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  Main Gate 1962-1965 a.jpg - Main Gate 1962-1965.  Building on the right was the Pass & Registration office and Gendarmerie.  The large building straight up the hill was the Motor Pool.  Just on the right edge of the gate shack there are some out of focus vehicles in the middle ground.  APO was located there.  
Grady Gibbons  1962 Dreux Air Base a
Dreux Flight D 1962
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The Open Gate  Dampierre-sur-Blevy France 1962
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Main Gate 1962-1965. Building on the right was the Pass & Registration office and Gendarmerie. The large building straight up the hill was the Motor Pool. Just on the right edge of the gate shack there are some out of focus vehicles in the middle ground. APO was located there.
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