From Website -Joseph Ashton 821st EAB
1952-1954 Dreux
I joined the 821st as a 2nd Lt when it was being assembled at Camp Wolters, in Mineral Wells, TX. Moved with Bn through Port of Galveston, TX, stopping in San Juan to pick up a company of Engrs from Puerto Rico. Landed (over the side via nets into ducks) at La Rochelle, France then via train to Dreux. Housed initially in tents until we assembled quonsets. lst Lt Leonard was CO of C company.Major Krause was 2nd in command of Bn. 1st Lt Frank ___ was Bn Medical Officer. I was assigned to drilling rig stationed first at Phalsbourg then at Evreux with M/sgt Weaver, Staff Sgt Heppes, Cpl Weggeman,. Returned to Texas to get my PhD and then retired after 32 years with Shell Oil, a subsidiary of Royal Dutch Shell. Consulted after that with Digital Equip in Singapore, Kaula Lampur, Indonesia, Brunei, etc. follwed by teaching in Hanzhou, China. Several years ago went back to La Rochelle via Holland America Lines --- quite a different perspective going 1st class. Found Dreux Air Base after multiple contacts with local Gendarmes. I was looking for an air strip, but these very young Gendarmes (relatively speaking) did not know that the current Michelin test track had been an airbase. Would be interested in reading the experiences of
Posted by Joseph Ashton