one time ans told me Fore was his last name also,if yocu do remember him you will remember,he had some kind of quirky thing that he would make a face and jerk his head over his shoulder,my Grandfather,who raised me,told me before I shipped out that we had French blood in us.I never told Him about that little man until I came home. Bill,I will try to get that stuff together and send it to ydou,scince I can’t use my rt.hand for six weeks I should be able to.Hope you all are fairing better than me(if I had only known) really applies now .Fred

    • Sorry to hear about your carpal problem. With all the mouse work I’m doing to clean up pictures and maps I may wind up with it. I don’t remember your red headed frenchman. Your memory seems to be a lot better than mine. Hang in there and keep getting up in the morning.

  324. A big “HAPPY 80TH BIRTHDAY” is sent today to our own Chuck Silbert. His vision is what created this website several years ago now, and for that we are all truly thankful. Many of us Dreuxites have been reunited with each other through pictures, stories, and memories on this site. Enjoy your day, Chuck, and may you have many more!

    • Sherry, You bring a tear to the eyes of this older fella. I just want to thank you for all you do. I’m looking forward to meeting up with you and Don later this year in Mississippi.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • You only beat me by a year Chuck. I’ll join the 80s group next year. I was posted to the 39th TCS at Evreux in 1960 and had four great years in France & Europe. Several guys came to our Sqdn when the 119s departed Dreux. Came across this site and have enjoyed all the similar experiences we enjoyed while stationed in France.

        • Hey Tom,
          You say the 39th at Evreux. How many C-119’s were still left over at Evreux when you were
          there ?
          Didn’t the 39th fly the C-130A’s ?
          Where did you go after Everux ? Thanks for your blog, we really like folks to get back with us.
          Would you know anything about the house trailers on the NATO bases ? We have found three former Dreux Air Base trailers near to the old base. We have a contact who lives near to the old base and he’s our eyes and ears. Locals must have purchased these trailers after GI’s left the base and the French took it over in 1967. Hoping to get more info from you and again thanks for your blog. God Bless
          A/2C Sibert

          • Chuck, The C-119s were phased out at Evreux in 57-58, I believe. When I arrived at LFOE in early 1960, no 119s remained at the base. All three squadrons at Evreux did fly the A model. I was able to fly the A for nine years, till 69.
            I have heard that the trailers at Evreux were sold to a Frenchman who was going to start a camping sight somewhere in the south of France, but I can’t prove that to be true. Tom

  325. I landed in La Pallice France via the troop ship General Haan in April, 28 1953 came off the ship down the ladder nets to waiting Dukws and brought to shore went on to Druex to start building an airfield our unit was the 821st EAB and we first had to set up tents for our living quarters while we constructed the pre fab buildings that would be the final living quarters its been a long time and a lot of my army buddies are not around any longer I would like to link up with a few of them before I go any information would be appreciated..
    D. Rosa
    Fairfield Va

    • Dominick, Welcome aboard the Dreux Air Base Memories site.
      If you will look on the memories section of the site you will find two of your fellow members of your old unit, that have stories here.
      William J. Auell & Joseph Ashton have put up interesting stories.
      I will try to send to you their e-mail addresses.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Corky Sent this email to administrator. I forwarded it to Dominick.

      From: “John \”Corky\” Daut”
      To: “admin”
      Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2015 8:30:29 PM
      Subject: Re: There is a new comment to Dreux Blog
      Hello brother Rosa. You and I weren’t really that close because the Texans pretty well stuck together as did the men from the deep south and the men from New Jersey and New York and my platoon was TDYed to Leon and Chateroux a large part of the time,, But I do remember you well. I was John Daut, in the first squad of the first platoon. And you were in the first squad of the second Platoon as I remember.
      One of my best memories of Dreux was our first payday on that God forsaken prairie. Our tent decided to have a party that night. Almost everyone of us went to the eighteen wheeler trailer that was the PX and bought some goodies and a case of beer. The next morning every one but me was moaning and groaning. I was feeling great and laughing when we went to work that morning, but when we came in for lunch I told my buddies to go to hell, I was heading for the tent and the cot. I was still asleep when everyone came in that evening. I still never have figured out how I got away with it
      The second best memory was when the Battalion office burned down with all our records were lost just weeks before shipping out for home.
      Glad to see you are still around. Not many left. By the way, I just turned 87 Tuesday.
      John W. Daut
      Hempstead, Texas

  326. Grady Gibbons, Hope you are well, long time no blogs from you ?
    Grady, Please tell me everything you can recall about the Dreux Air Base Confinement Center. The Air Police lock up or prison as the French called it.
    I want to write something about this place. You being in the Air Police at Dreux I hope you’ll know much about it. If you recall it was located on the left past the front gate guard shack and was building # 91 on the way coming up to the motor pool. It was across the street from barracks # 87.
    How many cells did it have, were there toilets in each cell, how were the detainees fed, were there work details, how many AP’s on each shift, what about showers? How large was the building can you tell? Was there a fence around the building ? The cells look like they had brick walls and metal doors ? What about heating and lighting & water fountains, radio, & phones ? I hope you will add the answers to these questions plus many more you recall.
    God Bless.
    A/2C Sibert

  327. Dreux Folks, Who can recall the street name that ran in front of the POL storage area ? This is the street that comes north from the perimeter road between the NCO trailer park and POL. This street goes northward past the POL gate, crosses North Carolina Ave & on up to marguerite # 2 and beyond.
    Oklahoma Ave in the NCO trailer park might parallel this street.
    A/2C Sibert

  328. Dreux Folks, I would like to make your day somewhat more enjoyable.
    Just type in www,afcvm.com when this comes up you can click on the boxes found on your left. The box that says Dreux Air Base will be a special look see for all of you. I’m looking for some more of the same type info so I’ll let you know when I find any more. Let me hear from you folks about this find.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hey Chris, Thanks for the heads up about you being born at Dreux Air Base. Like Sherry said, what year? The hospital was scaled down to a clinic in 1961 because there weren’t enough Airmen and dependents as the flying squadrons were sent home. Just a small tidbit for you.
      Bill and I were talking today by phone and both of us said we hope you could provide us with pictures that you father took while stationed at Dreux Air Base. As we get more photos for the albums we sometimes find that many photos overlap the ones already up on the site. This helps us to get a better view of our old air base. Bill tells me quite often to look at certain photos and I find things I’ve overlooked before. Every day both of us are reviewing the base maps & pictures to see just what we may have missed.
      Again, what ever you can come up with please send it to Bill for the site. I want to thank you now for all your help and let you know we’re very glad to know you and you father. What work did your dad do on the base?
      Hoping to hear from you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  329. Dreux Folks, Just got an invite for the 60th Troop Carrier Group reunion in Pigeon Forge, Tn Sept 21st thru 24th 2015. The 60th TCG was the group that first opened Dreux Air Base in late 1955. They moved from Rhine Main AFB, Germany in late 1955 and opened Dreux Air Base, France. What a sight it must have been for the locals seeing all of the C-119G’s landing at the new NATO base that year in 1955.
    The 60th TCG became the 7305th TCG later on at Dreux Air Base. It is good that these folks get together every year to recall their younger Air Force days. I was told that some of the group never made the move to Dreux as their time was up to rotate back to the states. I bet they did not miss the mud hole called Dreux Air Base, Senonches.
    To get all the info e-mail Paul Baldwin dbaldwin@hillsboro.net
    God Bless;
    A/2C Sibert

  330. Hey Folks, Lots of rain here in Nabb, Indiana today. Looks like all of our 10 ” of snow from last week has headed for the Ohio river as water runoff. I say
    “very good.”
    I know Bill and I have talked with a lot of former Dreux folks and many have said they are searching for pictures and want to send to us their stories along with the pictures. I can hardly wait to read the stories about their days at our old NATO Air Base. Bill and I have joked about this, hoping we’ll still be around to read them. Bill being 75 and me turning 80 next month. Hurry up folks with your pictures. We’ll go ahead and create an album for your photos to get you started on the Dreux web-site with your stories to follow a short time later.
    Just blog us and let us know you haven’t forgotten about this. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  331. I just took a long walk down memory lane,through the foot locker i built in the sheet metal shop,I found my orders sending me to France,I was wrong ,I got there may 21,1960,left apr 1 1961,1 day travel to Bitburg afb.I also found a lot of other stuff,several Combat Cargo news letters with news of C119s being phased out.I also found membership cards to the airmans club and the pavillion club,I also have an ash tray that says “stolen from dreux n.c.o.club.I found lots of papers bringing back so many stories and memories,I was alone in my shop and I was transported back 55 years ago.I never did find my old dog tags,I had promised them to my youngest granddaughter,but it was worth it. If any of this will help out,tell me nd will try to get it to you.Fred


    • Fred, I’m very glad to get your blog about our old base. You left Dreux Air Base 1 April 61 for Bitburg in your Ford auto. WOW
      I say WOW because I left Paris France on that same day for the states. I went to Paris with my friend Birdsong also from Kentucky, as I was and four of his friends from the Air Police Squadron at the base.
      We were in Paris 31 March 61 and stayed at the Hotel Littre which the USA rented as an transient hotel for all US service men. I stayed there when I first arrived in France 11 Jan 60 on my way to Dreux. The six of us did the Paris last night thing and Birdsong’s buddies took him and me to Orly Airport on 1 Apr 61 to get our flight to the USA.
      If you read my stories you will find all about this. I’m glad you are finding your old USAF things. This is just what I did and this led to the Dreux web-site being born.
      What ever you find please get it to Bill McLoud in Denver so he can post it on the Dreux Site ASAP. Hopefully others will follow suit when they see what you have done.
      Bill tells me you two have talked by land line and he can get to you his mailing address. He’ll scan and copy what you send and very soon he’ll have it posted on the site for all us Airmen to recall. See what a small e-mail posting has brought to life for you about our old base. I hope you will be able to look at everything we have put up on the Dreux Air Base site. I still go over everything and find much I have overlooked. Most of the early Airmen 1955 thru 1958 are older folks now but we have a lot of stuff they have sent to us for the site.
      Fred, please call Bill and you two get your heads together ASAP about what you can get mailed to him. The base newspapers will have a wealth of info for the site as well as what else you can send to bill. He’ll be able to get all your stuff back to you ASAP. This is exciting stuff and will surely bring others to search and get stuff forwarded to us.
      Talk at you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  332. I was one of the lucky ones who flew for 1249 hrs in the old C119G and a couple of HRS in a C47 assigned to the 10th TCS. One of fellow buddies was an guy named Jimmy Hoover. Like I said before I spent as much time flying away form Dreux as I could. I happened to be in ATHENS at the time of the middle east crisis and we flew into the middle east to get our people out of there. Got a nice letter of appreciation from Col. Churchill.

    • Fred Loofs,
      You say the old C-119G’s, really when they arrived at Dreux Air Base, France as1953 models in 1955 they were only two years old. When you rotated in 1958 the planes were only going on their fifth year. When they were recalled back to the states in 1961 they were going on their sixth year.
      Bill McLoud tells me he had no trouble with his C-119G and I also made a number of flights aboard the C-119G’s with no problems at all. I know they seem old to us now after some 50 years. Some are still flying today. Had the turbo-prop engines, which were tried out worked, they could have lasted longer at Dreux Air Base, France. How much longer I can not say because of the C-130A’s at Evreux outclassing the Fairchild
      C-119G. Do you recall any of the tail numbers of the 10th TCS
      C-119G’s you flew on?
      Could you maybe send to Bill a story about your days at our old base? Talk at you ASAP God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Fred Loofs,
      Just where in the middle east did you go to get our people out?
      What year was this? You say Col Churchill. He was the base commander and left Dreux Air Base in 1958 maybe in June.
      Thanks for your recall about this. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  333. I was stationed at Druex from 1955 to 1958 in the 10th as a airborne radio man.
    Spent a lot of time TDY to Athens . We were moved from Rine Main AB to Druex
    what a let down.

  334. And a great day to all from the great northwest(Washington). Just a little history to start. I arrived at Dreux in 1958 and remained there until 1961 when they started downsizing. I was in charge of the Base Telephone section and worked part time in the Officers Club as a bar tender.
    Being assigned to Dreux wasn’t the best assignment I had while in the Air Force but it was one i’ll always remember. The best part I can remember was the great people that were there both military and civilian.
    When my family arrived we lived in the city of Dreux, assigned military housing and later moved on base in the trailer section, all kinds of room for 5 people. It was a blast.
    That’s about it for now, take care and to all of the great people I met there it was my pleasure to know all of you.
    By the way I retired at McChord AFB in 1972.
    Luck to all.

    • George, Thanks for the heads up about your time at the Dreux Air Base family farm.
      I agree with your assessment of the great folks on the base and around the base. Do you recall your trailer home number?
      There is now so much information about the old base on the site that one can really make our old days come alive again. Building numbers and photos that overlap one and another plus all the great Google shots keep me glued to my screen for hours. Take the Solar Panel videos, slow them down and you can see all the small details. The video about the old Airmens Club and the Base Ops, Fire Station, and Control Tower when slowed down shows a wealth of info.
      Could you send to Bill a short story to put up on the memories section about your days at the base?
      Let me hear more from you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  335. Hello Chuck,I’m sure we crossed paths while at Dreux,I was on the bottom floor,if you remember,the bays were devided by wall lockers,mine was next to last,across from the day room.I had two friends going to Frankfurt and we shared the expenses,best I can remember,we made Frankfurt on one tank of gas,we stoped in Paris to say our good byes and picked up two German girls going to a village just outside of Frankfurt,they plus a map,got me eventually to Bitburg.We started out in the morning I think the third of march,we arrived in Frankfurt the next morning,no one else had a license,so I did all the driving. My old 50 ford was hard to miss,the grille was missing,the radio antenna pointed to the outside,my buddy and room-mate worked in the paint shop and we mixed insignea blue and white ,which came out an awful blue.One of my other roomates ,Pete Pendergraph,was friends with another guy,I think he was in alert also,he drove a Metroplitan,four of us went to Paris and back in that little car,my buddy,from the paint shop,and me rode in the back seat.I was,and still am,6ft.2 in,but thinking back,very flexable.Do you remember the guy in the orderly room that drove a 52 chevy?He ran with a s/sgt from the sheet metal shop,I can’t remember either of thier names but they were in the black market with cigaretts,the s/sgt was a good enough talker that he didn’t buy them to smoke,but instead bummed them.Sometime in feb.I had a hernia surgery and was on light duty working in sq.supply,you probably saw me there.As soon as I can figure out how,I will post some pics,my kids and grand kids gave me a laptop for Christmas and I haven’t learned how yet.I will try to look at your postings.As for trouble going to germany,I got a parking ticket while in Paris for parking in a blue zone,I think I still have it.Did you also get the presidental unit citation? When I got to Bitburg,they had goltten one also,that wound up being the only ribbon I had to wear,not even good conduct,I made A/2nd,kept it 3 mo.and was busted back to A/B,stayed that for 18 mo.before getting A/3rd,I got an attitude before I left Dreux.Did you ever ride the train to Paris?We would go most every payday.Also,were you a particepant in the great “dirty boot” incedent? I only heard about it as it happened just before I got there.You mentioned Bill was re-called during the Berlin crisis,we stayed on red alert,working 12-7 for like two weeks,then found out about the Cuban crisis,that was a scarey time for us.We had just gotten F105s and also had FIS102s,the planes lacked only the war heads ,being loaded with every thing they could carry.Enough,more later.Fred

    • Fred, I’ll write more to you later but for now here is something for you to do. Type in Bitburg Air Base, Germany. When this comes up look for A Ride Thru Former Bitburg Air Base 2012 on U-tube.
      Click here and enjoy to the fullest. While you are at this web-site you will be able to click on and view more about your old German Air Base. Let me know how this unfolds for you.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • Chuck,I did find the utube visit,even 2 more.I didn’t recognize,much,I think I did see the bunkers where ,what we called the zulu,area was,they kept I think 12 planes and crews ready for take off,that was where you had txo have at least secret classification to even pull KP,lucky me I got to do it.I did not see for sure,my old barracks,they were the second row from the front gate.I didn’t see the old fox holes and bunkers that Gen.Pattons’ men dug when they passed through,.I looked at some pics.of Dreux but they were covered with what looked like solar panels,my wife stays on me for looking at any of this,she just don’t understand.Her half brother was in the army but she don’t remember much about where he was.I probably saw more of germany because of my cr,I had just got it in feb.before I left in march.Looking forward to hearing more from you and others.Fred

  336. I arrived at dreux may 23,1960,fresh ouit of airframe repair tech school at amarillo,tx.Iwas 17 yrs old and fresh off the farm.I was assigned to 7305 c.a.m.s and spnt 10 months there until the base was closed then was transfered to Bitburg afb germany to serve out the remaining 26 mo.I traveled to Paris almost every 2 weeks until I bought my first car,a 50 ford,from then on I didn’t have enough money to go.I did make it bac to Everux in 62 when a buddy and myself went to Le Mans race,we caught a hop back to germany.I would love to hear from any one who was there,or knew soms one who was.

    • Hey Fred, Thanks for your blog about Dreux Air Base in 1960.
      Bill and I were both at the base when you arrived in May. Bill was flying with the 11th TCS and I was working in transient alert. Alert was located on the west side of the main hanger somewhat toward the front. The alert office window had a good view of the fire station and the control tower.
      You say you worked on the air frames of the C-119G’s. Were you doing this in the main hanger only? By the way, what barracks were you living in at the base? I was in 168 & Bill was in 163. I could look out over the south goal post of the football field. Bill was on the corner of California Ave & Florida Ave, across from the gas station. The Airmans Club was across California Ave from the gas station. You say the base closed and you went to Bitburg, Germany. The base really didn’t close until April 1967 when the French took over. All the flying squadrons and the planes plus their support folks left in early 1961. It really closed for us then. What month did you leave in 1961? Bill and I left in April that year & returned to the states for separation from the USAF. Bill was recalled later for duty during the Berlin crisis.
      I hope you have some pictures of your time at the base that we can put up on the Dreux site. Bill and I would like to hear anything you can recall about how you got to Dreux Air Base from the states, etc. Surely we crossed paths in our travels about the base. I had a blue Moblylette mo-ped and parked it under the outside upstairs steps of my barracks #168 across from the NCO Club rear.
      Bill is in Denver, Colorado & I’m in Nabb, Indiana. Where might you be living?
      We all just might have some of the same stories about the snack bar, service club, library and other areas around the base or out in the local towns near the base. That sure would be great. I hope to hear from you ASAP. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • My bay in the barracks looked out over the goal post of the football field I was on the ground floor,I can’t recall the number of the barracks,I worked in the sheet metal shop and the flight line.I boarded a converted c-118 in trenton nj. went to tule greenland,fueld and landed in orly in paris,was picked up by a s/sgt.who was also picking up his wife,there was three of us that went through lackland,amarillo,then to france,all three of us in sheet metal shop.They gave the old c-119s to ang and shipped us out to different places,I had bought an old 50 model ford that was assembled over there,that was how i got to bitberg.I was there during the congo crisisand recieved the presidental unit citation.I have some photos,mainly from the windo of my barracks which was the last buildingx before the football field I have a lot of memories of dreux as I was growing into an adult there.I enlisted as soon as I turned 17,8 days later I was in Lackland,4 weeks later I was in Amarillo for 16 weeks training,30 day leave,then to France,I’m pretty sure it was the 28 of may when we arrived,I can remember asking the sgt. what time the sun set because it was aroiund 8 o’clock and the sun was in our eyes.I was told that the base was an old german airfield,but after reading some of the comments I’m wondering.If I can figure out this laptop,I’ll try to send some of the photes,I also have at least one of the base news letter,I think it may have been for the congo thing,I’ll have to dig it out and see.I’m glad you responded to my coment,I was begining to think it was only the people who were dps.I am living in Nacogdoches,Texas,on the land I bought through the vetrans land board,in 1969.Going to sign off for now,good to hear from you,Fred.

        • Fred, We were in the same barracks # 168 and we both saw the south football field goal post. I was upstairs in the first bay on your right after coming up the outside stairs on the NCO club end. You would have had to see my blue mo-ped parked under the outside stairs if you came in or out the 1st floor doors looking toward the NCO club rear. Have you looked at all my pictures in my photo album on the Dreux site? Now, about the old German airfield you spoke about in your blog. This was not the Dreux Air Base airfield but the Dreux City airfield in Dreux 27 K’s from our old air base. Dreux NATO air base was begun in 1951-1952 from scratch. So you drove your 1950 Ford auto from Dreux Air Base to Bitburg, Germany? Just how did you prepare for this long trip? I’m sure you were given travel pay for your journey? How did you get (find) road directions to Bitburg Air Base, Germany? How long did it take you to make the trip? Did you have a co-driver? What, if any, problems were there along the way? I went as far as some 50 miles away from our old air base on my mo-ped at times. My 24 on and 48 hours off schedule helped me to get away many week-ends. No, I never rode it to Paris. Once I went to Evreux. I hope you get back to me with some facts about your time at our old base. Thanks very much. We surely crossed paths living in the same barracks in 1960 and 1961.
          God Bless:
          A/2C Sibert

  337. I don’t think I have big memories like everyone else so I am going to start with small ones.

    Early on before I got into the routine of running around the air bases I flew local around Dreux. One of the good ones is flying down to St. Michel and rolling the pilot’s window back all the way. With the window all the way back you didn’t get any wind in the cockpit. As the window went back it was a hurricane inside. The copilot flew the airplane in slow circles arount St. Michel while the pilot took pictures out his window. After that we flew down the beach low and slow, looking at sunbathers.

  338. We have a new member- Cynthia Rawls Sternberg. She was in kindergarden when she was at Dreux. Her was Provost Marshall Capt Perry (PJ) Rawls. Time frame was 59-60. I received an email from her which follows:

    I will start digging. I was very young, in kindergarten, but my dad was Provost Marshall. He may have more photos and memories.

    Cynthia Rawls Sternberg

    • Welcome, Cynthia! I am wondering if my sister, Debbie Watson, was in your kindergarten class? We all look forward to your contributions on the blog in whatever form they might take – pictures, memories, etc.

  339. Dreux Folks, I was looking at the video showing the inside of the Dreux Air Base control tower. It looks like there are four air outlets around the lower inside walls. Could someone comment about this? I would think it would be quite hot in the base Control Tower during the summer months and air outlets would be needed. The Control Tower equipment could give off added heat thus a need for the cool air units. Remember too, the tinted windows did not open and could fog up making it hard to see out. Maybe the air unit openings provided hot and cold air? I’m sure it was somewhat cold during the winter and heat was needed.
    Take a look see and let us know about this. Just another tidbit about our old air base. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  340. Dreux Folks, In the two videos Le 28.TV parc photovoltaique a’ CRUCEY (28)
    and Base Militaire (Dreux-Senonches) By KTADONF
    You can see a warehouse type building setting just off the south parking spaces of the fire department. This building is more to the left and not centered up on the parking lot. Some may recall there was an aircraft wash area between this building and the main hanger on the aircraft parking apron. I have looked very closely in both videos at this building. There are two large entrance doors that seem to me to be covered in metal. Surely they would have rotted away by now if they were painted wood only. This building roof is an example of rotting away. Two small windows, one on each side of the entrance doors, are on the front and are found more to the top of the front side. There seems to be three lights found on the front, one at the center top and one on each side at the roof edge. Two small windows are located on the south west side, one at each end of this building. My thinking is, this building was used by the fire department to store their needed supplies. Fire retardant and ect.
    Could someone clear up this mystery? Hopefully the answer will come from one of the Dreux Air Base firemen. I don’t think we have heard from any of the base firemen on this blog. Anyone who can recall what this building was used for please let us know. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hey Dreux Folks, Nothing yet about the building’s use, maybe for the fire dept? I found out the building’s number from Bill McLeod who is making a larger map of the base. The building’s number was 147. Hope to have more later. Stay tuned in.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  341. I spent 3years as a Fllight Mechanic Aircraft Mechanic and.
    30 Days in the Stockdale. Got out in 15 days Good Behavior.

    • Ian, Glad to hear from you about your time at Dreux Air Base.
      Where was the stockade located when you were put in there?
      I heard of the place but did not know where it was. Someone told me it was across from the snack bar/service club. What squadron were you working in for the three years you lived at the base.
      Bill and I would like some stories and pictures from you about your days in France. What years were you there? We are getting older, Bill nearing 75 and me to be 80 in April. So please get them to us ASAP. Thank you in advance. Hoping to hear from you very soon. God Bless.
      A/2C Sibert

  342. Hey Folks, Go to the picture albums and click on Dreux close ups.
    Number 26 will show you just where the Airmans club was located. Look at the bottom left for the L shaped building and that’s it. California Ave ran in front of the club. Some couldn’t recall just where it was on the base.
    A/2C Sibert

  343. Dreux Folks,
    I enjoy the videos found on the Dreux web-site. Now take the video titled
    When you take this video down to its slowest speed to watch, it really becomes fascinating to see the details one misses at the faster speed.
    I see my old barracks on California Ave located at the south end of the base football field. (Where the field used to be) Don’t forget you can pause the video and take your time looking and enjoy what you see from every angle. Take a close look from where the Frenchman is standing atop the platform on top of the control tower. Do you recall the rotating beacon that used to be there?
    When the video is slowed down you get a better look at the base ops rooms as well as the fire station living quarters and the square openings where the four slide down poles were located above the fire trucks. The area where the fire trucks and fire fighting equipment were kept becomes much more clear.
    There were really 14 tall overhead doors installed on the fire station. I believe they all had automatic openers. Who can recall this fact ?
    Shower room, wash areas, and latrines were handy for the firemen as seen in the video. You know, I passed by the fire station many times while on duty but never did I stop in. I would just wave at anyone who was there.
    I have viewed all the videos, slowing them down, and I must say there is so much more to see. If you have not done this give it a shot. Don’t forget to use pause and take your time. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck – You’re right. I poured over that video (and all of the pix on the website many times). I noticed the coverings for the slide poles in the fire house. The firemen let us kids slide down from time to time. What a thrill.
      I still have some boxes of old pictures and slides to go through and may discover a few from the Dreux days. Most of our photos from those days were put into picture albums and I’ve extracted quite a few from those to send previously. But, there’s always the hope that there’s more good stuff yet to be uncovered.
      Haven’t contributed much lately, but I’m working on some odds and ends to send to Bill to post. I’ll update the map of the NCO Trailer Park with the street names. Also have some pictures and materials of the AFRC in Garmisch that may prove interesting as they were taken in the 62/63 time frame. Also, several people had mentioned coming back from France on the SS United States. I finally found some interesting stuff from that trip (1964) that I’ll scan and send.
      Finally, I plan on going over to the AF History Office at Bolling and getting some unit histories to scan and send for posting.
      Slowly getting there . . .


    • Dreux Folks, After further review of the 14 fire house over head doors at Dreux Air Base, I can now tell you that the doors were manually opened and closed. By looking very close at the videos I was able to see the pull chains that were used to operate the doors. The doors would roll up at the top of the opening something like the old roll top desk’s. Remember, you pull down on one side of the circle chain until the door was up and then you pull down on the other side of the circle chain to close the door? Now that takes care of the fire house doors. Let us see what more tidbits I can find out about our old Air Base.
      A/2C Sibert

  344. Hey Dreux Folks,
    Today I was looking at the old closed USAF bases that are found in Germany. These can be found on U-Tube. As was the case in France they’re just rotting away, although some of the buildings are used for something. Many runways are no more but some are still used. The cold war brought about the building of many of these air bases just like our old Dreux Air Base. I began to reflect about how important these bases were in that time period. The red army could have entered Germany and pushed us into another war. Our time at Dreux Air Base was really dangerous but we just pushed that aside and kept that thought on the back burner of our minds. Many to this day do not really know just what our air crews at Dreux Air Base hauled aboard their C-119G’s as they moved around from base to base. As Airmen and families far from home we stood very tall and were ready and on call to do our duty as needed. I am so very proud to read about the duties of all who were stationed at Dreux Air Base found on this web-site. I wish there could be much more along these lines put up here. I know many have passed away that were stationed before me and after me at Dreux Air Base. We have many readers of this blog that have much more info and pictures that could be put up on the Dreux web-site. Many have said they’re looking for just these but Bill has not got them as of yet? I am still searching for any more pictures to send to Bill. Folks, it does not matter if you just have one or two found, just do not wait, hurry them on to Bill.
    Bill and I are getting older and we need your help with this. Yes we do.
    God Bless and I hope to get your blog about this.
    A/2C Sibert

  345. Some things I hope us older people have learned.

    “Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but about learning to dance in the rain.”

    “Love does not make the world go around, it’s what makes the trip worthwhile.”

    Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

    merry christmas and happy new year. Bill

  346. Who remembers .50 cent steak night at the N.C.O club and 10.cent beer night.The airmans club was closed when I was there in 61 and 62, so there was always a good crowd. T he nickle slot in the bar paid just enough to call statside.

  347. I arrived at Dreux Air Force base in the first week of April 1953, as a member of C Company of the 821 EAB. Our advanced party had assembled our quarters which consisted of about sixteen squad tents, a mess hall tent, headquarters tent, and a large 18 wheeler box trailer for a PX and a very large open prairie. Our first job was to start building roads and the Swiss Quonset huts that were to be our new homes, offices and mess halls.
    I was lucky, after the first few weeks most of my platoon went on TDY to construct a service club building and movie theater building at the Leon Air force base. No guard duty or KP, just work 5 and 1/2 days a week.and explore France on weekends. .

  348. Merry Christmas to all. We were talking at the dinner table tonight about special Christmas memories and I told everyone about the two Christmases at Dreux. They just seemed special to me because they were peaceful. We were thousands of miles from our extended families so the friends and neighbors at Dreux actually felt like our families. It was indeed a special time. It has been wonderful for me to connect or reconnect with those on the site as we all shared some special moments together at a little base in France many years ago. Merry Christmas. – Doug

  349. My Memories of Dreux
    After basic training in the 821 EAB at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri from April to November 1952 we were moved to Wolters Air Force Base in Mineral Wells, Texas advanced engineer training until March 1953. We finished our advanced engineer training at Wolters Air Force Base.
    Some great genius in the Military Air Sea Transport department realized they hadn’t shipped any troops out of Galveston since the end of W.W. II. So in late March of 1953, our battalion was loaded onto chartered busses and driven to Galveston, Texas and onto a pier where they boarded a troop ship named the USS General Hann.
    The ship made one stop at San Juan, Puerto Rico, where a group of Puerto Rican troops bound for Germany were loaded onto the ship. The ship sailed across the south Atlantic stopping first at France to let us off. The rest of that trip was very frustrating for an old southerner like me. Most of the Puerto Rican troops were black. For the next couple of weeks every time I said something to a black guy, expecting a soft southern drawl, I was inundated by a flood of Spanish.
    When we got within sight of land near France, the sailors began shutting the waterproof doors below decks. When ask why, we were told it was because there were still a lot of mines in the harbor and sometime one floated free and was a hazard. As the ship approached France, that same Army genius decided that no soldiers had “went over the side” in France since World War II. After the ship anchored in the harbor at La Rochelle (near La Harve), the entire ship load of soldiers climbed down the landing nets hanging over the side of the ship. We stepped off the nets into “Ducks”(Landing craft) and were driven across the beach to a railroad siding where they were loaded into some French passenger train cars.
    The train dumped us in the little town of Dreux (pronounced Drew, about 40 miles north of Paris) in the cold April wind at the (already closed for the night) depot about 11:00 PM. After a phone call and an hour or so wait we were picked up in some open top, cattle type, trailers pulled by 18 wheel truck rigs and driven through the cold night to the new air force base that consisted of about sixteen squad tents, a mess hall tent, headquarters tent and a very large open prairie.
    The official objective of our SCARWAF unit was to assist in building a NATO Air Force base in France. Our first and only job assignment there however, was to build permanent living quarters along with mess halls, supply rooms and offices for ourselves. The French civilian contractors had the airport construction sewed up and no American troops worked on it.
    My platoon was sent to Leon (lay-on) after the first few weeks, where we constructed a service club building and movie theater building at the Leon Air force base. Our next assignment was at Chateroux where we assembled a prefab 10,000 barrel oil storage tank for the Chateroux Air Force Base in the fall and winter of 1953. It was often 10 or 12 degrees F. at noon that winter. The tank was built of steel plates bolted together with three rows of bolts at each seam. There was a neoprene gasket between the plates to seal the seams. We would carry brooms to the work site every morning to sweep the snow off of the material. We had to work wearing gloves to keep the wrenches, washers, nuts and bolts from freezing to our fingers when we picked them up.
    Back at Dreux the prefab buildings, that made up our quarters at the Dreux base were finished and heated by two fuel oil burning heaters. There was one heater near each end of the building sitting in a wooden box about 3 feet square and 6 inches deep. The box was full of sand and the heater sat on the sand. Outside each building near each end, there was a 55 gallon barrel of fuel oil on a high stand. A small rubber hose running from the drum, through the wall and across the floor brought the oil to the heater.
    During the winter, in early 1954 it was getting almost time for us to get discharged and we were all getting anxious to go. It was freezing cold that night when the fuel oil started a tiny drip in one of the sand boxes in the headquarters building. Somehow the little puddle of fuel oil in the sand caught fire from the heater about 1:00 O’clock in the morning. The night CQ got a little bumfuzzled when he saw the little blaze. Instead of going outside and turning the oil off at the drum, he jerked the hose off the heater and started running for the door with the end of the hose in his hand. He reached the end of the hose before he reached the door. Then he decided he had run the wrong way, so he started toward the door at the other end of the building. He didn’t reach that door but running back and forth with the hose squirting a big stream of fuel oil had pretty well covered the whole floor. The water was frozen in the fire truck, so everyone stood around and watched while the building burned to the ground along with every man’s personnel record for the whole battalion.
    In March of 1954, the men were trucked to Paris and loaded into a train to be taken to Bremmerhaven, Germany. Of course, when we got to Germany, no one knew we were coming and we had no personnel records, so they didn’t know exactly what to do with 400 men. After a day or two they started dividing us up to fill empty space on departing troop ships. I was in a group that was loaded on the USS General Patch and sailed back across the north Atlantic to New York. After landing at New York City in the last part of March, the men were loaded directly into busses on the pier and taken to Camp Kilmer, New Jersey. At Camp Kilmer, it took about three hours for the personnel department to issue all of us from the south our travel pay and orders to report to Camp Chaffie in Fort Smith, Arkansas within three days. The trip looked like fun when he boarded the beautiful shiny streamline train. After about an hours ride westward he had to change trains in Pennsylvania and get on an old ordinary looking, but still comfortable train. Once again, in St. Louis, he had to change trains for Arkansas. If you remember any movies about the old west, we were there. The passenger cars were lined with painted center match lumber with coal burning heaters sitting in the middle of the aisles broke the spell. After three last days at Camp Chaffie in Ft. Smith, I was given an Honorable Discharge on my birthday, March 31, 1954.

  350. Here it is Christmas Eve 2014. I would like to wish all of my Dreuxite friends a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year from this side of the pond. Dreux holds so many special memories for so many of us, and this website has helped to keep those memories alive.
    When I think about the two Christmases my family spent there, 1960 and1961, the first thought I have is those red and blue banded air mail envelopes arriving with precious letters from the states. Mom would gather us all together and read them aloud- over and over again. I think about a big canned Polish ham from the commissary for Christmas Eve, dinner at the mess hall on Christmas Day, the wonderful NCO Christmas Parties for the kids, seeing Babes in Toyland and Toby Tyler at the little Quonset hut theater, Miss Waris’ Christmas Pageant held at the “big” base theater with all us kids dressed in red and green tights, the dog-eared Sears “Wish Book” that was passed from trailer to trailer after countless lists had been made for Santa, a box of Tinkertoys won at Brownies, and a bar of homemade still-warm chocolate from the French farm couple passed over the perimeter fence to my sister and I. We all have our special Dreux memories…hold on to yours!

    • Sherry,
      You say Christmas in 1960 & 1961. Well, it was really in 1959 & 1960 remember ? Thinking of you this Christmas here in Indiana.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  351. Hey Dreux folks,
    Christmas is upon us for 2014. When I recall Chrismas in 1960 it was my only one spent at Dreux Air Base. Mess hall food was just great and cards and letters from home meant a lot to me. I knew that I would not spend Christmas 1961 at the base because I would rotate before then. What I did not know was the fact that I would opt out of the USAF in April and be home for Christmas 1961. I was told by my first shirt that I could go to England if I extended my enlistment for 17 months. Had I got that third stripe at Dreux I may have done this. I really didn’t want to visit England some 53 years ago anyway and I still haven’t got there yet.
    Merry Christmas and happy 2015 to all you folks.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Happy Holidays to all my Dreux friends. I feel like I have found long-lost and almost-forgotten family members this year, thanks to this site. You all have helped me to dust off old childhood memories of the three years that I spent at Dreux with my parents; who have been gone for a while now. When I think of my trip there this year, I can’t help but get a bit melancholy about seeing it all gone! But we have our memories and thanks to Chuck and others we can hang on to them a bit longer. Joyeux Noel!

  352. We have another contact, John Fredrick but since he comes through the picture comments we don’t have a way to contact him. I hope he reads the blog. He was there from 60-64 when he was 6-10 years old. Lived in trailers on base then to Senonches housing some ofthe kids should remember him. He was wishing for more detail on the pictures from Pat Hernandez showing summer kids walking along the street. Unfortunely those pictures were obtained from Pat’s album on Picasa. I have been unable to find her so we could get originals, maybe. Just as a point of information if anyone sees a picture that they would like I could email the best copy we have to you. Bill

  353. I do not remember who the N C O MANAGER WAS but I remember 25.cent steak night and 5 cent beer night. The nickle slot in the bar paid off just enough to call stateside.On occasions we had some good U S O shows at the club.Since the airmans club was closed when I was there 61-62 there was always o good crowd.

  354. We have a new contact. Any of our ‘kids’ out there know him.
    Ron Britton

    What where you doing a Dreux?
    Dependent of Elton M. Britton. Started first grade on base.

    When where you there?

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    Elton M. Britton, I’m gathering the info requested.

  355. Hey guys – as you can see Shirlene is back. She also replied to Frank Ingram’s post in July. I recopied it here so you won’t have to look for it.

    Shirlene from the 1965 Dreux High School Yearbook.

    Frank Ingram on July 24, 2014 at 2:51 pm said: Edit

    I was a young airman stationed at the Dreux AB dispensary from 1963 to 1967. Are there any dispensary personnel out there who would like to stroll down memory lane?

    Shirlene Payne Brock on December 6, 2014 at 3:10 pm said:

    I remember you Frank. My dad was Charlie Payne. He was night manager at the NCO club. My sister (Daisy) and I would go there with my parents. I remember dancing with you at the NCO club. I also remember Jack Wilson that worked with you.

  356. My dad (Charles C. Payne) was stationed at Dreux in 1963-1965. We lived off base in Chateaneuf for the first year we were there then we moved to the trailers on base. I’d like to know if there is anyone that remembers my family. Looking forward to hearing from someone.

    • Hi everyone, I am in Paris on a 48 hour layover, will try to get a car tomorrow and get out to Dreux and Chateauneuf if I can. Anybody have any requests for photos or updates. I am at the Pont Bercy on the south side near the perifique so should be an ok drive on Sunday. Email me if you have requests I usually do Chateauneuf to Mallebois by the base and to Senoches, that was my family’s Sunday drive route. My email is
      Bonavista1953@gmail.com all the best g

  357. Dreux Folks,
    I got e-mails yesterday from two of Hoppy Birdsongs kids. Mike was just 16 when Hoppy died at age 59 and Marie was just a little girl. This was all made possible because of my Turkey and Dreux web-site that told of Hoppy. They found them and replied to me. Hoppy and I left the Dreux base and the USAF at the same time in April 1961. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  358. Grady,
    I had a talk with Bill and he believes you meant FRY boots. He explained that some jump boots were made by a company called FRY.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck,you are right about the boots. I wore those boots for years. After I was released from the Air Guard, I joined a air vac. unit and was put on flight status. It was areserve unit and I stayed with it for 4 years. I got out about 6 months before the unit began sending airmen to Nam.Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

    • Bill –
      A huge “Thank You” to both you and Chuck for all of your efforts with this site. Each new addition brings back more memories for us Dreuxites everywhere. So come on, folks, please send your own special stories and pictures to this site to add to our collective memories of Dreux!

  359. As I prepare the Thanksgiving meal, my mind goes back to those Dreux mess hall Thanksgivings of 1959 and 1960. Those guys did such a great job! We give thanks for our country, our family and friends – both near and for away.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all the Dreuxites around the world!

    • Those were indeed special events! Between Thanksgiving and Christmas feasts at the Mess Hall I think all of our waists stretched a bit! We’re so fortunate to have so much: family, friends, freedom, country. Our parents, and many of the folks who are on this site, gave a lot of themselves so that we can enjoy those blessings! Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving!

  360. Do we have anybody on this blog who was there at Dreux Air Base when the flag ceremony took place in April 1967? You know when the base was turned over to the French. I have found a few photos of Evreux Air Base showing the flag ceremony. Surely there must be someone who can tell us just what and how this took place and how many Air Force personnel took place in it. Maybe even a photo for the site.
    A/2C Sibert

  361. With our higher speed internet now at home I can see the videos on the site.
    In the video LE-28.TV- Parc Photovoltaique a’ CRUCEY (28) The barracks picture seen here was taken looking over the power substation, near where the softball field once was located. That is my old barracks # S-168. Part of California Ave can be seen on your right near the end of the barracks. Remember California Ave went down the outside of the football field and then on around to base ops. The golf clubhouse was found near the street turn going toward base ops.
    That’s marguerite # 2 seen over the top of my barracks. Holes have been drilled thru the concrete for the solar panel posts. Just thought you folks would like to know this tidbit of info about this video. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  362. Just put up Baseball Rosters from Ron Holland. Messed up the caption on page 2 will fix it next time. Ron found three of our active members on the roster. I found five who we have pictures of on the site. Ron Holland, Glenn Buchard, Doug Donnell, Vance Kendrick, and Buddy Walters. Bill

    Also put a french rail pass for Charles Sibert.

      • Doug, going by the grades we are in that had to be the 62-63 school year. So I think we would of played ball in the spring of 63

        • That sounds right and tracks with the time the baseball pictures showed up in my mom’s photo album. Thanks for posting, Ron.

          My last day of work here at the Pentagon is on Monday, so I should have a little more time to look for some old Dreux pictures and info.

    • The roster really takes me back. If I was 10 as indicated, it would have to be from the spring of ’62. I turned 11 in July, and we rotated back stateside that summer.

      • Glenn, After thinking about what you said, I am going to have to agree with you. We arrived in 59 so we would have left in 62 sometime in the summer as you. In 63 Dad was at Minot then retired and we moved to Anchorage. Was there for the 64 earthquake.


        • Ron, we went to Minot from Dreux also, in 63. There for about a year and a half and the went to Glasgow, where my Dad retired in 66, and we moved to San Antonio.

          • Glenn, Wow it is a small world. I played baseball there also. Also had a horse at the base stables. I did not like it to much there, to cold and windy. Missed Dreux bad at that time. I have some movies and lot pictures from there. Maybe we could get together on email and exchange some. Also enetered the soap box derby in Minot.


  363. Larry = hate to disagree with you but the reason the site has more about kids and less about airman is that the airman are not sending in any stories. I was not at Dreux much while I was there I was flying. My friend Barry checked his flying records an found that he was only at Dreux about 30 days a year so that was probably true for me also. Why don’t you send us some stories. If you need help editing them we give it a try. Get you friends to do it also. Maybe the site will become more then Sibert and the kids. Bill

  364. We have a new contact:
    Sheryl (Anderson)-Sommons

    What where you doing a Dreux?
    I was in school at Dreux from 1965-1966 (Freshmen,Sophomore years). We
    were bussed every Monday morning from Evereaux AFB to the dorms at
    Dreux for the week. My 1st introduction to college life..lol

    When where you there?

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    My father was the dietician at Evereaux AFB hospital. Tsgt Henry
    Anderson, Jr., he passed in 1968

  365. George Nelson Bentley: I just read your blog of October 3rd. I too took piano lessons from Marie Huvey and knew Robert. She was such a lovely person. She look a liking to my parents so we actually were invited to her home on many occasions to eat with her. I still have the old 45 records that were made at the two piano concerts I participated in while I was a student of hers. Really fond memories. Thanks for sharing. Marty

    • Marty,
      Just noticed your post of months ago. My sister and I also have our records of our performances at her concerts for all her students from about 1960, Last saw Mlle Huvey about 10 years ago. She died a little over 5 years ago and Robert Orsolle passed last year. The circle of friends from that era continues to be getting smaller. Did visit this year with Mary Young of St Remy and her mother Matilda Young to reminisce. I suspect there was a time that I must have known you at the base or perhaps at the music conservatory on Rue Du Drague(sp) in the old city of Dreux.

  366. What a pleasant surprise to pull up the ski trip group photo that Tom Tucker posted and see me in the group. I’m right in the middle of the photo with the silly white hat on. My mother is standing to the right next to the teacher. She went along as the girls sponsor. That trip was one of the best experiences of my life and one that I will never every forget. Thanks Tom bot bring back such fond memories. It’s exciting to have someone in the group who was at Dreux when I was. Marty

    • Marty –
      And it’s nearly as exciting for the rest of us on this blog as well! Isn’t this website fantastic? It has brought so much joy to so many of us Dreuxites now spread throughout this world.

  367. Hello Dreux Folks,
    I was just looking at the headquarters building on the home page. Do you know there are 28 windows showing on the front side of the building ?
    How many were showing on the back side ? Who will be the person to have the correct answer ? Just a tidbit to ponder over.
    A/2C Sibert

  368. hello all, I was wondering if you got the disc I sent? It had group pic of skiers in alps and class pic from one the 6th grade classes. please give marty my e mail address. I am looking for more pictures. all this is bringing back great memories thank you, tom tucker

  369. Nicolas – No one currently on the blog was at Dreux when the base was closed so we don ‘t know what they did.

    If you want to send your pictures for the site small numbers can be scanned and attached to emails to br.mcleod@comcast.net. For a lot of pictures you can put them on a CD and mail to Bill McLeod, 9181 Race St, Thornton, C0 80229.

    • Ok. I think it’s just à “legend” but i don’t know… All is possible.

      I have 250 photos, so i spend it by letter. 😉

      You will recognize some building i think 🙂

      I visited the base with my friend in January 2010 and in April 2011, just before the construction of solar panels.

  370. I received two pictures from Tom Tucker. One of his sixth grade class and one of a group shot of the ski trip. I will try to have them up soon.

  371. I have any questions about urban legend in France, near Crucey air base:

    Someone here say when the Americains was go in their home in USA, they dig a big hole in the base and they buried a lot of equipment because they don’t need to take it with them in USA.

    Many cars amongst others…

    It’s right?

    • Bonjour Nicolas. Welcome to the blog. I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures. I was at Dreux (Crucey) Air Base from 1961-64 as a young guy.

      The urban legend about burying equipment is probably true — but just a little tiny bit true. When I was stationed in Germany in 1991/2, the Americans were closing a lot of bases and what would typically happen is that most equipment would be transferred to other bases, sold, or given away. The few things that were leftover generally went in the trash. So my guess is that there was probably some equipment from bases in France that were buried as trash, but there was probably not very much of it and whatever was left was probably not very useful. That’s just a guess, but I know how urban legends tend to become wilder and wilder as the years go by. – Doug

  372. Charles,
    You asked why more airmen from the 12th don’t contribute to this site. The reason is simple, lack of interest. This site could better be named The Dreux School Site.
    I was in the 60th Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance Squadron from Mar ’56 to Sept ’58. I worked in the maintenance shop and on the flight line. I worked at Marguerite 4 just before I left.
    I had no interest in schools and had no knowledge of them. My main interests were my job and visiting Paris and later the Chateau de La Barre.
    I think its wonderful that the school kids have a site, but it isn’t of much interest to me.
    A/1C Larry Freimuth

  373. Nicolas,
    Merci for your talk about the old OTAN Dreux Air Base. Where can we find your home, Crecy Couve, Treon, Blevy, Chennevieres, Crucey Village, Brezolles, Dampierre sur Blevy, Maillebois, Senonches, Chateauneuf, Biegeonnette ?
    We will like to have your photos of the old Air Base. Please contact
    Bill McLeod on the blog and send to him your photos. He will tell how to send them.
    We are very happy to know you. Please write to us about your photos and stories very soon.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hello!

      Ok, no problem! (Sorry for my English…) 🙂
      It’s not easy for me with my bad english language to say what i think but I do what I can…

      My home was in Senonches since 1999 but now i live in Nogent le Rotrou (Between Chartres and Le Mans).

      I will to contact Mr McLeod to send my photos very soon!

      See you!

      • Sorry but i don’t understand how to contact Mr Mcleod.
        I already post a thing after his message in this blog.

        So i think i must waiting his answer simply?

  374. Hello!

    I’m French, 28 years old.
    The Crucey USAF is near my home.

    I’am very interested about this Air Force Base and i want to say Thank you for this very beautiful document!

  375. Dreux Folks,
    I was wondering the other night about things at our old Dreux Air Base. Seeing how the 60th TCW moved down from Germany bringing with them their C-119G models and everything they would need, and setting up in late 1955 in the mud hole as many have said about the new base. I was thinking, did the local towns have their bars and dance halls open for the new GI’s right off the bat? I would like to hear what some of the old timers from that period can tell us about this. How did the local people know just when the new GI’s would come from the base to visit the local bars? Could it be that the GI base builders spread the word?
    Maybe locals were being hired before the base opened and spread the news around. For sure it was a new experience for all the airmen to have to leave their German ladies and meet new French ladies. Maybe flyers were handed out to the GI’s as where to go and meet the locals?
    A/2C Sibert

  376. Dreux Folks,.
    Did the R & B singing group the “Del-Vikings” ever perform at the Dreux Air Base service club? From 1957 to say 1965 this could have happened. Please let us know about this here on the blog.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  377. Dreux Folks,
    Look in Glenn Burchard’s picture album for the photo of Tommy McDonald who landed on Omaha beach June 6 1944 as a PFC with the Army’s 1st infantry division.
    In the picture taken by Glenn in June this year at the 70th anniversary of the
    D-Day Landings Tommy has on his WW-II Army uniform and is wearing a blue overseas cap. He is 91 years old in Glenn’s photo.
    Tommy is from the Ozarks and was a machine gunner on a half-track when landing at Omaha beach. His landing craft hit a teller mine on approach and began to sink. The ramp was lowered and he made his way forward firing off some 2,600 rounds from his half-track machine gun. Out of ammo he and his sergeant headed for cover. Tommy was hit in a hip by flying metal but made it to a rock wall for cover. As the only sharpshooter out of three still able to fire on the Germans he looked for a target. In a bunker 150 yards away he spotted the Germans using a binocular scope to find American targets to fire on.
    Sighting in he fired and took out the German scope.
    Tommy went on to finish out the war’s end and returnred home.
    He went to medical school and became a very successful Obstetrician. He say’s he delivered over 5,000 babies during his career.
    This is a short story about the Tommy McDonald that Glenn Buchard photographed this June 2014 while he was at the Normandy beaches.
    Tommy sure is one of our American hero’s for all of us to be so proud of.
    Thank you so much Glenn for your pictures.
    You know, our web-site photos really tell a great story and I hope we soon get many more. How wonderful it will be as others of the Dreux folks add their comments along with their pictures.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck, I appreciate you sharing all of those details about Tommy McDonald, and I am glad the subject of my picture has such a great life story to tell. The few vets that were there were a bit overwhelmed with the attention, especially from the media. There was no way for a regular visitor to get any closer than I did. I’m happy to read that he had a wonderful life after the war.

  378. Hey Folks,
    Does anyone on this blog ever wonder why we hear very, very, little from the 12th TCS? Could it be that those Airmen have forgotten how it was to be stationed at Dreux Air Base 1955-1960? I know many are in their 80’s by now.
    We sure would love to hear about their old days in the mud hole as many have called it. It is a shame to die off and take so much Dreux Air Base history with them that we’ll never hear about. Old folks can have some of the younger folks send their information to this blog. We sure are waiting.
    A.2C Sibert

  379. George – As you may have noted from Sherry’s posts she is currently without a computer and has to go to the library to use one so her replies may not be quick. If you go to http://dreuxairbasefrancememories.org/ (which I assume you are) and look in the black bar at the top you will find pictures. First it will take you to a page with instructions on submitting pictures with a new link to go directly to pictures. Hope this Helps. Bill
    PS Who did you fly for. I spent 15 years with United as an electrical engineer.

  380. Chuck-
    Thanks for thinking of us! The new laptop is ready and waiting for us on the other side of the big pond. We will pick it up the first morning -after sinking out teeth into American donuts and enjoying cups of real Joe! We’ll be in touch.
    In the meantime, we’ve been talking here about how Halloween was celebrated at Dreux all those years ago. Does anyone else out there remember the doubled-up paper bags from the commissary to hold all of that loot? The people in both trailer parks were very generous with all of us kids. But the BEST treasure was when someone ran out of candy and threw a penny into our bags instead 🙂 Remember the little white paper bags that were individually filled with penny candy? Those were special, too…

  381. Sherry,
    It won’t be long till you and Don hop that big bird for the USA. Don’t forget that new computer. If you think about it, give me a call while you are stateside.
    Just wanted to say hello, things here are pretty good.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  382. Dreux Folks,
    I’m just sitting here wondering when someone out there will send to the site the info we have been asking for, about the last week that Dreux Air Base was USAF. What services were still turned on to be used by the French when that last blue USAF motorcade left the base for Paris in March 1967? We know that 1st Lt Davis was the last base commander and presided at the base closing ceremony. Surely there were other Airmen present at that time and know just what we need for this site with pictures. Come on Airmen and don’t leave us in the dark. Bill and I are moving on up to old age, HELP.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Charles,with Thanksgiving coming up I remember my first one at dreux.I WAS STANDING GUARDon aC124 and the fog was so thick I could not see the plane. The cooks in the messhall prepared one of the best Thanksgiving ever. Some asked about a baseball team,I do not remember a baseball team but there was afootball team. they were one of the best in Europe.They had several players from the 1958 Auburn team which had been number 1 in the nation.

      • Grady, Thanks for the info about the football team and June Carter. You are talking about 1961 aren’t you about these happenings ? I’m still waiting for your complete Dreux story to arrive.
        That C-124 you were on guard with—-just where was it parked ? Did you hide behind the main landing gear wheels ? Did it ever rain frogs while you were at Dreux ? What did you have on that night for rain gear. you know a fog is pretty wet.
        Have you looked at all the videos on the site ? Get back to me ASAP, I’m growing older Airman.
        Happy Thanksgiving day to you and yours.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • Chuck,you are noting getting older,just better.The124 was parked in front of the ops. building and the fire station.I landed at Dreux with 3 pairs of o.d. s,aset of blues,and 3 sets of 505and a rain coat that was good for nothing. We did not get field jackets untial Dec.Our barracks were on mgt.6 in front of the p.o.l. The building had been a kindergarden and all of the bathroom fixtures were for little children.,but we adapted.Igot my wife to send me some money and Ipurchased a pair of Fry boots from the px.About jan. of 62 all the F84 s were sent to Chamount, France.At that time 2 sq.s were sent to Ramstien ,Germany. A small group stayed behind which included the Air Police. I stood post in my rain coat.I do have to tell you the weather was horrible.A about the first of Feb,it started to snow and stayed on the ground until the middle of March 62. This was not what a boy from Ala. was used to. Take care of yourself. Grady

          • Grady,
            Thanks for your info. I guess you stayed under the C-124s wings like a mother hen when you were on guard duty. Ha, Ha. What are fry boots, maybe I know them by another name ?
            You say your barracks was at marguerite 6 in front of POL. Was the POL housed in the hanger there at the time you were at Dreux?
            The POL I recall when I was there, was found in the warehouse area near the NCO trailer park. That’s where the underground fuel tanks were located. Fuel was brought in by rail cars and off loaded here. Maybe you are talking about the location of the POL trucks? I’m glad I never had a snow like you had when I was at Dreux. I would have had to put snow chains on my moped. Ha,Ha.
            About that rain coat, in March 1958 in Rome, I was soaked to the bone while out in a heavy rain with that coat on. The hat cover was just fine, hat not wet at all. You can read about this at
            Turkey-US Military. com You’ll find my story there while I was at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Let me know about this. I’m glad we both had great meals while at Dreux Air Base. I am looking for more photos to put up on the site. What about you sending your photos to Bill to put up on the site? I hope you and yours are well and looking forward to Christmas and a family gathering. God Bless:
            A/2C Sibert

          • Grady,
            I now believe you meant DRY BOOTS instead of FRY BOOTS coming from the PX. F is next to D on the keyboard.
            A/2C Sibert

  383. Vance – I noticed no one replied about inactive base question. There is a lot of information on the internet but some of it is wrong. This is one of them. I was there from apr 59 to apr 61. We had three squadrons of C-119Gs. I was a flight mechanic and flew out of Dreux. (somewhere on the internet it says all flying during this time was done out of Evreux) In early 61 the squadrons were deactivated and the planes sent back to the states. The base then became what was called a dispersed operating base. Home to many non flying units and the Dreux American High School. This continued till 1967 when France withdrew from NATO and all NATO bases were closed. Bill

  384. We had some comments on pictures that were not from Chuck! Vance commented on two of Doug’s and a new member commented on his picture of a backyard pool. She said “That was my pool:) I am Kim Byrd, front right corner and of course Mom on the opposite side. ” I hope she finds the blog so we can talk to her. Bill

  385. Welcome, Vance!

    We are so glad to have you join this group and are looking forward to your own stories, pictures, etc. of your time at Dreux. My family was at Dreux from 59-61, and I was in the 3-4th grades…so our paths could very well have crossed in school. Your post brought a few smiles to my face when I read about Ben-Hur at the movies and the poppy field! Us kids were sitting in the little theater watching the movie, too. And you are right – the cost was 25 cents. Since Daddy had a part-time job working in the projection booth, we were able to get in for free 🙂 The Saturday morning kiddie matinee was a highlight of our week. Us kids DID cross that barbed wire once and played in the forbidden poppy field for hours – until the air police discovered us and gave a stern warning. There was a larger poppy field at the very beginning of the NCO trailer park that was our special territory. We would create little places to call our own with the crushed poppy plants underfoot, then make paths between so that we eventually had a whole village. You mentioned that you attended 3 different schools. Do you remember where they were? Do you remember your teachers? Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    • Hi Sherry, happened across this blog which is certainly interesting. From 1958-61 I went to school at Dreux for 1st through 3rd grade. Undoubtably our paths crossed there. At first we lived in a trailer onbase, but then spent 3 years in housing in the nearby village of St Remy. The first two years were in the school across from the hospital, and the third year in a school on the far side of the base. Two of my teachers were Pat Stafferton and I believe a Ms Parker. The School bus ride of about 30 minutes was always fun with stops in Nonancourt and house to pick up some french girls.

      My father at the time was a supply officer in the 5th Aerial Port Squadron. Still have family friends from Dreux although many have passed on as have most of our French friends. Perhaps though you may remember the Youngs or Walkers and Schafers to name a few.

      Regarding the movie theatre, I too spent quite a bit of time there and of course the Library and baseball field.

      • Welcome, George!
        It is so good to hear from you – and your memories. That is what this website is all about. We certainly were there at the same time and attended school in the same buildings. It sounds as though you were 1 grade behind me as I was in 4th on the far side of the base school. I do remember both of those teachers, however! You mentioned your bus picking up some French girls on the route. By any chance were they a set of twin girls with long brown braids about a year older? Also, have you ever been back to Dreux? Welcome to our gang here 🙂 We look forward to hearing your stories and seeing pictures, etc. that you might have.

        • Sherrry,
          Regarding the two French girls, our school bus from St Remy would pick up a couple kids in Nonancourt and then proceed through Laons and pick them up I believe at a big house at the intersection of D939 and D11.1 I do not remember their names but recall that they were usually heavily perfumed, which we boys would joke about.

          From 1964 to 1968 my father was working in the Spanish Air Ministry in Madrid and I went to Torrejon JR an SR High schools which was where all the Dreux HS Dormies were transferred in 1967. We visited Dreux the summer of 1967. As my parents had quite a few French friends in the area and I was in the airline business as well as 20 years flying C-141s out of Mc Guire AFB, our family visited the area quite often in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s. My parents went at least every other year and I would often join them. The people we visited the most were the Orsolle family of Nonancourt and Marie Huvey of Dreux. Robert Orsolle was a teacher and later headmaster of French schools who gave many Americans French lessons on the side, He died at 92 just last year, but am still in touch with his children. Ms Huvey ran a piano school in the city of Dreux and was the organist at the cathedral there. As my mother was also an organist we took a lot of lessons there in addition to French lessons. Up until my last visit 10 years ago, remarkably little had changed in the immediate area. Not true though with bigger cities. It was a good time to live there as an American when we did, as few people had cars and we were very well to do compared to the locals.

          My mother, still going strong at 89, was the organist at the base chapel working with Chaplain Hofstead (sp?) We traveled extensively throughout Europe and spent a lot of time at the military hotel Princess Caroline in Paris. Still remember our class trips to Paris and may have a few pictures. Speaking of which, where are the photos on the blog? Just started looking at it, and haven’t seen any.

          Happy travels and perhaps we will bump into each other someday.

          • Welcome George! Glad to have you on board. I’m sure you’ll enjoy looking through the hundreds of pictures that have already been posted and we’re hoping that you can add some pictures and stories of your own. – Doug

  386. Doug, thanks so much for the info – I have many memories as a kid on Dreux, but very few regarding what Dad actually did – when we rotated back to the States in ’62 he became part of the Titan II missile program and finished out his service as a Titan II crew commander in Tucson.

    So good to hear from you – I’ll try to put my recollections into some comprehensible fashion and add them to the site, as well as seeing what pictures I can dig up.

    Take care and thanks again,

    • Great to hear from you Vance. One of the pictures that I posted was taken at your trailer and looks out exactly as you described it — across the ball field looking toward the high school. There’s also a picture of your family standing on the street in front of our trailer which I believe was taken on Easter Sunday, 1962 — must have been ’62 if that’s the year you left Dreux. I seem to recall you sister’s name was Kimmie. I can’t remember if it was before or after you left that a bunch of us appropriated a shed from an unoccupied trailer and turned it into our clubhouse (The Cat Club). Anyway, great memories. Looking forward to hearing some of yours. Doug

  387. Thanks Bill. I looked through the pictures after I posted last night and yes, quite a few memories.

    We were at Dreux from Aug ’59 – July ’62 and I’m reading that part of that time the base was “inactive.” I’m curious what was going on at the time on base and what my dad might have been doing. I don’t know specifically what unit he was a part of, just that he flew transports – if anyone has memories of that time, I’d love to hear about it.


    • Hi Vance – Welcome to the blog. You should see yourself and your family in quite a few pictures. Your dad was in the 7305th Support Squadron when we were there (we arrived in Aug 1961). My guess is that he was given a non-flying job to complete his overseas tour without having to move. Since the base was a C-119 base when you arrived, that’s probably what your dad flew. Since pilots had to get a certain number of flying hours in each month in those days to receive flight pay, he may have flown something else the last year. I don’t remember if there were any assigned aircraft for that or the pilots went to Evreux to get in their hours. Your mom and mine were big friends and did a lot together (hence all of the pictures). Your trailer (T1211) is in several of the pictures that I posted — sure you’ve seen them at this point. Great to have you on board the Dreux blog — I’m sure as you read through it, a bunch more memories will come back. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some of your pictures. – Doug

  388. This site is great! Just happened to stumble across it when I was trying to verify what planes my dad flew when we were living at Dreux 1960-62. Pretty sure he flew C119s and C130s, as part of the airlift to the Congo, if I remember correctly.
    My dad, Charles M. Kendrick, was a Major/Lt.Col. during our stay at the base.

    I was just a kid, but so many memories. We lived in three different trailers, ending up in T-11, looking out over a field with the high school (built while we were there) in the distance. And beside the trailer park, across a barbed wire fence (off the base) was a huge poppy field, “don’t go in there or you’ll fall asleep and die.”

    The picnic area on the back side of the base, the weather station about halfway there where a really great guy spent a few hours explaining what he did, the three different places on the base I was in for grades 2,3, and 4, the movie Ben-Hur, which was a huge deal because it was 25 cents for kids and lasted four hours, the base library, because there wasn’t a whole lot of entertainment, the crazy drive in the middle of the night to the hospital at Evereux (sp?) to have my appendix taken out.. So many memories.

    I seem to remember a fellow by the name of Doug Donnell, and think we kinda hung out together for a while. I’m glad to hear things turned out pretty well for him.

    I got a lot of pictures buried somewhere, I’ll see if I can dig them out.

    I appreciate you guys putting this site together. Dreux was a special place.


    • Vance – Welcome to the site. Doug must be busy or he would have checked the site by now. If you look at his pictures – the Kendrick family shows up often. Bill

    • Vance, welcome , we are all looking forward to your pictures and stories. I also was at Dreux 59-62. I was in 4-6th grades and was in Doug’s 6th grade class. Also went to Ben-Hur at the theater. If I recall I think the intermission was at least a half hour long.

  389. We have another new member from the unit pages.


    What where you doing a Dreux?
    a43151a flight mech in the 10thTCS

    When where you there?

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    AND DREUX 1954-1956 RETIRED MSGT 1973

    I sent Phil and email welcoming him to the site.
    Phil – welcome to our website. Like you I was a flight mechanic only in the 11TCS. I was there april 59 to apr 61 when the flying squadrons were deactivated. We have a diverse group – dependents, airman, army etc. There was a lot going on that I was unaware of when I was there. I don’t know how much of the site you looked at but the main sections are the blog and the pictures. Emails are fine but only two people get to see them. Anyone can see the blog and the pictues. I am going to put your information on the blog. Maybe some old 10th squadron guy will see it and join in. We would be interested in any pictures and any stories you have. You were there when the base was a mudhole and before all the buildings were finished. We have very few pictures of that time. Also I think you were there when the C119’s were flying to the mid east and north africa. By the time I got there the c130’s had taken over all the long routes. We would like to hear about your flying experience . Bill

  390. Joe Bower
    Sorry Joe I got your name spelled wrong. Joe Bower is what I ment to type instead of Joe Bowen.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  391. Tommy Tucker, not sure why that name sounds so familiar, I was in 7th grade. I think my sister Diana went on that alps trip to ski so you might have met her.

  392. We have a new member-Joe Bower. Joe was an A/2c in 2nd MOB at Dreux from 66 to 67. Maybe he can answer Chuck questions about closing the base. I hope he has pictures to share. Bill

    • Hey Joe Bowen,
      Thanks so much for contacting us on the unit page about your time at Dreux Air Base. The 2nd Mob must have been a choice job. We look forward to reading your story about when you were at the base 1966-1967. You can tell us just what went on as the base was closing and how this went about. We will be looking forward to seeing your pictures as well as your story.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  393. I think I might have been on the same ski trip as Thomas Tucker. Tommy, do you remember who your 6th grade teacher was? I have photo’s somewhere of that trip. Getting to go on that trip was one of the thrills of my life. Thinking back I did not realize how lucky I was to have spent those three years in France. 🙂

    • hello Marty, My teacher was a male with big muscles. Sometimes we had Mrs. Hart at a sub. Also mr. Vicci for French class.It was I think February 1964 when we went on the trip. I remember names like Cathy Mills and Judy Drew. We rode train from Paris to alps. I didn’t write to my mom so when I got home she made me write her a letter everyday for two weeks. I cant believe it has been 50 years

      • hello Marty, Today I found two pictures. First was my class picture of 6th grade of 63-64. My teacher was Mr. Herberg. Two more the other was the group/class picture outside the hotel in the Alps where we stayed. My memory brought back two more things from the alps trip. First was seeing Liston- Cacius Clay (Ali) fight on tv via telstar. The other was finding chocolate candy bars with liquiour in them. If anyone has those pictures I am on bottome right on both

  394. We have a new member by way of our youtube videos. Tommy Tucker. Tommy was there May 63 to June 64. He was on the ski trip and I know someone was there too because they talked about it.

    Thomas Tucker


    What where you doing a Dreux?
    I was dependent 6th grader. My dad was SMsgt George Tucker. He was at
    Dreux for 3 months then went to be NCOIC of aerospace ground equipment
    at Evreux

    When where you there?
    may 63 to june 64

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    SMsgt George Tucker ncoic base housing then over to Eveux. brother is
    terry then first grade’

    I also was in grade school. I was in 6th grade at Dreux elementary. I remember them stopping at the base housing at the edge of the town of Dreux. There was about 3 or 4 busses as I remember. We lived in number50. My dad was a senior master sgt. the first a Dreux. He then transferred to Everux air base near there but we still went to Dreux for school till we went to Germany. The prom was spring 1964. We were there for right about one year including JFK getting shot. Which grade were you in? My brother Terry was in the second grade. I still have school pics from there Mr. Graves was principle. I was with group that went to French alps for 2 weeks during school year too.’This was a thrill when I found it thanks for making it, Thomas Tucker. ps I live in Phoenix, Arizona.

  395. Dreux Folks,
    I’ve been in touch with S/sgt Rodrique A. Houde who was at Dreux Air Base 1956-1959.He was with the 8th radio relay sqd and worked in admistration. He resides now in Tewksbury, Mass some 30 miles N/W of Boston. He told me he was 81 years of age. We are hoping to get his stories and his photos of his time at the base for the site. I hope some of you will recall him and if you would like his e-mail address just send me an e-mail.
    A/2C Sibert

  396. Dreux Folks,
    There was a radar site on road D-11 as you were going N/E toward Chennevieres on the right side of the road. This site was not too far from the runway 24 end. What was it used for? I looked it over in Aug 1987 but did not take a photo. I goofed.There was a small wooden building and a chain-link fence and concrete supports for the antennas, fuel tank and engine that powered this system. Also conduits that had been stripped of their copper wiring. A large part of the chain-link fence had been taken down to remove the USAF equipment when the base closed. I would say the site was some 500 yards east from D-11 along a narrow gravel road. All around the site were trees and farm fields. It would be nice to find out about this place that no one has mentioned knowing about.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck –
      Doesn’t ring a bell — certainly don’t remember it, but it sounds like the “middle marker” which was a radio beacon to give pilots a visual indication in the cockpit when they were about 1 km from the end of the runway. The base radar was located near the runway roughly opposite the base ops building. You can see it in a few of the pictures posted on the website. As for any off base facility, the only thing I can think of is the inner or outer markers. Outer marker (if there was one) would have been about 5 miles or so from the end of the runway, which seems too far to match up with your description. Anyway, that’s my guess. – Doug

      • Doug,
        Thanks for your take on the old abandoned radar/radio site east of the base off road D-11. A farm field was plowed right up next to the gravel road to the site causing me a tight turn around when leaving in August 1987. My wife and I revisited that old site around Christmas week of 1990 and it looked to be the same as it was when I saw it 1987. The small building’s roof had water leaks and the weeds and grass were very tall. Anything metal was of course now very rusted. Some French words were spray painted on the inside of the building where this had only been hand written words in 1987. I wish I had taken some photos when I was there. If I took any photos of that site in 1990 I haven’t located them at this time. I wish I had asked Glenn to take a look at the old site when he was there some weeks ago. Who would own that location now? We may never know. The old entrance gravel road had settled and weeds were rubbing the under side of our car. We felt like Bonnie and Clyde. Maybe we’ll hear more from others about this site. There is a long range photo in my picture album that could be this site? God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  397. Grady Gibbons,
    How was the main gate guard shack heated? Did it have sliding doors on each side? Let me hear from you Grady.
    A/2C Sibert

  398. Jimmy Register,
    You and Billy Andrews went to the same tech school you said. What was the school for? Did Billy work with you at Dreux Air Base? Did you and Billy have the same barracks # 165 ?
    A/2C Sibert

    • Billy andrews and I went to APG school Sheppard AFB Texas. He was on the Afternoon class and I was on the morning class. He was in the Squadron barracks next to the service station with all the flying squadron guys. I was in the one next to the ordely room. I was assigned to the 7305th Cams squadron and worked in the dock area.

  399. Added some misc pictures about Charles Sibert’s 1987 trip to Dreux.
    Added obituary for Major Weldon K Groves who commanded the Weather group at Dreux in the late fifties and early sixties.

  400. I was stationed at Dreux from 1960 to 1963,the, then Base Commander was Col Knudsen,I was with the 7305th Combat Support Sq,322nd Air Division(CC).I worked in Project Seaweed(War Readiness Material)with A/IC George B Murphy Junior,The NCOIC was M/Sgt Thompson.Love the pic of the Main Gate,how many times ,I walked that road to the little village of Dom-Pierre sur Blevy.Unfortunately all the pics I had from back then, that I sent home to my family were lost.If you have any questions or memories to share,please contact me at eddie7792@gmail.com,would love to hear from you.

    • Eddie,
      Just one question for you now. When you went to Dampierre sur Blevy was the Open Gate Bar/Restaurant still doing buisness? Some said maybe the name had been changed to Micky’s?
      If not, just where was the Micky’s bar located?
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  401. Hey Folks,
    Am I the only one that comments on the photo album ????
    Where are all your comments? It is so easy to make comments on the albums. Bill and I woud like to hear from other folks——–HELP.
    A/2C Sibert

  402. Just put up a new our gang story by Larry Freimuth. These stories are intended to give everyone a better idea who is talking on the blog. I wish more people would submit stories. I am going to add more pictures later.

  403. Dreux Folks,
    In my pictures album I have a travel agency card from the service club. I had put a base phone number on that card. The number is 6403 and I probally would have never found out where that phone number went on the base. I want to thank Bill Kaufmann for getting us a base phone book for the site. It was just an easy task to look up that base phone number in the book, that went to building # 142 and turned out to be the Airmens barber shop.
    I recall now after thinking about it I sometimes tried to call ahead to see how busy they were. Now all you Dreux Folks that have old base phone numbers can find out just where they went using the phone book printed as of 1 May 1960. This could have been the last phone book printed for the Dreux Air Base, France.
    When was the last Dreux Air Base phone book published, who knows?
    A/2C Sibert

  404. I was a young airman stationed at the Dreux AB dispensary from 1963 to 1967. Are there any dispensary personnel out there who would like to stroll down memory lane?

    • I remember you Frank. My dad was Charlie Payne. He was night manager at the NCO club. My sister (Daisy) and I would go there with my parents. I remember dancing with you at the NCO club. I also remember Jack Wilson that worked with you.

  405. Hi Everyone,
    Does anyone have any pictures of the base’s golf course? It’s were I learned to play golf as a 10 or 11 year old. And, it’s where I had my first job; picking up range balls with a 3 ft long plastic tube and dumping them in an empty golf bag. No pay, just burgers and free golf. Not a bad deal in my youthful eyes! My Dad also won a golf tournament there.

    I can see the outline of some of the greens in some older aerial/satellite pictures, but of course it’s all covered up by the solar panels now. It was adjacent to the southwest sections of the runway and taxiways. In fact on some holes you teed off over the taxiways. There were a few holes running north and south along the western portion of Perimeter Rd.


    Glenn Burchard

    • Glenn,
      The base phone book says golf course and driving range bldg # T-537 phone # 7636. That’s all I know about the golf at Dreux AB.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  406. Hey Dreux Folks,
    I really care about the old Dreux Air Base and It’s a shame none of the former residents went back to visit it while it was in USAF hands. Many of us were turned away later when the French watched over the old base. We all have memories of that time and just what we did there. I know I do at almost 80 years of age.
    What I’m trying to get across is this—-why don’t more of the picture album viewers take advantage of the opportunity to post comments about what they see? Let us hear from you as it is very easy to post comments on each and every picture. You surely could have something to say about each photo you look at. Come on, let us hear more from all of you while we still can.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  407. Just put up a few miscellaneous pictures from Chuck. A couple of boarding passes from MATS, a current 2013 view of the open gate bar, and a picture of the hotel he stayed at in 1987.Bill

  408. Dreux Folks,
    I recall clearing the Dreux AB on foot because I sold my Moped to another Airman for $100.00 in March 1961. I just may have the check list from that time to put up on the site. I’ll look for it. I took my discharge physical at the base hospital along with many others in March 1961.
    You know the Airman who bought my moped just might see this blog and get back to me?
    A/2C Sibert

  409. Hey Glenn,
    In the Dreux Air Base picture albums on site, we have a few photos of the new Dreux Air Base being built from the ground up circa 1951-1952.
    You contacted the French Electric Company about entering the old base before you actually went to see the old base last month and was told non !!
    Could you please contact them again and explain to them that all we have now are our memories and some pictures from former Airmen and others of the base. Pictures of the base being built on our web-site show its birth and we would like to have some pictures of the old Dreux Air Base’s demise and reuse to go along with those.
    You know, before and after pictures could really make the old base come alive for us all. Hopefully many could recall just what buildings stood where now there are only piles of dirt and rubble.
    My prayers are with you in this endeaver. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Nice idea, but I’m back home now..and most of your argument/reasoning was the basis for my last attempt to gain access. I’ll let somebody else tilt at that windmill. Give it a shot!

  410. Just added Bill Kaufmann’s Dreux Phone Book to the Maps Page. May have to do some reorganizing since we are getting bigger. I know Sherry will be pleased to find her Dad’s unit, trailer number, and phone number. Have fun. Bill

    • Bill-
      This is amazing! I can’t believe this! MANY thanks to Bill Kaufmann for sharing this phone book, and to you for putting it up on the site. My memory serves me correctly – ours was trailer number T-364, and it was located just where I thought. What I didn’t have was our base phone number and Daddy’s section where he worked. Can someone tell me what HEDRONSEC stands for? Many thanks.

    • I have just finished reading Glenn’s beautifully-written account of his recent trip to Dreux and the surrounding areas. Thank you, Glenn, for sharing.

      • Bill, thanks for your efforts to prepare and post my story on the site. I know inserting the pics is not an easy task.

        Sherry, I’m glad you enjoyed it; and I hope others do, too. I wish there had been more to see at the base; c’est la vie!

    • Enjoyed the story, Glenn. Must have been a great trip. Sort of sad about the old base structures, but not surprising. And, you’re right, we have this website to keep the memories alive. – Doug

  411. Just put up something for everyone who fondly remembers the holiday dinners at the mess halls. Bob Keller sent us one from 1954. Note the engineer logo and the 12 th air force emblem. Bill

  412. After much struggle I finally got Doug’s new story and pictures up in Memories of Dreux. People who had transportation and could get out around the base may recognize some of it. Most of the people like me found it easier to go the train station and then to Paris then to go to Malebois.

  413. Tom,
    You tell me you saw no trailer wheels and tires stored at the base wharehouses. You know, all the wheels and tires could have been left in place as the trailers were raised and leveled and underpinning placed around them from the get-go.
    I purchased a new mobile home in 1962 and sold it in 1975. The wheels and tires were left on the home while jacked up and leveled for 13 years and when I sold it they were just pumped up. The home was trucked some 60 miles to the new owner’s place at a lake, without a tire problem.
    This can happen then and just may be the answer about the Dreux Air Base trailer wheels and tires.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  414. Hey Dreux Folks,
    Tom tells us he believes no trailers were removed from the Dreux Air Base in 1966, the year the French gave us to remove all USAF assets. He also states he belives the trailers were at the base when he rotated in early March 1967. He worked in base housing and had a great handle on things like this. Sherry tells us about the man at the old base gate in 1996 writing down the year the trailers were removed as 1967.
    Now, were the trailers turned over to the French as were the buildings at the base? The trailers were listed as trailers by the “T” printed before their number, I was told.
    When the USA flag came down in March 1967 and no doubt papers were signed, was it at that moment in time everything left on the Dreux Air Base belonged to the French?
    If this is true then the French removed all their trailers and not ours then? Some time ago Bill and I read that some of the trailers in France ended up at the USAF Base, Wheelus Air Base, Lybia. If the trailers then belonged to France how did this happen?
    Surely someone will come along and tell us the rest of the story.
    A/2C Sibert

  415. Hey Dreux Folks,
    Just getting to have hamburgers and all the trimings cooked at home and corn on the cobb plus some other goodies. I have wondered for some time if we have on the blog folks that ate their meals at the Marguerite # 4 mess hall? We don’t hear a lot about Marguerite # 4 do we? If you’re out there let us hear from you please.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  416. When I read the stories and comments on our site I am reminded of the six blind men who went to see an elephant Their comments I recap here:
    “Hey, the elephant is a pillar,” said the first man who touched his leg.
    “Oh, no! it is like a rope,” said the second man who touched the tail.
    “Oh, no! it is like a thick branch of a tree,” said the third man who touched the trunk of the elephant.
    “It is like a big hand fan” said the fourth man who touched the ear of the elephant.
    “It is like a huge wall,” said the fifth man who touched the belly of the elephant.
    “It is like a solid pipe,” Said the sixth man who touched the tusk of the elephant.
    The site is a little over a year old and we are slowly beginning to see the elephant. We still need input from the other organizations that were at Dreux. Hopefully like the input from Bob Keller and Tom Joyner we recently received someone from those groups will find the site and join us. Keep talking on the blog. What you say may be just the key that triggers someone’s memories. Bill

    • Hi Bill ! Wanted to thank you for getting my pictures posted in the picture folder files of Dreaux air base. . Even though the life span of the base was somewhat short Thanks to DeGaulle [sp] it still effected a lot of American service members lives but thanks to your good work we will have our memories both good & bad which no one can take away from us . again many thanks Bob Keller

  417. Really enjoyed the pictures from Bill Keller. Since I didn’t experience Dreux until later (1962-1965) it’s interesting to see how it all began. When I lived in the NCO trailers with my parents and brother I always wondered what those huts that were scatted throughout the park (like in Bill’s photo) were used for. Can anybody enlighten me regarding those? Marty

    • Hi Marty! The Huts that you are referring to Was the 8211st EAB living qtrs. & incl. each company C O office , supply room. mail room, chow hall & later EM club . Also incl latrine & showers huts PX & a barber shop on our street operated by a Frenchman. when I first arrived our electric was provided by a lg diesel powered generator. No paved streets lots of mud. Started shapeing up to look like a base mid 55. Hope this answers some of your questions RE: Bob Keller

    • I, too, really enjoyed the pictures — fascinating to see how the base took shape. It looks like one of the shots was taken fairly close to where our trailer eventually ended up.

      When we were there 61-63, I think most of the old Quonset huts (what I called them) were being used for storage. Also, if you look at early and later aerial photos of the base you can see that many of them had been removed as the permanent facilities opened up. When I lived at Dreux there were still some that were in regular use. The ones I remember: laundromat, Boy Scout hut, Bank of America, Thrift Shop, and Rod & Gun Club. Also, the bowling alley was in one of the larger Quonset huts. Next to the bowling alley was one that had been used as the original theater. It closed after the planes left in 61, as there weren’t enough customers to support two theaters.

      Interestingly enough, when I was on active duty in the AF and showed up at my new assignement in Ruppertsweiler, Germany in 1991 there was a Quonset hut that looked just like those at Dreux at one of our sites. When I asked about it, I was told that they had scrounged it from France when NATO forces left in ’67. Who knows, maybe it was the last remnant of Dreux left in NATO (but I seriously doubt it!). – Doug

  418. Just put up new pictures from Bob Keller. 821EAB.

    Put up six more from Glenn Burchard of the D Day celebrations.

    • Great Pix, Glenn. Must have been wonderful to have the opportunity to rub elbows with the vets — genuine heros. Thanks for sharing. – Doug

  419. Hey Dreux People,
    When I read Doug’s account of trailer life, I began to visualize some 350 plus trailers hooked up to sewers, water, electricial, bottle gas, and telephone lines in the Officers and NCO trailer parks at the Dreux Air Base. When the base was at full tilt and all the trailers were in use some say they had to wait to get a trailer on base.
    To what outfit on Dreux Air base did trailer repairs, broken water lines, faulty electricial outlets, stopped up water drains ect. fall? I wondered about this when I spent some nights in the NCO trailer park at Sue Browns trailer home. Yes, the lean to was cold at night.
    Can one imagine 350 plus trailers, each with two 25 lbs gas tanks strapped to their front? That’s 700 plus tanks of bottled gas. WOW. Doug tells us that a square of wood was placed on the empty tank to alert the gas crews to replace it with a full tank. Just who made up the gas crews?
    There must have been an area on the base where the extra tanks were repaired, repainted, and refilled? Can anyone recall just where it was located? Just where was a large bottle gas holding tank located. Could it have been very near the rail lines, as probally the bottle gas was brought into the base by rail.
    I must say the bottle gas outlets near my home are very easy to spot. They handle small and large tanks, plus what we call gas bombs. No retail there just repair and refilling. I say this because where ever such a place was located on Dreux Air Base it must have been easy site to see.
    I hope someone will recall and tell us a lot about the gas being used in the Dreux Air Base trailer parks and how it was handled.
    When the trailers were moved out in 1966, what happened to the 700 plus gas tanks? Surely many still held some gas that needed to be recovered?
    A/2C Sibert

    • Charles

      During my time at Dreux (65-67) the trailers were maintained by the 7305th Civil Engineering Sq. The propane gas for the trailers was provided by a French company outside the base.

      • Tom,
        All one has to do is ask a former Dreux airman who was there and bingo we have a special answer. Thanks so very much for your speedy reply. I’ll be asking more questions about those trailers soon.
        A/2C Sibert

      • Tom,
        When the trailers came to Dreux Air Base and were put into their respective spots and blocked up and hooked up were the metal wheels and rubber tires removed and stored in the wharehouse area? In 1966 when the trailers were shipped out some of the tires would have been going on 11 years old. Without proper storage many would have been dry-rotted and of no use on trailers being pulled out and hauled away. ???
        By the way, how did the trailers leave the base, were they flown out on C-124’s and C-130’s or did they go out by rail or by convoy? I hope you have knowledge about this and I look forward to your answers. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

        • Charles,

          Just a few more things to add to the trailer conversation. Even though I worked in housing and billeting and spent a lot of time in the warehouses I do not remember ever seeing the metal wheels and rubber tires stored in any of the warehouses. The other thing i am almost sure of no trailers were removed from the base before the middle of Feb 67. I left Dreux the first week of March and i am almost positive the trailers were still there. Another thing I remember, the trailers with the larger lean-twos were always assigned to the larger families with 3 or 4 kids. Those trailers were a very hot commodity during my time working in the Base Housing Office. I had to keep a daily updated list of all personnel being assigned to Dreux and how many in each family. It’s to bad I am the only active duty one from the final group stationed at Dreux that contributes to the blog. I would like to hear from some of the GI’s that were part of the last group stationed at Dreux.

          • Tom,
            I believe you are correct on the date. When we went back to Dreux in August 1996, we learned that the trailers were removed from the base in 1967. While we were denied access, I was able to get this information from the man at the guard shack. I drew a picture with the trailer number, and pointed in the direction of the trailer park. I wrote 19?? on a paper, and he filled in 67. Also, you are right on about the larger lean-tos going to bigger families. We had 4 kids in the family at that time, and were “lucky” enough to have one of the few. Also, my sister reminded me that the gas tank was paid in francs as Mom kept a special envelope marked for that purpose: 500 francs. Thanks for your thoughts!

    • Chuck-
      Man, does this bring back memories! Doug is absolutely right: everyone would place a block of wood on the empty tank to alert the crew that it was empty. I don’t know where the gas tanks were stored or came from, but I do know with absolute certainty that the fellows on the delivery truck only spoke French! I believe they came from off-base somewhere, and didn’t come through that often. Once we needed a tank and didn’t have the block of wood out, so Mom sent me frantically running after the truck which had moved on to the third loop by that stage. When I said “364”, it was clear that we weren’t communicating! So the driver handed me a paper and pencil and I wrote it down. Our gas tank was cheerfully replaced.
      You are so right about the lean-to being cold – it was freezing! And very damp…even in the summer. Most folks just used them for storage or for drying clothes on racks or lines strung from one corner to another. I, too, enjoyed seeing the latest pictures showing the huts in the trailer park. Many times I have wondered why the “Washing Machines” Trailer in the center of each loop was where it was???? Now I know.

      • Sherry,
        Thanks for your take on the trailer gas tanks at the base. Tom tells us the gas was supplied from an off base French outlet. You say the gas crews only spoke French, so it does seem gas came from off base. That’s one less thing that Dreux AB had to attend to, just pay the French to do it.
        Hope you get a bargain on your lap top in october. God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  420. Tomorrow (26 Jun) is the 51st anniversary of President Kennedy’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. That came during our time at Dreux and my mother and several of her friends drove to Berlin to see the speech. I’ll have to find some of her pictures from the trip and post them — she was quite a distance from the podium, but I was able to enlarge one of pix enough to at least recognize Kennedy. I remember her telling me how excited the crowd was — it was a pretty electric atmosphere. She said the the crowd really went wild when he ended his speech with the famous “Ich bin ein Berliner” phrase. Mom said that she (and thousands of others, of course) had little American flags that they were waving. Unfortunately she dropped hers and said it was so crowded that there was no way to bend over and pick it up. It was a historic moment in the Cold War, as much to show the Soviets our resolve as to reassure the Germans that we were committed to the defense of their country as well as other NATO members. – Doug

  421. Sherry,
    In your last e-mail you said your computer had expired and you had to go to the library to use the one there. Please let us hear from you as you are dearly missed.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Thank you so much for thinking of me! Yes, I am still alive and kickin’ over here. We have decided to stick it out with the library use plan until we go back to the states for a visit in October. We’ll buy a laptop there (for about 1/3 the cost here) and bring it back over. In the meantime we’ll use the local library computers here several times each week to keep in touch.
      Chuck – we were thinking of you this week when we saw the BBC weather report for the tornadoes in your area. Hope you and your family are ok.

  422. Hey Folks,
    Here is a question for all former Dreuxites. I saw many automobiles while at the Dreux base that were brought over by GI’s from the states. I can say I never saw a pick-up truck among these cars. Was there something to forbid a pick-up truck from being sent to a GI stationed in France? I’m sure many GI’s had pick-up trucks back in the states, why not bring them to Dreux Air Base for their use?
    A/2C Sibert

  423. Hi Tom Joyner I was stationed in Dreux from oct 54 to jan 56 H&S Co 821 EAB Was in the mtr pool operated 5 ton wrecker If sounds familiar pls respond Thanks & Re: Bob Keller

    • Hey Bob – I talked to Tom and he replied to your Jan post instead of your new one. Here is what he said:

      Hey Bob. ICan’t Remember You But Your Name Rings A Bell. You Are Right Capt. Russo Was Our Co. Cammander BUt, When I arrived AT Dreux There Was A Capt. Bucko Do you Remember Him? Bob Have You Sent Any Pictures Yet I Sure Would Like To See You I Think I Might Remember You If I Could See Your Picyure. I Live I n North Carolina Now. Retired From The Postal Service. Don’t Do anything Have A Bad Heart Can,t even ifI wanted To. Sure Hope I Can Find A picture Of You I Do Remember That Wrecker It Was Air Force Blue Right. Bob Where Do You Live Now And How Is Your Health. It Been A Heck Of A Long Since We Were At Dreux. Take Care Of Yourself And Send Me An Email. Good To Hear From You Take Care Thomas Joyner

      • Bob replied to Ton via email.
        Hi Tom ! Was great to hear from you. Yes Capt Bucko was co When I arrived at Dreux. & yes the wrecker that I operated was airforce blue . Some of the names I remember Jeeter Shea , Jim Bateman , Don Church, G B McIntyre , Gardova bros. You remember the Capts name who was in chrg. of the motor pool who drove a red 54 Pontiac convertible . Was you with me the night we pulled him out of a bar in Paris as he was to drunk to walk straight & put him in his hotel room. Never had any problems in the mtr pool after that . Matter of fact he wanted me to go to CID school & he would help get me there I was thinking you was the other one that helped that night. I have a number of pictures but I don,t havea scanner. One of my kids do so will try & get them done if not I,ll mail them to you & you can mail them back . As far as health is concerned I have had an anyursyn surgery prostrate cancer . & colon surgery great to get old huh? I retired from Hastings mfg co maker of piston rings I was Export sales mgr & for 30 yrs traveled around the world calling on customers in the 35-40 different countries retired in 1997 . Then my wife & I travelled around the usa for 10 yrs before health problems came along . We have been married 60 yrs come july have 5 kids & a whole bunch of great kids & 5 great grand kids , So I can,t complain about my life but it is sure nice to hear from the past If I don,t get my pictures scanned I,ll mail them to you , Again thanks for brightening up my day Best Re: Bob Keller

  424. I have had some questions about whether recent discussions of D-Day were appropriate because they didn’t pertain to Dreux Air Base. I have edited the blog description to highlight the sections that says “come to think about it, anything that would interest any of us that were there. ” I better say this – no one was complaining they just wanted to be sure the what they were talking was ok. I personally have enjoyed everyones comments and was especially touched by Terry’s story of the Tanks and Truck parked on the side of the road ready to be loaded and sent to Normandy. Bill

  425. Doug – your questions about the sketch are the reason I asked Bill to make it. Bill worked at the service club when the flying squadrons were there. It seem from various things people have said that there must have been more than one service club because they didn’t sound the same. In Bill’s Dreux American High School folder is a program from a play that the teen drama club put on at the service club but this would have been probably 1960. Maybe you and your age group could come with a sketch of what it was when you were there. Bill

    • OK, Bill and Bill. I’m going to have to say that I really don’t remember the layout and certainly nothing close to the level of detail that Bill’s sketch shows. I do vaguely remember a large arts and crafts center which I think was toward the front side of the building. So, here’s a bit of guesswork, and I’ll see if I can find out more from other sources. If you look at Bill’s sketch it looks a little different than the building on Google Earth. So my thought is that an extra room (the Arts and Crafts center) was added on when the school was moved to Dreux. That would be about the time that the flying mission went away. I remember reading somewhere that there was quite a bit of money spent to bring the high school on board — renovating the barracks and turning them into dorms, upgrading the dining hall, repurposing the old elementary school to make it a HS, etc. If that were so, maybe the community center was expanded with some of that funding. If you look at the picture in the “Pat and Charlie Hernandez” file, there a shot of Pat walking toward the entrance of the building and clearly the face of the building not indented back from the entrance (as in the sketch), but is rather an extension of the entrance (if that makes sense). Anyway, that’s my initial guess. I’m hoping that I can find some more info as I rummange through unit histories in the upcoming weeks. I realize that this doesn’t add much, but would account for the differences in our memories. – Doug

  426. Added ten new pictures from Glenn. He is doing a good job for everyone.

    Rearranged the Home Page Links. Now you need to click on Click here to go to Dreux Air Base Maps, Facts, Etc to go to the maps, history and pdf documents. When you get there you now have choices. Maps and documents, history, facts about Dreux, and A sketch of the Service Club. I ask Bill Kaufmann to make the sketch since I remember almost nothing about it. Take a look and suggest changes or additions. Bill has found his Base Telephone Book and he will scan it and sent for the site. We will have a NCO trailer park map like the one he sent of the Officer’s trailer park and more. Billl

    • This is good news! I’ll update the NCO Trailer Park Google Earth map when I get the info. Also, I’ve been back in touch with the Air Force History Office at Bolling and they’re going to let me review the unit histories for units that were at Dreux. I went through their online database and there are quite a few on file that might give us some good info. All in good time. Doug

    • What year was the sketch of the service club from? As I recall, Bill left about the time I arrived in 1961, but I remember some different things about the service club. The teen club was there and the arts and crafts center. I don’t recall the stage and sort of remember the library being in a different part of the building. I’m wondering if perhaps there was a major renovation that took place at the time the base went from having an active flying mission to a dispersed operating base. It seems like lots of things were changing about that time. The high school was activated; my dad’s unit (DACCC/EUR) moved in; the elementary school moved from Marguerite 6 to the main base; and lots of the buildings seemed to have been renovated for new purposes. With the high school came the need for a teen center, so maybe there was a big change in the building as well. Thanks to Bill for the sketch. – Doug

  427. Thanks to Doug I have added La Loupe to the housing maps. He also sent me some general notes he had started on Dreux. I am going to post them and ask for comments additions corrections etc.
    Glenn Just sent us pictures from France. Normandy beaches, celebrations, etc. Take a look. Bill

  428. Since we have been talking about the off base housing I have just added Maps of Chateauneuf, Dreux, Senonches Housing to the Maps Page. If anyone knows of any areas we missed please me know. Bill

  429. Hi Dave, You saw much more than we did.. we decided not to go down to the beach as we had been told that there were dreadful reminders in the sand. I guess to this day they still find personal items dog tags and such. It makes you wonder why they never cleaned the area, perhaps it was considered a sacred place, for the ocean created another burial ground. never did see the movie.
    Take care Dave, Terry

  430. We were in France at Dreux / Senonches in ’63’-64 and saw the movie The Longest Day at the post theater right after it came out. It was only a short time later that we visited Normandy, saw the grave yard, and the museum and props from the movie the film crews left to the museum. What struck me most was the beaches were still littered with rifle shell casings in the surf that were very easy to find, the wrecked barges just offshore, the cement harbor blocks, and German machine gun turrets all still there. Very spooky and memorable visit.

  431. It must be awesome to be in Normandy on the anniversary of the DDay invasion.
    we did get to go there back in1959. I recall how eerie it was to see all those white crosses that overlooked the beach where it all happened. It was very still and quiet, the occasional sounds of the breezes and surf gripped ones heart.
    I was 14 years old and in England in June 1954. we lived close to the motorway and on the morning of June 4th we were shocked to see hundreds of tanks, armored trucks aa guns lined up on both sides of the road, camalflouged, we were still getting bombed at that time. Then as suddenly as they had appeared they disappeared on late evening of the 5th. we had total black out so would have been hard to detect the movement, those living close by would surely have heard the noise of the engines. My dad said over and over my God if the Germans had seen all that they would destroyed it all. England became very spooky,quiet, very scary. the bombing seemed to have stopped. It seemed as though we were all alone, for the thousands of allied forces that had amassed in England were all gone. They gave their precious lives and I thank them all. What a price to pay! I pray that we shall always remember, we must never ever forget. It has been on my heart I needed to vent. Thank you friends. Terry

    • Terry,
      Thanks for your story about Normandy, 1944 was a special year for a lot of folks. My sister Martha and I were living on a dairy farm with our grand parents Van and Addie Reed near Louisville, Ky. I was nine years old and can just recall grandma and grandpa talking about the radio broadcast telling about the invasion in France.
      I was at these beaches in Aug 1987 and again in Jan 1991. I was in almost all of the concrete bunkers on and around the beaches. I’ll locate my pictures and get some of them put up on the site. Again thanks for all you do on this blog.
      A/2C Sibert

  432. It’s been about a week since we’ve had reliable internet, so sorry for going dark. Still in France…just got to Paris. We spent four days in the Loire Valley, went to Mont St Michel, and then three days around Caen. I’ll give everyone a full update after we return, but the whole region around the D-Day landing sites was insane! Because of the dignitaries many of the key sites form Arromanches west were inaccessible; so we went on the 5th. There were hundreds of vintage military vehicles everywhere, as well as folks dressed up in period uniforms and clothing. Apparently they do this every year but raise things up a notch every 5 years.

    We went to St Mere Eglise on the 6th as it was accessible, but still hard to get to. There were over 50k people in that small village…but it was great.

    So proud to be there!

    More later with some pics.


  433. Chuck-

    All is well on this side of the pond tonight. The BBC as well as the other channels have been full of stories and news coverage leading up to the 70th D-Day Anniversary tomorrow. The human-interest stories from the ones who were there are so interesting and so very moving… Thank you so much for letting me know about Wanda’s group’s cancellation. I, too, enjoyed Terry’s photos on the site so much! They are so clear and bring back so many memories. Keep them coming, Terry – and a big thank you!

  434. Hello again,
    I had fully intended to explain the contents of the pictures, we were short on time and I was anxious to see if we could post them.
    I am having a memory lapse regarding the name of the street we lived on at dreux housing I believe it was Rue General Pershing. the house no was 251. We learned to garden there, my husband had a nice vegetable patch in the back. life was good
    Abe sprabarry, his wife Frankie along with their two teen children are shown in the snow picture. he was in charge of the commissary. very active in the chapel and I think she sang in the choir. the group sitting on the ground are at a chapel sponsored picnic. The old farmhouse was so much nicer inside than out. Elton had to get up early every morning and stoke the furnace, the first time he tried to light it it took his eyebrows off, ugh! we were happy there, there were sheep and chickens, fresh eggs. the children loved it.

  435. Sherry,
    Thought you would like to know that Wanda Martin and her “Ladies for Liberty”
    singing gals, from Louisville, were scheduled to perform at the 70th Normandy WWII program this Friday but had to cancel. Her husband, Hardy had to have heart surgery on the 2nd. Hope all is well over the pond. Check out Terry’s pictures. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  436. Hello all,
    I’m hoping to get some more info from Grady Gibbons who was at Dreux AB with the Alabama Air Guard in 1961-1962. He was in the Airpolice unit.
    Talked with Buddy Love yesterday and he knew Grady as both were in the same guard outfit from Alabama. He tells me he’s looking forward to the Grady story. Hey, Grady send to me your story!!
    A/2C Sibert

    • the guard shack was heated by steam which came from the building to the right as you came on base.The base commander issued an order that only blue was to be on the main gate . No army. I do remember Gen. Le May going thru the gate on his way to a SHAPE metting

      • Grady,
        Thanks for your info about the heating of the guard shack. By the way, when can I expect your short story about your stay at Dreux Air Base ? I’m still holding on ready to post it in the memories section. We’re both advancing in age.
        God Bless:
        A/2C Sibert

  437. Hello Terry,
    I sure like your pictures that Bill has put up on the site. The photo where you are standing with your family in front of # 251, was this your doorway? Could you recall what street you lived on in Dreux housing?
    It will surely be super when your other pictures make it to the Dreux site. Just wanted to thank you so very much for sharing your time at Dreux Air Base with us. Talk at you later.
    A/2C Sibert

  438. Terry has sent us some pictures she already had in her computer. More will be coming after her daughter returns from France. I hope to add more info to the captions later. Thanks Terry. The mayor of Chateau de la Barre, Roger Acord has been heard from(see Larry Freimuth’s pictures). I forwarded his email to Larry and Jim O’brien per his request.

  439. New New New New

    Glenn has sent us the first pictures he has taken. For now I putting them in a folder labeled “New From Glenn” in the new pictures album. He’s doing a great job.

  440. Just added a picture from Michel Guilmain forwarded from Ron.

    edited picture info to have larger pictures.

  441. Terrry – We would like to put your pictures on the site. Send me an email to brmcleod@little-to-no.org. I have revised the pictures setup to first go to a page which has a link to the Albums. New is instructions for submitting pictures. There is no such thing as a bad picture of Dreux or people at Dreux. I have included examples of pictures that need work. We don’t mind. I also talk about scanning the pictures. Take a look at that. Bill McLeod

  442. I have six really good pictures in my computer but I don’t know how to send them to you all. I await further instruction. I am still a novice and in the learning stage re the computer. many of you may recall the slide camera was the thing in those days so most of our pictures are on slides. my daughter is a whiz and has already got most of these slides on her computer. when she returns from her trip in about three weeks she is going to devote some time to getting these pictures out to you. her home is in Cheyenne wyo, I live in Denver Colorado. my husband at the time Sgt Elton Benton retired and makes his home in Cheyenne. we are very good friends and see each other two or three times a year. bless his heart, he had a stroke about 4years ago and has difficulty communicating. we are so excited about this dreux website and hope that it will restore some of his ability to understand and remember those days. he worked in the base ground safety office for five years. we have pictures of him to send you and hopefully someone will remember him. I shall be seeing him today as we are going to Cheyenne for my great granddaughter’s graduation. he was very active on the computer until his stroke, hopefully today we will show him the website and all those great pictures and he will remember and enjoy.
    It is sad to learn of the razing of the base, but they were just buildings where the memories were made. they can’t erase those memories.It is the people who were stationed there that we hold dear in our hearts. how nice it is that we have all the pictures of the base to enhance our memories.
    take care and God bless you all. Terry

  443. Thanks for the sad news regarding Dreux Air Force Base being completely gone. Makes me sorry I have not been back before when we were free to roam around at our leasure. 🙁 That’s why this website is so important to us all. Dreux Air Force Base will NOT be forgotten in our memories. Thanks so much for the update and the photo’s that you will share. Marty

  444. Let me share an update on our visit to the site of the old Dreux Air Base. I’ll add some more details when we get back in mid-June; along with some photos. I did get some pics of Ron’s old home just outside the base on D146. I got a shot of what I think was the old farmer’s building for Sherry, and a couple of shots of the housing in Senonches. I got to La Barre but security would not let me get in to take photos, although I did take one from the side in the back of the property.

    Now the sad news…brace yourself! The structures on the base are all gone, except for the guardhouse as you enter the base. I had read that they were going to raze the buildings this year; and they have. You case see some piles of rubble, but that’s it. About the only landmark remaining that’s visible from a distance is the large tree that was next to the chapel! We tried to get closer from every imaginable way but all the roads are blocked off and the vegetation has grown so much that you really can’t see though the fence. We even drove through a farmer’s field off D11.1 and got up to the fence on the NE side, but it only got us a look at the solar panels. The electric company that owns most of the property refuses to let anyone on base.

    When we were arriving, driving south on D11.1, I new exactly where I should have begun to see it and there was nothing to see. That’s progress for you. It was a sad and sobering experience. Thank goodness for this site! Hang on to your memories as long as you can.

    By the way we drove by Evreux and it seems to be very active with the French military.

    More later…

    • Very sad to hear about the buildings on the Base. Must of really been hard to look at. Hope you are having a great time, and do not gain to much weight on the French Bread. Looking forward to your pictures.

      • Ron, it was just a realization that part of my life was gone. It was made worse because we had been by in Oct 2012 and for the most part it was still standing. Starches everywhere!

    • Glenn –
      This is such sad news for all of us. Still, we look forward to hearing more from you as you are able. Like you said – hold on to those memories! Enjoy your trip.

    • Wow, how sad. I’m sure the electric company only saw it as a bunch of delapidated old buildings that were standing in the way of progress, but, of course, those buildings were full of memories for all of us. Sad that the little connection to our past is gone. But, as you say Glenn, we still have this site and it has been a special experience to get together with everyone on the internet to share stories, pictures, and memories. We’ll always have the memories, even if the buildings are gone. Thanks for taking the time to visit the base and report back to us. Looking forward to your further update and pictures. – Doug

    • Glenn, Thanks for the pictures you sent, we all appreciate you taking the time. Looks like the old house is run down, but great to see it. Thanks again

  445. Have a safe trip, Glenn! We’ll be thinking of you folks, and will look forward to hearing back from you.

  446. My wife and I are leaving for our trip tomorrow. We’ll try to visit the area around what’s left of the base and get pictures for the folks who had requests. I probably won’t have consistent access to the internet, so let me apologize in advance for not responding to other blog entries!

  447. I was just looking at the pictures that glenn burchard posted. there is one there of a crashed aircraft bird. I gave birth to my youngest child in the dreux base hospital and my room mate was the wife of a doctor. super nice young fellow, he came into the room and took pictures of his new baby. the next day he was due to put in his flight time and apparently had a problem with the aircraft and as I understood it at the time one of the wing tips touched the runway on take off and the craft was doomed, guess he had no choice and ejected himself . of course we all know how fatal that can be so close to the ground. It was such a sad sad time. that happened on April,6th 1960. I wondered if that could have been his aircraft. to knowledge that was the only aircraft crash during the time we were there. rotated in 1963.

  448. Hi all you wonderful people.
    My daughter is taking my granddaughter to Europe for her high school graduation gift. they will be visiting Paris for a few days and would loved to have visited Dreux but their trip was already planned and time ill not permit a visit. we have every intention of sending you all some pictures that hopefully can spark some memories. Since discovering this web site time has not allowed us to “dig” them out. I don’t know how to send pictures via the computer and will have to wait until Collete gets back from Europe. she is a whiz at that sort of thing and I am still trying to find my way around this wonderful electronic world. give me a break guys I am 84 years of age! haha. my mind is still keen as is my memory.
    to Michel Guilman, how great it is that you are interested in the history/people that resided in dreux housing. we lived in corner house, 251 rue general rose. across the street was a apple etc orchard owned by a very nice kindly Frenchman who used to add a little calvados to the coffee in my husband’s car pool. what fun that was for them and made that long ride to the base more relaxing. haha yes Elton, my husband worked in the base safety office. I can tell that little story now and not be concerned about anyone getting in trouble.
    I treasure those days of time spent living in dreux housing.
    I especially liked the location of the housing area. so convenient to run into dreux and buy the wonderful French bread, croissants, pomme de terre and the big juicy tomatoes, oh my goodness my mouth is watering.
    Michel, take care and enjoy life, for it really is good.
    sincerely Terry

  449. Just put up some pictures from Sherry. Taken in Nashville. I don’t know who the old people in the pictures are. Can’t be any of us. We are always young.

    Put up pictures from James Potter that Chuck had. He was in the Air Police at Dreux from 63 to 66. I have more to do. There are in bad shape. Bill

  450. I have just read Chuck’s latest story – it’s really good and will bring a smile to your faces!

  451. I live in Dreux, in Dreux housing avenue de Nieuport. I try to write a little history of this housing. I’m happy to know that Ron Holland and Terry benton lived there. I would like to make contact with them. I hope it’s possible by email. Can you help me ?

    • Michel – Bienvenue sur le site. Si vous envoyez votre adresse e-mail pour moi à nebraska72@yahoo.com je vais l’envoyer à Ron et Terry. Nous nous réjouissons de votre histoire sur le “housing area” de l’ancienne base aérienne. Nous avons tous des souvenirs merveilleux de notre époque en France.

      • Doug, I also sent Michel a email this morning. It would really be great to get some in site of Dreux and what has happen after all these years.

  452. there was very little difference in the nco trailers and theofficers trailers. the base commander had adouble wide.i rember one night we got a call about a little had gotten her daddy, gun . we asked how old the little girl was?25 was the answer. needless to say that changed thins very fast. i forgot to mention i was an AP.

  453. Terry-
    Welcome to Our Gang here at this wonderful site. I agree with Ron – there are many of us who would love to see any photos you might have or read stories you may have to share. I was at Dreux from 1959-1961, and was in the 3rd and 4th grades. Your children may have been in our classes!
    Thanks for joining with us.

  454. My then husband, Elton E. Benton, NCO, ground safety office, and I were stationed at Dreux in 1957 to 1962. How wonderful to look at these pictures and go back in memory to a time that was very special. My youngest daughter, Leslie Benton, was born at Dreux Hospital in April 1960. We lived in Dreux housing. We were one of the first families to move in there and stayed for four years. The last year we were in France we lived in a little village of Anet on a farm that was owned by an American. We have many fond memories of backyard BBQ’s and 4th of July picnics and holidays spent with many military families. My two older children attended elementary school on base. We were very active in the base chapel activities and also attended the little protestant church in Dreux.

    • Welcome to the site Terry, I was in grade school there from 59-62, also lived in Dreux Housing. We finally found Dreux Housing on Google Earth. I was in 4th thru 6th grade at Dreux as many others on here attended school at Dreux AFB. I would think some of us may have known your children. If you have some pictures we would all love to see them.

  455. Chuck and Lisa met with Don, Sherry, and Irish friends in Nashville on Mother’s Day.I just put up the picture. At Chuck’s request I also added it to Sherry’s pictures. Bill

  456. Chuck…Send me a message with your email address. I lost yours when my computer crashed, and I can’t send you the info I promised.

  457. Added new pictures from Doug Donnell and uploaded his revised officer trailer park map.

    Added a couple of old pictures of the Chateau de la Barre I got off the web.

  458. Glenn-
    If you should be anywhere near the Perimeter Road opposite the NCO trailer park from off-base, would you see if you could get a photo of the old French farm? A tall grove of trees surrounds it now – but, oh, what memories it holds for many of us kids who lived there at the time. From the Perimeter Road we looked directly into the farmer’s garden from the perimeter fence. It is the only farm there as there are no other buildings around it at all. Many, many thanks – and we wish you the very best for a safe and enjoyable trip to our beloved base!

    • Sherry,
      I will do my best. I suspect that the closest I’ll be able to get to Perimeter Rd will be the main gate. I’ll get the best shot that I can. When I was there a year and a half ago I snuck on the base and went down that road. Unfortunately all of the pictures I took were facing the base. I didn’t think to look in the other direction. Then security got us!

      • Many thanks, Glenn…and safe trip! We’ll be looking forward to seeing whatever photos you are able to get and share with this group.

  459. For Bill Kaufmann – Thanks for all of the great pictures. It’s really great for those of us who were there as kids to see more picutures and hear more stories from those that were stationed at Dreux. Thoroughly enjoyable.

    Also, I read your story about the Airmen’s Club and was trying to figure out where it was, so I can add it to the map. Even though you listed it as a temporary building my assumption is that some of it must have still been standing when the Google Map imagery was taken. It looks like there was an L-shaped building across California Ave from the gas station — very hard to make it out, but that’s the only thing that I could find that fit your description. That would put it across the street from the warehouses also.

    Again, thanks for all of the pix. – Doug

  460. HEY! Whoever is going to France, can you bring back 36 loaves of French bread, and 64 croissants? And a nice bottle of vino to wash it down? They sure know good food in la belle France 😉

  461. Ron – I don’t think my message was too clear. If I google street view the area the third house is what used to be the Open Gate Bar.

  462. Glenn: If you happen to go to the old Senonches housing area I would like a photo of the quarters I lived in. I’ve tried to see it on the satelite map but these is a big evergreen tree blocking my view. My unit was at the far end of the housing area on the left corner of Rue due Moulin de la Fosse and Route de Belle Salle (facing the farmers field). The unit I lived in was on the right side right on the corner. I would be so excited to see what it looks like today and to share the photo with my brother Mark. Thanks, Marty

    • Marty – Are you familiar with Google Earth, street view? You can “drive” down that street on the computer and look directly at your house. I’ll be glad to give further directions if you’re not familiar with the process. It’s very easy.

    • There seems to be two untis on Rue due Moulin de la Fosse, north of Route de Belle Salle and one south of Route de Belle Salle. Is it one of those three units? If so, which one? Thanks

  463. Doug -No NCO trailer park map yet. We are still hoping Bill Kaufmann will find his phone book

    Larry – Does Glenn know how to find the Chateau La Barre?

    Ron – Have you look at Google for you house?


    • Bill, yes I have seen on google earth. I just thought a photo of actual time would be great, even if he could get in and walk down to the river in back yard and take a picture. Spent a lot of time on a raft made out of Jerry Cans on it.

  464. Just wanted everyone to know that my wife and I will be traveling to France and are planning to spend good portion of a day in the area of the base and surrounding towns. I’m sure I’ll take a bunch of pictures. If you can give me specific locations outside of the base, please give me specifics and I’ll try to go by and take some pics. I don’t think there will be much left of the base buildings themselves. I understand they are being torn down rather rapidly. I asked permission of the electric company that owns the land the base was on, and they turned down my request to get on base.

      • I’m not sure who posted this, but the Chateau de la Barre is not in the vicinity of Dreux but appears to be east and a bit south of LeMans. Is that where you believe it to be? It’s not really near our planned route. Is there another one you might be thinking about or is that the one?

    • Glenn, I lived 3 houses before you turned right on the road that led to the main gate on the left. I was wondering if you might get pictures of it. I can give more details if you thing it might be some thing you could do.

      Also we left in July 62, the same time I think you did. As I remember in the trailers are last 30 days are so, there was only other guy around to play with and no girls left. Seems like it could of been you since very few people left at that time. I do not remember are trailer # but I think it was in the last row inside around the middle. We must of knowing each other, spent about the same 3 years,, 59-62

      • Ron, I’ll do my best. Please share more details. It can’t be hard to find.
        We lived in the NCO trailers, T218, on Perimeter Rd, facing the farmer’s field.

        • Glenn, thanks for looking this up if you have a chance. If you google earth Dreux AFB then come out the road from the main gate. Go to street view when you take a left back toward Dreux. The house will be the fourth place on your right. Less than a couple hundred yards. It has a rusty looking white fence and the #9 on the brick pillar. If you hit the crossroad Le Bourg on one side and the other side is named lmp de la plaine you have gone to far. The house is on Rue de la Chapellerie. Going back toward the base from cross road it will be the first place on left.
          The trees are really blocking the house. Have a better picture last year from google. Also have a short video of it if I can get your email. If it is alright I will ask Bill for it. This is not that big of a deal to me, just thought it would be nice to see. No need to go out of your way for this.

          Thanks, Ron

          • Ron, not a problem at all. I’m going up to the main gate, so I’ll drive right by it. Feel free to get my email from Bill.

  465. Hello Jimmie Register,
    Thank you very much for your comments about the 7305th CAMS pictures from Bill Kaufmann which were just put up on the web site. There will be some 100 more coming to the site very soon from Bill Kaufmann. By the way, we really do need any pictures you have about Dreux AB. Also your story about your time at our old base will be very good reading. We will soon have captions from Bill to add to his pictures. Send to me or Bill McLeod your e-mail address, ours are found on the web site.
    How wonderful to hear from you about knowing the Airmen in the photos just put up. Every airman who was a part of CAMS and other squadrons at Dreux AB, has some photos I believe will help the web-site to grow by leaps and bounds.
    We hope to hear back from you in a short. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  466. Bill Kaufmann sent us a layout for the officer’s trailer park. I have added it to the maps page. Remember you can click on the picture to enlarge it. Bill

  467. Marty – I don’t know if you got your question answered fully. When the US started the buildup in late forties and early fifties conditions for families we terrible. Some of the people started buying small british built trailers. The English call them Caravans. Needless to say trailer parks were hard to find. When someone had put together the land for a park they were nothing like what we had on base. It was more like camping out. Many had no sewer hookups, laundry facilities, etc. It was not a healthy situation. The first phase was for trailer facilities for personally owned trailers to built on the bases. The next was for the US to buy trailers and install them in the parks. (Project Caravan) In addition to the off base trailer problems, the Air Force was having trouble getting personnel to stay long enough. If you brought your family the duty tour was three years, an unaccompanied tour was only eighteen months. The trailer parks were designed to ease this problem. Here is a website for Toul that talks about the transition. The airman involved bought one of the 21ft trailers in a French trailer park, moved it on base, and I think eventually got one of the Air Force owned trailers. http://trab.packwebs.net/area/richardburton/default.asp Bill

  468. All cool stuff. OK, here’s a totally weird question, but I’ve always wondered about this one for years. In ’63 I was out playing in the fields out back of the Senonches housing units, we lived on the upper end on the right side. It was night time, it was dinner time, no one else was outside except me. Suddenly the whole landscape outside lit up exactly like it was day light. Literally it was like it was suddenly day time, then blinked back to night. I immediately looked up and saw……nothing, no aircraft, no noise, a totally clear night, no lightning no storm. For years I thought it might have been some meteor, but nothing like that puts out such a powerful light and I would have seen it if it was a meteor. Years later, I heard people who had UFO sighting describe the same incredibly powerful light, sometimes so bright they couldn’t see through the glare, and often described as like “daylight.” Years later too, I had a girlfriend over to my parent’s house and we were talking about paranormal stuff and Dad suddenly tells me that he was driving into Dreux AFB at 3AM and saw a red orb light fly into the large hangar there, came out the other side and shot straight up into the sky at incredible speed. Recently I sent him a YouTube link of a UFO red orb light doing the same thing and Dad wrote back and said “THATS WHAT I SAW.” I listened to an officer stationed in Europe during that cold war time say that there were so many UFO sightings that the US military and the Russians were secretly phoning eachother asking “are those YOURS?” So I wonder if any of the Dreux kids witnesses anything like what I did or what Dad saw……

  469. Ok, we’re on a roll with the housing areas. Since I had heard that there were two additional housing areas for Dreux AB (one in La Loupe and one in Chateauneuf), I went searching. The buildings are very distinctive, so they were not hard to find. The La Loupe housing was on the south side of town on a road called “Cité Lafayette”. The one in Chateauneuf was just east of Boulevard Président John F. Kennedy on a circular street named “Cité du Chêne de Lorette”. Both are available in Google street view, so if you happened to live there you can pay a virtual visit to your old house. While I was playing with Googel Earth, I also followed the old train line from the base to La Loupe. As I’ve mentioned before, the right of way is still there, but I was surprised to find that the bridges and in some areas, the tracks themselves, are still there.

  470. Many thanks to Tom Fitzgerald and Doug Donnell on answering my question about the reasons behind having the trailers as base housing. Times sure have changed. I can’t believe that my family survived in those trailers but, looking back I know those were some of the best years of my life. Just wish my dad were still around to enjoy this fantastic website. Keep up the good work everybody. I go on this site many tiimes every single day. Marty

  471. Doug, I think I finally found Dreux Housing. Looks like N12 and Rue de Billiy
    Lat 48 degree 44′ 39.06 N
    long 1 degree 22′ 21.57E
    Sure looks like them. Sitting on a bluff over looking Dreux. I would have lived on Av deieuport. If you look at the video walking on stilts you can see open fields behind our house and like some what now. Units are offset like in video and at same angles on the other side of street. Open ground on the bluff overlooking Dreux, we played a lot on that hill. Had tile roofs back then also.
    Let me know what you think.

    • Sure enough Ron. I think you found it. I was looking in the wrong place. I read some of the road names and there are too many with an American connection for it to be mere coincidence: Av du General Pershing, Rue LaFayette, Rue du President Wilson, Av Wright, etc. I hope someone else can confirm it, but I’d say almost with certainly that you’ve got it right. Mystery solved. I think the name of the street is Nieuport, by the way. Red tile roofs are distinctive. Great job!

      • I looked at google earth also. No doubt. The windows are the same and everything matches videos. I looked from the back side from the field and you can see the utility sheds connected to the unit as shown in video also. I was wondering how to find M/Sgt Baty family. I have tried but with no luck. On the rotation order posted in my pic’s it has the whole family, DOB’s passport #’s. His wife was French, maybe they moved back to France later on in life. Also in the Dreux Housing you can see different type of housing, wondering do you think some was tore down and new ones or maybe those were Officers Housing. Makes since that they would of had Officers Housing and they would of been different.

  472. AHA! I found the Senonches housing unit, follow D20 sort of northeast out of Senonches, and you’ll see the brick tiles and the full housing units. The street is Rue due Moulin de la Fosse, which in French means “Dave Stephens lived here.” OK, I’m lying 😉 But thats where it is. You can go to street level and you’ll see its been well taken care of and upgraded, nice hedges and picket fences etc. Pretty freaking cool to see that again! Use Google Earth app of course. I wish Apple would hurry up with their iBeamMeUp transporter so we could instantly beam ourselves to these places and have lunch in Senonches, born too late I guess……

    • Great job of finding Senonches housing, now apply those talents to finding Druex Housing in Dreux. A lot of us have been trying with no luck. Please let us know if you find something.

  473. Does anyone know the story behind using trailers for base housing? Was there ever other bases that used trailers? That would be interesting to know.

    • Hi Marty – After the Berlin Airlift, the cold war “heated” up and the US secured permission from France to build new bases or rehab existing bases. Part of the deal was that construction would be contracted out to local French businesses. The problem was that the French economy was still in pretty tough shape from WWII and there was a shortage of materiel and equipment to make this happen. Housing was not at the top of the list when it came to building bases, so the idea of buy trailers to use as a quick solution for base housing was proposed. Under a program called “Project Caravan” the AF bought a bunch of trailers to fill the bill. I think the Dreux trailers came from a Belgian company. Anyway, that’s how we ended up with them. Hope that answers the question.


    • Marty This is some more info to add to the reply you received from Doug. This is a paragraph in a book titled The USAF in France 1950 – 1967. The book was written by Col Jerry McAuliffe.
      “By the end of 1955, after overcoming the survival mode, the tactical wings in France settled into their operational missions with good facilities. All bases had identical standard NATO structures to reduce design costs. Three or four large hangars were constructed at every base finally eliminating outdoor winter maintenance. “Project Caravan” provided trailers for on-base family housing. Trailer camp sites were constructed by SCARWAF (Special Category Army Personnel with Air Force) troops. Commodity credit housing and guaranteed rental incme housing units, consisting of single and duplex family homes, were built near every main air base. Chateauroux Air Depot had a 410 unit apartment complex.” I was assigned to the Base Housing Office from Jan 65 – Mar 67, I was responsible for assigning the trailers to incoming personnel. I had always been told the trailers were used because the French would not allow us to built permanent base housing. Tom

  474. I had an email customer from France and I seemed to recall he said those buildings were torn down, wouldn’t surprise me since they were really cheaply built. I’ll ask my Dad if knows of a physical address, and yes I looked for them too. All I remember is the housing units were on the way to Senonches so they were a bit outside of town.

    • Dave – I’m 99% sure that the street I listed yesterday is Senonches housing. Can’t find Dreux housing, though. Also several on this site have mentioned housing at Chateauneuf and La Loupe and I don’t have a clue about those. I hope someone out there knows and will forward to us.

      Quality building materials were hard to come by in France in the early 50s so lots of the facilities built for American forces were hit and miss as far as quality was concerned. Interestingly enough, most of my reading indicated that Dreux AB stood out as one of the best that was built. At least one other base needed a complete redo of the runway because of shoddy construction. The Dreux runway is in surprisingly good shape after all these years. – Doug

  475. Doug, I have tried to find Dreux Housing many times on google with no luck. I do have a Elec. Gas bill from there. Can’t make out the address plus it is in French. Maybe they tore it down.

    • Well, I’m glad it’s not just me. I hate to think of the time I’ve wasted looking for it. Nothing seems to match up. Still hoping that someone will chime it. Even if they tore the houses down, I’m sure they built new ones on the same lots.

  476. Does anybody have the street address of the Senonches housing? I would LOVE to go on Google Earth and see my old house.

    • Hi Marty –
      Follow D20 into Senonches and you’ll see it coming into town. The street is Rue du Moulin de la Fosse.

      I’m not sure where the Dreux housing area was, so I’d appreciate it if anybody could point me to it.

      • Hello,
        My name is Alain and I’m from Wojcik Saint Rémy sur Avre.
        Type in Goolge Earth, Dreux. North you RN12. Below, a little to the left you will find your city.

        Google translation

  477. Doug, I forgot to give you a bill for the handbook art work, I still have it here and with interest it comes to $7500 over 50 years 😉 Hope you can find one of those handbooks, would be a real kick to see it. I don’t remember a single Cat Club rule! My love for cats has been eternal throughout my life, we have 2 cats (MINE!) and 3 shelties who keep us laughing at dog and cat politics. My two cats are ones we rescued off the street, unfortunately they don’t like each other, so my little girl cat Lexy owns the top floor and Zoom Zoom owns the garage and 1st floor and gets to go outside while she prefers not to get beat up by the big tom cats who used to harass her when she was wild.

    I had some fun over on the Dreux American High School Facebook page, Vicki is great, though some off topic political posts there I could do without, oh well its Facebook 😉 I found 2 girls who were in my class, one I have no memory of, and the other the official class beauty who still looks great. The guys I all knew are absent except for Doug.

    I wonder if anyone remembers when the U2 spy plane landed on base? It was a big event and everyone on bass at the time went out to see, what a beautiful plane that thing was, I wonder if it was in service at the time because there wasn’t really any security around.

    • Darn, I thought I paid that bill. Actually, I thought you were supposed to get a cut of the profits from sales. With a production run of about 5 handbooks, that comes to about 25 cents and, allowing for inflation, should just about come to the cost of a cup of coffee which I’ll gladly buy if we ever get together.

      I’ll rummage around through some old papers tonight and see if I can find any more old Dreux items.

      Dave, what years were you at Dreux? As I recall, you arrived in ’62? When did you leave? I don’t remember the U-2, so I’m guessing that was after I left in 63. I remember the parachute drops that occurred from time to time, but not the guy that had the tangled chute. Guess you would have been over at the high school as the north side faced the flight line. The grade/middle school buildings didn’t have windows facing that way. The memories do get a bit murky. By the way, you can visit the Senonches housing area on Google Earth — “drive” right down your old street. I’m not on Facebook, so have missed out on that connection — maybe someday when I have a little more time.

  478. Thanks Bill, I also joined the Dreux American High School Facebook page and met one lady there who was in my class, tho don’t remember her, Vicki sent me Doug’s email address so hopefully we’ll connect!

    • I’m back from Nebraska and starting to catch up. Reading Dave’s posting was a real memory jogger. I thought I was the only person left on earth who remembered the Cat Club. We appropriated a storage shed in the trailer park to serve as the official clubhouse. I have a picture of it somewhere and will post it once I find it. We had a handbook (can’t have a club without rules and a handbook) and I remember Dave turning it from my hen scratchings into something that looked pretty darn professional. At least that’s the way I remember it. Great to reconnect! More to follow. – Doug

  479. Just put up some more pictures from Ron Holland. Good stuff. He also sent some scans of a Dreux Review Newspaper which has good articles about what was happening on the base. I plan on revising the format to have a section for this type of information. Bill

    Dave – Left a voice mail for Doug to get in touch with you. Bill

  480. I’ve been browsing the Dreux website, I lived there in ’63, the photo albums are such a beautiful trip back to France for me. My Dad was an Army officer and we lived in those trailers for awhile, then we lucked out and got housing in Senonches, a sweet little French town where the military had built some housing units, duplexes actually. Dreux AFB was amazing, I’d be in school and they would have giant paratroop drops hundreds of yards away from the C140’s, I’d be glued to the windows and would shout out when some unfortunate soldier’s parachute got tangled and his reserve chute tangled as well, even the teacher would rush over to watch the drama. One weekend a U2 spy plane landed at the base and was a big event for all of us who were there, what an amazing plane that thing was. Our teachers were all very good, we had the usual bully in class who’s Dad was base Commander, ha ha. Life in France was something I fondly remember, we all loved the people, and the FOOD, the French bread and croissants. I wish I had been older to enjoy the sassy French teenage girls but I was only 13 and very shy. My older brother though, really went “native” and hung out with French teens, somehow acquired a Moped and was out int town most of the time. Browsing the, photo albums I was overjoyed to run across the first friend I had at Dreux, Douglass Donnell, I never forgot Doug; he formed the Cat Club and wrote a hand written Cat Club Newspaper, I became the official Cat Club Artist and was emplyed to hand copy his text and draw my Sylvester cat cartoon figures to fill it out. If anyone knows Doug’s email address please email it to me, would be fun to reconnect and see if he needs anymore cat artwork, LOL 😉 Those early art yearnings were supported by my art teacher at school in Dreux’s base elementary school, and he sat me down one day and told me, I had a special talent and that I should take art classes in every school and every grade from then on, which I did, and later became a professional graphic designer. I was also exposed to my first electric guitar one night when us kids were at the Teen Center, which adjoined the NCO bar and JERRY LEE LEWIS, no less, did a show there. He was just amazing, but his guitar player held a big Gibson archtop electric which just fascinated me the sounds it could make. Guitars and music became a huge part of my life and I now make a living making tone-snob guitar pickups here in my “declining” years, LOL 😉 Dreux AFB was one of the more memorable duty stations we went to school, previously we were at Bushey Park in England and lived in a thatched roof English house for our tour there, we really loved the English kids and their candy too; we just missed the Beatles phenonmenom when we left for France. Dad stayed in until he retired when we lived in Arlington, Virginia, and we moved back to Arizona, (we had lived in Tombstone when he was stationed at Fort Huachuca). My “Army Brat” existence is full of fond memories, I lost track of all the friends I made since we moved so often, that part I didn’t enjoy, I’d just be starting to make real friendships and then we’d move again, but I wouldn’t trade those years for anything, military brat life gave me such a broad experience of cultures, religions, and ethnicities, that gave me a priceless world view.
    Dave Stephens

  481. Just put up some new items from Ron Holland. Christmas menus, Scout stuff, etc. It be of interest to everyone dependent or airman.
    Cris Crisafulli has sent us his building assignments from when he was at Dreux. I forwarded them to Doug Donnell and he is going to make another map. Cris also sent us some information on pictures he sent to the Air Force Historical section at Maxwell. I wish we had someone from Alabama that we could send there and find out what they have and how we could get it. Bill
    Mel Brown 1272 AACS is sending us a picture of the Dreux Football team when he was there and a Picture of a picnic where he can identify all the people.
    Bill Kaufmann is sending me his pictures by mail as there are too many to email. \
    It looks like we are still growing. Keep Up the good work and get on the blog often even if its only to let us know you are still interested. Bill

  482. Hey Folks,
    My wife & I are going to meet up with Sherry (Watson) Nelson, her husband Don and three Irish friends of their’s in Nashville, Tn on Mother’s day May 10th
    Sherry was in the states last March with the same folks and my wife and I met up with them in Lexington, Ky. So here we go again. Monday the 11th they’ll fly out of Nashville and return to Ireland.
    A/2C Sibert

  483. Just added the pictures from Jim O’Brien’s story to his folder and new pictures. Added a new picture from James Potter that Chuck had from before he passed away to his folder and new pictures folder.

    Note: We prerfer to have our stories in some form of word processing file. Usually this is Word or Open Office Writer. We prefer our pictures to be jpeg, tif, pnc format. Note: This is a preference. We will work with whatever you have to submit. Bill

  484. Assigned to Dreux Communications in January 1966. Arrived at Orly Field and only saw snow and cold weather! Thought, for sure, someone would be at the arriving gate to welcome me! No such event!!!

    I do not recall all the particulars as to my “panic” experience at Orly; but the bottom line is that I called a number on my Air Force transfer documents and was told by someone that my transportation from Orly to Dreux was delayed due to the weather conditions.

    I can go on … and on …. with recollections of my Dreux Air Base assignment. But, most of all, there are some airmen I encountered at Dreux that I would like to make contact with, and thank them for the favorable impact they had on my life ever since. Perhaps, some subsequent experiences that they may want to hear about, if not already known! Just looking to say a “thank you”!

    So, if it is okay, here are the names of some of them, as I can recall, that were stationed at Dreux in 1966:

    Willie Minchew (sp?)
    Sgt. Galvin (cannot recall first name … maybe “Joseph”???)

  485. Just put up a story about Dreux from Jim O’brien. Jim came to us from England to Canada to United States and then the Air Force. I have asked him to write this story for the site. Jim was a career airman and went on to serve in C-47 gunships in Viet Nam. Currently his is retired and living in Colorado Springs.

  486. Hey Dreuxites,
    Here is a list of the top 10 most wanted.
    1. Just where was momma’s bar in a wooded area near Senonches ?
    2. Directions to swim lake on road D-20 toward Senonches.
    3. Who knew the Juli of Juli’s bar ?
    4. When did Susie’s bar close in Chateauneuf ?
    5. Did the Open Gate Bar & Restaurant change its name before the base closed ?
    6. Just when did the base hospital become a clinic ?
    7. Was there an aircraft washing area between the main hanger & the fire dept ?
    8. Were there two quonset huts behind the PE docks ?
    9. How many underground fuel tanks were there at the POL storage area ?
    10. How many Ford E-con-o-line pick-up trucks were on the base ?
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck – only one I can comment on is your hospital question. When we arrived in Aug 61 the hospital was already a clinic. Given that the aircraft left earlier that year, my guess would be early 1961. I remember the doctor (our neighbor in housing) telling me that all of the hospital were still there in the back. The clinic used only a few rooms in the front. Doug

  487. Just put some more pictures from Bill Kaufmann. Most of a map of the base. It was taken from a phonebook which Bill is looking for. A picture of the base showing where the solar panels are. Three pictures of a local bar. Bill’s is Jim’s bar. Chuck’s is Juli’s bar. They look a lot alike.

  488. Corrected mistake in Doug’s Christmas story. Cut and paste saves lots of typing but it will bite you if your are not careful. Bill

  489. Listen up Dreuxites,
    I have been talking by phone to Bill Kaufmann an airman who was at the base 1959-1961. Bill was in 7305th CAMS and tells me he had a desk job in the main hanger before he left Dreux AIr Base. Bill has some pictures up in the pictures album on the site with more to follow. Bill tells me he is gathering his photos and whatever else he can locate about his time at the base. He says he just may have a base phone book. Soon we hope more of his photos will be sent to us (Bill McLeod & me) for the site. Surely there are many airmen who recall Bill Kaufmann for he worked in the service club also. I know there are many who would like to talk to Bill, so just e-mail me and I’ll get his e-mail address back to you.
    A/2C Sibert

  490. Apparently, I forgot to update after I added the Christmas. It is now up. Take a look. Don’t forget – you can enlarge any picture that has a blue outline. Bill

    • These pics pretty much confirm that most of the buildings are gone. That’s unfortunate. I wonder if the whole area that used to have buildings will also be covered over? At least the vegetation in the NCO trailer area hasn’t been leveled…yet.

      • I had the very same thought, Glenn…
        What a sad situation. I so hope that you are able to get on our old base and get whatever pictures you can, regardless. We’ll be looking forward to them.

  491. New pictures from Doug. Christmas 61 and 62. Looks like a lot of fun.

    Glenn and Doug – The booklet has a contact for EDF. You could try calling it.

    Doug- Put up your pictures. Looking forward to Christmas story.

    • I was there in the Army, 1962-1964 can you or anyone put me in touch with some one who was there. I would be so thankfull

  492. Just had a close look at the brochure, Bill. The photo of the field of solar panels showing the outlines of where the planes once stood (underneath them) is eerie … So many changes have taken place to our special base.

  493. Just added a brochure for Crucey Solar Farm to the map page. This shows the installation of the solar panels and other changes to Dreux Air Base.

    • From what I read in the brochure, there may not be much of the old base left when I visit there in late May. I’ll take pics of whatever is left.

      • Unfortunately, I think you’re right Glenn. If they’re tearing down 80 buildings, that pretty much accounts for it all. I do sort of resent them calling it a “military wasteland”. Doug

        • I had thought about contacting the owners to see if they might allow me on the property (I may still do that), but there might not be much left except rubble. I’ll try to take some pics to compare with the ones I took in 2012. At that time it only appeared that about 1/3 to 1/2 of the runway and taxiways were covered by solar panels. It appears completely covered now. That’s progress for you!

          • Glenn – In the booklet it says only the south part of the airfield was purchased for the solar farm. I have not seen any pictures which show solar panels north of the south side taxi way. The total base was about 1100 acres. The solar farm only bought 600 acres. How ever this happens to the whole of the south side. Magaritte 4 (north west corner) had already been cleared for the over the horizon radar site. It would be interesting to see if anything is happening at margaritte 6. Bill

          • I was thinking about trying to contact them as well as I may be in Europe in the summer of 2015 and thought I might try to visit. Also, they might have some pictures of their “progress” toward demolition of the “military wasteland”.

          • Glen, When you are there, can you get some pictures and info on the Chateau De La Barre? A lot of us airmen lived there. Look at Pictures under my name, there is an article from the Dreux Review.

  494. Just put up some pictures from a new friend Alain Wojcik from Saint Remy. Alain father rented a house to Alvin Sander back in the 60’s. Alvin went back last year and Alain drove him around. He was trying to contact him to sent him some pictures. We have emailed Alvin at the address we have for him but so far no reply.

  495. I was a dependent and lived in the Air Force Housing in Dreux. I attended school in the 7th grade at the base in 1962-64. It was a magical time in my life. Now grateful, at the time I resented spending every weekend exploring France. I love it. My brother and sister and I all have good memories of our time there. One memory stands out, singing songs on the hour long bus trip from Dreux to the base (I was one of the first on, last off. Trip was not that long in a car) we sang “500 Miles”, “Michael Rowed the Boat…”and many pop folk songs of the time.

    • Hi Sherry –
      You were one year behind me in school at Dreux so we overlapped for part of our time there (I was there for the 61/62 and 62/63 school years. Your picture is in the high school yearbook on the Dreux HS Alumni website in the 1964 annual, by the way. Great to have you on the blog. Doug

    • Hello Sherry,
      So good to hear from you and about your Dreux AB times. Just where was the USAF housing located in Dreux city ? We need to hear about your family and what they did at the base. We’ll be glad to get some pictures from you soon. What state are you in now ? I’m in Nabb, Indiana. Bill lives in Denver.
      I hope you’ll write a story and get it to us for the site. God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • The housing area was right next to the village, on an elevated plain. The sloping hill that ran from the housing area into Dreux was called Billy Goat Hill by those of us who were kids. The French name for the area was “Caserne de Billy” (Billy Barracks) and in English, it got converted to Billy Goat. “Billy” referred to Jean Louis de Billy, the French minister of War right after the Revolution. There was a three or four-story set of buildings there at one time as well as some additional smaller buildings (I’ve seen old postcards with the images). French military groups were headquartered at Billy. The buildings must have been gone by the time the US showed up. I remember no trace of them in 1958-59. One site I was on spoke of the Caserne as though it were still extant in the mid-1940s.

  496. Nancy – Just posted a new picture to your folder, new pictures and James Potter’s folder. It is a picture of you dad and Lt Coles Air Police officer and some unidentified young men. Don’t what they are looking at. The picture came from James Potter who passed away. Bill

  497. I enjoy Looking At The Pictures And Reading About People Stationed At Dreux.I was There From 1953-1955 With H&S Co.821 EAB Bn. Like Some Say The Place Was A Mud Hole When I Got There. There Were 3 Of Us In A Group The Next Day We Were Called To The Orderly Room Where We Met Capt. Bucko For Our Assignments. He Gave Me The Vehicle Dispatchers Job. That’s Where I Stayed For My Tour. ANY H&S Co. Guys Out There I Hope You Will Send Your Pictures And Anything Else You Have To Bill So He Can Put Up On This Blog. Thomas Joyner

  498. Just put up Bill Kaufman’s Pictures. He says he has many more. I will trim the white border off later. Wanted to get them up and am real busy now. Take a look Bill.

  499. Hey Dreux folks,
    Got a call from Buddy Love yesterday. He was at his home in Charlotte, NC.
    His story is posted in the Dreux memories. He was at Dreux AB 1961-1962 with the Alabama Air Guard. We talked for about 45 minutes and he told me when he came to the base there were USAFE C-130’s being updated by technicians from the Marietta, GA USA factory. He thinks they were being updated in the hanger at margarette # 4 ? He also stated that the USAF had many German trucks at bases in Germany that needed service and repair. He stated that these trucks were sent to Dreux AB for repairs, painting and service. He said the base motor pool had been over stocked with too many mechanics, so they got this work to have something to do ? I hope to hear from someone who can comment on these stories.
    A/2C Sibert

  500. When my Dad was stationed at Dreux he became a member of the Masons, Britannic Lodge No.9. I found the meeting agenda when he was initiated and on it found the two men who sponsored him; Leroy Mullins and John J. Jaeger. I assumed they were also stationed at Dreux. I was wondering if anybody on this site new anything about the Masons on Dreux or in the area? His initiation was in Paris and a lot of folks signed the menu from the Pavilion Dauphine on May 5, 1962. They all appear to be English names. I’ll scan it and send it to Bill. Thanks!

    • John J. Jaeger was my Dad’s best friend at Dreux. (John E. Frederick) Both were Masons. One his daughters (5 kids) June, was my first girlfriend. I was very young but I believe they had regular meeting there locally and went to Paris for bigger events. Both were very high in the Order. I wonder if my Dads signature was on it?

  501. Glenn – Added your dad to both 2AACS and Combined Lists. Added The pictures of Normandy American Cemetery to your folder and the new pictures folder.

  502. First of all let me say that I love love love this site. I go onto it at least once a day and have spent many hours reliving warm memories. In response to Sherry Watson Nelsons questions, I lived part of the time in the off base housing and part of the time in the NCO trailers. I went to school in the old barracks that were located near the library. I remember that when we became 7th graders we thought we were hot stuff because we got to take some classes at the high school. One of my very warmest memories was when my 6th grade class got to spend two weeks in the French Alps sking. That was truly the chance of a lifetime. 🙂 Lucky for me my parents likes to travel and we would jump in our VW Bug almost every weekend and travel thru Europe. I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything.

  503. Welcome, Marty! You arrived at Dreux just after our family had left. Did you live on base? Did you go to school on the main part of the base or on the other side (crossing the runway to get to it)? We would love to hear any special memories you might have!

  504. My dad was stationed at Dreux from 1962 to 1965 and knew Nat Stern well. My dad’s name was Robert E. Hill and he worked in the motor pool. In my dad’s spare time he bought and fixed up french clocks. If my memory serves me Col Stern bought a few from him. I attended school on base for 5th, 6th and 7th grades and have many fond memories and living there. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for starting this wonderful website. It’s almost like being there again. 🙂

  505. Talked to Marlon Manley of the 11th TCS today. Going to try to get his pictures and stores on the site. Before he left Dreux in 61 he was sleeping on the floor because they had shipped the beds home.

  506. Just put up three pictures from Sherry. Her sister’s kindergarten diploma, her vacation bible school diploma and her kindergarten picture in both Sherry’s folder and the New Pictures folder. Bill

  507. For quite some time now I have been pondering if I should get involved with this site.

    I was stationed at Dreux AFB from April 1958 to April of 1961 and have a lot of fond memories. I have many stories that I can tell and photo’s to share. The only problem that I have is with the photo’s, as they are all on mounted slides and I am in the early stages of archiving them into digital format. Also I am not that savy on useing a computer to communicate what I have to share. ( could use some help in this area )

    I would like to hear from Bill Mcleod as he and I were there at Dreux at the same time and left at the same time. ( our orders were cut at the same time and day when we left Dreux to head to McGuire AFB for seperation ).

    If there is any one else that knew me at Dreux, I would like to hear from you so we can share our memories and stories.

    • Welcome to the blog. I’m looking forward to hearing your stories and seeing the pictures. Bill can fill you in on the details of sending photos.

      I arrived as a dependent shortly after you left Dreux. – Doug

  508. Just put two pictures for Chuck. An Ismir tower shot and his request for consecutive overseas tour. Fixed Nancy pictures so they show on the folder and added captions.

    When I sent out the monitor request two email addresses failed, Tom Fritzgerald and Chris Crisafulli. If you guys are out there let us know.

  509. While remembering Shirley Temple here tonight, my mind drifted back to the Dreux Library where my sister and I spent many wonderful hours. Debbie and I would ride our bikes over to the Library and return with our baskets full of books. Like most little girls, we adored Shirley Temple! The Librarian was a very kind lady who would chat to us often. One day she asked if Santa had brought us what we had asked for, and I had to say no… A Shirley Temple doll was all I had wanted that year, but Santa was all out. On the next visit she had assembled a display of books about Shirley, including the new Shirley Temple Storybook and Shirley Temple Treasury. We were delighted and checked those two titles out many times. Miss Waris even read to the class from the former when we shared it with her. What memories!

    • Sherry,
      When I was about 5 years old and lived in Louisville, Ky mom would take my sister and I to a little ice cream store on the corner of Broadway and 24th street. The store was named the Rainbows Inn. We lived on 24th street a half block south from the store.
      We would sit on the high cushioned seats with the chrome legs at the counter. Above the ice cream bar there was a beautiful picture of Shirley Temple maybe 20 by 20″ and each time we ate there I would tell mom she was my girlfriend and I loved her. Needless to say, she was my gal !!! I still see her movies when I can find them on cable.
      What a roll model for all the young girls to follow in the 40’s and 50’s.
      She sure did a lot for the USA the way she lived her life and conducted her self in the political arena. God sure blessed her.
      God Bless
      A/2C Sibert

      • What a great memory to have, Chuck. Thanks for sharing it. I wonder if that ice cream parlor is still there? If not, then whatever became of that sign?
        The Watson girls, too, would watch every Shirley Temple movie that came along. They ran of Sunday afternoons for many years. Oh, the memories!

  510. Just some notes on the blog:
    Sometimes you see a new comment on the home page and have a hard time finding it. The recent comments on the home page are links that take you directly to the comment which if it was a reply to one made some days ago may be back a ways.

    At the bottom of the comment form is a drop down box that allows you to be notified about comments. Default option is no notice. Next is notify me if someone replies to my comment. Last is notify me of any new comments on the blog.

  511. Just posted two pictures from Nancy. From some reason the album is not putting the small pictures on the folder. Will work on that.

  512. Hey, any of you guys bidding on the license plates on the bay, there is a 2CF and a 3CF listed. If you are let me know and I will stop bidding. Ours was 2CF28865. Shame to waste memory space on that but there it is.
    Here is another. The reason the plates were 1CF, 2CF, 3CF is that they were mixed up with the Canadian Forces plates, they had 1AF, 2AF. My dad was a pass and ID guy at Dreux told me that when we were there, never thought about it then found a 1AF plate listed on the bay as a Canadian Forces in France plate. More worthless info. Just let me know if one of you is bidding. Thanks, g.

  513. Found a picture of my father Nat Stern on Doug Donnell’s grouping! And pictures of my siblings/Dad in the Dreux Alumni Yearbooks. What a joy to see them. He must have taken over at Dreux in ’63.

    • Hi Nancy. I was going to call your attention to that picture. I’m sure you’re talking about the one that was taken at the library. We’ll have to go back and properly label the picture. When you first came to the site and mentioned your father’s name it rang a bell with me somewhere in the back recesses of my mind. I’ll see if I can find some more info. What was your mother’s name, by the way?

    • Hi Nancy – Yes, I remember your parents. I believe that, as base commander, he lived in the double trailers at the edge of the officers’ trailer park. You can see it in some of the pictures of the ball field. When you mentioned that your mother was French, it sparked my memory. Your brother, Daniel, was in my 7th grade class – check out the picture at http://www.dreuxalumni.org/yb63u13.jpg
      – Doug

    • Nancy, I don’t know if you remember me or not. We lived across the street from you on the corner lot. My name was Penny Tomlinson. There were four of us kids and a fifth one was born at Evereux. My dad was in the Army. When we left Dreux, we went to Ft. Knox, Kentucky. Dad retired there in 1968. Shortly after retirement, we moved to central Florida and I’m still here.

    • Richard –
      Welcome to Our Gang. We are very happy to have you join us!
      How long were you at Dreux? Did you live on base by any chance? We would love to read about any special memories you might have of your Dreux days. Also, any pictures would be most welcome. Looking forward to hearing back from you on this blog.

  514. My father Lt Col Nat Stern was base commander from about 1961 to 1965. Any memories would be greatly appreciated. My family is visiting Paris in August and Dreux and surrounding area is on our itinerary.

    • Nancy,
      Glad to hear from you about Dreux A/B. I left Dreux A/B and France for the states on April 1st 1961. Sherry (Watson) Nelson and her family were on the same plane but at that time I did not know her. I do not recall your father as base commander. What month of 1961 did he take over ? Check out Tom Fitzgerald’s pictures on the album page. Tom may just recall your dad as he was at the base when you were there. Get to him on the blog and see what info he has about that time period. There are others on the blog that were at the base then. I hope you can find many others to speak with about this. When you get to Dreux city this year and take a drive out to the old base you may not be able to get past the front gate but give it a try. Don’t forget to take photos of what you can see. Maybe a tele photo lens would be needed for what shots you could get from outside the perimeter fencing ? Bill and I will be very glad to post your pictures on the web-site. We would like for you to write your story about the old base for the site. We have many stories up now and really would like many more.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • From Nov, 1961 until Aug. 1962 base commander was Col.Newbold.He came over with the 117 th. as I recall Col.Knudson was commander of the 29th. signal bat. The 29th was on the far side of the base at the back gate. Iguess the 29 gave APs more trouble than all others combined.MMost were 18,19 year old draftees.Yes we still had the draft. The kids gave us no problems.the only one I remember was a senior girl who was crazy about a sailor attached DACC.tHIS WAS A NO NO.A2C Grady Gibbons AP sq.

    • Nancy, my family lived across the street from your house. I believe we were in the same grade. My name is Penny Tomlinson Green. There were five of us kids and Mom and Dad living in that little trailer! I remembered your last name but couldn’t remember the first name of you or your parents. I remember your mother was French. We left there in 1965 and went stateside. My brother, Bob, was born at Evereux in 1964.

  515. Put up 3rd grade picture of Sherry in her story about Miss Warris. Added that picture and one of her and her husband at retirement time to both new pictures and her folder. Bill

  516. Thanks to Sherry and Glenn we have a new blogger. Sherry – Miss Warris replied to your comment on Our Gang and filled out the info on the unit pages.

    Pat Waris Rashid

    What where you doing a Dreux?
    Teaching third grade

    When where you there?
    Since I know you can’t wait here is reply again:
    Sherry – I heard from Glenn Burchard yesterday. I told him that I was so happy when I heard from you some time ago (two years?). I am afraid I cut short our correspondence because my husband became ill and I was most preoccupied. Then I found I couldn’t recapture your email address. So it looks like I have a second chance to “talk” to you. I hope you are well. We are both fine, thank you – my husband just celebrated his 90th birthday and I will be 80 in August. Time marches on, but God is good. We have been blessed with two children and nearly two grandchildren (our grandson is 9 and our daughter is due in early February. How about you? I think you found me because I was trying to find Ed Eller, the artist. I did locate him, but her hasn’t been well, has lost his partner, and no longer paints. I am so thrilled to have two of his paintings – both of Dreux scenes.

    • I have to give Sherry all the credit. If she hadn’t shared Pat’s email address it would never have happened. What a blessing to have her as a blogging member of Our Gang!

      • Thanks for the kind words, Glenn! This is all such good news here tonight. I hope other Our Gang bloggers will post their memories as well.

    • A huge welcome is extended to Miss Waris from Our Gang! I am thrilled to see that we have reconnected once more and that she has joined our group. She touched so many of our lives that year…She was truly a teacher’s teacher.

    • Great pix Glenn. As always, brings back memories. I think the ones of you playing baseball must have been taken in 1961. When I played in 1962 the on-base team wore “Giants” uniforms and the Senonches housing team wore the “Dreux” uniforms that you had on (at least that’s the way I remember it). – Doug

      • Doug, I honestly thought it was 1962; but after 50+ years I could be wrong. There’s a picture of me I posted where I am running off the field in my uniform, but most of the team around me is bigger and they don’t have the uniform. That was some sort of a combined all star team where I got to play with older kids. I remember getting to play shortstop on that team. That’s about it!

        • Hmmmm. Glenn, let me do a little more research. I remember staying at Dreux so I could play baseball when my mom and dad went on a trip. I’ll go back and see if mom happened to write up a synopsis of her trip. She always dated her travelogues and that’s how I’ve been able to place some of the dates. Doesn’t really matter. Baseball was fun. I played second base. 50 years does take its toll on the memory.

          • Glen, I think you are correct on Evreux. As I recall we got beat really bad. I pitched some in that game, you might recall that a lot times I would make a circle around the mound and the other team will still bases, that happen a lot. I was in the 4th-6th grade at Druex and also left in 62. Wish I could pin point when we arrived and left. Might help explain what year my picture was with all the teams, could be either 59 or 60. Do you know anything about the fence and score board? I think that was taking the year we still had school at the HS building before we moved to the other side for a year. Do you remember going to the other side of the base for a year?

        • Welcome Glenn. I was looking at all three of our baseball pictures, Doug you and me. In mine I see the same field as yours but with the fence, flag pole and scoreboard. Wonder when they took it all down. Some place I have a trophy, it should have a date on it. I think mine was taking in 60. I see at least four teams in the line up. The next year or I could have skipped one year do to traveling around Europe, we had only enough for one team and played another base, I think only one game. The first year they also had a big award ceremony after the season in some building, can’t remember where though. I was there from 59 to 62. Doug and I found out that we were in the same 6th grade class. So it is a very small world in todays world.

          • Ron, I appreciate the additional insight and your recollections. I was there the same years as you, but you may be a year or two older. I left in the summer of ’62 after just turning 11 and finishing 5th grade. You mentioned a combined team. I do remember being on some kind of a combined (age-wise) all star team. I think that team only played one game; I think at Evreux. I was one of the younger kids. It may be the same team you mentioned. It’s funny the things you remember, and forget!

          • Well, the years do take their toll on the memory. I went back and checked and the only year that I played baseball at Dreux was 1963, which tends to explain why things didn’t seem to line up quite right. That summer we only played a few games. One of the housing areas fielded a team and we also played the women’s softball team. But that was probably it. Also explains why I couldn’t recall playing another base. — Doug

  517. I just put a brief bio of Doug Donnell on the site. I decided since no one has made any suggestions to rename this section of the site: “Our Gang”. It’s never too late to get your bio up. I know I am curious about everyone active on our site. Bill

    • Bill-
      I love the idea of “Our Gang”! Very appropriate…:)
      I have just finished reading Doug’s bio here tonight. He has truly captured the feelings of this gang when he stated that Dreux was a special place…our time there was very special…and many of us share that affection for our dear old base as you say, Doug! Well said. I have often wondered what was it about that base that made it so special to us? What has brought so many of us back there to revisit after many, many years? Wouldn’t it be great if we could gather up all the Dreuxites – young and old – and make a pilgrimage back to see and experience it all just once more??? I wonder what it would take to gain entrance, if it is possible at all? Food for thought…

      • Sherry – I heard from Glenn Burchard yesterday. I told him that I was so happy when I heard from you some time ago (two years?). I am afraid I cut short our correspondence because my husband became ill and I was most preoccupied. Then I found I couldn’t recapture your email address. So it looks like I have a second chance to “talk” to you. I hope you are well. We are both fine, thank you – my husband just celebrated his 90th birthday and I will be 80 in August. Time marches on, but God is good. We have been blessed with two children and nearly two grandchildren (our grandson is 9 and our daughter is due in early February. How about you? I think you found me because I was trying to find Ed Eller, the artist. I did locate him, but her hasn’t been well, has lost his partner, and no longer paints. I am so thrilled to have two of his paintings – both of Dreux scenes.

        • Miss Waris –
          You will always be Miss Waris to me 🙂 I am so very happy that we have reconnected as I did wonder what had happened when the correspondence stopped. I do hope that both you and your husband are enjoying good health now. I am in the process of writing a short bio for this site, so watch this space 🙂 In the meantime I wanted you to know that I became a teacher, having been inspired by you!, and taught school for 37 years before retiring in 2006. We are so very glad to have you join our gang!

      • It would be great to see the place again. What was nice about my visit in 1995 was that the French military had retained control of the base and that any deteriorization in the facilities was just due to time. Everything was pretty much intact, although obviously in pretty sad shape. But, since the base was guarded, there had not been much vandalism. Now, 20 years later, I think the situation is much different and I’m not sure what we’d find if we did have the opportunity to take a look. But I would sure like to do it! Glenn mentioned going there last summer and it was clear from his pictures that a lot of the old buildings are still standing.

  518. Glenn,
    On second thought your family car could have been a French PEUGEOT.
    I recall the hubcaps having the letter E on some of the PEUGEOT’S like the one in your driveway ????
    A/2C Sibert

  519. Hey Glenn,
    The auto shown two times in your latest pictures, one of you near it on a pogo stick, looks to be like an American Packard. If it is, it looks to be one from 1956-1958. If it is not tell us just what make it is. Do you recall on the other side of the perimeter fence a French farm that Sherry recalls in her stories ? She tells of the wonderful man and wife who were so very kind to her and her sister.
    A/2C Sibert

    • The black car is a Simca Chambord (sp). The red one is a Renault Dauphine. I do remember the farm, however, I don’t recall any interaction with them.

  520. Put up a story of Sherry’s favorite teacher in Dreux Memories.

    Sherry – could not open your file. The .aww type is unknown to my windows program. I got the text out for the story but any paragraphs or other formatting you had was lost. Bill

  521. This information was sent to me today from the folk at the Dreux American High School site: Google Earth has loaded street views of the American Housing in La Loupe and Senonches. If you lived there or know someone who did – take a look!

    • Thanks Sherry. Could somebody tell me where the La Loupe housing was? I don’t believe it was being used when I arrived at Dreux in ’61. Also, where exactly is the Dreux housing area? I remember going there quite a few times but, since I wasn’t a driver back in those days, the exact location escapes me. If anybody knows, just give me a street name and I’ll find it on Google Earth. I’ll take some Google Earth screen shots and send them to Bill to post on the site.

  522. Glenn – Put your story up on Memories of Dreux. We can revise it later if you want and add pictures. It’s going to ring a lot of bells with people who were there when you were. Bill

  523. Christmas one year 1958 or 59 or 60. Goodies for the kids arrived via parachute out of the back of a cargo plane which circled the field and then santa parachuted out. A very skinny santa. To this day the best santa arrival ever.

  524. Hi. My name is Bob Chapin and I recently stumbled upon your site. Great job. Pictures and remembrances brought back memories. My dad, MSG Chapin, was assigned to HQ, 60th TCW and worked in Maint Control as the C-119 Controller. He joined the 60th TCW at Rhein-Main AB in Jan 55 and moved with it to Dreux AB in Oct 55; he and family rotated back to CONUS in Jan 58. We were original inhabitants of T-753 in the NCO Trailer Park. I was 11 when we arrived and was pushing 14 when we left. I’m working on a short bio of my dad – died in 1997 – and will share some of my findings when I’m done. Thanks. Bob Chapin

  525. Just put up new sections of Sibert’s newspaper. One that should be of interest to Sherry – Dreux getting ready for thanksgiving.

    Put up new pictures from Tom Joyner. No captions yet.

    Tom – if you are the tall guy I think a picture of you is the album “Is this Dreux?”.

    • Bill-
      Chuck’s newspaper article describes the Dreux Thanksgiving of my memory beautifully! I am literally left weak after having read this piece. Isn’t this something else??? 🙂
      Keep them coming, Chuck!


      • Hi Tom! I was stationed at Dreux from Oct54 T0jan56. We were in the same company I drove the 5 ton wrecker & tractor trailer off & on. I think Capt Russo was the co commander. G B Mcintyre rotated back to the states same time as me . I happen to stumble on this web site & it sure brought back a lot of memories Gonna try & post some pics when I get some help to do it long time ago huh? Bob

        • Hey Bob. ICan’t Remember You But Your Name Rings A Bell. You Are Right Capt. Russo Was Our Co. Cammander BUt, When I arrived AT Dreux There Was A Capt. Bucko Do you Remember Him? Bob Have You Sent Any Pictures Yet I Sure Would Like To See You I Think I Might Remember You If I Could See Your Picyure. I Live I n North Carolina Now. Retired From The Postal Service. Don’t Do anything Have A Bad Heart Can,t even ifI wanted To. Sure Hope I Can Find A picture Of You I Do Remember That Wrecker It Was Air Force Blue Right. Bob Where Do You Live Now And How Is Your Health. It Been A Heck Of A Long Since We Were At Dreux. Take Care Of Yourself And Send Me An Email. Good To Hear From You Take Care Thomas Joyner

  526. Hi,

    My name is Glenn Burchard, and my Dad (also Glenn) was an Air Traffic Controller, Tsgt (GCA and Tower) stationed at Dreux from 1959 to 1962. I was 8-11 at the time. We lived in the enlisted men’s trailers on base. I have a number of pictures that I’d like to post on the site, but wanted your guidance on how to best do that. Of course, I have some from back then, as well as some from October 2012 when my wife and I stopped by the base when visiting France. By then the runways were pretty full of solar panels! We snuck on base for a bit and then were chased off before we could see much. The base structures have continued to deteriorate, but maybe the electric company that owns the property will save some of them. We’re going to go back this summer, so I might get more photos.

    Thanks for setting up this great page. I’ve seen some pictures that really bring back memories…so your efforts are paying off!

    I look forward to your response.


    • Glenn – Welcome to the site. We would love your pictures. The best way is scan them into .jpg files and attach them to an email(brmcleod@little-to-no.org).

      • Bill, thanks for responding; and Charles thanks for your email. We actually lived right on ‘Perimeter Rd’, T218 in the elisted housing. I’ll try to email some photos in jpg format to load on the site. Right now I’m not remembering any of the names I’ve seen on the site. When I get some time I’ll write my story but it may not be as extensive as some others. I do remember that my mom, Helen, was the Base Commander’s secretary for awhile. I was in Boy Scouts, played baseball and learned to play golf on the 9-hole course that was set up near the runways and taxiways. I actually worked picking up balls on the driving range for free golf and free food at the clubhouse.

    • Hi Glenn – Welcome to the blog. Sounds like we overlapped a little during our Dreux times. What grades were you in when you were there? I was in 6th in 61/62 and 7th in 62/63. Also played baseball and was in Boy Scouts. Did you go to summer camp with the Scout troop? If so, we were probably on the same trip. — Doug

  527. There are several ways we get info on new people for this website. One the blog, two the units rosters, and three sometimes email. In the past I have had Chuck send emails to the unit roster people and hopefully they would then find the blog. This hasn’t always happened. I am now going to add their information to the blog as we get it and then try to be sure they find the blog. The particular input that triggered this decision was of someone who was a kid at Dreux close to same time that Paula was. Maybe at last we have someone who remembers the quonset school. Here is his information.
    Robert Chapin,
    Oct 1955 – Jan 1958

    Please include name, rank. serial number, job, and unit either yours
    or of your parent. If you were a civilian employee send what infor you
    MSGT Robert Chapin; AF19332611. HEDRON 60th TCW, Wing Materiel
    Maintenance supervisor; C-119 controller.

  528. George,
    Welcome! I hope that you will enjoy this site as much as so many of us do. Do you remember where you lived in the trailer park? Which of the three loops? By any chance did you know my Dad – Msgt Daniel Watson, who worked in Personnel? You were stationed at Dreux at the same time. This group would love to see any photos or read any memories that you might have to share. 🙂

  529. Howdy. Just ran into your blog and enjoyed reading the entries. I was stationed at Dreux from 1958 until 1961. Was assigned to the base Communications and was in charge of the Base Telephone Section and was a part time bartender at the Officers Club.Keep up the good works an d keep the pictures coming. By the way, I lived in the military housing in Dreux before moving to the trailers on base.
    Tsgt Tyndall Ret

    • Hi George – welcome to the blog. Also, glad to have another comm guy on board. I ended up in the comm field during my AF career, but that didn’t come until many years after leaving Dreux. Please take a look at the map we posted and identify as many of the comm facilities as you can. I sort of guessed that Building 131 was the comm center (and Dial Central Office) since it was located in the middle of the base and was the most logical place for it to be. But any inputs would be much appreciated. Glad to have you on the blog. – Doug

    • Hey Tyndall…Crisafulli here…
      I could never pronounce that place in Washington state you are from. You and Bojako got there mid-1958 as I recall.

  530. I Was Stationed At Dreaux Air Base In 1953 To 1955 Out Fit Was H&S Co. 821 EAB . Anyone Out There Attached To That Outfit. And Do You Have Pictures From That Time? Sure Would Like To See Some Thanks, Thomas

    • Tom – To answer your questions we have a story which I took from Military.com from a then 2nd LT Joseph Aston who was at Dreux from 52 to 54. It names a few names but we don’t have any current contact with him. I have been in contact with Morris Boucher who was in headquarters company. He lives in Texas now but is not in good health. I talk to him and he says he will get on the website but it never happens. The only pictures we may have came to us from Dreux soldier ‘s niece. She did not know what outfit he was in but let us use his pictures. Look in the pictures for “Was this Dreux?” folder. One of the pictures definitely has an 821Eab on the bumper of a dump truck. His name was Allard M Mears Jr. She knew him as uncle junior. Let me know if you recognize any of the pictures or people. (on this blog) Welcome to the blog. Bill McLeod

  531. Just like to take this oppurtunity to wish everyone a happy & most prosperous New Year and to thank everyone involved in this most enjoyable website. I have read all the stories and comments and looked at every picture. It’s smashing..

  532. Hi Everyone –
    Just thinking here tonight about how our families spent Christmas in the Dreux trailers so many years ago. I remember we had a live tree for both years, but do not know where they had come from. Were trees sold anywhere on base? Nearby off base? Does anyone out there remember? Perhaps someone on this blog knows the answer 🙂

    • Hi Sherry and welcome to the new members of the blog.
      Funny that you should write this question as I started writing a little “Christmas at Dreux” story for the website. I’ll get around to finishing soon and will scan a few pictures to add as well. We had Christmas trees both of the years we were at Dreux (Christmas ’61 and ’62), but I don’t remember where they came from. I’m quite certain that we got them on base, however. Christmas ’62 was a white Christmas for sure as it was one of the coldest winters that France had seen in a good while. We had plenty of snow and it lasted for quite a while. More to follow . . .
      – Doug

  533. I was stationed at Dreux and assigned to the11th Sq from March 1956 to March 1960. I lived in the barracks for a couple of months then moved off base living with my family at the Chateau La Barre. Les Chatelets until rotating.

    • Jim, I was at Dreux in the 60th Aircraft Maintainance Squadron from Mar ’56 till Sep ’58. I lived at the Chateau De La Barre from Nov ’57 till Sep ’58. Is this the same place?

      • Larry. Yes same Chateau. Names of some of the people I knew who lived there and also worked in your shop: Accord, Auckland, Faase, Shirey, Stakley, Terry. And maybe Fleisher. My wife, baby daughter and I are in your picture right front. My wife asked was your wife the French girl she remembers named Sido.

        • Jim, small world! Yes the French girl named Sido was my wife. We were married for 12 years and divorced. We are still friends. I remember many of the people you mentioned. I wish I could talk to them!!

          • Larry, I share your sentiments. Many of the people I remember from Dreux have passed on. However, my wife Ronne, met a guy in 1973 at the airport in Honolulu. He lived in the Chateau & worked in your shop, Roger Accord. He was a Captain for PANAM flying 747’s on the Pacific route. We still keep in touch with good friends also from the Chateau, Vince Snipas & his wife Helga. Vince was a radio operator in the 10th Sq. My wife said, please give her regards to Sido.

  534. Hi Gary!. Hope to see your pictures soon. Since I got on this site, not long ago I have found that some of us where in the same class room and some of the same pictures. As Sherry said, several of our families were their at the same time as yours. Looking forward to them.

  535. Our family lived in France Jan 1960 to Oct 1962. My dad, CPT Arthur G. Collier, was a navigator in the 11th Troop Carrier Squadron at Dreux AFB until the squadrons started to shut down and then moved to Evereux AFB for the last part of his tour. My two older sisters and brother all went to the dependent school on base at Dreux. We lived in Vernouil, a town about half way between Dreux and Evereux. I remember my dad flying a lot and bring back souvenirs from all over the Mediterranean. I will search the family slide collection, which I have scanned, and see if I can post some of them. My older sister, Claire, has vivid memories of the school on base…..

    • Welcome, Gary! You were at Dreux the same time as our family. How old would your sisters have been at the time? What about you – how old were you in 1960? We all love to see new pictures posted on this site. Please have a look through your slides and share them with this group of fellow Dreuxites.

  536. Carolyn – Check out you pictures. I have updated the captions with the information I have. Check for accuracy I have been known to hit the wrong keys. Can you tell us more about the wedding picture. I am guessing that it is the local wedding but who is best man and matron of honor? Location of picture? Bill

  537. I would sure like to get into this group. I was at Dreux for four years 1962-1966. I was in the Det 2 ACISQ Sq. I was called “Hollywood” I doubt if anyone would remember me except my Sq. But I had a good friend in @ Mob name Msgt Eagle. Does anyone remember him?

    • Michael – Was that MSgt Jay Eagle and was he married to a Spanish girl? I was stationed at Dreux from Jan 65 to Mar 67. I worked in the Base Housing Office.

      • Hi! Well this is the same one but his wife “Maria” was French and was a good friend of my wife who also was french. He went to Weisbaden Germany from Dreux and I visited with them when I came back going to Hahn AB in 1968. Small world for sure I still am in contact some friends from Dreux..

        • Michael

          This is really a puzzle, the Jay Eagle we knew was married to a Spanish girl. The reason I remember this is my wife is from Spain also. They also went from Dreux to Wiesbaden. Maria had triplets at Wiesbaden hopital around April or May 67 where my wife was a nurse. Could this possibly be the same couple?

          • You are right!! But I am almost possitive that Maria was French. No big deal But Jay Eagle is the same person and yes they had tripletts.

          • Michael – When was the last time you were in touch with the Eagles? Did you have any friends in the 7305th Combat Support Group? How long did you spend at Hahn? I was stationed at Ramstein from 1972 -1979 and then again from 1982 – 1988.

  538. Carolyn – I have changed the ship on the pictures to USS Buckner. You had your father’s initials correct. Somehow I changed them. I have put up your new pictures with out captions for now. Can you tell us your
    siblings names? The picture with the plane is definitely Dreux. The airplane is from the 10 Troop carrier squadron at Dreux. Where did you land in the states?

    Doug – Send us your pictures of the SS United States. A lot of people in the earlier days went by ship and might like to see them.

    • Hi Bill – Thanks for updating everything ; ). My brother’s name is Greg Murzinski – he was born in 1959, when we were stationed in Harlingen TX after my 1st trip (on USS Buckner) to the States. My sister [in the picture] is Natalie [Murzinski] Eddins who was born in Germany in 1961 (I believe she was born in Bitburg – we were in several places in Germany – Spangdahelm, Wiesbaden, etc. so I am not positive). We came back to the states in 1963 on SSUS through New York were in Madison WI [GoodFellow AFB ?] for a year then transferred to Colo. Springs [‘Pete’s’ Field] where our youngest sister, Monique [Murzinski] McCaffrey (not in photos)was born in 1964. As a footnote, Monique’s husband is currently in Kabul with his Army Reserve unit until next spring – praying for his safe return, as well as all the other units still fighting over there. My son was in the Navy for 5 years, as a navigator, on the USS Memphis (SSN-691). In addition, to my father, son & brother-in-law, I am proud to be surrounded by military blood (past & present) through my uncles, grandfathers, father-in-law, nephew & ex-husband, from all branches of the military, including the Coast Guard & even the French Resistance ; ) Thanks for letting ‘brag’ – hard to find people who care about these things anymore, unless you are currently living it…Carolyn

  539. Well, I apologize, my mother has corrected me …the pictures of my parents on the boat are from the USS Buckner, Army ship 1958. On a footnote, when we came back to the states the 2nd time (from Germany), it was on S.S.U.S. – we definitely left from Bremerhaven & I believe my mother said we stopped in LeHavre…I have some pics from the trip on the S.S.U.S on facebook. I will try & share them here as well. Final note, my dad’s middle initial is “J” not “C” – hopefully I spelled it right in my e-mail : (

  540. Put up pictures from Carolyn Murzinski. Both in her folder and in the new pictures. Did anyone older than she was go over or back on a ship? I would like to know where they left from in the states and where they arrived in Europe. Bill

    • Interesting question Bill. We came back from France in 1964 on the SS United States. Apparently the US gov’t sent quite a few military members and their families on the SS United States or the SS America to help subsidize the American merchant fleet. There were still lots of passenger liners in operation at that time. We left from Le Havre. I’m not sure when the military stopped using troop ships to move people for routine PCS moves, but I would guess about 1960. The ships used to dock at Bremerhaven in Germany. Not sure where they might have come in for France. There was a large port operation at La Rochelle. I’ll forward some SSUS pix if anyone is interested.

  541. Carolyn-
    You are very welcome to our group here and are encouraged to contribute photos, memories, stories, etc. to share. I hope your Mom can find some old Dreux photos!

    • Thx – she’s looking to see what she can find – I sent Chuck & Bill a few pictures of my parents from back then…

  542. I stumbled across your website looking for pictures of Brezolles [my mother’s hometown] and spent the last couple of hours going through all the pictures & information you have all shared. Just want to ‘thank you’ for putting this website together. My father was stationed at Dreux & met my mother there [at the BX I think] in 1955. I believe he was there through most of 1956 but that is a guess since I was born in May & remember the 1st time we came to the US was when I was 9 mos. old. If anyone out there remembers Vic [V.J., Sonny] Murzinski or my mom, Odette [Tigat] Marie, give me a holler. My dad passed in 1984, shortly after his retirement [28 years] & is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. I have shared your pictures & website with my mom – she is having a blast looking at them. She might even have some of my dad’s old photos from Dreux…will check & try to scan them. Thanks again!

  543. Chuck-
    If you’re loosing it – then this ol’ gal is, too – at 62! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to all the Dreux family from this side of the big pond tonight.

  544. Does anybody besides me remember the french workers digging dandelions on the lunch break. If it was one thing Dreux had plenty of, it was dandelions. Bill

  545. Sherry,
    I was wrong about the base street between the NCO trailer park and your poppy playing field. I called it Iowa when in reality it is Idaho street.
    I hope I’m not loosing it. Smile. Please reply to make an old fella happy.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Chuck, it is clear that you are completely losing it. But before you are gone check out the new pix I put on and see if you recognize anything
      A/1C Larry Freimuth

  546. I was assigned to the 60th Air Police Squadron from l955-l957….I recently visited the site, not more or less desolated area, building rotting away, etc. The local town, Chateauneuf/Malliboise,etc seem to be thriving nicely….


  547. Just uploaded a bunch of pictures from Larry Freimuth. His son took them in the early 90’s. We will have to work on captions. He has more and as he gets them scanned we will put them up.

  548. Served at Dreux AFB from November 55 through Dec 1956. Met a French lady by the name of Rose Martin. She worked at the BX and we became close friends. She lived in Crecy-Couve. I have often wondered what became of her. The base was pretty much a mud hole when I arrived so most of us spend weekends in Paris until our money ran out. Would enjoy hearing from anyone who served at Dreux especially those that served during my tour. There was a bar a mile or so from the main gate We frequented. It was run by a lady named Mickey who offered friendly service. She wasn’t bad looking. A couple of my good buddies I served with was Ray Hebert and Charles “Chuck” Morgera . If any of you know these guys please let me know. My email address is 4jdpsr@gmail.com.

    • Hi Jerry Was stationed at Dreux oct54 jan 56 Was in H&S Co EAB Drove 5 ton wrecker Just happen to stumble on this web site brought back a lot of memories & seen where we were there about the same time I,am sure our paths crossed Re: Bob Keller

  549. Just added a new story from Chuck – He has a 322nd Combat Cargo newspaper. It is not in good shape and he has to handle it with care. It might remind you of things you haven’t thought about. As he manages to scan more we add them and let you know about it. Bill

  550. Updated my story on Web People. It will probably grow with time. At the present it is an example only. You all will probably do better. Start writing those stories and selecting your pictures. Bill

  551. I felt I should introduce myself – I’m Doug’s sister, Susie! You’ve seen several pictures of me in pictures Doug has posted. I don’t remember too much from our tour to Dreux but am enjoying seeing old family pictures and learning about life on the base. It was a great time for our family and it’s nice to hear others enjoyed their time there, too.

    Thanks for the memories!

    • Susie Gal,
      Thanks for getting your say across to us on the blog. I’m very glad you’re not afraid to mix it up with the guys on this site! We would like to get a picture, a grown up one of you and Doug, to place in the pictures album section. What do you say about that ? Again thank you so very much for your input. Looking ahead for your next blog say-so !
      A/2C Sibert

  552. I have added a story on Mud at Dreux by Larry Freimuth. I also moved the comments form to the top of the blog so you won’t have to scroll so far to comment. Bill

  553. Larry asked about commenting on the pictures. I did a little checking and I found that it was already there. You can comment on the album, the individual folder, and the picture. The key to all this is a little black square in the lower right hand corner of the screen. It is black and has a + in it. Click on this symbol and a bar opens up on the bottom of the screen. On the left is comments, next is the number of visits to the site. (this has changed when I have to reload the whole album but tells you about recent activity). Next are links to the sharing sites and then about us (which is inaccurate and takes you to the software site. Our site is hosted by GoDaddy.com.) Click on the comments button and a window opens up for you to type in. Currently it will say no comments yet and ask you to be the first. Give it a try.

  554. Just put new Pictures from Terry Taterus.He was at Dreux 5-59. Check out his collection. Added one of the pictures to Chuck’s pictures to show a change from 1956 to 1987.

  555. I have a few general questions — might be of interest to all if somebody has the answers or can point me in the right direction:

    1) What is the current status of the base? I realize that most of it has now been turned into a solar power generating station, (and belongs to the Eure et Loire Department) but, from the looks of overhead imagery on Bing it seems as though the main part of the base has not been touched. Was the old part of the base itself retained by the French military? Also, don’t know if the Over-the-horizon-backscatter radar that was built out at Marguerite 4 is still in service. Anybody know about that?

    2) Did the French military have a plan for the base when we handed it back over back in 67? I’m sure the facilities were in reasonably good shape at the time but would have started to deteriorate rapidly if the utilities were shut off and no provisions made to mothball the place for future reactivation. When I visited in 95 it was still a locked facility and the guards told me that French commandos used it for training purposes from time to time. There was some artwork on the walls at the Marguerite 1 hanger that indicated that it had been used by the French military at some point. I’m curious as to what the plan for future use was in 1967 and how that evolved until the transfer to Eure et Loire a few years ago.


  556. Doug,
    In your pictures album a photo shows your mom and Susie near road signs.
    You ask what town could they be in when that photo was taken?
    I believe they were in Anet not far from Dreux City. There is a Chateau there dating back to 1552. Take a look see when you find Anet. God Bless.
    A/2C Sibert

    • I’ll have to do a little more checking on this. My initial thought was that it was taken in Senonches, but I used Google street view and couldn’t find an intersection with signs pointing to Dreux/Brezolles in one direction and Chartres/Chateauneuf in the other. I’ll check Anet as well, but seems unlikely as Mom didn’t go there shopping. The Anet chateau was one of our school field trips.

  557. Working on new pictures from Doug Donnell. They will soon be up. In them is a picture of one of Sherry’s blue buses. In the mail is pictures from an airman Pateres (spelling?) who was at Dreux at the same time Larry Freimuth was. Keep Checking.

  558. uploaded a couple of pictures from Sibert. I have added a new folder title new pictures. When I add pictures I will put them in the personal folder and in the new pictures folder. After about three weeks I will delete them from the new pictures folder. Bill

    • Bill,,
      I saw a photo of you with a lot of bushy white hair. I need to get a photo of me to send you. I got enough bushy white hair to make you look bald by comparison!!!!

      • I forgot to say the New Pictures folder is a great Idea. Maybe there should be someplace where people could say more about their pictures.
        Also I think it would nice to have a place where we could post up to date photos of ourselves. I would love to see what some of my old buddies look like now!!!

  559. Been putting up videos on youtube. It seems that most people including me can’t get the one I put on our site to work. Look for Video in the Header and it will take you to the links. All but one of the videos are from Ron Holland. The C-119 one is mine. He is doing a great job on the videos. Enjoy, Bill

    • Bill, I had no trouble seeing your C119 video. I thought it was great, but I thought you look a bit older now.
      I found a great video on Utube. Its called “Base militare {Dreux Senoches} by Ktadonf” It is in French, but it has a lot of great video of old Dreux AFB and modern ones too!!!!

  560. Just looking at the latest photos here by Chuck Sibert and Ron Holland. Well done to both. Regarding the pedal-car photo in Ron’s collection – does anyone know which hangar this was? The course was really neat and was used by adults and children. It tested the French road signs and rules. Afterwards, participants were awarded a kind of French driver’s license.

  561. Just posted pictures from Larry Freimuth. He went and bought an all-in-one printer and is learning to scan. He has has more which will come later Bill

  562. Doug Donnell has revised his maps to add street names, building numbers, building names (post office, barber…) They are now up. Also he has obtained a Welcome to Dreux brochure from the time the Air Guard was there. It is included with the maps. Click just like the maps and it will open in your browser if you adobe reader installed. Have fun. Bill

      • I got the newcomers brochure from the Air Force Historians — sent them an email asking about Dreux and they found the brochure in the history of the 7117th Wing. I’m hoping they’ll be able to find something else as well or point me in the direction of some other potential sources.

  563. Hi guys – I went to tell you to look at John Trafficante’s Pictures to see the race cars when I realized that it wasn’t there. All fixed now. Ron when you send a picture to Sherrie copy us in and we’ll add it to the story and start your folder. Bill

  564. To All—-Up date on home movies.

    Only have watched a couple today so far. Does anyone remember the 1/4 midget racing by the runway on a dirt track? I think this is what you were talking about Sherry. Chuck I think you are sitting in the bleacher’s, does look like you from your picture’s. A lot of Airmen and family’s in this short clip.

    • Ron –
      Yes! That’s the midget car track where the Sunday afternoon races were held. It was located just before the new school on the far side of the base. Us kids would take the shuttle bus over 🙂 Check out the photo that Bill is talking about on this site.
      By all means – send the photo along as I can’t wait to see it! Send anything else of interest as well as copying to this site. You have a potential goldmine there, Ron! Well done. Look forward to hearing back from you.

  565. Ron –
    I think I know what you are talking about. Was it in a hangar? When we first arrived at Dreux we were all given a large card with the new road signs on it to study. Then, at some point, our class was taken over to an indoor track where we each got in a pedal car and drove around the track…paying attention to each road sign. At the end, if we passed, we were presented with a kind of French driver’s license. It was really special! It folded in half as I kept mine in my back pocket. Any kid who rode a bike on base was encouraged to take part. It must have been offered to adults, too, as Mom went as well. Do you remember any of this?
    So glad to hear that the movies are on their way 🙂 Can’t wait to see what you have there.

    • Sherry,
      You have quite the memory. I think your email address is on the email Chuck sent to us on the ES. If it is alright I will send the picture of it. The Thanksgiving dinner you mention I remember going to one. I think some of that might be in one of the films. Your story about the flight over was just like ours. We lost one of the engines between Newfoundland and France. It went out during the night and when I woke up we were landing which I thought was France but was back at Newfoundland, we spent two days while they fixed it.

      • Ron –
        Man, that must have been some plane adventure! It is amazing that you may have been at the same Thanksgiving dinner – and could very well have photos of it. Wow! Also, Chuck has told me that he could very well have been scooping up the mashed potatoes in that chow line 🙂 ! If you can’t get to my email address, just ask Chuck. I would like yours as well. Many thanks.

    • Well, this blog seems to have truly become the “Dreux School Blog” so as an ex airman at Dreux I don’t see a lot of reason to visit it anymore.
      A/1C Larry Freimuth

      • Larry – I would love to see more posts from airmen that were stationed at Dreux. It would be great to know more about the operations at the base before 61. Also, quite a few have indicated that more pictures are coming and there will hopefully be more from the operational side. – Doug

        • Doug, I found some old pix of the base. I bought a new scanner, and I will send them to you if you tell me how. There are a few of my barracks on the corner or Florida and California streets. I believe it was known as “Barracks #3”. The whole base looks much different and more primitive. I would like to locate the airborn electronics shop where I worked. I thought it was in the building marked auto shop. Can anyone clarify this??
          A/1C Larry Freimuth

          • Hi Larry – sent you a personal email with instructions. It would make perfect sense for the avionics shop to be in the same building that I had marked as “auto hobby shop”. I got this info from the brochure that was put out by the base in 1962, after regular flight operations ceased, so lots of facilities that may have been previously used by the maintainers would have been turned over to another use. The building that I marked looks very large so the hobby shop may have only been a part of it. Also there’s a fairly large building across the street that was probably related to maintenance. I’m hoping that you and others that were working at Dreux can fill in the blanks. Since I have the building numbers, we can start a chart with what organization was in what building at what time if we get enough inputs. Thanks much for your contributions. — Doug

  566. Listen Up Dreux Folks,
    Here are a few phone numbers & building numbers for you to ponder &
    begin to send to us the ones you recall about the base.
    Personnel Headquarters 6221
    Library 57 6257
    Trancient Alert Hanger 1 7219
    A2C Sibert
    P.S. Check your pictures for building numbers to send to us also your orders for phone numbers.

    • As an airman who was stationed at Dreux AFB from Mar ’56 till Sept ’58, and who would like to hear from other airmen who where stationed there. may I humbly ask the kids that went to school there if they could ask their parents who were stationed there, to maybe contribute something.
      A/1C Larry Freimuth

  567. On the “Dreux Review” (original) that was posted by Larry Friemuth, there’s a picture of three women on the second page, left side. The one on the left is Madame Piwowarek, who was my French teacher in 6th grade. She is the lady in the picture I posted in my story about taking a field trip to Maintenon chateau. Others in grade school or middle school may have had her as a teacher as well.

      • You must have forwarded a copy of the Dreux Review newspaper to Bill and he uploaded it. It’s in the “Memories of Dreux” section of the website.

        • Doug,
          Yes, I remember it now. I guess my 79 year old mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. I lived in the Chateau de la Barre from Nov 57 till Sept 58.

    • Doug –
      Yes! I had her as my French teacher in grade 3 in the old school (your high school) in 1959-60. She came into our classroom twice a week and it was great. I remember we each had to buy two books (one being a workbook of sorts and the other was like a small textbook with a blue cover). The texture on the cover of the textbook was very rough and didn’t feel like any other book that I have ever had in my hands. She taught us all the usual material – counting, alphabet, words, etc. and was especially good at French songs. She also brought along records. At Christmas we sang in French at the Christmas program. Does anyone else remember her?

      • Sherry, I remember taking French class, but do not remember the names of teacher.
        I did find those home movies today about a hundred rolls. Once I go thru them and figure out how to splice and dice so it’s only of the base and housing area so it will be interesting for everyone. I think you said you lived in Dreux Housing also’ I found out that we lived in #244.
        Did you ever go to the bumper car ride in Dreux? Found a picture of that.

        • Ron-
          That’s fantastic! Keep at it as we would all love to see those movies, for sure!
          No, I never lived in Dreux housing (always in the trailer on base), but we did go to the open house when they first opened. That’s when the photos were taken. By any chance, did you know a girl in my class called Laura Smith who lived there? She had a younger brother. We were good friends…

        • Ron-
          I meant to tell you that I never rode the bumper cars at Dreux (sadly)…but wanted to ask you if you ever went to the Sunday afternoon boxcar races on the far side of the base near the new school? 🙂 We had such fun!

          • I’ don’t know. What do you mean by boxcar races. The picture I found of the bumper car was not really bumper cars in Dreux. It was a large pedal cars set up on some sort of course with road signs on base. Should of put on my glasses. I have gone thru some of the films. So far very little was on base, most of it has been of all of the other countries. Short piece of the trailers with different people in it. My sister and her boyfriend loading the bus for the prom at Eiffel tower and a Air Show. I remember going to the Air Show in Paris, but this was much smaller, that is why I was wondering the base ever had one. Lot’s more film to look at.

  568. In keeping with the recent theme of this being the “Dreux School Website” 🙂 I think I’ve pieced together the story of our traveling school. When the base was being built, the school was located in one of the quonset huts — probably in the area that eventually became officers’ housing. If you look at an old aerial photo of the base, there were a lot more quonsets than when I arrived in ’61and some of them were rather large. I’m guessing that all base facilities were in the quonsets while the permanent buildings were being constructed. When I arrived in ’61 several were being used (I indicated on the map that the bowling alley, bank, Rod and Gun Club, and thrift shop were all in that general area. I don’t know where the original theater was, but I’m guessing it was also one of those. As I recall, most of the quonsets at that point were not being actively used, or were only used for storage. I’m speculating that the original school was in that area as well. The building that eventually became the high school was probably built to be the elementary school. Reason: there was no high school planned for Dreux and the building looks as though it was built for that purpose — it was single story with classrooms that actually looked like classrooms. The building was off by itself. If you look at other later “school” buildings, they were converted barracks — the standard 2 story design. So, when the decision was made to open the HS at Dreux in ’60, they probably decided to move the ES to the marguerite 6 area so the HS could have the premier school building. Also, the dorms were within walking distance of the new HS (former ES). The barracks over on the other side of the base were empty because of the drawdown and the area had its own heating plant, so this would have been a good way to keep the facilities on that side of the base available and operational. My guess, however, is that after one year the decision was made to move back to the main part of the base. With so few people now on the base, it would have saved quite a bit of money to shut down the marguerite 6 heating plant and not have to bus kids from the main base (again, pure speculation). Anyway, after one year on the other side of the base, the operation was moved back to the main base to the two buildings that I remember (that would have been the 61-62 school year). Space was not an issue with the departure of all operational aircraft — there just wasn’t much of a need for much barracks space. Also, all of the trailers (most were empty in ’61) would have been available for surge requirements if need. In fact, that’s what happened as the Alabama ANG folks moved into a bunch of the trailers. I’m going to assume that the ES remained in the buildings on the main base until it closed as there would have been little reason to move again. The HS remained where it was until the closure of the base.

    Anyway, with all of the great posts from everyone, that’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! Of course, it’s all subject to modification when some better info comes along, but it all seems logical to me.

    The missing piece to all of this is exactly where the original school would have been and when the move was made to the permanent school building. As I said, my guess for the location is one of the larger quonsets in the officers’ housing area, and the move from there to the permanent building was probably done in the late 50’s (maybe ’56 or ’57) as the permanent base facilities were being completed.

    Great discussion, folks. Doug

  569. Doug,
    59-60 I was in 4th at HS, 60-61 was at the new school across base, 61-62 was back on main side in the 6th. I only played little league two of the three years. First year I played we had quite a few teams. The second year I think we had only one that I recall. Played only a couple of games and I think that was with another base. How many 6th grade classes were there? I would think only one.

    • I think we’re zeroing in on each other. I was in the 6th in 61-62. I’m pretty sure there was only one class. Teacher was Mr. Lageson. I have the class photo which I can scan and send to you. If you were in that class, then that’s probably you in the field trip photo. Small world. I think I only played little league one year — thought it was the summer of 63, but it may have been 62. We only played a few games. The Senonches housing area had a team and we played them a few times and we also played the base women’s softball team. It was a short season. If you look at my photos that were posted, the on base team had the “Giants” uniforms and Senonches had the “Dreux” uniforms. I have a couple more pix of the baseball team. — Doug

      • Doug, I can’t wait to see it. Do you have my email address? I will go out to my parent’s place today. My son lives there now. But two rooms are filled with my parents old photo’s and antiques. You mentioned going to Boy Scouts outing. I know there is a photo of the Cub Scout pack that I was in and I do remember going to a Jamboree in France.

        • I don’t think I have your email. Mine is on the maps (I’d list here, but I don’t want a webcrawler to pick it up and start sending me spam). Send me your email directly and I’ll send the class photo. If you were actually in the class (and it sounds as though you were) you’ll get a real kick out of it. I can’t remember very many names, but remember most of the kids and something about them. Amazing what comes to mind when you really start putting the pieces together.

          I went to Camp Cazaux twice (summer of 62 and 63) with our troop — there’s lots about it on the story part of the website. Also remember going to a camporee up near Paris somewhere. That would have probably been in 63. We used to go camping out at the Marguerite 6 area from time to time.

  570. Does anyone know what happened to all of the trailers when the base closed in 1967? I have often wondered about that.

    • They were sold for salvage as part of the drawdown/move of US forces from France. I remember reading about it and I’ll see if I can find some more details. – Doug

        • This is from the book, “US Air Force in France 1950-1967” by Jerome McAuliffe:
          “Since Project Caravan began in 1954, USAFE had acquired more trailers than any other service in Europe and many of these were in France since no permanent on-base housing could be built. The trailers were offered to EUCOM units; 428 were accepted by USAFE. The Agency for International Development (AID) received 351 trailers for their needs in Southeast Asia. The remaining 802 were sold through disposal channels at an average price of $90 per unit. Bids ranged from $40 to $163 per trailer depending on its overall condition and whether or not parts had been removed. Removal of trailers from France was completed by 11 March 1967.”

          • This is unbelievable…and oh, so depressing 🙁 Thanks for the info, however…I do appreciate it.

    • Sherry

      I was stationed at Dreux from Jan 65 to Mar 67. I worked in the Base Housing Office. Some of the trailers were sent to Wheelus AB Libya which was a waste since Wheelus closed in June 1970.

  571. I’m not a blogetteer but wonder if there’s a way to separate blogs on this site from the troops and BRATS. Would be easier to read BRATS’ stories.
    Sherry –
    I remember as an 8-year-old seeing Creature from the Black Lagoon at that theater you mentioned … hard metal seats and a little girl would need to sit in the front row because big people blocked the view. I must have watched that whole movie with my hands close to my eyes. It was scary! LOL

    • I agree.
      As an airman assigned to the base, I would prefer to contact other airmen instead of kids that I have nothing in common with. I hope the kids keep bloging, but I would sure like to hear from other airmen too!!

    • Paula-
      Sorry, I don’t remember that particular film as you do – but we could very well have been sitting side-by-side in the theater as the Watson kids never missed the Saturday matinee!

    • Paula,
      I do not think you’ll have much trouble reading blogs from troops as you say and brats. As you can see, former troops at Dreux AB are asleep somewhere in this world. We just do not hear much from them. Looks like it may take months down the road to get answers from them. Many of the older troops who were at the base when it began, just can not send much to us? I get a tear in my eyes reading what the young folks are telling us about their school days at the base. I say, keep it coming !!
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • I think that the airmen of Dreux have really dropped the ball in not supporting this wonderful web site created and developed by Bill McLeod, Charles Sibert, Doug Donnell and others. II it were not for them and the “Brats” I am sure this site would not be here. SO, HOWARD, CARMINE, BOB, AND THE REST OF YOU AIRMEN, I KNOW YOU READ THIS BLOG, SO HOW ABOUT DOING YOUR PART AND WRITE SOMETHING!!!!

      • Chuck-
        Amen to that! And thanks to you and Bill for giving us, the second-generation Dreuxites, the opportunity to share our memories via your creation of this wonderful website. Well done!

  572. Ron and Doug and Paula – 🙂
    I, too, think that Doug’s explanation is a very good one . The only piece of the puzzle that doesn’t quite fit is Faye. She stated that she went to the new school for 3 years, beginning in 1962, for grades 2-3-4. I, too, think it is amazing that, after all of these years, we all have such vivid memories of life at Dreux. Ron, could that photo possibly be you??? Wow! Is that neat or what??? Also, does anyone else remember playing in the big field of red poppies just before the first row of NCO trailers? We created our own little village there, with paths leading through to each others’ “houses” where we spent hours playing…and using our imaginations in the process.

    • Sherry,
      I am almost certain that it is me in that pic. I do not remember they poppy fields though I do remember the Qunset-Hut for the Sat matinee. Seems like the film was always breaking or burning a hole in it. Sure was good times. Wasn’t the bowling alley in a Qunset-Hut also close by to it?
      I look back at Fay’s comments about going to the new school her second thru forth grade. I saw she said new school but did not see where she said on the other side of the base maybe I just missed that part.

      • Ron and Paula –

        I am so glad that you both remember the quonset hut movies, too! Yes, they were very special times. The seats were as hard as rocks – you are right, Paula! Being short, I was one of those little girls who raced to the front row 🙂 Yes, the film kept breaking or burning. Daddy would have to give everybody a break while he changed reels or did the repairs upstairs in the booth. That was when us kids would make a beeline for the GI in the entryway who was selling candy bars for 5 cents each from a folding table. Remember the “new” ones – Sky Bars and Rolo??? Yes! The bowling alley was nearby. My very first experience bowling was there – on a field trip with the Brownie troop. It cost 10 cents a string…imagine. They used the big bowling balls, too.

        • Sherry, Did you see the pic of the ES on far side of base that Chuck emailed to us? It does look familiar. Wasn’t the play ground on the left side of the building? Looks like the dirt has really built up over the years.

          • Ron-
            I sure did see it – and I can’t believe what I’ve seen. There is no question in my mind: that’s the “new” school building (one leg of the horseshoe) where we attended. The bus would let us off just where Chuck was standing to take the photo. We’d enter via the door on the end of that building. The younger kids would cross the playground to reach their school building (second leg). The E.S. sign was where the wooden strips are on the outside wall. Yes, time has taken it’s toll – but it all holds such memories… what a picture!

          • Meant to say – YES! The playground was to the left. At the time of the school opening it was tiny pebbles underfoot, but I have noticed green grass underfoot in later pictures.

  573. Just read newest entries. Hard to believe the base flourished so well! A kindergarten … my brother, Jim, had to attend French school because there was no kindergarten on base in 1953. But attending Fennch school earned him an article in the Stars and Stripes. He learned geography, cursive writing, math … all in kindergarten, plus he spoke French like a native Frenchman!

    Still no one posting and commenting about having only two teachers — six grades each and all being in one long building being separated only by a wooden door. Heated only with a small potbelly stove — ate lunch in our laps around that stove — put orange peals on it. Hmmmm wonder if my memory can recall any more.

    That tiny trailer was where I learned that Santa was not real. My Dad placed the presents under the tree while we kids were in bed. My bunk bed was in the first bedroom after the kitchen, separated by a sliding door, so I heard him laugh like Santa — playing with Mom– and saying Paula will enjoy this radio. Of, course, when morning arrived, I played along. But a couple days later I told my mother that I overheard my Dad. So, no more Santa presents for me.

    Still want to find time to search for pictures. I know they’re someplace.

    • Paula –
      What a sad story! Your Dad must have felt awful afterwards. I slept in the same bunk bed in our trailer that you did in yours. It was always freezing cold! That sliding door in between would bang loudly every time someone went through.

      • No, Sherry. It was a wonderful lesson. Those orphans were so grateful, and my brother and I were so happy on our way home. I learned to appreciate what I have and that there are always people less fortunate than I. It helped that I was seven and not too spoiled yet. LOL

        And, yes that top bunk wad freezing; that little window didn’t help much — used to scrape the ice off. That sliding door was loud — you’re right.

        • I can identify well! The little crank-out window in the bunkbed was all but useless. In the winter we had Army blankets and granny’s quilts piled high – but were always cold.
          I have read with lots of interest about the classroom with 6 grades and 1 teachers. What year was that? Where was that school located – was it the same place as the old school? Who tended the potbelly stove?

          • Sherry-
            I was only eight years old, year was 1953, when the base was brand spanking new, so you were never at the theater when I was there. We left in 1955. Lived in the trailer less than a year, I’m sure.

            The place was a mud hole and I’m unable to tell you where the school was located exactly. I recall the guardhouse at the entrance, but little more than that. I’m still hoping that someone recalls that first school in 1953. I recall the Frost kids: Juanita and sNack … large family. I loved their Mom’s bean soup. We were surely poor, but happy. Simple life, indeed.

  574. Bonjour a Tous Airmen,
    Bill and I need to hear from some of the 12th TCS fellas who were at Dreux Air Base after the 10th and 11th TCS had left the base. The older Airmen who opened the base in 1955 can’t help us as they had rotated. We need to hear about when you guys left the hanger # 4 area and did you move to Evreux?
    The 12th TCS barracks at the hanger # 4 area were made into class rooms for the elementary kids to begin school in Sept 1960. Where did you guys go to make this all happen this way? We know you’re out there somewhere but so far no talk about this. With just a little more info more great stories can be included as part of the site. Come on Airmen and get the lead out!!
    God Bless: A/2C Sibert

  575. Doug –
    Many thanks for the offer. I don’t know what would be the best way to handle the dilemna about the elementary school at Dreux pre – September 1960. What would you suggest?
    This first came to light when I saw your excellent map. The position and identification of the Dreux American High School jumped off the page at me. I clearly remember that being the elementary school building the previous school year (1959-1960), when I was in the 3rd grade. Also, we didn’t have a lunchroom or anything like it as we all brought our lunches and ate at our desks. During that year the kids were being prepared for the “big move” to the “new” school on the far side of the base. We even went for a field trip in June to acquaint us with our new surroundings, come September. They were two barracks that were being rennovated into classrooms, with a single-storey building across the top. It all formed an upside-down horseshoe configuration, with a playground in the center. We all loved it there as it was much bigger, had a lunchroom, and had a great playground. The new school was located on the far side of the base. We crossed the runway along the perimeter road to get there.
    I have been trying to piece all of this together for some time now. It appears that when we left the old school it then became the high school and opened in Sept. 1960. Now Fay has stated that she, too, went to the new school from 1962 onward, beginning with grade 2. Yet you went to the old school area for grade 6 in 1961, right? Could it be that the grades were split?? I know there was a grade 5 at the new school, but don’t know about any grade higher than that. Perhaps others could help us with this???
    Thank you for putting up the map – you have done a wonderful job, and it is much appreciated. Also, I had sketched a floorplan of our trailer and gave it to Chuck Sibert when we met up last year. He has put it up with my photos now – it’s on a green sheet of paper. Is this how you remember your trailer? I would love to hear others’ comments on any of this.

    • Hi Sherry –
      Well, this is something of a mystery. I definitely went to school where it was indicated on my map. As I recall there wasn’t much activity on the other side of the base when we arrived. We’ll figure this out. Reaching deep into the memory banks!


      • Hi Doug –
        This is a mystery! You are very right – there was next to nothing going on at the far side of the base … with the exception of the “new” school. We passed the go-cart track on our left just before we arrived at school. I remember when the students went on our familiarization field trip in June prior to entering, we were given a tour around inside and shown where our new classrooms would be located. Mine (4th grade) was on the ground floor of the first building nearest the perimeter road.. There was a handy exit door next to our classroom that opened towards the playground. I remember the airmen were painting the interior walls at the time, so they must have been at the “finish” phase at that point. Daddy told us that it had been a year-long project getting that school ready.

    • Doug, I think we got to Dreux the end of 1959 thru 1962. I remember going to school at the High school and then moving to the new school on the other side of the base. I was in the fourth thru six grade. We did have a lot of fun in the play grounds. I especially remember playing tether ball. I played in little league the last year they had it. We didn’t have enough kids left to make enough teams. I was surprised to see the base was still open after 1962. They base seemed empty by the time we left in 62. I remember going to the run way to see the last plane leave and do a low fly by.

      It was a very good time in our lives. I didn’t much care at the time going places every weekend to see things, but now every times we pic’s of Europe I can always tell my wife, yep I been there.

      The only names I remember are Tommy Lang, Penny Strickland. Tommy’s dad was the Sargent Major of the base, then I think he became a warrant officer while he was there.

      Do you remember the name of the off base housing in Dreux? I have tried to look up pic’s of it but have had no luck.

      • Wow, the “school on the other side of the base” really has me intrigued. I definitely went to school on the main part of the base like I marked on the base map. That was starting in the fall of 1961. We (middle school) were in a separate building from the lower grades. We’re going to have to sort this one out.

        Don’t recall any of the names you mentioned.

        The base did get pretty empty after the Alabama ANG left in 62.

        The two off base housing areas that were being used when I was there were Dreux and Senonches. From my readings there were a couple others before that, but were not being used by ’61.

        I last played little league during the summer of 63 and we had two teams — mentioned that in my story about the base elsewhere on the website. Don’t know what happened after that. Given the number of people on the base, there simply may not have been enough kids for LL baseball in 64.

        Thanks for the comments. Keep ’em coming


        • Doug, Wow I did play little league in 62, but there was only enough kids I think for one team and we played some of the other bases and got our but’s kicked. It is possible that we were on the same team.
          As far as the school we had to go around the end of the runway to get to it. I think it was just past it. I wonder if when the base became empty they moved us back to the main side. I do not remember that but that could of happen.
          My sister is in the 1961-62 year books, as junior and sophomore. Shirley Holland. They had their Prom on the Eiffel Tower.
          The pic of the theater brought back memories. I watched Ben-Hur their when it first came out.


          • Ron-
            Your comment about the theater struck a cord! Did you ever go to the little theater (Quonset hut) on a Saturday for the kids’ matinees? What fun! We never missed, as Daddy ran the projector there. They would start with the Star Spangled Banner, followed by the weekly black-and-white newsreel, then a cartoon or two, and then the feature film. Us kids lived for Saturdays! Life at Dreux was always an adventure…and we all lived a much simpler life. But what great memories… Having a prom at the Eiffel Tower must have been really special for your sister 🙂

        • Doug, Sherry.

          Being doing something about this school problem. I first went to school on main side of the base and then move to the other side, but I now remember going back to the main side, so I am guessing that we only went one year on the other side of the base. I remember going back because of the class room and having a hot Alabama girl in the class. So that would mean 1961 or later since the ANG came 1961. What do you think?

          • Hi Ron –

            I think that scenario could be possible, certainly. I wouldn’t know past April 1961 as that is when we went back to the states. Yet Fay said that she went to the new school for 3 years beginning in September 1962, for grades 2-3-4??? It strikes me as a lot of work to just get one year’s usage out of the project…but then again maybe the school population was dwindling??? I just can’t comment on this because I wasn’t there at the time. Could it be possible that the upper grades only were shifted back over? Sort of like a middle or junior high arrangement? Do you remember – did you go back to the same building as before?

        • Doug, I think now that I have had time to reflect that you are correct about the middle school on main base. I did go to the other side probably for my 5th grade. My last year was back on the main base which would of been 6th. That is also when the ANG kids also came and that would have been 61. I do not know for sure if the other side stayed open are they moved all kids back to the main side. Before we left the ANG had left and living in NCO trailers was like being a castaway by yourself. I do remember having one friend who I played with all the time, since it seemed like we where the only kids left, that was in 62. Very well could of been you. Do you remember maybe going to a go away party for a girl name Barbra? They lived in the very first row of trailers facing toward the gate?


          • Wow, great comments everyone. I’m down in Knoxville, TN this weekend attending my annual comm and air traffic control reunion so am a little behind in emails. My speculation after reading all of these posts is that the elementary school moved from the building that became the HS in 1960 when the HS opened. Since there was a plan to open the HS at that time, there had to be a plan to move the ES. This makes sense as I’m sure they wanted the HS to be close to the dorms and the 4 barracks near the gate were renovated to accommodate the students. I suspect that the ES operated from the other side of the base for a year and with all of the drawdown plans, the decision was to move it back to the main base. With the Berlin crisis and activation of the ANG, Dreux had a flying mission again, but that happened after the school was moved. So in ’61 both the ES and middle school were back on the main base. The HS was fully operational in its new location (the old ES) and the marguerite 6 area was essentially shut down. Anyway, that’s my speculation at this point. Doug

        • Hi Doug
          There were enough of us left to make a baseball team in 64. We used your old Giants uniforms. Green lettering.
          We used one of the Bluebird busses to travel to Evereux to play. The coach drove.
          From 62-64 anyway there was also a housing area in Chateauneuf. I think there was one near the town of Dreux also. Chateauneuf seemed fairly full as did Senonches. I thought that as people transferred in they got a trailer on base waiting for a place in one of the off base areas and then as they rotated out they would move back into the trailers after the HHG were shipped. g

          • Glad to hear you guys played another year, and yep, I remember the green lettering.

            I didn’t realize that there was a housing area in Chateauneuf that was still being used. According to one of the books I read there was also a small housing area in La Loupe but I had assumed that one to be turned back to the French. As I remember, the housing park at Dreux was by far the largest. People liked the off base quarters as they were a lot more roomy than the trailers. My recollection is the same as yours — most of the trailers (except for the time when the ANG was there) were only used when families were coming or going. – Doug

          • Tom, to answer the question, it was the 7305 AP Squadron. He was one of the Alabama guard guys and decided to stay on active duty when they deactivated. g

      • Hi Ron –
        Thanks so much for your comments – please keep them coming as this school mystery thread is so interesting! There has to be someone out there who can solve this dilemna for us, the second-generation Dreuxites 🙂
        Your comment about the tether-ball really hit home with me. We loved playing it, too. There were also two merry-go-rounds (one low, and one shaped like a big top), at least two slides (one very high), all kinds of swings and teeter-totters, and a great monkey bars. Also, I remember that smaller monkey-bar piece that had an iron ladder across the top where you swung like Tarzan! My younger sister, Debbie, was in kindergarten there as well, and she remembers this too. It appears that you were one grade ahead of me as I was in 3rd at the old school, beginning in the fall of 1959. By any chance do you have a younger sibling? Did you live on base? BTW – picture of Dreux Housing in my photo collection on this site.

        • Hi Sherry,

          It seems you and I can of agree about the moving of school to the other side of the base.
          I wish I could find all of the old home movies my parents took. I know they have the schools in them and the off base housing and the last fly by that I was talking about. I will have to ask my sister if she took them after my mother past away. Would help with a lot of questions.
          We lived in the off base housing for most of the time and then they rented a house right before you took a right to enter the base coming from Dreux. It was on the river on the left. Then we stayed in the trailers for a little while before we left. Most of them were empty. My sister was in High School
          I did run the projector for most of the classes at the new school. So I am sure we have crossed paths. Small world.

          • Ron –
            Just re-reading your post here. Those home movies would be worth their weight in gold! Please stay on the case – for all of us who are wondering about this school question…
            The thought of many of the trailers being empty when you stayed there is so hard to fathom…from the waiting-list from the fall of 1959 situation. It must have seemed like a ghost town. My memories are of every trailer being occupied – always. In our loop (2nd) a family would move out one day and we’d have new neighbors moving in the next day. There were loads of kids everywhere.
            So you ran the school projectors? Wow! We surely crossed paths somewhere along the way. Small world, indeed.

        • Sherry, The first class was like in a long barracks with two story. When I went back it was a different type of building, single story. You may be right about like a middle school. Something tells me that the school on the others side only lasted one year. I kind of recall the talk about doing it all for only one year. That would explain why Doug never knew about it.

          • Ron and Doug –
            Yes, that would explain a lot. Have you taken a look at Doug’s photo of the hallway of the high school when he went back? It is painted green on the bottom half and cream on the top. When I first saw that picture I immediately thought that it looked like my 3rd grade building, with my classroom being on the left. It was identical in every way that I remember. Does it look familiar at all to you? That would have been the old elementary school (1959-60). Do you recall (from the map) where the single-storey school that you returned to was located?

          • Doug and Sherry

            Some reason I never looked at Doug’s pic’s till today. You are right about the HS Sherry, that is the building I went to first year, I also was on the left side as that pic is taking. What Doug has come up with as what might of happen during that time makes perfect sense. I think he is100% correct.
            Doug, when I was going thru your pic’s two things really stood out. The Boy Scout camping trip but the big thing is what looked to be like a field trip. I and all my family that has seen pic’s of me of that time believe the boy in the center of the pic with his hands in front of his face is me. Do you remember when that was taking?

          • Ron –

            That picture of the field trip was taken on our visit to Maintenon chateau — I believe it was in the spring of 1962. What grade were you in during the 61-62 school year? Also, take a look at the picture I posted of the baseball team. I think that was taken in the summer of 63. – Doug

  576. Just posted a new pictures folder. “Is This Dreux?” Cindy’s pictures are from an uncle who was at Dreux in the early fifties. He spent time both in the Army and the Air Force. I selected these because I believe they are Dreux, from the early days when the 821st was living in tents and then in Quonset huts before the barracks were built. Take a look.


    • Hi Bud –
      You and I were there at the same time — I suppose both of our dads were in the initial group to activate DACCC-Eur. If you were in the 5th grade in 61 you were one class behind me as I was in the 6th grade that year. I recognized a few of the names you mentioned. Bob Moffatt was one of my friends as well and we did quite a few things together. In one of the stories I posted I talked about cocking the trap machines at the skeet range. I did the low house and Bob was the one that did the high house. I’ll post a picture of us one of these days fairly soon. Bob had an older brother, (John, I think), that was in high school. His mom’s name was Lou, as I recall. Interestingly enough after I went into the air force and was stationed at Griffiss AFB, NY in 1973, Col Jack Moffatt was there as well. Bob and I spent most of our last summer in Europe living in one of the trailers at Dreux. We had to move to Paris when DACCC moved in 1963, but came back for a number of weeks just to hang out. Dreux was a lot more fun than crowded places in the Paris suburbs.

      I had forgotten about square dancing, but, yep, that was one of our activities in school from time to time. Remember it now.

      Hal Holloway was also one of my good friends. There’s a picture of the two of us together in the folder with my pix. If you haven’t yet, check it out.


      • Larry – I was in the barracks closest to the afex gas station. I have a picture in my pictures of the station taken out of my window. I was in the 11th TCS 4-59 to 4 61.

        • Bill – Looks like we were in the same barracks! I was in the bay on the first floor bottom left on the map. I didn’t know that that there were more than 60th CAMS in the barracks. I was at dreux 3/56 to 9/58. In 11/57 I got married and moved out of the barracks to the Chateau de la Barre.

          • Larry, I was at Druex from late 58 to Jan 62. Was in the Air Police Squadron, and moved out to Chateau de la Barre probably in 59 to late 60. Have a pic of the Chateau if its the same one. Would love to hear from someone else who lived there. We had some good times. .

          • Bob – welcome to the blog. As I recall there was some info posted a good while back about Chateau de la Barre. Take some time and scroll back through old posts – might bring back some memories! – Doug

        • Bill, I remember that there was a street parallel to the barracks. I parked my Renault Dauphine on this street so I could see it from my bay’. Larry

        • Bill – I didn’t see any pix of the AFEX station in your pix. I don’t remember it and I’m not sure it was built when I lived in the barracks. I was very surprised to see your space. We had double bunks and used hanging lockers to divide the bay into cubicles of four people. No night stands, only foot lockers and hanging lockers. Also, we were never allowed to have our spaces as messy as yours lol!!!

          • Larry – The pic of the AFEX gas station is in Bill’s folder, under “Dreux Scenes” on the 5th line down, 1st picture. – Doug

  578. Doug Donnell has completed a set of maps for the Base. Completed means as far as we can at this time. The buildings are identified as they were when he was there. We realize that some of the buildings changed with the years.He also has a chronology of the base – main events and dates. Check out the maps and let us know any information you can contribute to the maps or the history. Bill

    • As of 09/09/13 1000 AM no maps are available.
      When Doug wrote about the trailers, he mentioned the block walls for the lean-to. I helped build the walls. We built them in the fall of ’56. I don’t remember the exact date, but it was very cold. I had been at Dreux since March as an airborn electronics technician, but I was put on various projects for my first few months there. I had absolutely no experience in masonary! Neither did any of the approx. six other guys who were working on the project except for the NCOIC. We built the walls to a height of about three feet it took about a month.

  579. Dreux Pictures 55-62; Lower Right #b0(18) Airman holding a puppy. Airman is Carmine L. Renna, 60th Fld. Maint. Sqd. Would really like to hear from him if he is still with us. Pic is from late 57 or 58.

  580. Dreuxites,
    Base maps circa 1962 can be found on the home page. Just click on base maps. Send an e-mail to Douglass Donnell letting him know the names of the structures you recall that are not named as of yet. His e-mail address is listed on the maps.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Great map!!1 I can see places that I recognize!! I lived in the barracks closest to the gas station. I worked in the electronics shop. I don’t remember where it was but I think it was in the same building with the prop shop. I think it was in those unmarked building to the right of the hanger. Hope somebody has a better memory than my old 1959 version

      • Just a note, my son was born in the Dreux hospital in Mar 59. He was both an American and a French citizen since his mother was French.
        He had a bit of trouble with that when he returned to France later and had not registered for the French draft. Now he is an airline Captain for GO airlines in Hawaii

      • In the fall of ’56 I was put on a detail to lay block walls along side each of the officers home trailers. I think they were to be part of an enclosed porch. if anyone wants to contact me,, my email is : LarryCF4@aol.com

  581. Geary – I don’t think it was a training problem. Some of the C-119 were flown out with families on them. Maybe they didn’t have time to get a crew together. Can one pilot fly the C-130? My C-119 made it to the Phillipines and later was given to Taiwan. When I say mine I mean the one I had at Dreux. The closest I came to Nam was during my recall when they asked me if I would like to fly one of our C-97’s to Saigon. I declined. Bill McLeod

    • HI Bill. Not a training problem but to my knowledge AVN did not have any 130’s. There was a big enough difference in the 119 and 130 so that a 119 crew probably could not have just jumped in and flown a130 out.
      I do seem to remember a story from Mildenhall I think where a crew chief jumped in one and took off so I guess it can be done by one person, with some systems knowledge. His BCD was swift and final. And posthumous.
      I would imagine any pilot who was US trained and got stuck in SVN after the fall wasn’t going to say anything about his expertise. Makes me wonder about the status accorded by C130hercules.com that says assigned to the SVN Air Force until 1988. I’m betting there wasn’t one. Anyway, sorry for wasting the post, I should have known that info was way too easy to find.

      • I was stationed in Thailand in 1975 during the fall of Saigon. There were several VNAF C-130’s that were flown out to U-Tapao, each filled to the absolute brim. There was quite a political issue about them (and some of the other aircraft that the US wanted to keep). The North Vietnamese claimed them since they now considered themselves to be the legitimate gov’t of Vietnam. The Thais claimed them since they were on a Thai naval base. And, the US claimed them since we had given them to S Vietnam. So while all of the politicians were talking, our guys went out to the aircraft, spray painted over all the VNAF insignia, and flew them out to Clark, then back to the US. It was an interesting time. Meanwhile . . . back to the Dreux discussion.

        • I am thinking that the reason we spent time spray painting stuff off was not to play now you see it now you don’t with the Thai navy. Things happened things didn’t as you well know.
          Back to Dreux.
          I think… proceeding down the perimeter road toward the enlisted trailer area, the first street with trailers was Kentucky. The long street parallel to the warehouses I think was Alabama. The second parallel long street was Massachusetts. The cub scout hut was about half way up Massachusetts. The P51 and 47 were parked at the end of the second small warehouse. That was the summer and early fall of 62.
          Does any one else remember a building across the main gate road from the Community center. I think that was the main AP building, with a couple of jail cells in it. Meandering discontinued.

  582. Your question about the C-130 tail number 56-0532 may be answered.
    A web site called C130hercules.com lists it as one left at Tan Son Nhut at the end of the war. It lists it as a South Viet Namese Air Force asset until 1988. Another bit of information gives its present location as 10 48’31.72N and 106 39’32.64E. It says all six abandoned C130s are there, I only see four. Sad ending for the old girl but she did stay in one piece.

    • Geary,
      Thank you for the info about the C-130A. Thanks for finding the web-site that Bill and I have started in April this year. I noted in my C-130A story that readers would find out just what happened to the aircraft when they read my Dreux story. Read my Dreux story and it tells a bit more about the
      C-130A. What we would love to get from you and others is stories and pictures of Dreux AB. Again, thank you so very much for your input about the
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

      • Charles,
        Just finished watching a documentary on Khe Sanh which led me to Google maps to see the satellite view of what it looks like today. When I zoomed in, I was more than a little surprised to see what looked like a C-130 sitting where the old runway was. That led to little more digging. The Vietnamese have set up a Khe Sanh battle museum at the site which includes a APC, Tank, Huey, and a Herk. Found several photos showing it with a 56-0532 tail number. I can’t say for sure if it’s the same plane as the paint job they have given it is nothing like I’ve ever seen on a Herk. Looks like the used the same paint scheme as an army chopper. It could be one they moved from Tan Son Nhut and set up for the tourists. (Lots of guesses here, very few facts) Still… thought you might be interested.




        • Bill, Thanks for the info about C-130A 56-0532.
          I would say this is the same C-130A 56-0532 that I have a picture of posted in my picture album on the Dreux site. This 4 year old aircraft of the 322nd Air Division stationed at Evreux Air Base, France in 1960 and being refueled on the Dreux Air Base flight line sure looked good the day I took the photo. It was taken over by the South Vietnam Air Force in the late 60’s or early 70’s. I’ll have to find my notes about this plane. Bill and I knew there were some C-130A’s and C-119 Shadows and Stingers sitting at the old air base in Vietnam. Many were missing various parts. I’ll sent to you pictures of one of the C-119’s. I doubt that the old C-130A was flown to Khe-Sanh. Again thank you about this. I’m very sure we’ll hear more about this on the blog.
          A/2C Sibert

  583. Just put up an obituary for Donald Dwight Seath. He was a pilot at Dreux but I don’t know what squadron. If anyone recognizes him send me the information. Bill

  584. Hey Dreuxites,
    Time to put on your thinking caps. Look at the C-119G in my pictures album, the beautiful one at Dreux AB parked in front of the main hanger with a yellow ground power unit setting off to the left rear. The power supply cable is laying out and not plugged in to the aircraft.
    Now, here is your question about this photo. Are you ready ?
    What was the name of the yellow APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) that you see in the photo ? For your info it is not an MD-3 as some may think. Take a close look and let me hear from you. I hope to hear from some ground power folks about this.
    God Bless:

    A/2C Sibert

  585. Listen up Dreuxites,
    Who’ll be the first to solve this mystery ?? Look in my pictures album for me standing in frt of the Dreux AB main gate sign. Now look at the picture James Potter has in his picture album of the front gate sign. Now look for the picture showing the front gate sign foundation in my pictures album from Aug 1987.
    What do you see ?? That’s right, there’s a concrete telephone or electrical wire pole there in the Aug 1987 picture. Potter was there in 1966 and his photo shows no pole. If that pole was there before the base closed the left side of the base sign would have been blocked from view. When the base closed in March 1967 had the front sign been cut down, had the main base power been turned off, was there a need to get some small amount of power to some of the buildings the French were to use ??
    Someone out there has the answer and we’re waiting to hear from you !!
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hi Chuck – That’s a good question. Here’s my guess — just a thought as I don’t have any actual info to back it up.

      As I’ve mentioned before, I believe that the main entry point for power to the base was opposite the hospital. I don’t know when that was turned off, but probably not too long after the US moved out. An intriguing question is what the French military had planned to do with the base after the US left. We all know that the place was allowed to deteriorate and clearly no effort was made to keep up the facilities. I don’t know if this was a decision made at the time of closing, or sometime thereafter. That might give some insight into your question. As long as the main power remained on, there was some hope of restoring it to some sort of operational status. Once that decision was made, it pretty much sealed the fate of the base for operational use. I remember talking with the guards when I was there in ’95 and they said that the French commandos used it from time to time for assault training. There were some paintings on the wall in the Maguerite 1 hanger that looked to have been painted by a French military organization. I didn’t take a picture of it as I was running low on film (that’s another story). Now, back to your question. If the French military had decided to let the base go to seed, but still wanted to keep it for some sort of military use, they probably would have turned off the main power to the base at that time. To keep it on would have meant continued maintenance of all, or part, of the electrical infrastructure to the base. Given that all of the transformers, power lines, etc were 10-15 years old, that might have been seen as just too expensive. A cheaper approach would have been to run a new line from Dampierre that would just be used to power that facilities that they wanted to keep active (such as the main gate shack).

      As I look at the picture that was taken in 87, I see just such a setup. On the left side of the gate is a single strand overhead cable. This is probably the telephone wire. To the right is a power line (3 wires) that was probably added after the base closed.

      Anyway, that’s my theory. When I was there in ’95 I didn’t see any facility on base other than the main gate that seemed to have power.


    • Looks nice Bill. Everything about the website continues to improve! Do you think it would be practical to add a column that would show what year (or even an approximate timeframe) the individual was a Dreux?

      • Good idea Doug!!
        Does anyone remember a popular Airmans hangout called Le Touquet?? It was on rue Jean Mermoz just off the Champs-Elyeese at place Franklin D. Roosevelt??

        • Larry – you leave an email address when you comment on the blog. We don’t intend to post email address, too much spam out there. What color is your HTML? Bill

          If you want to contact someone send us a email and we will forward it. Then you can talk direct.

          • I would like to contact Howard Umberger, 60th Maintenance Squadron.

            My HTML is a bright red. Aren’t all of them??

  586. Rosie’s Bar – I have picture of Rosie and the “gals” was located in either Don pierre sur Blevy or Mallebois. I have many pictures and some info from my “search” of former buddies. I will e mail Upton and try to send him many orders and pics from 1956 – 1958.

  587. Hey Dreuxites,
    In my Pictures album I have a couple of photos of Susie’s husband who seemed to always be at the bar when I was there.
    I just can not recall what his name was. Can anyone recall his name?? It would be nice to post his name with his photos.
    God Bless:

    A/2C Sibert

  588. Anyone out there remember SMSGT Charles Walls later on CMSGT. He was a maintenance chief on 119’s and later transfered to Evreux and 130’s. We arrived at Dreux in 1959 and lived off base at Senonches, but later moved on base to the tin trailers. CMSGT. Hal Lang was dad’s friend and he also ended up at Evreux. Loved our time at Dreux and I went to high school there even after we moved to Evreux.

    • Jerry,
      Have you contacted Vicki Key at Dreux American High School Alumni about anything you recall during your Dreux school days? If not give her a shout. She helps us out a lot by finding Airmen we are looking for. What was your trailer number in the trailer park? What loop were you located in? We need base street names and their location for our base map soon to be put up on the site.
      We would like to hear your story and create a pictures album along with you tales of your stay at Dreux AB. Please send to us pictures of your time at the base and school with captions.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

    • Euric,
      You recall walking out the back gate some 2 miles to the village of Crucey, what was there, where did you go?
      Get on the pictures album and find Dreux closeups, locate captures # 8 and # 9. One shows a rear gate, which we believe to be the rear gate located at Margarette # 6.
      One capture shows margarette # 4 where you had your barracks, in the capture the buildings are all gone now.
      Look in the upper left corner and you’ll see in yellow the French road # D-30 that you walked to Crucey. Thats where the back gate you used was located.
      Look close at the yellow back gate photo and tell us just what you think about the two rear gates. Do you recall a yellow back that you went thru ??
      God Bless:

      A/2C Sibert

  589. Came over from Ardmore AFB OK with the C123 s. We took the ship from New York to Bremerhaven Ger train to Paris and busses to Dreux . Arrived approx Maarch 1956 with the 309th Air Base Group. AF12477998 was AFSC 73250 Personnel Specialist rank off Airman 1st Class later 60th CAMS squadron finally worked in 322nd Air Wing – retuned to States in Dec 1958 we were what they referred to as EARLY OUTS. Did an Air Force search of old Air Force buddies approx 10 years ago with a limited success but finally stopped as folks tired of communicating. Have very good memories of the three barracks of the CAMS squdron however, I kept moving up with my specialty AFSC took care of bolth Officer and airmen records, classification and re assignment and testing oversaws OJT AFSC upgrading and everthing else that come with personnel records. Seems all the folks on the blog came to Dreux after our stint of 1956-1958/59. When the Ardmore OK grolup arrived Dreux was pretty much of a mud hole. Always remember the water creek that ran bettwen th e Airman s Club and the 60th CAMS barracks after a few drinks coming back to barracks never seemed able to step on the board the crossed. Great job that you guys are doing and wish you all Bon Chance!

    • Dave Walsh here again to share a memory. Each morning on my way to work Wing Hqters I worked in Base Personnel. I would encounter my friend Jacques on his bicycle heading to work in the clipper room at the mess hall. Jacques would have his beret on his head, red wing and bread in his bicycle basket. Would start this way every morning – me – ‘Bonjour Jacques, ca va?’ he -‘Ca va bien et vous?’ During my time at Dreux 1956-late 1958 we had a very quieet cadre of Communists who paid some of the workers on base a small stipend to join the party. Come May 1st known as May Day (the big day of celebration for the Communists). One May 1st morning here comes Jacques on his bicycle I say “Bonjour Jacques ca va?” Jacques says “David vous American Imperialist Bastard!” WOW what a greeting. But as we all remember the French mind come the following day May 2nd mel “Bonjour Jacques, ca va?” him Ca va bien et vous?’ Jacques did his little bit to earn his party stipend. I do rememeber Rosie Bar – a few guys would take leave back ti the States and come back to Base with the lates 45 records. Rosies Bar had a jute box with a hole cut in the front so we could drop the records inside and play them I still hear “Green Door” in some of my elderly nightmares. I was able to speak French fairly fluently then l I had been told my many that the drunker i became the more fluent I became. Know as losing all inhibitions. \Bon Chance y’all

  590. Hello Dreuxites,
    Bill and I want to add to the unit page something that tells who is alive and who has passed away. We know of a few that have gone on but we need your input to get on top of this in a big way. Please help us out with this important task. Just begin to send to the site any info and names about former people who were stationed at Dreux Air Base that you know about. We need to hear from you now !! Thanks in advance for all your help.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

  591. For those who haven’t looked, there are a few videos on YouTube that feature Dreux. Just type “Dreux Air Base” in the search engine at the top of the You Tube home page. I believe that one of the clips (this one runs several minutes) started in the NCO club bar and ends with quite a few scenes of the inside of base ops and the tower. They have a number of shots of a large hole in the floor upstairs in base ops. This is where the fire poles used to be. If you look at the ceiling when they have a later shot of what looks like a large open area (this is where the fire trucks used to be), you’ll see the openings from the other side. Also, there’s another 11 second clip that was lifted out of a French movie “Chevaliers du Ciel” (Knights of the Air) that was filmed at Dreux.

  592. Hey Dreuxites, how are we going to figure out just who the lady in red and and the man with her, shown on the home page , really are ??
    The picture was taken in 1959. Let me know how we can find out.
    A/2C Sibert

    • Dreuxites,
      The picture in frt of headquarters showing a lady in a red dress
      was taken somewhere between June and Sept of 1959. That’s all I got so far about this couple in question. Come on folks who are these people ???
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  593. I am new to websites and am learning HTML as I go. I was much surprised to find that Internet Explorer (IE) from microsoft is the most non compliant browser. There are at least thirty work around fixes for it. Apparently most programmers have a test for IE and then apply the fixes. I am programing in HTML5 because that is what the bookstores have available. At this time I don’t feel that I know enough to adjust. I recommend that the readers get Mozilla Fire-Fox or Google Chrome. Both are free and have don’t have the problems that IE does. If you download one of these programs be sure you do it from Mozillla or Google, that is, from Mozilla.org or Google.com.

  594. Up loaded new pictures from Doug Donnell. Reworking Sibert story (old website moved and we lost the pictures. If some of you are having trouble with seeing the pictures, Internet Explorer doesn’t follow the html rules so I recommend getting Firefox or Chrome. Both are free. Bill

  595. For You’se Folks,
    In a few weeks or less, a story about an Airman with the Alabama Air National Guard (Dreux AB 1961-1962) will be posted on the memories page. A/2C Buddy Love a clerk typest with the 117th Tac Recon Sqdn, who finnaly found a job on base at the Aero Space Motor Pool, because there wasn’t a lot for him to do when he got to Dreux AB. His story will be a treat for all to read.
    Buddy has his pictures up now in the pictures album. Take a good look at these taken in 1961 & 1962. Some were taken when Buddy returned in 1997 for a base visit. You know some folks who were at the base have a ton of pictures for the site but it’s like pulling hens teeth to get them to respond !!
    A/2C sibert “Over 2,000 visits so far to the pictures album”

  596. Uploaded new story from Doug Donnell. Defense Area Communications Center / EUR. This is where his Dad Worked.

  597. New Pictures from Doug Donnell. If you were on the base at the same time, you may find your wife or your mother sitting in the kitchen with Doug’s or getting ready to go to Berlin to see Kennedy.

  598. I was looking at the base on Google maps and noticed that you could trace the old railroad right of way all the way from the base to the train yard at La Loupe. If you’re interested in checking it out, just follow the route from in between the warehouses, out the west side of the base and all the way to La Loupe. It really is amazing that it’s still very easy to trace even after all of these years.

      • I don’t recall — pretty sure it didn’t or I would have remembered. I remember La Loupe as a typical small French town. All roads going into town ended up at the town square and there was a relatively new town hall there. I’ll post a picture of it soon. But, I’m 99.9% sure that it wasn’t a walled town.

    • Hey! Chuck and Bill thanks for posting the translation of the Dreux Review French page. I’ve had that page for more than half a century and didn’t know what it said!!
      Is there anyone here from the 60th CAMS?? I was in the airborn electronics maintainance shop.
      Umberger, Renna, where are you??

      • Have no local for Howard Umberger nor Carmine L. Renna. Jamas Marshall Euton “Uncle Uder” was SM Sgt. died 1987, Karen F. Lee also unknown. I retired in San Antonio.

  599. Interesting quote . . .
    While cruising the internet I found the following quote by the mayor of St Cloud in 1967. De Gaulle had just kicked NATO forces out of France and what used to be Paris American High School was turned over to the American School of Paris (which still uses the facility). In his speech at the turnover ceremony, Mayor Chaveton said the following (which I think reflects the thoughts of many of us with fond memories of France, the French people, and our time at Dreux):
    “A few minutes ago, an American flag and French flag went together up those high poles. This may have seemed to you a rather unimportant fact, not much more than a pretty sight. Yet I would like you to remember these few seconds all your life. Those two flags side by side are a symbol of the longest and finest friendship that ever was between two nations.

    In the course of time you may hear people who don’t think so. Sometimes people in very high positions are misled by prejudice or short-sighted interests. But, please, whether these people live on one side of the Atlantic or the other don’t ever believe them. Remember these two flags. They will last longer than any individual.” Mayor Chaveton, Saint-Cloud, December 1967

  600. New Pictures uploaded- Charles Sibert, B J Love. Buddy Love is one of the Alabama National Guard at Dreux 1961-1962.

  601. OK, thanks. Sent him an email along with some more things to post. Another suggestion: might be nice to put something in the blog when new material has been uploaded. I noticed that Bill had put a bunch more photos in his folder — very interesting, but I sort of stumbled on them. By the way, it was interesting to see the old pictures of Wiesbaden. I was stationed there from 1976-80.

    • Doug, You are right. I will try to post a notice on the blog when something is added. Of course, Sibert would have an notice ever day.

  602. I am so excited to have found this website! I was a dependent at Dreux from 1962-1966 during my 2nd-4th grade years. My dad is still living, so I’ll either have to coax him to get on here or pump him for information to share. My memory from those years is somewhat selective and purely from a child’s point of view. We actually lived on the economy in Senonches the first year before moving into NCO housing on base. The picture you all have posted so far are awesome, even the ones taken since 1967. It’s sad to see the theater & school left to decay. I saw Old Yeller in that theater! Keep the pictures coming!

    • Faye – Your comments have been approved. For now on anytime you post it will immediately go on the blog. We do this (delay) because of spam.

    • I may have been in the theater with you watching “Old Yeller”. I was at Dreux from ’61 – ’63 and remember watching it there also.

    • Fay, What about your father and the pictures we need for the web-site? Please send to us your answer soon, we need your story about your dad at the base and photos.
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert

  603. It might be a good idea to post the preferred way of preparing information to be posted to the website. I sent one input (the Boy Scout one) in Microsoft Word, but it would probably make your job easier to know how you would like to receive the info (e.g. Word format, PDF, etc). Also, are there any suggestions about the pictures (size, format, etc)? Thanks.


    • Millen,
      Glad to hear from you. Bill will want to talk to you,
      could be tomorrow, about the 246th. We want to put up all the names, rank and their mos on the unit page just as soon as we can. One question for you now, the back gate led out to the French road number D-30, isn’t this correct ??
      God Bless:
      A/2C Sibert


  605. While I was at Dreux I made a trip where we lost all our radios. We were going from Dreux to Sembach for alert duty. I was not on the crew just one of the passengers. We went into Phalsburg with the tower picking F102 off our tail. Anyone else out there that remembers this? Bill

  606. Hello Dreuxites,
    Well, so far not one person tells us they have a base phone book for the site.
    So, Bill and I are gonna take the bull by the horns. Just send to us your work buildings name, number & location plus the phone number you used there. Of course if you know another number that you called on your job, just send it along also. Try to tell us the name of the place you called and maybe the person you called,. Any rank, serial # AFSC of those you were in contact with will go a long way on this project. Thanks so very much in advance !!

    • Some info for your project. The small building just to the right of the main gate was the pass and id section. From 62 to 64 my father worked that office. He was A1C W.T Hurst( AF14392989) and with him there was A2C Corky Shupe. They were both assigned to the 7305th. Corky was from Indiana, my father came over with the Guard and stayed on active duty when they left. We lived next door to a Ssgt Paul Scheaffer who ran the chow hall. Had Thanksgiving dinner there 1962 and it was the first time I saw the sign “Take all you want but eat all you take”.
      Another name I remember is Alton Snead, he was an
      AP but also helped coach the High School football team. He and my father found a bottle of champagne from 1906, it is still in the folks refrigerator. If Alton turns up, I would like to hear the rest of the story behind that.

      • This is the building that’s being used by the guards now (or at least until the electric company took over). Do you know if there were any other offices there?

        • You’re right, they only had a small part of that building, the end away from the guard shack. I do not recall anyone ever being in the other side and it was closed off. Well that memory is gone unfortunately I do remember Frankie Valli and Sherry Baby being the only song played on the base Cafeteria juke box in the late summer of 62. Yessir that and cherry Coke. Id much rather remember what was in the other half of that building.

          • Thanks. My guess is that it was something related to the Air Police, as that seems like the logical place for one of their functions to be. And, yes, I still remember cherry cokes from Dreux! I remember “Louis, Louis” on the jukebox — mid ’63.

      • Geary,
        When I was at the base this building held the office of the Provost Marshal, Pass and ID section, Air Police office, Dog tags machine, a small jail cell, and yes a rest room. I recall looking it over when I went there to get my Moped License in July 1960 and later for a new set of dog tags. Ernest Le Flore made the dog tags for me. See his picture in my picture album. I’ll soon put up a story about Ernest Le Flore and his troubles at Dreux Air Base in 1960.
        A/2C Sibert

  607. I have a number of pictures that I would like to send for the website. I have them scanned as .jpeg files. What is the best way for me to get them to you? Thanks.

    Howard Umberger

  608. The exitement is building on this web-site as we have more and more stories & pictures coming our way via Blogs & e-mails. Some 800 plus pictures now are shown in the albums. Soon we will put up a story by A2C Grady Gibbons who was with the Alabama Air National Guard. He was at Dreux AB in ’61 & ’62 when we had the Berlin crisis. Walking his post as an Air Policeman in the 7305th A/P unit, around the wharehouse areas one day, what was that he saw in the dirt ? Uncovering the item, he found a German rifle. Was it from the WW-II days ??
    Tune in later to find out about this find, by A2C Gibbons. Grady is looking up his pictures to send to us for this great story. Hold on tight !!
    A2C Sibert

    • Looking forward to it. Life around the base changed dramatically when the Alabama ANG showed up. I remember the airplanes coming into the pattern in 4 ship formations after flying over the Atlantic, peeling off and landing — pretty exciting stuff for little old Dreux. Then the French air traffic controllers raised a stink about interference with the Orly flight pattern and grounded the aircraft. They evenutally went to Chaumont, but fortunately for the rest of us, most of the ANG unit remained at Dreux until redeployment back to the States in 62.

  609. Et al. I was stationed at Dreux from approximatel l955 to l957, assigned to the 60th Air Police Squadron…first barracks on right as entering the main gate. Knew well the area, as used to patrol off base at the local bars,etc…especially, Julie’s Bar, Danpierre, Suze’s in Chateauneuf, Cross Roads Bar, and La Rotone in Crezey Cove…sometimes to the town of Dreux. I recently was in Dreux, that is to say, Chateauneuf, Dampierre, Maillbois,etc. The base is closed and ready for demolition…it is used sometimes for testing cars from Renault,etc. The town of Chateauneft is amazing…now a very nice modern town, likewise the other small towns. Crosse Roads’ Bar is now a home, Julie’s bar closed and looks like not activity since the 60’s (?). I dated a girl from Chateauneuf during that period Eylane Rounea, and an other girl from Crecy Cove…Mariette Malquid. I drove a very nice period l949 Delahaye Convertible….now worth (and in the usa) about $500,000. I shipped it back to the states in l957. Further I was again staioned in France at Chateauroux, from l959 to l963…..Ending as a Chief Warrant Officer in the US Army…..Still go to France about every year.

    • Do you know if the entire base is going to be demolished? From the aerial photos on Bing it looked like they were installing the new solar panel farm over much of the base, but hadn’t touched what used to be the main living area. My intitial thought was that it may have been due to asbestos in the buildings and the mitigation costs would have been too high. Just curious as to whether or not anything of the old base will be left after the current construction was done. As I recall from reading something posted by the French gov’t (and this may be superceded) the military was going to sell most of the base but retain portions of it for military training. There was an over-the-horizon radar built at Marguerite 4 and I don’t know if that’s still in use or not. Sad to see it all go, but after almost 50 years I suppose it’s inevitable.

    • Larry “twin fan spam can” was used a lot. Also while you lived in the barracks did you own a blue four dour Renault? Do you remember Duecker (spelling may be wrong)? I thank he was a comm specialist

      • Larry – somewhere on the web is picture of a 119 with “twin spam can” as nose art. Here’s a Link to Rudd Leeuw’s website http://www.ruudleeuw.com/c119-info.htm. There is at least two references to twin spam can.
        Chuck Lunsford, radio operator on the “Flying Spam Can” during the 1950s,
        The 10th Sq., had one (overspeed) on 53-8141, “The Twin Fan Spam Can,”
        I personally don’t get the reference. Maybe I am too young. Class of 57. Only spam cans I know about are square. Regards Bill

      • You spelled my name wrong. Still love you tho. Where is “Short” Renna? Tried to locate him some yrs back. Jim “Uncle Uder” Ewton SM Sgt. passed 1987.

    • Larry ” twin fan spam can” was used. I thank Chuck Lunsford used in his book “Departure Message” which is good reading.
      Did you have a four door, blue Renault when you lived in the barracks.

  610. stationed at Dreux 56-60, field maint (a/c mech) periodic dock, 10th sqd 58-60 (flight mech) what a joy to find web site and recognize my old friend Carmine L Renna with puppy. Brings back lots of memories.GREAT JOB

    • Howard, Thank you for your post about our old base. We need your rank, serial #, and AFSC for the unit page . We are just two old farts, Bill and I, trying to get as much info and pictures up on this new web-site as quickly as we can. There are other sites but not like ours. We have over 700 pictures up now and I still have some 60 more to put up about myself. There are former Dreuxites right now, telling us to hold on, for they are writing stories and hunting up their pictures to send for the site. As Bill and I have said “Damn the tarpedos, full speed ahead”. Bill has a lot on his plate but he’s pedaling as fast as he can go. We are now in contact with a Frenchman about putting up a French blog with comments from former French workers who were at the base. We do not want to leave out the wonderful French folks who made our stay at the base a pleasure. What ever kind of story you send to us will be used on the site. We are waiting to receive your pictures and start up your photo gallery in the pictures section. Just send all info ect. to me at my address and we’ll get it up. God Bless:
      A2C Sibert

    • THAT’S ME!!!
      I vaguely remember the names. Yours sounded very familier.
      I drove the Renault from New Jersey to Los Angeles. It broke down and left me stranded in White Elephant Az. I traded it in on a Ford shortly after I got to LA. It blew up two days later.

  611. Going south from the hospital and just on the outside of the perimeter fence there is a small two floor building that we believe was an electricial power entrance point for the base.
    Can anyone comment about this ??
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • I’m still looking for a picture of it. Can’t remember if I took one when I was walking around the perimeter fence in 1995 or so. But I’m fairly certain that was it. More to follow.

      • No picture for sure, but I’m quite certain that it was the power entry point — it’s a lot more certain when you’re looking at it as a 50 year old than trying to remember 50 years ago as a 12 year old! There may have been another, but I didn’t see anything similar when looking at the overhead shots on Google Earth.

    • I’m still looking for the majority of the pictures that I took that day back in ’94 and may have one of the building. The few pictures that I’ve run across from that trip have already been sent, but I took at least one full roll so there are more to come. As I believe I mentioned in an earlier email I’m sure that the structure that you asked about was the power entry point. There may have been another, but this was definitely a power related structure. In looking at Google Earth earlier today, thought, another thing caught my attention and jogged my memory. There was a small fenced in area between the high school and the officers’ trailer park which I seem to recall had a power substation of some sort. I remembered it because my buddies and I would sometimes sit on the wooden fence and watch the base’s baseball team. I’m sure there must have been an inner fence that further enclosed anything that was dangerous but the outer fence that we sat on was made of wood. I remember jumping inside the fence to retrieve a home run ball for one of the Dreux players. Had forgotten about it until this morning, but thought it was worth mentioning. Also, the main baseball field for the base was located there (obviously) and the fence in area that I was talking about was in right field. There were several softball fields located elsewhere on the base.

  612. Larry, you say Chateau de le Barre, then you added
    to it, de Chatelets, in an e-mail later to me. Can you get a picture to Bill and I so we could locate this place ? Was it between Brezolles and Dreux city ? Looking each day for your pictures to put up on the site. God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • I was stationed at Druex AFB from 59 -61, Air Police Squadron. We lived in the Chateau de le Barre for approx 1yr. Been trying to find it on maps but no luck .Don’t really know which town it was near. I only know that as I left the base it was a right turn at the stop sign and half hour away. Please advise, would love to hear from anyone who lived there.

  613. I was at Dreux in the Airborn Electronics Maintainance shop. Part of the 60th Maintainance Squadron. I was there from Mar 56 to Sep 58.
    I don’t recognize much from the pics that I’ve seen. Is there a map of the base?
    I married a French girl and we lived in the Chateau De La Barr. Does anyone have any info on this place.
    I am thinking of visiting Dreux AFB while in France on vacation next spring.

    • Laurence go to Google and search “maps” find world maps, online maps,satellite maps,National Geo, click on: then at map search type in Senonches FR, the base is slighty up and right. Satellite view is great. French elect co. is installing solar panels. Hangars all gone.

      • Umberger- Happy to see you are still around, Saw Moose’s note and wondered where you had gotten to. “Jim “Uncle Uder” Euton SM Sgt. passed 1987. Duke

    • I lived in Chateau De La Barre between 59 and 60. Can’t locate it on the maps. Used to go back and forth to the base on a motorbike which took abut a half hour but don’t remember what town it was in. Had some great memories while there. I was in the Air Police Squadron while at Dreux AFB. I have a pic of the chateau as soon as I figure out how to send it.

  614. Charles, The only thing I remember about the base is that the Base Housing Office was located in the VOQ first floor, female officers and female teachers lived on the second floor. The BOQ was accross the parking lot and housed all male officers and teachers. Dining hall was accross the street from VOQ. Memory is not to good after 48 years.

  615. I was stationed at Dreux AB from Jan 1965 to Mar 1967 (One of the last to leave the base) I was assigned to the 7305th Spt Sq and worked in base housing.
    I was reassigned to Lindsey AS in Germany for last year of my assignment. Would like to hear from anyone who was stationed at Dreux from 65-67.

    • Tom, good to hear from you about Dreux AB. Just where was base housing located ? What building and building number. Do you recall the phone number there ?
      We would like to put up your story on the site as soon as you get it to us. You can help us figure out how things changed at the base after we left.
      Do you recall how the base was laid out ? We need some street names and where they ran to. Hope you’ll get your story to me at my e-mail address. God Bless:

    • My dad, Charles Payne, was stationed at Dreux from about l964-l966. We returned to the States right before the base closed. My dad was a senior/master sargent in POL. I have few fond memories of living in the trailers on base and the base housing at Chateaneuf.

      • Shirlene, Thanks for your recall of your time at Dreux AB. The trailers must have been cramped and probally well worn after being used for some 11 years. When I was there and dating a high school gal I spent many a day and night at her parents trailer. Their trailer was in the 2nd loop across from the wash room quanset hut. You say your father was in POL. Can you recall just where his duty station was located ? Some Airmen from the Alabama Air National Guard who were at the base in 1961 & 1962 tell me POL was stationrd at margarette # 6. That would be looking out from base ops to the main runway
        You say your father was in POL

        • Shirlene, As I was saying margarette # 6 was across the main runway looking north from base ops and it was the margarette on your far right. When I was at the base I really didn’t know where POL was located. We’ll need your father’s serial # and his AFSC and unit for the web-site unit page. Please send to us a brief story of how you got to the base and what it looked like as you were leaving just before it closed.

  616. Charles — reading your bio, I bet you new my parents. Looks like you were stationed at the same time. My dad was also a flight instructor at Laughlin in the mid to late 60’s. If you remember, let me know and I will pass along a phone number. Send me an email at mfuhrman@verizon.net or mfuhrman@hp.com. I left a url above for a non-profit I am leading in my spare time.

    • Michael, First off it was great news to hear you were born at the Dreux AB hospital.
      When and what time were you born there ?
      I do not recall your parents and I wish I had known them when they were there. Bill McLeod was on flying status with the 11th TCS and he just might recall your dad. Maybe you can tell us what squadron he flew in.
      I was in the 7305th CAMS and worked in transcient alert. I took care of all the aircraft that came to Dreux AB for a visit and would leave the same day or in a few days. Parking, refueling,very small repairs and seeing them off when they left the base was my job.
      I’m very glad you are looking at the new site, for we are finding out so much about our old air base that we did not know. All we learn we will put up on the site for all to see.
      Hope to hear back from you soon.
      God Bless: Base photos are needed for the site.
      A/2C Sibert

  617. Looking for anyone that was in Druex 1959-1961. I was born there in 1960 to Richard (you may have known him as Rich or Dick) and Marti Fuhrman. Dad and Mom live in Texas today. I know that dad flew the c-119 but cant tell you what unit he was with.

  618. Sherry, Was the blue bird School bus a Chevy or a Ford ?
    How many seats did it have ? Just where was the bus taking you to, what part of the base ? Waiting to hear back from you.
    God Bless:
    A/2C Sibert

    • Hi Chuck –
      I don’t know the exact number of seats, but I’d guess that it was slightly smaller than the big yellow school buses we know of now. Each seat had a metal bar across the top that we would grab hold of on the way down the aisle…and those seats were as hard as a rock! We were on our way to the then “new” school on the far side of the base. We had to cross over the runway to reach it, and there was a kind of makeshift stoplight there. Our driver had a hand-held radio (?) of sorts that he would ask for, and get permission, to cross at that point each day. Our school consisted of two renovated barracks (parallel), with a smaller building at the top, so that the whole layout looked like an upside down horseshoe. The playground was in the middle section, and was well-equiped, but had rock pebbles on the ground below. I have noticed in some of the later pictures that those were replaced with nice green grass by 1963.

        • Fay –
          I am SO glad to hear from someone else who also remembers going to the then “New” school on the far side of the base. I started grade 4 there in September 1960. What grades were you in when you attended that school? The map on this site shows the elementary school next to the junior high on the main part of the base. I have maintained all along that the elementary school was where you and I went on the far side. For grade 3, I went to the building that is identified as the high school on the base map. It opened in September 1960. This does show how buildings were used for different purposes at different times at Dreux..

          • I’ll be glad to update the labels on the buildings accordingly (or just start a new map for earlier times). I just started with what I remembered from my time there in ’61. I know things were very different before that. The HS moved there in 60 so 4 former barracks were converted to dorms, etc.

    • The Blubird busses were the shuttle busses. They did both on base housing areas to the main base and one ran from the base to Senoche and Chateauneuf and possibly Dreux . I lived at 27 Chateauneuf so what happened to the bus after it left there I don’t know. The school busses were big French tour busses at least for a while.

  619. here is a story that I received from Sherry Nelson. This is perfect for the blog. It is going to take a while for us older folks to learn how to do a blog. I certainly never have used one before. —One of my fondest memories of life at Dreux Air Base as an 8 and 9 year old was the daily ride to school on the Blue Bird Bus. We lived in the second loop of the NCO trailer park, and would board the bus each morning at the corner on the perimeter road. It was a rather large group of kids at that particular stop. Each day we looked forward to this trip because of our very special bus driver. I never knew his name, but he had two stripes on his jumpsuit-style green uniform and always wore a smile. Us kids would clamor up the steps to grab the seats nearest to the driver as he loved to sing and didn’t hold back! We loved it. He had a little transistor radio that he kept on the dashboard. The volume was turned up to maximum as he belted out all the latest rock and roll songs from America – in English! I could never figure out how his little radio could receive the English versions while ours in the trailer could only get French… Anyway, he taught us all the words to the latest songs – and how we loved it! He had us singing songs like Itsy Bitsie Teeny Weeny Yellow Polkadot Bikini and Lipstick on Your Collar all the way to school. When we arrived at our destination none of us wanted to get out as we were having so much fun with our singing bus driver. Do any other readers share this special memory? I wonder if he ever knew how much he meant to all of us? Better yet – could he be reading this now? If he is, I hope he will respond on the blog!

    • Never did this before … a blog. Funny, woke from afternoon nap and wondered if anything was on the internet about Dreud AFB in 1953. Saw a couple entries from BRATS on this site, but no mention from anyone during 1953.

      My father was a Sgt., RA12 169 167, Paul Wadsworth. I recall attendinnog school via a deuce and a half from La Ferte vi Dam (sp?) The school building was a Quonsit hut, two teachers; one for first to 6th grade, the other for 7-12 — husband and wife. Outhouse for bathroom, potbelly stove for heat, made paper cups for drinking water from canvas bag hanging on the wall out of our notebook paper — very archaic. The place was definitely a mud hole!

      I recall it Donna and Lloyd Petty and think of Donna often because we were close friends and she taught me my multiplication tables.

      Thank you for this site.

      Paula Wadsworth Hansinger

      • Paula,
        Thank you so very much for your blog about Dreux Air Base 1953. Many have said it was a mud hole until somewhere around early 1958. I hope you can send to us a story (more than today) with pictures for the
        web-site. Bill and I are working very hard to make this Dreux site a great place to recall everyones time at the base. We have much more coming to the site each week. Some tell us they can not wait to awake to visit the site. There are more stories on the way as well as many more pictures. We welcome your photos and look forward to hearing more from you about the base.
        Some of our French friends will soon be putting up stories about when they worked at the base. Just hold on it’s on the way. By the way do you have any street names for us to put up on the base maps? What we are really looking for is a base telephone book. One of the former Airmen tells us that his outfit printed the base telephone books. Please contact anyone you recall that was at the base and have them get to us.
        Again thank you so very much for you comments thus far aout the base. I also was taught to make a drinking cup from notebook paper.
        I’ll send to you an e-mail soon and go to more length about the base happenings thus far.
        A/2C Sibert AKA a Dreux stick-tight.

      • Hi Paula –
        Welcome to the site. I hope you visit often and are able to send along some pictures. Chuck and Bill have done a wonderful job of getting this site up and running.

        The name of the town is La Ferte-Vidame (your memory is really good!). It’s about 7-8 miles to the west of the base.

        Hope to hear more stories from you. What grades were you in when your dad was stationed at Dreux?

        • Hello, Doug. First, want to explain typos. I use a Kindle Fire — great gadget, but not so great for typing because it’s more like texting.

          I was in second through 4th grade when my father was stationed at Dreux; he was a medic.. During reading through stories on this site, my memory was jogged. I do, indeed, recall eventually living in a trailer and riding a bus. I also recall being bullied because I had (have) red hair and freckles (yes, still at age 67). While riding on the deuce and 1/2, Steven McNamara hit me in the mouth with a baseball bat and chipped my front tooth, which never got repaired until I was 23 years old. I was also bullied on the school bus by the boys — ugly, freckle face, etc., but I am emotionally strong and made it through. Haha. Kids are kids, no matter the time or place.

          One of the entries mentioned something to the effect of relating recollections from a child’s point of view. That’s where I am coming from, also. I do have pictures somewhere, but with all the years of being shuffled hither to yon and my children having gone through them, who knows ….

          I also recall living in La Peusse (sp?)and going to Paris in our tiny Morris Oxford to the Commissary … 50 miles … my poor parents — two children and a baby — sister Faith born in Paris 1953, died May 29, 2012. My Dad taught my brother Jim and I a valuable lesson one Christmas. We were unimpressed with the amount of presents under the tree, so Dad had us gather them up and we tearfully gave them away to the orphans at the nearby orphanage either in La Ferte or La Puesse. We were singing Christmas carols and happy when we returned home, and I am forever grateful for that invaluable lesson. I grew up to appreciate the small things and am not materialistic.

          Being a military brat is a great learning experience; at least for me during the late ’40s.

          • Paula –

            Nice stories, even though the bullying part is not a happy memory.

            You may have been reading some of my stories. I was at Dreux from ’61 – ’63 (6th and 7th grades), and from time to time during ’64. Great place to be as a kid.

            I grew up as a military brat — went to 6 different schools, then went on active duty in the AF after college. Enjoyed the life.

            The Paris PX and Commissary was the “big one”. Don’t know what it was like when you were there, but by 1961 Bel Manoir was a big shopping complex that sold everything. It was a far cry from the little PX we had at Dreux.

            Anyway, look for those pix. I have a bunch that are at the back of our storage unit and I’ll get them fairly soon. The Dreux photo album somehow ended up at the bottom of a huge pile of stuff in the back of the storage unit and I just haven’t had time to retrieve it! – Doug

    The mayors of the villages near to the Dreux Air Base have been contacted about sending to us short stories about their people who worked at the base along with their photos. WOW, also a French TV station has been contacted asking them to send to us early construction pictures of the base. We have seen some they have displayed before on their videos and hope we soon will have many to put up on the site. We’re not letting any grass grow between our toes !! We still need you folks to get in touch with us about your days at the Dreux Air Base. Isn’t this exiting ???

  621. Well, now is the time for all readers of this blog to step up to the plate and take your cuts at this fast moving
    web-site. Go to the units page and begin to fill in the spaces with just what you see on your copies from your past orders about the Dreuites we have listed so far. This will be so much fun as you fill in the blank spaces and recall the folks that may have slipped your mind. I have looked and found rank, serial numbers, positions, AFSCs, and other needed info on my orders copies and filled in many of the blank spaces already !! P.S. A photo of you sent to us along with other Dreux photos, will do wonders for this web-site !! Bill and I still have some 100 photos of ours to put up on the site. We are counting on you all to get busy and send to us tons of material for this new web-site !! Thanks for all your up-coming help !!

  622. Great site, Chuck. I was stationed at Dreux from January 1957 until January 1960. I was in the 60th Communications Squadron and later Headquarters Squadron of the 7305th Combat Support Group, I think it was. Most of the people I worked with at first came down with the 60th from Rhein Main. Dreux was a mudhole and still under construction when I got there. No doors on barracks, no sidewalks, buildings half finished, etc. Base Operations and the control tower was still under scaffolding. Our squadron barracks was right across from the main mess hall, on the second floor. I have lots of memories and tales of life on Dreux during that time. I saw an obituary in the Plattsburgh, NY, paper in December 2012, for a Clarence D. Lawless who was a radio operator in the 60th Comm. Sqdn. with me, and rotated in 1958 because he had come with the squadron from Rein Main. Anybody know him? Most of the replies herein are from after I rotated. I remember some of the dependent kids that went to Paris American. More later.

  623. After many months of web searching about the Dreux Air Base potable water supply the answer has come. My good friend Marc Lesigne, who at one time lived in Dreux city, has told me a water well was drilled on the base in sector # 83 before construction that had good water but had not enough quanity for all the base. A water main was laid to the village of Fountaine-les-Ribouts, not far from the base and wells were drilled with four pumps sending good water to the base.
    Now the next question is, where on the base was the waste water treatment plant located ? Surely there are still former Dreuxites living that recall where and probally remember the building numbers. We’re waiting for your reply.
    P.S. Any building numbers and locations will be of great help !!

  624. Great website. Ran across it in one of my periodic Dreux searches on the web. Thanks for taking the time to get the site up and operating. I lived at Dreux from 61 – 63 as a dependent (6th and 7th grades) and moved to Paris for my dad’s last year in France, but still managed to come back to Dreux quite a few times to visit my friends. For a kid my age, Dreux was a great place. I had the full run of the base and spent almost every day “exploring”. The place was pretty dead until the arrival of the Alabama Air National Guard as part of the Berlin Crisis buildup in late 61 and went back to being sleepy hollow after they left after their one year active duty call up. I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Dreux and have nothing but wonderful memories of the base and the people I met while there. I came back in 1994 when I was stationed in Europe and spent a couple hours looking around and basking in memories. Took some pictures which I’ll pass along soon. Last week I read that the French government had sold the base to an electric consortium and they’re turning it into a solar power generating farm. You can see some of the results if you look at the base on Bing maps. Anyway, thanks again for getting this website going.

    • Doug, I just read your story on Trailer living. Thank you! It brought back a flood of memories. We lived on the far corner of the first set of loops on the NCO side. How well I remember how small it was, especially when we moved from a comparatively huge house in Senonches. But even as small as it was, we didn’t live much in the lean to. It was too cold most of the time. Never bothered me back then, but I can’t imagine what an adjustment it would be now.

      • Thanks Fay. I’ll look for some more photos. I’m sure there are more, but I put one of our Dreux photo album in a “safe place” — not sure where it is, but it’ll surface one of these days. Will probably have lots more trailer photos. I was 10 when we arrived at Dreux and living in the trailer was a great adventure to me. We had an Aladden heater and an electric heater that we used to keep the lean-to warm. Without those it would have been useless for sure. Hope some more photos will bring back more memories for you — certainly is for me! — Doug

  625. Sherry – Chuck has his computer fixed. It turned out to be a outdated windows explorer. I don’t know if you have noticed but I have cleaned up your Dad’s pictures and flipped the ones I could tell were backwards. I am going to put captions on the ones I know. What can you tell me about the two beautiful houses and the farm buildings? I am attaching the reworked pictures back to you so you have a local set. regards Bill

    • Many thanks for sending along the newly-revised set of photos – they look fantastic! It is much appreciated.
      As for your questions about the two pretty houses – I’m afraid I don’t know much, but at the time Chuck said he did remember, so I have asked him to respond to that part for you. All I can say is that they were very near to the base as my Mom admired both of them and we would take a short Sunday drive by to see the flowers, etc. Now – for the farmhouse (smile). This farm was situated directly opposite the second loop of the trailer park where we lived. Every day my sister, Debbie, and I would ride our bikes over to the fence and watch the farmer and his wife working in their huge vegetable garden. It appeared that they didn’t have any children. They would often come to the fence and hand us a little bag of handmade chocolate that she had made! It was great. We thought the world of that older couple. They didn’t speak English, but somehow we communicated just the same. When my husband and I went back in 1996 (and were denied access), we did follow the perimeter fence around to see what we could see. There, in the grove of now-high trees set in the flat fields all around it, was the old farm just as I remembered it. Oh, how I wish I knew their names, etc. When we rotated back to the states we went over to say goodbye beforehand. Debbie and I had drawn little pictures with an airplane, our trailer, the date we were leaving, pictures of the two of us crying, etc….Somehow they got the message as they both reached over the fence and gave us each a big hug. The lady had tears in her eyes, as did we. I will never forget them.

  626. I found an obit on Charles “Chuck” L. Lunsford who was stationed at Dreux and was with the 12th Troop Carrier Squadron. Does anyone remember him? Here is a portion of the obit that I thought was interesting:

    “Chuck never lost his passion for the Air Force, the lost art of airborne Radio Operators, nor his beloved C-119 aircraft. In his spare time, and well into his retirement, he became the go-to authority for C-119 history and trivia. His research eventually built a complete database of C-119 information allowing him to locate complete histories of nearly all C-119s just by referencing a tail number. In fact, his knowledge was instrumental in locating several C-119s used for the remake of the “Flight of the Phoenix”. His name appears on the last line of the movie credits. He authored two books about his experiences with the United States Air Force and C-119s. “Departure Message” was a nonfiction account of his Air Force adventures, told in his own voice. He also authored an adventure novel titled “Boxcar Down”, based loosely on his career in Europe.”

    • thanks Vicki. Chuck was one of the go to guys for C-119 on the web. He was a friend to anyone who was at Dreux or had anything to do with C-119’s. I sure he was the same to everybody, but my connection began when I decided to build a flying model of a C-119 and was looking for information. I talked to him many times on the phone and often by email. Some how he me added to the 12th TCS email list and I enjoyed receiving all the chatter. He has a daughter in Denver and we were always going to get together when he visited. Unfortunately we didn’t have the time we thought we had.

  627. I found possible info on a Donald J. McKimmy who was stationed at Dreux around 1960. Does anyone remember him? If so, I can send you contact info to see if it’s the right one.

  628. Hey Dreuxites, My Dreux AB basketball coach was in
    ‘ 60 ‘ 61 a 1st LT Jimmy Skelton, our center on the team was 1st LT John Shockley. Can any of you out there recall these guys ?? If so, where are they today ? Just waiting for your replys.

  629. John – I don’t know if this will help but on military.com Morris Boucher says: Is anybody left?

    would like to hear from anyone who was at Dreux from-1953-55. Besancon was Commander, then Major Kalvar came in. Capts Starnes, Larkin and Russo were in Hq. Co..Seegar (sp) as 1st Sgt. Survey crew Frank Pauley(w vir), Leroy Schneider(tx),Bob Talbot (tx), /Mike Daly (phil). S-3 -Griffin (Ga) Bourjailly(Ill) Irving Binder? (NJ)S-2 Non-com was Morris Boucher(Ark) I also did the Soils Lab. I was there when we moved from the French-type quonsets into the new permanent barracks

  630. As an engineer assigned to the 322 Engineer Aviation Group I visited Dreux AB in 1955 to review work being accomplished by the 821 EAB. For the visit I traveled with a lieutenant colonel (was my superior) who had previously been the commander of the 821 EAB at RDreux. He was a naturalized citizen who had graduated from the West Point Military Academy. Phonetically his name sounded like “Bisancion.” I’ve tried to locate him or his family’s address with this spelling and failed. I thought someone visiting this web site might know something more or at least how his name was spelled. He later was promoted to colonel assigned to the 322 EAG.

    • John, Would like to know just where the wastewater treatment plant was located on the base. Bill and I believe it was west of the # 1 margarette toward the main hanger not far from the base gym. We are still trying to locate the potable water wells and the pump stations. We need help, waiting for your recall on this matter. Thanks !!

      • I’ve been racking my brain on this one. I distinctly remember it — just not exactly sure where it was. But, I think it was outside the main gate, to the right if you were leaving the base.

  631. I was an army dependent at Dreux from March 1964 until June 1965. I graduated from Dreux American H.S. in 65. I worked the summer of 1964 in the mess hall under the direction of Sgt. Everett Kessler. I was nicknamed Country since l was from Tennessee and apparently had a southern drawl…ha. I remember two of the cook’s names…Johnny Hinojosa (sp) from Corpus Cristie, Texas and another whose last name was Sousa. We lived in the trailers on base.

  632. Congrats to all for the new website! I was a student at Dreux American HS from the fall of 1964 until early 1967 when they closed the school. I am also the one that searches for all of our former classmates, faculty and staff from Dreux.

    It would be a huge help if any of the veterans who were stationed at Dreux would happen to still have copies of their TDY orders or any type of paperwork or directories from from the Base that lists the names of military stationed there, say from 1959 to 1966, that you could either scan and email to me or copy and mail to me. I can’t tell you how helpful those have been in helping us locate some of our Dreux alumni. My email address is VickiK3275 “at” aol.com . Thanks!!

  633. My father was stationed at Dreux AFB from 1959 to 1961. I attended Paris American High School as well as Dreux High School. My youngest brother was born at the base hospital. I have very fond memories of our time there.

    • I was born at Dreux in Feb 1960. I am looking for folks that might remember my dad who flew the c-119’s.

  634. I was stationed at Dreux AB from 1959 to 1963. I worked in the Base Hq, became the first member of the 7305th Support Sq which supported the High School. I also worked from the ground floor while there to establish the High School, including getting the teachers, students and other thing done. I am glad to see this happen because I am going to visit France in August of this year for the first time in 50 years. My stay at Dreux (four years) was a wonderful one for my self and my deceased wife. We had many friends on base and on the ecomony.

  635. My dad was stationed at Dreux AFB in 1959 to 1961 and then transfered to Evreux AFB. I was a high school student at Dreux American High School. I have fond memories of Dreux.

  636. I was with the 7650th Aeronautical Chart and Info Sq. Det 2. I got to Dreux in Sept 1962 and left in May 1966. I loved it at Dreux AB. I have very fond memories

  637. Tres bien! Excellent start, guys!
    I was in France 1961-64. Started out living in a trailer on base and then got moved to the Dreux housing area 20-something miles away. My dad was actually stationed at Evreux-Fauville AB but my brother and I attended school at Dreux so those are the memories I retain – what there are of them!
    I’ll try to find some old photos of Dreux and get them off to you.
    I remember the early days of my own website (created in 1996) and it has grown by leaps and bounds and is now a multi-thousand file website. So, I can imagine that before long before yours turns into a monster too.
    Best of luck! Bon chance mes amis!
    A bientotm

  638. A huge “thank you” is extended to both Charles Sibert and Bill McLeod for creating this website. Congratulations on an excellent job. Thanks so much for the memories!

  639. Thanks for the memories, I will be sending pictures of 123s on the flight line and also pictures of a 123 inside a periodic dock I worked on. June 15 1956 to December 15th 1957. Nice job guys

  640. Bill McLeod has out done himself with what he’s done so far on this brand new web-site. Let’s all send to Bill a well done salute !!

    • i arrived at dreux the first of nov. 1961 with the ala.air guard.i was an air policeman 77150 assigned to traffic and law enforcement. the flight was made up of both a/g and 7305th..the flight sgt. was ssgt. von draughn who was with the 7305. about the first of dec.all aircraft were sent to chaumont,france. the ap barracks were at mgt.6 which was also the plo.facility.after about 75%of personalwere reassigned not much happened.iwas reassignedin july of 1962

      • I guess the French didn’t know who Reid Doster was if they kicked his airplanes off Dreux huh? My dad Will Hurst from Anniston may have ridden over with you. Another AP worked pass and ID when he got there.

        • I lived on dreux from 1957-1960. I was in the 1st thru beging of the 4th grade. I have good memories of the time I spent in France with my family. I remember my Dad racing midgets on Sunday aternoon. I even think of the trailer number where we last lived. I think it was #493.

          • Clyde, we might have been classmates. I came to Dreux halfway through first grade, so that would have been January 1958 (I did the first half of first grade at Ramstein). Anyway, I finished first and got through the second grade at Dreux before we went back to the States in the summer of 1959. It sounds like you and I were the same age. Did you know Laura Weeks and Chi-Chi Panelli? They were two classmates whose names I recall.